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04x12 - Galvatron's Great Rampage!!

Posted: 08/21/23 10:09
by bunniefuu

Emotions swaying in loneliness

Swallowed up by the waves of an era for all of time

My saddened heart was wandering

Just One Nation, an ID engraved on my heart

I couldn't go anywhere by myself

It was frustrating and I couldn't take it

Even so, I was still dreaming

That far away, I could hear the sound of the distant sunset

Let's head to that place

To the ends of the Earth

I want to be stronger than anyone else, so I can be who I am

I won't give up my Passion to anyone, just so that I can live for tomorrow

To GET MY FUTURE, all I need to do is run on the path that I believe

Actions are what opens up the future, with the courage to fight

I'll hold them in my heart, To Be Free

Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

Beneath the surface of the jungle in the Southern continent,

...the Autorollers have excavated some Angolmois energy, and are attempting to use it to build a fortress.

I don't like this.

Since we couldn't beat the Insectrons, we got sent back to building fortresses.

But you know, I love doing this type of work.

Yeah, same here.

Aren't ya guys angry at all that Starscream is treating us like slaves?

If you aren't motivated, then I'm gonna take care of those Insectrons!

And then, I'll take Starscream's position!


We can't fail.

Are you prepared?

Of course!

I have a plan.

The Angolmois energy that we're pumping up to create a fortress,

...we'll use it by throwing it all over the jungle where Insectrons are!

We'll destroy the Insectrons and the jungle together!


This is our last chance...

This is starting to become amusing...


It looks like something strange is happening on the Southern continent, moon.

I feel like it's been a while since the Destrons have been up to something.

I wonder if they're at work using the Angolmois energy again?

But they're not constructing a fortress on the land, moon.

Maybe they're secretly working underground?

There is an individual on the Cybertrons' side, who has noticed the abnormality in the Angolmois energy also.

Scuba, whom loves solitude, was listening carefully to the sound within the earth, while deeply meditating.

I can't concentrate.

There is a disturbance with the life energy of Planet Gaia.

This is serious.

Only when I sit to meditate, do I feel like I scanned the wrong animal, tentacles.

It's hot!

It's boiling!

There is an enormous amount of energy near here...


Another five minutes and I would have been a deliciously boiled squid.

The ones truly to be feared among all the Destrons may be in fact the Autorollers.

Thanks, do ya really think so?

I cannot believe that I did not realize that the enemy was behind me.

Do I have water in my ears?

I don't want a perm!

Was I dreaming?

I had a dream that a barber was giving me a perm like an old lady...

Too bad, I can't give you haircut with my pinch!

You guys are...

The Autorollers that ya were praising earlier.

Why're ya afraid of us?

Those who gain control of the Angolmois energy, will be the ones who shall determine the outcome of this battle.

After all, the only thing that the other Destrons can do, is fight.

This type of heavy work can be done only by the Autorollers.

I... I'm so deeply moved!

I can't believe the only one who understands our type of work is actually on the Cybertrons' side!

Repeat that to our master Megastorm over and over!

Do you want to join the Autorollers?

But it's impossible since you're a squid.

I shall only say this because you Autorollers understand the terror of the Angolmois energy.

Stop this project!

Can't do that! We'll throw this energy out all over the jungle and make the Insectrons extinct!

Stop this!

The whole continent will be destroyed!

Ya think we'd make such a mistake?

What's going on?

Someone has opened the pipes' main tap in the jungle!

The construction hasn't finished yet!

The Autorollers, roger?

Are you asking, "Will the Autorollers be OK?"

Nobody knows about the operation to scatter the energy around, so that the Insectrons will be destroyed.

Using the Angolmois energy, not only will the Insectrons, but the Autorollers too, will vanish harmoniously together.

The Autorollers are targeting my position, and they're like a bump above my eyes...

Or rather, they're a bump below my eyes.

We'll force their own operational plan to be a failure.

Now then, turn the handle and fully open the pipe.

Roger! Fully open pipe!

Rest in peace, Autorollers.

Starscream, do heavy work? Roger?

Are you saying that without the Autorollers, I will have to build the fortresses?

I hadn't thought about that yet!

I'm not good at heavy lifting!

Pipe fully open, roger...

Meanwhile, the Angolmois energy was moving through the pipes from far deep underground,

...and was flowing toward the project site where the Autorollers were.

I hear a voice from the depths of the earth, "All shall be extinct."

No way! The construction isn't finished yet!

Is... Is it an accident?!

Run! Run for it!

Hold it!

We can't run away from this even if we tried.

I can fly though.


If we can build a bypass with the pipes,

...then we will be able to put the Angolmois energy back into the underground again.

Very well.

Would you not want my tentacles also?

Please help! Every second counts!

No other choice then.

The Autorollers began a rush job connecting the pipes together.

However, the Angolmois energy was approaching closer to the project area.

Will they make it in time?

Or will the jungle be turned into a sea of Angolmois energy?

Is it no good? Can we not make it in time?

Do not give up until the very end!

You guys are professionals, right?


It's too late!


Wh... What happened?

Did the Angolmois energy stop?

