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03x11 - This Is Why I Hate Machines

Posted: 08/20/23 07:47
by bunniefuu





purge plasma manifolds bi-directionally

for optimum thermal transfer

how does a bot who can't tell his

exhaust port from his servo joint

understand all this

it's called text support not tech

excuses no i don't want to speak to your

supervisor i'm going straight to your


that's right isaac someday and don't

even think about putting me on hold the

only thing i hate more than machines is

tech support for machines

where's some deck i need them now

about what

you're in violation of criminal code


lethal force has been authorized

think you got it bad i gotta decipher

bulkhead's handwriting and old claws of

his aren't exactly designed for pen


not even a blip from omega supreme

beyond me how they think they're gonna

find him with a space bridge

well maybe you can carve a few seconds

out of your busy schedule

to do something about these blasted

sundeck security drones

code 1099 resisting arrest 1045

destruction of police property i am the

police auxiliary ballast compensator do

not touch thanks for the tip there

professor don't they know i've got

better things to do than be a space

bridge sitter

well look at that bulkheads hunk of junk

actually did find him

good for you now can you get me some

help preferably human

okay that's probably not good

freeze you're under arrest

no please

i'd be a happy man if i never saw




watch it you big tub of grease


all right nothing to see here let's move


come on it ain't like you never seen it

a human before right


never seen a human before

step on it


stepping on anyone

i can't believe we're on cybertron of

all the places we transworld this is


omega must have transwarped back out

if he was even here at all

so that means we go should do a more

thorough scan just to be sure

but while we're here we might as well

enjoy it matter of fact my favorite

greasy valve is right over here mcadams

old oil house


close my general security order

what's going on around here citizens of

cybertron decepticons are in our midst



even your own model can be a spy do your

duty and report any suspicious activity

what is this

for your protection all potentially

subversive gathering places remain

closed curfew remains in effect remember

decepticons will stop at nothing to

destroy our way of life

don't let this happen to you

that's your magnus

i will continue to defeat the decepticon

scourge and bring peace and security to

cybertron i'm sentinel prime

and i approve of this message

no good glory hogs got a lot of steel it

was locked down who caught those cons

what are you looking at

it's organic

what have they done to cybertron the

real question is what are you doing on


you are in a heap of trouble autobot

bringing an organic past quarantine hey

i think i know this game

then you probably know how i feel about


silence organic you have no rights here

and you should know space bridge travel

is strictly forbidden and you're out

past curfew you can take your curfew and

your fear-mongering propaganda and blow

out your exhaust port sentinel prime sir

and i don't see a space bridge around

here do you

ah his point is true

he's no space bridge well if the trans

warp energy we detected isn't coming

from a space bridge then where is it

coming from

omega supreme

omega supreme

wasn't that oversized bot decommissioned

and melted down for spare parts

that's the official story yes

you must still be here somewhere giving

off residual trans warp energy combine

that with this electrical storm and boom

you've got yourself a space bridge


so you expect me to believe omega

supreme is still online and just

floating somewhere over cybertron

omega supreme

no wonder my scans didn't pick him up

interference from the storm

this can't be i want this planet on full

security alert now you two are coming

with me

so let me guess i ain't going home

anytime soon huh

cybertron at last our ultimate goal is

at our feet and here we stand aboard its

ultimate w*apon

now wouldn't it be nice if we could

actually figure out how to use it

the great and glorious megatron will

show the way

thanks to his brilliance we no longer

transwarp at random we can transform

omega simply into robot mode and we have

free access to and from


in a unique position to assist us with

what we need the activation codes for

omega supreme may still be accessible my


i only need to get to them

well lucky you

meantime we get to float up here and get

picked off by the cybertronian defense

cans no autobots would be foolish enough

to fire on that greatest w*apon

i say we fire on omega supreme if we

strike now we could end the decepticon

threat forever we could also end

cybertron with as much trans warf energy

as he's absorbed blowing up omega

supreme could take out the entire planet

i brought you here to keep an optic on

you not for your opinion ratchet is a

great asset

his experience with omega supreme mexico

mine you named me acting magnus to make

the tough decisions do you want to go

down in history as the bots that let

megatron get away

don't we owe this to ultra magnus

the council will deliberate

what's to deliberate omega supreme is

one of us an autobot our friend

arm one circuit on him and you'll answer

to me

are you threatening me

that's treason soldier arrest him

this feels like a big one

set up a perimeter around the metroplex

no bot leaves this sector

find them and bring them back i don't

care in how many pieces

you do i want all energon diverted to

