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06x04 - Mercenary Pursuits

Posted: 08/19/23 09:39
by bunniefuu


i gave you each a spark

i granted you independent thought

individual identities i asked only one

thing in return

the complete and utter destruction

of four puny maximals

why has this not happened

okay magnificent check this out i have

the whole zoo on the ropes and i'm


an interesting tale

now here are some meaningful words

i am your creator

please me and i shall reward you

disappoint me

and you shall suffer

a difficult choice






what's up


nothing my exhaust port

what are you hiding from me



no room for teamwork when your sparks on

the line

check it out

no competition from him

or you



your sparks are here somewhere and we

will find you

oh you just had to tell them didn't you

now we're gonna be searching for our

missing buddies for the rest of our


which won't be long if megatron's g*ons

find us quick griping they can't track

us when we're in beast mode remember

like i'm gonna forget being stuck in

first gear shhh i'm sensing a spark

the details are fuzzy but it could be

anywhere among these warehouses rat trap

you go with chidor

black arachnia you're with me

and stay alert

any other needles you want us to look

for in this haystack


red trap

check this out

pretty pumped up security system for a

spare parts warehouse ain't no trip phil

this rat couldn't find his way out

or into


no applause please

i embarrassed easily


looks like someone's been cooking up a

nasty virus yeah well not just any virus

putty pet a transformation freezing


you mean this lab was where megatron

whipped up that bug that nearly aced us

when we landed here

hmm and i wonder if


there's a counter virus a transformation


oh by bye fur coat hello

full metal jacket

shouldn't we run it by optimus first

hey yeah

good idea spots

hey listen why don't you go tell the

boss monkey well i keep an eye out in



but don't touch anything oh

rats on it


optimus rat trap and i found it i'm

closing in on the spark

this way



excuse me for target practice that's it

i am trying negative these storage bins

may contain expl*sives aren't you being

just a little over cautious


next question

this situation calls for stealth

zero maximum signatures detected

billboard's gone

zero maximum

i don't understand it with my connection

to the matrix i detected the presence of

a familiar spark must have been a decoy

set by megatron how could he have known

he almost got into my head back at that


let's just find rat trap and get out of



hey guys

hey looky what i can do


don't everybody share it once

transform back before tankor locks in on


i'm transformed maximal signature


real happy for your fleabag now how

about changing back before the whole

planet's on our tails


maximum signature

detected signature detected

transformation enhancer tell me you



we supposed to lose them with you

carrying on like that

so much for stealth

i am transformed

music to my ears



i am transforming


maximum signature detected

maximum signature detected

party time





at long range

now we'll see






try to maintain your focus



that reward is ours

no way we're sharing it with you



come on






optimus prime

how i've looked forward to this moment

i'm sorry guys

it's all my fault you appeared to have

picked up a nasty virus

not to worry my friend

soon you will be free

free from pain

free from the freakish beast bones

free from the chaos of your individual


take your one


and you shall have it my friend you've

earned your freedom

as have your two partners

where are jet storm and thrust take or

not share

take or want freedom

now he's actually volunteering to have

his spark yanked out

talk about being unclear on the concept



i am your creator




there will be


or risk losing your precious reward um


magnetically sealed


there's still a chance if i can contact

t*nk or spark make him understand


listen to me

if you destroy us you'll be of no more

use to megatron


you must help us fight megatron

them they're only trying to confound you



your spawns are mine


listen to the spark deep within

do what you know

is right







i'm back to my old self


tankor come with us we can fight

megatron together

you made the right choice yeah

especially that part about you know not

slagging us

hmm it appears optimus had the right


bypass the body

and target the mind tangle cpu

delete all memory files from the

previous 20 cycles

can he make up his mind not with

megatron's tampering with it i have to

re-establish the lake


would you like to leave a message




if i never see the turret beat slighted


it will be too



look on the bright side at least we're

no worse off than we were

speak for yourself


so how did you convince tankor to join

us in the first place

i sense something in him


almost familiar

then it was gone


i only imagined it


