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04x14 - Combined Giant Tripledacus

Posted: 08/21/23 10:11
by bunniefuu

Emotions swaying in loneliness

Swallowed up by the waves of an era for all of time

My saddened heart was wandering

Just One Nation, an ID engraved on my heart

I couldn't go anywhere by myself

It was frustrating and I couldn't take it

Even so, I was still dreaming

That far away, I could hear the sound of the distant sunset

Let's head to that place

To the ends of the Earth

I want to be stronger than anyone else, so I can be who I am

I won't give up my Passion to anyone, just so that I can live for tomorrow

To GET MY FUTURE, all I need to do is run on the path that I believe

Actions are what opens up the future, with the courage to fight

I'll hold them in my heart, To Be Free

Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

Here lies the planet Gaia, where the heroic Cybertrons and the evil Destrons are engaged in a fierce battle.

I've never seen that spaceship before, moon.

You're right.

Older Brother, what is that?

They're going to make an emergency landing on Planet Gaia.

We cannot just ignore them.

So we're clear? You're to immediately go there and investigate.


Galvatron-sama, if we are to discover anything, how would you like us to handle it?

If turns out to be an enemy, naturally, you are to destroy them!

Acknowledged, Galvatron-sama.

What is it?!

Is there a fire somewhere?

That's not it. That's not it at all!

Here, take a look at this.

What the heck is that?

What's the identity?

We've gone through our records, but it's still unclear.

What is happening though, is that they seem to be making a landing on Planet Gaia.

Lio Convoy.

Yes, let's move out!


Where are we?

The Eastern continent.


It's quite vast.

Well, um... that flying object should have landed in area E40 on this mainland.

All right! We'll also head to that landing area at E40.

Did they really make a forced landing here?

They're completely out of sight!

Dammit! Where are they?

By the look of this, they should be nearby...

Yeah, be on your guard.

Is THAT it?

It's almost been completely destroyed.

This isn't what you'd call a forced landing, it's more like a crash landing.

Yeah, I can't imagine anyone's alive either.

Hey, is anyone alive?

If anyone is in here, please say something!

What's goin' on here?

It's no use, there's no reading on my radar either.

That's odd, it's not like the spaceship was operating on its own?

That was a close call.


Oh my! What do we have here?

Don't tell me you were the ones riding in that thing?

And what would you do about it anyway?!

You're in our way. Step aside.

We're the only ones who shall be investigating this flying object.

Forget about it! There ain't no one in there anyway!

That's right!

It's a pity you're late.

But as they say, "You should have come the day before yesterday."


Are you sure you're using the expression correctly?

Oh, yeah, I should have said, "Come back once you've washed your face!"

Yeah, that's it!

Be quiet already. What are you all mumbling about?

BB, let's get rid of these guys who are in our way.



Missiles don't scare me!

You're still a dumdum!

Shut it!

What's the matter? Aren't you going to come for more?

Kid-han, how about we temporarily make a retreat from here?

What are you saying? We're the ones who found this thing in the first place!

If we turn it over to a kōban, we're supposed to get 10% of the reward.

Certainly, since the Destrons would have just taken off with it.

Man, those Destrons really are a bunch of bad guys.


You won't escape today!


Now then, BB, aim quickly and sh**t them!



Wh-What the heck is that?!

What is that thing?!


What is that thing?!

It-It's huge!


This is bad! Let's retreat for now!



Forget it, we ain't got no chance against this kind of guy.

Well I'm goin'!

He's strong, that's for sure!

Hey, cut it out! Cut it out!

I don't wanna die in this place! Help me!

He's one of our allies!

An amigo!



What the heck are these guys?


Muchas, joyous, amigo!

The three of us are the cheerful and passionate three brothers!

I'm the cicada, DJ.

Next up, arm.

I'm the Japanese horned beetle, Motorarm, arm.

And I'm the lobster, Gimlet.

What exactly are these guys anyway?

You're Cybertron comrades known as the Jointrons, you say?

That's right, arm! We too are Cybertrons, arm!

So why did you come to the planet Gaia?

Are you supposed to be our reinforcements?

Amigo, you got it all wrong, ming.

We received orders from HQ on our way to the planet Trius, ming.

Muchas, kesus! Muchas, tequila!

But our spaceship ran into some trouble, ming.

So we were forced to land on the closest planet, ming.