fortress maximus the council can

deliberate all they want we're preparing

for battle

you didn't need to get involved back

there captain

but thanks

that sentinel clown looked like he could

use a good kick in the can

we're safe

these tunnels were sealed off after the

great wars no bots been down here in


care to revise that last statement

fresh tracks

someone's been here

and from the looks of those oil cans

it's been home for a while

this lab was shattered over a million

stellar cycles ago

if i can log in i might be able to reach

omega you'll listen to me

i'm afraid i can't let you do

that wave

you know this thing

not personally but we're about to get

real familiar

that's ultra magnus's hammer

considering his current condition

i don't think he'll mind

the autobots will be nothing but a skid

mark on the data files

you may have omega supreme but he would

never attack cybertron that's the beauty

of activation codes they wipe clean all

that unpleasant morality

if you think you're getting those codes

out of me you'll have to download them

from my cold offline processor

and have you corrupt them with a

magnetic virus no thank you have studied

your files ratchet i'll be going to the

source for those codes the original


i'll be sure to give omega supreme your


before i reboot him


i'm getting too old for this

sentinel prime please explain why all

but essential energon has been diverted

to fortress maximus need we remind you

the council is still deliberating

as acting magnus i must be ready to

strike should omegas

should megatron make a move against us

very well

we'll inform you of our decision shortly

calculate a firing solution on omega


the autobot fools are actually

considering an attack

let us strike now glorious leader take

the autobots offline

that's the first smart thing he said all

solar cycle i say we abandon this giant

target at once

do you think i would expose ourselves

like this without a greater purpose

shock wave to megatron i now have the

necessary security clearance to obtain

the access codes

and how did you manage that

let's just say i know about

you got the wrong bot i don't know


that ain't what i heard

word is you're the guy who can get

things to folks who need them yeah yeah

you name it i'll get you anything

an access card to the cybertron central

infirmary oh i can't get to that

is that what you told him uh i don't

make deals with no decepticons

yeah see my partner here he's an organic

you've heard about organics haven't you

get that thing away from me

let's make this nice and easy huh

you give us what we want

and he won't give you this okay okay

okay you win i'll get your nexus card

just just don't go home


how do you know about this box

there's one in every town

access denied you gotta be kidding me

looks like somebody sold you some bogus


relax if he was going for the collar

he'd have done it by now been following

us ever since the tunnels

i may not have built-in scanners but i

know how to spot a tail

the elite guard needs to get through

their thick plating that destroying

omega supreme is just plain wrong


reaching to the choir brother


so what are we looking for here

let's just say everything you need to

know is behind this door




robot dame in a room explains everything


it's me


thank you ratchet you just saved me the

effort of searching for her myself

we gotta get her out of here


i ain't going nowhere till you tell me

what's going on yeah


rc was an intel bot during the w*r

she was transporting the activation

codes for project omega when her memory

got wiped

shockwave must think he can somehow get

her back


your plan

stay here

like i get of choice


you're fighting rather bravely for

nothing more than a shelved piece of

empty hardware

she's got a name


and if you think you can bring her back

then maybe i can too

how noble

pretty you'll never get the opportunity

to find out

you're a tough old model aren't you

maybe it's time to retire


well if it isn't my old boss ultra


perhaps i should finish what i started



drop the hammer and step away

always knew you were an old worn out

model but a traitor

get your head out of your exhaust port

we got bigger circuits to fry

that that was shockwave

and he's got our c

if he can get those activation codes out

of her

fire jet storm open fire take down

omega supreme

what you'll blow us up with him

this is why i hate machines

certain machines more than others


what you did was reckless and in

complete disregard for the rule of

autobot law and i do it again if it

means saving cybertron from the enemy

if it was up to me alone you'd never get

that chance the real heroes today are

ratchet and disorganic

you have our thanks

for what

they gotta see

i can assure you ratchet the damage done

to your circuitry is completely




that's going back to earth right

only one way to find out

not so fast

hand over the hammer it belongs to the

elite guard

it belongs to ultra magnus

we'll give it to him when he wakes up

it's cool boss i'll go


i get mixed up in a w*r nearly stepped

on blasted buried and possibly zapped

into space and now you just made me an

accomplice to intergalactic friends

oh you're under arrest


let's say we call it even


oh no

sentinel's not getting this back without

a fight

not my gig anymore cinderella just ain't

playing my tune

and i got a vibe tells me i should be

sitting in on this scene for a while

that is if you bots are cool with it


all we need another robot


at long last i serve you my liege

under my true colors

rise shockwave my most loyal servant
