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04x08 - Friend or Foe? Insect Robos

Posted: 08/21/23 10:04
by bunniefuu

Emotions swaying in loneliness

Swallowed up by the waves of an era for all of time

My saddened heart was wandering

Just One Nation, an ID engraved on my heart

I couldn't go anywhere by myself

It was frustrating and I couldn't take it

That far away, I could hear the sound of the distant sunset

Let's head to that place

To the ends of the Earth

I want to be stronger than anyone else, so I can be who I am

I won't give up my Passion to anyone, just so that I can live for tomorrow

To GET MY FUTURE, all I need to do is run on the path that I believe

Actions are what opens up the future, with the courage to fight

I'll hold them in my heart, To Be Free

Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

In any case, we must have the Cybertrons and the Insectrons fight each other thoroughly this time.


And without dirtying our hands...


Pour hatred into each of them, and then fan the flames of that hatred to make them fight.

This is the best sneaky tactic.



Here on the planet Gaia, the heroic Cybertrons and the evil Destrons have been battling.

There too, was the new appearance of the Insectrons.

Kid is definitely light and loose.

Well, my mouth is light and loose too.

Hey, Diver, you're good at jumping, right?

Show us how ya can jump from there to the opposite mountain.

Oh, that's a good one.

No way in heck am I gonna do a dangerous thing like that!

Are ya being a coward again?

Don't say such disrespectful things!

It's best to proceed with caution with whatever ya do.

The way I see it, yer' being a coward!

Calm down.

It's fine, ain't it? Everyone has their own way of doing things.



Hi, here are the Insectrons we've identified so far.

I think that we can make peace with Insectrons if we talk with them.

But, didn't those guys attack you before, Lio Convoy?

That's right!

We should get rid of them!

No, it's something only one who actually fought against them would understand.

I don't get it at all.

It might be my theory, but when you fight against somebody, you learn how they think, not what their weapons are.

Their entire personality is shown.

What're ya talking about?

I'm quick on the uptake, but I don't get this one either.

Even though I was talking with Lio Convoy, they didn't try chasing after us to attack.

I think they might have just wanted to drive us away because we had entered their living space.

If you locate the Insectrons, do not attack them without permission.

Let's wait-and-see for a little longer.

I totally agree with your opinion, Lio Convoy.

I totally don't get this.

Wasn't it them who att*cked us first?

How hard they try, those Cybertrons as they creep around upon the ground.

We will locate the Insectrons from the vast sky.


And thus, our operation will likely be a success.

It seems there's an Insectron habitat near here.


Hold it now... It will not be up to us to attack.

Come, follow me.


He told us to investigate on Insectrons...

Does that mean to catch 'em and check 'em out?

Should we thumbtack them, and then put them in a box to study?

That would be insect collecting.

We're not doing a science project for our summer break.

That's why it's best to beat the heck out of them!

It's a m*ssile!

A sudden attack?!

It's the Insectrons that are attacking us, ain't it?

Where's the enemy?!

At 9 o'clock!

You won't escape!

They're following.

BB, it's a success!


We shall keep on guiding those Animal-kun guys and throw them right into the Insectrons' nest.


Then they can start destroying each other!

Starscream-sama has quite the clever operations.

The Cybertrons got fooled so easily...

I guess they get fooled easily because they have a lot of enthusiasm for justice?

Maybe they're just simple minded, moon?

What are you saying?!

Hey, you made another a weird thing?

This isn't a weird thing.

You've been making useless stuff, haven't you?

It's just a dumb piece of junk.

With this, we will be able to know if the other party has hostilities or not.

See, these days there's been some weird guys that have been spotted, right?

Well, I guess you've got a point.

If they hate us or not, this will instantly call it.

Wow, there's a lot of hostility.

What are you saying?! We're comrades, aren't we?

That machine is nuts!

No... the machine is correct.

Please stop me!

Thank ya kindly!

I thought I told you to walk when you go down a slope!

This is the easiest way!

There's something approaching.


Let's me quickly check!

Those guys are not hostile.


There's some bad guys chasing us!

Please take care of them!


Another group is approaching too!

Definitely, it's them.

The Insectrons' comrades?

I can't keep quiet when we're att*cked!

Here I go!

Hang on, we have to do what Lio Convoy told us.

When we find the Insectrons, we have to wait-and-see for a bit.

Yeah, you're right...

We have to proceed very, very carefully here.

Diver, are ya being a coward again?

What did ya say?!

I can't stand this!

Ya keep sayin' to act carefully over and over...

Are ya really a Cybertron?!

Yer' nothing but a coward!

I won't allow you to talk that way!

Hey now...

Yer' a coward, so I'm callin' ya a coward!

When exactly have I acted cowardly?!

Kid, we'll go on ahead without this coward!

Hey, Bighorn!

Can't do much about it...

Let me show you what I can do!


Infinite hostility? Amazing!

We cannot allow them to invade our living space!

Then we stand firm to fight them!







See, they're all fired up too!

They call me Powerhug!

I'm Bighorn!

How's that?!

Not too shabby!

I'll take you out though!

I'm going to take you on!

I'm Drillnuts.

Oh, you look like a peanut, so you're called Drillnuts?

Shut it frog! Let's do this!

I'm Scissorboy!

I'm Tasmanian Kid.

A kid and a boy...

Not a bad combination, you think?

We came here to collect insects!

Well I am a Kid after all, so I'm just right for collecting insects!

Very good!

This is as good as we expected.


It's better to use our brains.