That, being the planet Gaia, ming.

¿Cómo estás, arm?

In any case, we're that glad you survived.

We need to contact HQ immediately, ming.

HQ referring to Cybertron HQ I'm guessing?

I think so.

It's no use, ming.

We can't contact HQ due to the magnetic storm, ming.

Well, let's wait patiently, arm.


Are they really trying to contact HQ?

I really doubt it.

Anyway, me amigos, it's nice to meet you, ming.

It's nice to meet everybody! Amigo! Amigo!

This oil is really delicious, arm!

Let me have a drink too, ming!

Hey, that was OUR oil!

What is this?

That DJ guy, he has the habit of leaking oil when he takes flight, arm.

It's a habit of mine, ming.

Oh, my goodness, the cicada pees...

And the lobster does the shrimp escape...

And it's a fact that these guys take others stuff without permission...

What did you just say?!

What about it?!

Calm down.

We're Cybertron comrades after all.

Let's try and get along.

Lio Convoy is right.

Amigos, let's get along, ming!

That's right, arm!

Mucho, mucho and mucho!

This is the robot?

Yes, it has a considerable amount of horse-power.


Older Brother, if this guy joins the Cybertrons, there's going to be trouble.

Starscream, go and get rid of this robot!

Galvatron-sama, is this OK with you?

Consider it done.

Lio Convoy was saying that the planet Gaia also has those Destron guys crawling through it, ming!

Right, arm!

From here on, it's our turn, ming.

Muchas, muchas!

We three Jointrons can easily defeat those Destrons, ming!

Let's go tear apart the Destrons' HQ, muchas!

Don't move around, arm!

Let's move it and find the Destrons' HQ, ming!


We three brothers will get our job done right now on this planet, arm!

Hey, Tasmanian Kid...

Where did that group of three guys go?

Now that you mention it, they were just cheerfully dancing around.

They were saying something about going to the Destrons' HQ and wreck havoc on it or something.

What didja say?!

Hey, we better go after them pronto!

You're worried about those guys?

Idiot! We can't let those guys take that credit!

You might be right...

Wait! WE'RE the ones who'll take that credit!

Bighorn, wait up!

We're coming too.

Lio Convoy...

In any case, if the Jointrons are intending to take the Destrons alone, it would be dangerous.



Can you please keep an eye on that Jointron group?

Yes, sir. Understood, tentacles!

Ya know, where do ya think that big robot is anyway?

Beats me.

Anyhow, Megastorm-sama says to blot it out immediately.

Why's he want it blotted out immediately?

What's that? We've found it!

Wait up!

So heavy, arm.

Amigo, hang in there, Motorarm.

What're they?

Is that the robot we're lookin' for?

Not in the slightest.

Look at this.

What we're lookin' for is this.

They're not even remotely close to that.

We can't be dealing with jabberwocky guys like them.

Ya got that right!

If we make another useless move, Megastorm-sama is gonna scold us again.

Do you think those two were Destrons, ming?

What we brothers are looking for is the mothership, which is the Destrons' HQ, arm.

We're not gonna meddle with minnows, arm.


Robot, located! Roger!

Really? Amazing, BB, good job!


Take a good look, BB.

They're completely different, aren't they?

We're looking looking for this robot.

Take a good look.

This guy is a lot bigger and stronger.

He's completely different.

Get with the program, BB!

Those guys... they're the ones who fought with Kid and others outside our spaceship, ming.

They're the Destrons, arm.


Hey, you guys.

You didn't happen to see a very big, cool, and strong looking robot around here, did you?

Ain't that me, ming?

I guess there is no point in asking you guys.

BB, let's get going.


They took off.

Those Destrons... I wonder who they're looking for, arm?

No clue, amigo.

Let's go and find that Destron mothership as quickly as we can, and give them a good kickin', ming!


Say, what exactly is with those three cheerful guys anyway?


I thought Tasmanian Kid and the others act silly at times, but these three are even worse.

To make it even worse, they're the Cybertrons' comrades.

I can't believe it either, moon.

Hey now, just you wait!

Y'all be in big trouble if you act on your own!

Do you really think they'd really be that reckless?

It's them, so we can't really say.


Those guys there... ya think they got some info on that robot?

I think so!

Why do we have company at time like this?

Oh, the Destrons' mothership, where do you think it is, arm?

That's right, ming.