It's changed direction.

The one who changed the flow direction of the Angolmois energy, was Galvatron in his dragon form, by grabbing the pipe in his mouth.

I've been wondering where he was...

So my older brother has been in that place?

Congrats on findin' Galvatron-sama!

Totally congrats!

You guys! Did you forget the hoop-la-la from last time?!

Older Brother in his current state can't tell who're his allies or enemies!

We just don't know what he's gonna to do.

Ah, last time was horrendous.

What're we gonna do?

Close it! Close the pipe!

R... Roger!


Galvatron-sama, why...?

This is bad.


You're wrong!

I'll put the responsibility on the Autorollers...

Let's leave!




What's wrong with Galvatron, moon?

Say, it wasn't that long ago when he was dropped into the Angolmois energy, right?

I'm sure, he must have gained the power to absorb the Angolmois energy.

That's quite the power, moon!

But the Angolmois energy is a mysterious force on Planet Gaia.

If it's used for the wrong reasons, surely a terrible mishap will happen!

What are the Cybertrons gonna do, moon?

Hi, everyone! We've got a visual on Galvatron.

That old man Galvatron... we've gotta do something.

He's consuming the Angolmois energy into his body and growing larger.

Even with our combined power, we ain't no match.

Why don't we just run away from here?

Don't project weakness like that!

But you know he's really scary!

Scuba is reporting in...

Lio Convoy!

Scuba, where have you been?!

I was worried that you got involved with what's going on.

I'm safe.

More importantly about Galvatron...

The situation is serious.

There's only one way.

After receiving contact from Scuba, the Cybertrons headed to the cave of the project site.

Scuba, right off the bat, explain the operation to us.

How do you propose that we defeat that monster?

"Eat moderately." These were my grandmother's last words.

I get it.

What're you two gettin' at?

Right, whaddya mean?

No matter what it is, when you eat too much, you'll have stomach problems.

I see, so we'll feed the Angolmois energy to Galvatron to the point of where he gets stomach problems, right?

But how do you know that this won't make the situation worse?

It's all or nothing, but this probably is the only way.

But I'm wondering, who's gonna be the one to feed him?

I will.

Well, just wait.

Everyone, come on out.

What? The Autorollers?! C'mere!

Wait! Right now we all have a common foe.

Galvatron in his current state is a threat to the Destrons also.

Restrain yourself, Bighorn.

You're tellin' me to restrain myself, but...

Calm down, gotta calm myself down!






So how will we do this? Ally.

Enemy. Somebody will act as bait, and bring Galvatron-sama within firing range,

...then we'll pour in all the Angolmois energy we got from this pipe, into Galvatron-sama's mouth.

My sh**ting ability is first class!

Can we really trust these guys?

You're really planning to destroy us all with that Angolmois energy, aren't you?

What?! How dare you, ya damn quoll!

What did you say?!

I'll use myself as bait.

No, I'm Galvatron's archenemy.

I'll be the bait!

Yes. I'll be opening the pipe.

All three must be as one, as any mistake in our timing could be fatal.



Galvatron, do you still know who I am?!

Now, Galvatron, follow me this way!

Do it now?

Not yet! Not just yet!

Wait until we bring him close to the limit.

We only get one chance at this.

Do it now!

Open it!


His mouth!

Aim for Galvatron-sama's mouth!

All right! The operation was a success!

More! Give him more!

What am I doing in this place?

Scuba, would you mind saying those words again?

The ones truly to be feared among all the Destrons, are you guys.

That makes me feel so good!

I'd love that scumbag Starscream to hear that, too.

The Destrons are planning to fortify this planet and wage a w*r again in this peaceful universe.

You know, Autorollers, without your strength, those fortresses cannot be built.

We can't stop, as this is our work.

Tomorrow, we may yet again be your enemies!

They are formidable.

They're too good to be our enemies.

Artemis Artemis...

Moon's ...& Moon's...

...Second Transmission! Second Transmission

Say, why is it that the Angolmois energy could power up Galvatron like that, yet destroy him also?

You said it earlier yourself, moon.

To tell you the truth, I really didn't know anything.

Geez, well take a look here, moon.

Angolmois energy sh**t out to the surface from the inside of the planet, moon.

The Autorollers created a hole there.

Yes, this power is the life of planet Gaia.

Since it's a powerful energy, it can provide power to an injured Transformer, moon.

But if you sh**t that power at them, it can destroy them with its great power also, moon.

How to use Angolmois energy... that is an important point!

Artemis, you finally get it, moon!

Say, Moon, I've been having a terrible shoulder-ache these days...

Do you think the Angolmois energy can make me feel better?

It seems you really didn't really get it, moon.

Until next week's Second Transmission!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production


Big trouble, moon!

The Destrons launched an all-out-attack, moon!

Megastorm seems to be really motivated!

The Cybertrons are struggling, moon!

But the Insectrons are saying that they don't want to fight!

No way! The forest will be burned to the ground, moon!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 13 is, The Destrons’ General Offensive! THE DESTRONS’ GENERAL OFFENSIVE!

Be sure to watch it!

You betcha I'll watch it, moon!