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03x01 - Transwarped

Posted: 08/20/23 07:29
by bunniefuu












the damage is too severe i'm gonna have

to amputate what don't worry cybertron

service will issue a replacement leg

within six to eight solar cycles oh

uh couldn't i get a second opinion

elite guard command we are under attack

repeat requesting backup we are under


stay cool anonymous and try to hold out

a little longer

elite guard forces are strained to

maximum as it is sir i don't know how

long we can keep the cars from the space

bridge the cars are going after every

space bridge on the periphery we can't

let any of them transfer to cybertron i

can assure you commander that the

cybertron space bridge nexus is fully

guarded we'll be ready for anything that

comes through

count on it


ironhide ron transform and fall back we

need to protect the space bridge



blackout you fool we need the space

bridge operational oh


cycloneous oil slick help free spitter

and secure the perimeter

you'll have to get past me first just

step the creeps


you say that like it's a difficult thing



cosmic rust

striker to shockwave team char has taken

space bridge 687-030

requesting access code so we make trans

work to cybertron we are under strict

orders from megatron no one is to make a

move until he and his team arrive

but he was supposed to be there mega

cycles ago

starscream you incompetent malfunction

your utter failure has reached

astronomical proportions

maybe i have better luck removing these

stasis cuffs if you had bothered to

reattach my head to my body and maybe we

wouldn't be floating here helplessly if

you hadn't overloaded a space bridge are

you sensing

where did that come from free at last

wait don't sh**t he's the one you want

silence fool

he's offline

this could be useful




i'm waiting uh






it is complicated hey sorry guess what

you're a robot how complicated is that

you know why there's no record of your

birth because you weren't boring you

were built

oh you're right i should have told you

long ago

but the truth is

i don't know where you came from

you see some years ago

i saw a very strange flash of light

coming from my laboratory

i had never seen anything like it

a little body like liquid metal

i touched it and got

when i came to

you were just there oh please why don't

you just tell me you found me in a

cabbage patch or the stork brought me i

concur professor your story's not

consistent with where sorry told me

small organics have come from don't even

bother prime why should he tell the

truth now after lying to me my entire


sorry please listen to me not talking to


i just

not listening either


what has happened to my laboratory

powell masterson what are you doing here

oh don't you know they are running the

place guess i forgot to mention it

some deck i i'm so

relieved to see you alive

we fear the worst totally bogus you got

big brass coming back here after your

autobot pals clipped my headmaster unit

what no way the decepticons stole it

autobots decepticons they're all the


so you better warn your lame-o freakbot

alien buddies that if they don't ponify

up with the stolen merchandise heads

will roll and we all know whose heads

i'm talking about

no masterson why don't you tell me whose

heads will roll

mr paul mr masterson your services are

no longer required at some tax systems

maybe we don't feel like taking orders

from some old dude and his little

daughter if she even is his daughter


sorry i promise to do everything in my

power to find out what is happening to

you no you've done enough damage

from now on i'm sticking with my fellow


sorry wait

maybe she just needs some time to cool


we'll keep her safe

thanks for letting me stay here with you


again i just can't be with my father

i don't know what i am but i refuse to

be anyone's lab rat

it's possible he did find a liquid metal

body in his lab

maybe did you say liquid metal body

this is useless

we can't contact cybertron without

teletran one and we don't have teletran

one cause we don't have a ship

we didn't just lose a ship

we lost a friend

did the intel bot give you any

information about the access code she

was carrying she had a name sir rc

yes i'm aware of that but this is

extremely important anything you can do

to jog her memory will be crucial to the

w*r effort i'll do respect commander i

could talk to her till i'm blue in the

face well blew her in the face

but it won't do any good i wasn't

suggesting you talk

hello i'm

have you heard a word i'm saying

we gotta warn the big brass bots back on

cybertron that there's a decepticon spy

in their midst

maybe we should have bulkhead trying to

repair megatron space bridge apparently

he's quite the space bridge genius

bulkhead and genius in the same sentence

i'll never get used to that i might be

able to piece something together if we

salvage enough parts from what's left at

the mines

so what are we waiting for genius


this doesn't make any sense but sorry is

basically organic but her circuitry

appears to be cybertronian

you mean my dad put megatron parts in me


