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03x07 - Predacons Rising

Posted: 08/20/23 07:41
by bunniefuu









i've got a visual it's wasp all right

he's making a real mess

what's his heading

i don't even think he knows


we know you weren't a spy we just

love last

you're wasting time sentinel the attack

on ultra magnus has spread chaos all

over cybertron

that's not your concern optimus no it's

yours you have a responsibility to our

home planet not to mention a bunch of

decepticon prisoners to take to the

cybertron stockade

i don't need either of you glitches to

tell me my job

wasp knows something about that attack

on ultra magnus i'm sure of it the same

way you were sure wasp was a decepticon


i was misled by bad intelligence huh

that's putting it mildly

nobody's innocent optimus you of all

bots ought to know that

there's something you want to say to me

i think you know what i mean

roger that on my way


how about







last never go back to stockhold never

you're not going back wasp the spine

charges against you were dropped

stay out of this optimus this is a

dangerous fugitive and i'm bringing him



let me handle this please

now just take it easy waspy

we're not the bots you're mad at that

would be long arm he's the bot that

pinned that phony spine charge on you in

the first place

i just

you know believed him

and you want to hear the funny part

guess who the real decepticon spy was

can you guess


really it's long arm long arm was the

spy not you and i totally fell for it

can you believe it

hate to say it but sandals got a point

i'd feel a lot safer with wasp behind


that's not your call to make bumblebee

and it's not your call to make either

optimus i'm in command on cybertron this

planet is my jurisdiction

this is a cybertronian fugitive and i'll

enforce my authority as the

the uh

primer prime

did you just make that up


there's no such thing as a primer prime

it's a real term look it up i'm not

gonna look it up afraid i'm right

uh guys


sirs it doesn't matter we've got a

dangerous fugitive here um no we don't i

thought you agreed with me i mean he's

getting away


well don't just stand there with your

pistons in your servos follow that

if you hadn't interfered we could have

nabbed him

if you hadn't interfered we could have

talked him into surrendering oh yeah

right after he slagged motor mouth here

jet fire jet storm grapples


no signal wait you don't want to follow

that thing

oh yeah watch me

but there's something you need to know


save it for the court marshall

we have to get to dinobot island fast

what do the dinobots want with wasp i

can guess and i hope i'm wrong

well look what that pteranodon dragged


pure cybertronian circuitry

just what i need


speechless i have that effect on bots

don't i sweetie

you get good

now go out and stand guard like a nice

dinosaur robot thingy

meanwhile you and i can get better


that flying freakbot disappeared

somewhere on that island optimus

sentinel do not pursue to the island

repeat do not pursue to the island i'll

explain later yeah that does it i'm

putting a block on that cyber clown's

frequency now take me down there maximum

burn but

don't talk just listen and do and you

might actually learn something

oh yes

should we be taking notes on what not to


would you quit grinding your gears and

just get me a reading on that fugitive

energy signature has gone to under the


but is big power reading in center of

island and what are you waiting for

let's move


autobot lighter was corresponded the

modulator but still chase wasp you lost

confused that sounds pretty simple to me

the autobots betrayed you and now you

hate them been there done that

oh you and i have quite a lot in common


wasp friend

something like that

i don't like it it's a trans warp

generator up until now they've only been

used for intergalactic transport but

oh but i'm boring you aren't i and just

when i was getting to the good part


good part

this is power

power to destroy your enemies

the ultimate combination of cybernetic

and organic

and it can all be yours


oh don't let those little hiccups bother

you science marches on


oh you trust your friend don't you


right okay here's the plan

give me a few nano clicks to get into

position and then created a version to

draw them away from the entrance

the version what kind of version

means for a way to blow something up oh

good i am liking the version

birth box keep following me

please to smile for winter


don't move

too fast for your horn head

there's no way wasp will ever forgive me

or sentinel for sending him to the brig

which by the way totally not my fault i

mean long arm set me up not that wasp

would ever believe me but he might

forgive you if you stop making excuses

and started making an apology

so you picking up wasp on your scanner


but i am picking up a surge of trans

warp energy that's never good




i i don't know what kind of weird

organic horror you are

but if wasp is inside that giant tin can

i want him now

full of yourself as ever a sentinel


you know me

i did once

a robot

with an organic mode


there is no way i would ever have

anything to do with a mutant freak like

you that's not what you said when you

dragged me along on your little treasure

hunt to a decepticon warship

you remember

the one with the unstable energon cubes

and the spiders

the little one

it's black arachnia now sentinel thanks

to you and optimus

but i

i thought you

went offline

well least you two managed to get your

story straight i never forgave optimus

for leaving you behind it was his idea

you know and ultra magnus he wouldn't

even let us go back to recover your


then i guess nobody's innocent

i just never knew never


something this

unspeakable could have happened to you

how can you even live like that i mean

it's horrible there is disgusting okay

okay i get it it's bad but it's not that

bad all right


it's worse

you should have gone offline

it's the transport field it's



is that

thing wasp


what have you done to him

ah cool your crankcase i just made him

techno organic like me

what can i say it's the next big thing

it's an abomination just like you

and i can't allow it

i can't allow any of it

so that's it you just slag your old

friend elita one don't say that name you

don't deserve to say that name

you're not a leader one you mutant freak

elita one went offline a long time ago

get away from me you filthy organic

what's the matter sentinel still afraid

of bugs


why should i optimus

because i'm the one who left you behind

sentinel's not the one to blame for what

you look like what i look like is only

half the story

what i am is a lot more complicated


uh wasp

be later you look taller

and you can fly too that's that's cool


hey speaking of friends

i wanted to say i'm sorry

you know for

everything i did and

didn't do




you knew about this

i didn't know how to tell you oh well

thanks for not spoiling the surprise

because i wouldn't want to be i don't

know prepared for this or anything

muted loverbot spark knows i have every

right to slag you both

but i have an experiment to complete

i thought you hated being part organic

why did you do the same thing to wasp

isn't it obvious if i can change him

back then i can change myself

and what if he goes offline in the

process like you almost did

well that's the price of science isn't


not blasphemous

this transport mutation is unstable it's

building to critical mass

so what's the plan same as it's always


just like old times huh

one side buzz boy this place


help me carry him out

guess it beats getting flattened a third


are they looking enough distracted to

you brother big one steal wiggles


this time we're not leaving without you

this time i am


what happened

she sacrificed herself to save us

more like she sacrificed wasp and used

his trans warp field to bug out

either way

we're rid of them both


thanks for everything opie

sorry we gotta split so soon

i always dig this planet

that is making one of you

sentinel he's definitely not digging

organic insect bugs

come on he's up you two he's been

through a lot

never thought i'd hear you sticking up

for sp

he's a good bot

even if he doesn't know how to let go of

a grudge

i can handle my own team thank you

now get your sorry shells aboard double


i'm sorry i never told you about alita i

didn't want to open old wounds and i um

i guess i never really apologize for

making you leave her behind all those

stellar cycles ago


well i guess i'm sorry too

sorry we ever went to that stupid planet

in the first place

besides it's

it's too late for apologies now optimus

too late for all of us yeah maybe so

but right now cybertron needs a leader

and for better or worse

that leader is you

got that right buddy






oh you've got to be kidding


