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06x03 - Fires of the Past

Posted: 08/19/23 09:38
by bunniefuu




oh you sure this was worth it

the cybertron archives have backup files

for every transformer on the planet

if there's any clue to the missing

population and their rat trap will find


he better find it faster

what did you find it's zero zip and lots

of zilch everybody's been wiped clean

huh huh everyone



history begins today

four million years of transformer


and now it is merely a ruler

my readings indicate all organic

elements have been purged from your

otherwise flawless form

you needn't concern yourself with a

repeat of your last encounters


we can hold them


far back





am i offline

not if i can help it



you call this cured there appear to be

random residual biological

how is this possible

my battle drones are models of

technological perfection

they possess superior firepower and


and yet

they are continually defeated by a small

pack of lowly beasts


free will


interesting notion

and desperate times call for desperate




we were sloppy out there today

unfocused reckless insubordinate one

more mission like that and we may as

well surrender the megatron


hello task master


were you even listening i told you to


if my beast mode were as ugly as hers i

wouldn't want to go back either you

think this is a joke

we are cybertron's only hope

i failed my people once

i will not fail them again

what crawled into his circuits optimus


he's got a lot on his mind yes speaking

of which how come you're so hard on

staying in robot

mode i have my reasons




baby rattrap how did you

next time try to sue us it ain't exactly

easy on the nose but

it's a heck of a lot fester

so uh

what brings you to the central space


i'm gonna ride off this second-rate

planet back off mouse give me one good

reason for not ratting you out to the

big cheese

would you settle for three

three mindless drones

shouldn't be a problem


only three things wrong with that little

theory one we're not drones two we're

not mindless and three

problems my middle name


jet storm after




this is captain jet storm speaking

please feel free to move about the

tarmac and flee for your miserable

little life

going my way




and tanko roll over and play dead

fasten your seat belts and prepare for a

little turbulence it's gonna be a bumpy


whatever you came here looking for webs

it better be real important


later run


mouse go



give me a clue what you're looking for

huh is it bigger than floppy he's

smaller than a mainframe you know these

memory lapses we've had since hitting

cybertron well i've been having flashes

just fragments but i only get them when

i'm in robot mode




yes we're in luck megatron never deleted

the aerospace records

oh good and that gets us what

our ship


according to the records we were shot

down by the planet's automated defense

system these blew us out of this sky

yes stranding all six of those lousy


get real webs if there were six of us

then why don't we remember the other two


locate autobot shuttle omega delta

it wouldn't be easier just to check for

him at the baggage claim

the ship's internal backup memory will

tell us everything we need to know


well well well

your situation exactly matches your

location terminal

all right boys let's barbecue us some

bee skins





to find our ship


hey you want to crash your hot drive in

a wild goose chase be my guest

i'm screaming what a scram it's good

like i need some useless mouth-slowing

needing yeah you got that right


resemble that remark

maximal signature detected don't sh**t i


spider babe at 12 0 clock jet storm

after burn


must be halfway across the compound by


so how come they nail her and miss me


beast monk


robot mode


those gas guzzlers can't scare us when

we're in beast mode

we'll see how useless this mouse is jet

storm to megatron

the spider's heading for her old ship

but don't worry she'll be cold slag long

before she gets there


looking for backup memory are we

careful black arachnia you never know

who you'll find in there

via cons cancel the attack

say what

allow the erected to access her computer

when she does i will access her core

processor and learn the location of the

maximum base

oh man

i got a stopper

download memory backup files

access core processors

where are you

easy easy i had to do it webs megatron

was poking around your noggin

the computer made a backup of my current

memory oh man

we gotta delete it before old dragon

breath gets a hold of it

the maximum base yes

identify location

vehicles destroy

music to my ears boss

we've overloaded the fuel core let's get

out of here


no just speak the beast mode

and those videos

unless they happen to be standing right

in front of us


oh now

before you say anything

this wasn't my idea

that was our ship in there and now we've

lost it for good along with any clue of

how we got here or what happened while

we were offline and for what

for what optimus

it's okay

hey hey yeah but we found that now's not

the time

megatron decimated this planet because

of me

you think i could bear losing any of you

back to base everybody