We don't know, ming.

That's a problem, arm.

Gimlet, do you think so too, ming?

What are you doing, ming?

We have to figure out where the mothership is, ming.

I figure... isn't that it, muchas?

So that's the Destrons' mothership, arm?

This is what you call drawing a Destron summer moth into a flame, ming.

Tequila! We're lucky, muchas!

Now that it's come to this, it's ours, ming!

Let's hit 'em, arm!

Damn! Have they not located that robot yet?

What's this?

W-Who are you guys?!

We're the cheerful Jointrons!

We're here to clean up you bad Destron guys!

That's right, mucho!

Let's do this!




Wha... What the...?!

Prepare yourself, arm!

That's right, amigo!

Mucho! Mucho!

Why you... you have no clue just how terrifying I, Megastorm-sama, really am!

Megastorm-sama, unfortunately we could not locate that robot.

Aside from that, who the heck are these guys?

Huh? Those minnows again? Megastorm-sama...

Drive them out, BB!


In this case, we'll combine, arm!

Right, ming!





This is it, Megastorm-sama... the robot we've been looking for!

I see... so it's this guy?

This robot only appears once they've united together...

No wonder we couldn't locate him.

The Destrons are going to be torn into pieces, ming!

Since you saved us the effort in looking for you, we'll blow you away in one shot!


Prepare yourself, ming!

Y'all are getting on my nerves!

What's this?

Megastorm-sama just sent us a emergency signal calling us back.

What's up with those guys?!

Since they rushed to turn back, that would mean...

Do ya think something happened with those Jointrons?


Hurry! Go!

What's taking you so long?

Hurry up and crush them!

Go! Those are my older brother's orders!

BB, keep at it!

They're even stronger than expected, ming.

Muchas! That's right, arm!

We'll rethink our operational plan and come back, arm!

That's as far as you go.

We're in trouble, ming.

Since it's come to this, should we try and be friends with the Destrons, too, ming?

¿Cómo estás, arm?

What the heck are you guys babbling about?



I came to rescue you.

You're a real amigo!

LIO m*ssile!

Wh-What's happening?!


L-Lio Convoy?!


With our comrades, ming...

We've got the strength to do this, ming!

Take this!

Fall back!

Cease fire!

Bighorn, you're a step behind.

What exactly just happened?

Tell us, what happened exactly?

It's a nuisance that these guys have joined the Cybertrons.


You don't need to answer back here!


In any case, I'm glad that you all survived!

It's all thanks to Scuba and Lio Convoy's...

No, no, ming.

It's thanks to us three cheerful brothers that fought bravely.

And then the Destrons retreated, arm!

Arm, arm!

And now... our victory dance!

Overall, the credit goes to all of us, ming!

They're really a lost cause.

Who knows what'll happen if we take our eyes off these guys.

They're actually worse than you.

In any case, they're Cybertron comrades after all. You'll have to get along with them.

ARTEMIS Artemis...

MOON'S ...& Moon's...

...Second Transmission! SECOND TRANSMISSION

Today we're going to have a surprise interview with our newest arrivals, the Jointrons!


First, can I have your name?

DJ, ming! Amigos!

You were leaking oil when you flew up after being surprised... how long have you had that habit?

It was just like that, when I realized it happened, ming.

Next up, moon!

MOTORARM ¿Cómo estás, arm? This is Motorarm, arm.

GIMLET Mucho of muchas!

I'm Gimlet!

Everybody's always cheerful and having fun, but don't you have any worries?

Amigos, we don't have any worries, ming!

Muchas! Margarita!

But nothing like being overpowered by the Destrons or Megastorm being too tough, etc...?

Like, if the three of you can't work in harmony from time to time, etc...?

That kind of thing is nothing!

The world is always smiling at us, ming.

Everyday is a festival to us, ming!



Well, um... for that interview, I had absolutely no clue what the Jointrons were talking about.



I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production


Again, the Jointrons have done something unthinkable, moon.

Goodness, what did they do now?

They've shown the Destrons where the Cybertrons' base is, moon!

That makes them traitors, doesn't it?

They're saying that they'll lure their enemies there and defeat them...

This isn't the time to be dancing around, Jointrons!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 15 is, The Cheerful Jointrons

THE CHEERFUL JOINTRONS Be sure to watch it!

You betcha I'll watch it, moon!