Megastorm-sama's plan is going just as expected.

All we need to do is to wait until their energy is depleted, and then destroy them.


Dirge, Thrust! Head to where Starscream is and standby for an all-out attack!


This is strange...

Yes, Diver's group should have reported in an hour ago.

Put me in contact with Scuba.


Scuba, where are you right now?

Yes, I'm at Point 350F.

Have you seen Diver's group anywhere?


We haven't even received their routine report.

Sir! Then I'll go look for them.

Where's the last place they reported in from?

Point 503C.

Okay then, we're going there, too.


In terms of power, I won't be beaten by you!

One point!

Damn, it's not over yet!

Yet another point!

But why? He could give me a second strike while I'm down...

Why didn't you attack me when I was down?

That is a must-do for every marital artist.

I don't act like a coward! I fight openly and squarely!

Why's that?!

It's a dud. You have to be diligent on maintaining your weapons.

That... That can't be possible!

Not possible!

Not possible!

Hey, aren't we fighting?

That's not important anymore!

The m*ssile that I adjusted didn't explode...

I can't comprehend this.

Let's see what the problem is...

Take this!

Hey, you, throwing a rock? You think I will be defeated with stuff like this?!

That's not it.

You're a pair of scissors, and I'm a rock.

In a game of rock-paper-scissors, I win of course!

These scissors are not like a safety razor!

You got that right!

There's no such thing as a safe w*apon!

Not too shabby!

Hey, that's two wins and two losses.

A tie then?


Let's take a breather.



We've used so much strength, that we're out of power.


Hey, should we take a time out?




So, we're taking a break now?


Hey man, you're still working on that?

Yes, I just can't comprehend this!

Hey, Bighorn, are they really bad guys?

You said it... it's been a while since the last time when I felt this good after fighting!

They aren't, are they?

Something seems off?

They're taking a break.


Dirge-han, shall we go then?


Why do they not seek direction from me?!

That brainless comedy duo!

BB, begin the attack!



You guys, who are you exactly?

It's us who wanted to ask you that question!


Not good at all!

We'll be caught up in the Destrons and Cybertrons' battle.

You got it.


You're still doing that?!

I can't comprehend this!

There's no way you can escape.




What's the matter, Bighorn?

It seems that I've run out of energy.

I need some time before I'm ready for battle.

Here it comes!


I still have some energy left.

Leave this to Kid and me.

Bighorn-han, you alone, can get out of here.

Take the opportunity and get out of here!

Diver, I'm so sorry. Even after I called ya a coward...

It don't matter. I'm cautious by nature.

If I didn't call ya a coward, none of this would've happened...

It's fine, now hurry up and go!

You aren't going to escape!

Close off the circle around them more!


Diver, this doesn't look good.

We don't have much energy left either.

This isn't good, is it?

You got that right.


Apache, let's do this!



Lio Convoy?


Why? Why're our friendly missiles attacking us?!

Kid, this is a good chance.

Lio Convoy came to rescue us.

This way!


Th-This ain't no good.

Get goin' when the going's good, they say.

I thought I ordered you not to attack Insectrons if you found them.


I have nothing to say...

Lio Convoy, it was me who was bad.

Diver tried to stop me. Diver hasn't done anything wrong!

See, I apologize.

Lio Convoy?

It was really overeager of me.

Diver, I'm really sorry.

You're not a coward!

You're truly a brave guy.

Forgive me!

Bighorn-han, I didn't take those words of yours personally.

Bighorn, Diver is a refreshingly frank kind of guy.

Yeah, yeah, refreshing like Ponzu sauce.

Just like Kansai Udon soup.


I think I understand what you were trying to tell us now, Lio Convoy.

What exactly?

Ya said we can understand another individual through fighting.

I know couldn't explain it very well to you...

I... I think I understand now.

In fact, I don't think that the Insectrons are bad guys after all.

That's right. I feel the same way.

Me too.

Although they are strange guys after all.

Is that so?

How about this here...

And... maybe this also...

Hey, are you at it again?

The previous one wasn't useful at all, right?

So this is an improved one.

You're hopeless.

Someone help me stop!

And wise... Someone stop me!

When it comes to this, I will go everywhere like this!

Artemis Artemis...

Moon's ...& Moon's...

...Second Transmission! Second Transmission

All six Insectrons have finally revealed themselves.

Today, we're going to show everyone their powers, moon!

Powerhug-san can turn into a ball and is good at body checking!

Drillnuts has a drill attack, moon!

Scissorboy-san has a terrifying pair of shears on his rear end.

Mantis has both his Praying Mantis Circle and Full Moon k*lling Technique attack, moon!

Tonbot-san can not only launch water from his mouth, but missiles also!

Bigmos can not only fire huge missiles from his mouth, but also uses his wings like scissors, moon!

They're actually strong, which means they're more than meets the eye, right?

What do you mean by, more than meets the eye?

I am very admired by Monko-chan, the cabbage butterfly... she says I am cool and wonderful.

He's just as pesky as his appearance!

Until next week, moon!

What do you mean by more than meets the eye?

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly


Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

That Starscream, he actually invited the Insectrons to a party, moon.

That's Starscream-sama for you!

What're you talking about, moon?!

This has to be a dangerous trap, moon!

There's big trouble as the Dragon Emperor, Galvatron-sama crashes the party where the Insectrons are fighting among each other.

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Epsiode 9 is, The Strongest Tag Combination? THE STRONGEST TAG COMBINATION?

Be sure to watch it!

You betcha I'll watch it, moon!