oh no i can feel this glue seeping into

my circuitry

uh this is just a theory mind you but if

you consider the possibility of using

concentrated sonic pulses that

alternating frequencies to weaken and

dissolve the clue that's binding us

rather than complaining about it which

accomplishes nothing other than the

endless statement of a problem that is

painfully obvious to all of us in the

first place hmm

my superior intelligence detects the

kernel of a useful idea in that endless

travel of yours

you think you can warn your bosses

against the likes of me


to do it


those noobs don't know who they're

messing with nobody fires the masterman


not without mucho serious consequences


just now that i found my headmaster unit

it's gonna be time for a little payback

make that a whole lot of payback


intruder alert


positive identification confirmed

four decepticon name megatron

lethal force has been authorized


i mean you're no harm

all decepticons mean harm


your purpose


isn't it obvious

i'm your prisoner of course

my prisoner

after all you are the all-powerful omega

supreme are you not


i am omega supreme

and as you can clearly see i

am quite helpless

so megatron how's your ingenious plan

working so far ignore my diminutive


you have clearly overpowered me autobots

and it is your sworn duty to transport

me back to cybertron where i must face

justice for my actions as an autobot

officer you must locate a space bridge

immediately so that i may be fairly

tried and punished for my crimes you are

correct megatron justice must be served

but locating a space bridge will not be




so what are we looking for here again

it's called a plasma dynamic thruster

it's a thing that generates the

transwarp field that teleports you

across the galaxy


that's the retrieval beacon generator oh

what are you doing

we need this

without a retrieval beacon you you just

warp around space randomly catching

whatever straight transwarp wave

happened to come your way

well excuse me for not having space

bridges on the processor 24 7. hey i

think i found something just put it

aside but for spark's sake try to keep

it in one piece

no problem i got it under control

here let me take a look

hey where'd you go

not little and definitely not your buddy



it is just so quiet around here without


perhaps i should call her

but what can i say that will convince

her to trust me again oh sorry it's not

like i withheld the truth out of spite i

was merely trying to protect you that's

what fathers do protect their daughters

and now i am talking to myself luckily

no one is here to witness such




you really should at least try to talk

with your father he's not my father he's



sorry i don't pretend to fully

understand humans but from what i've


being a father is far more than a simple

organic bond

it has much more to do with the spark

with the heart oh man

what if he didn't give me a heart

you really ought to let me do an

exploratory probe on your circuits back


no way am i letting you slice me open

i mean

i'm sure you were a great metabot

in your time

way back when

all right field tech

she can't feel a thing

unfortunately she can't remember a thing


thanks to that blast from my emp


at least i don't have to worry about

repeating that mistake


something just happened

i'm not exactly sure i am

let's move transform and roll out



i don't understand what's going on where

are you taking me


welcome to project omega



give any idea what's going on ratchet

what was that prime i'm not getting any

response from bulkhead and bumblebee

probably just the carbon deposits

blocking their signals i'll head out to

the mines and check it out

care to join me

after i take care of a small family


sorry i think we should run out and get

you some human fuel

yes what say we go to the

burgerbot oh hello hello it's your

favorite sorry the burgerbot

where we'll be for the next hour or so

you know sorry you're always in a much

better mood after you've eaten why is he

k*lling me all day listen

boy it's a great place the burgerbot

you know the one at the corner of

woodward and canfield

thanks for the 4-1-1 lame-o next time

you kick somebody out of your penthouse

you should check the phone for bugs

well i'd say we can be at the burger bot

in about 10 minutes uh of course if we

were coming from some deck

we're going to bring them up much sooner

so you're gonna turn into a trucker to

have to walk uh truck truck right



you set me up i can't believe you set me

up sorry please do not be angry with

optimus prime he is only trying to help

nice burger what'd you do make it out of

some spare parts you found lying around

the parking lot vanilla shake it is your

favorite if he thinks he can win me over

with a vanilla shake he can forget it

but i'll take it just to prove i'm still

mad i'm afraid i don't follow the logic

we go now please sorry i know you have

no reason to trust me right now

but i love you and i miss you so much

ah attention burgerbot diners cleanup is

so savvy it makes me wanna earl moment

prepare for t.o.t

total ownage time
