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03x45 - Scourge

Posted: 08/19/23 08:04
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪



Strength isn't

the only thing...


What can he possibly

know about leadership?

Huh! Nonsense!

Strength is what

leads the masses!

Commands their respect.

My strength united

an entire world.

Now it seems

it's not enough?


Strength will save

my home world!

Strength is enough!

It must be! It's all I have!


So Scourge just beat them up

and then wandered off?

That jerk!

What about Leobreaker

and Snarl? Are they okay?

They're sort of

sleeping it off right now,

but they should be fine.

Lori, they said that Scourge

was still around here somewhere,

so be careful.


Pfft! Right!

He should look out for me!


Oh, man. Lori just totally

dissed a fire-breathing dragon.


That's actually pretty awesome!

I'm glad she's on our side!



You know, I really thought I was

getting through to Scourge.


I guess some

people never learn.

But Lori, are Coby

and the rest of the team okay?

Everyone's fine.

Leobreaker and Snarl

got a little banged up

is all.


That's good.

So Optimus, how much farther

do we have to go anyway?


Hard to say, exactly,

but we should be getting close.

Another two or three levels.


Guess we'd better

get going then. Huh?


Mm-hm. I see.

Excellent job, soldier.

What's with

the junior commander?

Bud's been organizing

the Mini-Cons.

Sure the lad's

a born leader!

Bud? A leader?


Now I guess I've finally

seen everything.


Mm-hm, mm-hm.



So, what's the news,


Commander Bud!

We-- Oh! Ma'am!

Oh! Uh. Heh, hi.


That's got it!

Mini-Con team!

Fall in!






Sound off!





Team, we're gonna

secure the next area.

Don't take any chances,

and watch each others' backs!

Mini-Cons, roll out!

Careful, Bud. We can't

be sure what's up ahead.

Don't worry, Commander.

We're professionals.

We're ready for anything!


BUD & JOLT: Hey!




Check it out!



Bud? Bud?



Camouflage training?


Check it out! These

engravings totally fit us!

They're not like anything else

I've ever seen on Gigantion!

These little dudes

are Mini-Con-sized!

So, what's that

supposed to mean?

Some giant-bot-like

action figures?




Be careful, Lori!

Hey, Bud!


Okay, guys, there should be

a downward passage

just on the other side

of this city.

So who's up for

a little race, huh?

You're on!

Slag! It's Galvatron!

That guy is really getting

on my last circuit!

Well, if it isn't

the toy soldiers.

How bold of you.

So you want another beating?

Your new powers surprised us.

But this time, it is different.

I'm fixing to use your head

as a hood ornament!


Now that's some trash talk!

Straight up!


Then you won't be minding

if I get

a few licks in first!

Come on, now! Huh!


I've deduced the angle of

the passageway isn't too steep,

so I'm sure

they're all right, Lori.


I'll be scrapped.

'Tis a Mini-Con passage!

A Mini-Con passage?

'Twas said the wee folk had

secret passages once,

but that were long ago.

I've never seen one till now!

Hmm... Hmm?

Lori! Be careful!

But I have to go

after them, Optimus!

Of course, but we'll all go,


Together as a team,


But this whole mess

is all my fault!

You can't blame yourself, Lori.

What happened back there

was an accident.

But I leaned on the wa--

And I let Bud

and the Mini-Cons

enter the corridor

ahead of us.

But together,

we'll find them.

Please trust me,

Lori. Okay?

All right.

So where's this micro-guy

passage supposed to go, anyway?

Well, as the rumors

would have it,

they all lead down to...

A whole Mini-Con city!

I mean, the city is huge,

but the buildings,

they're just, like,


I had always heard that

there was once a city

built just for


but it was abandoned

and forgotten

hundreds and hundreds

of years ago.


There's a museum


I guess our Mini-Con forefathers

didn't subscribe to the policy

of erasing their own past!

Hmm...I suppose we should

wait for the others,

but I got a feeling

they're not gonna

make it through

that narrow shaft.

So we ought to search the city

for another entrance.

Let's go!


We'll go down

one level,

then split up

to search for Bud.

Can do, chief.

Right, Optimus.

Oh, Bud.

That poor little kid.

He's gotta be so scared

and worried down there.


Awesome! Cool! Sweet!

Um, you're

not worried, Bud?

About what?

Being lost

out on a distant planet?

Oh, that's nothing to worry

about, Jolt, ol' buddy.

Being lost

is what I do best!

I see...

Aren't you supposed to be

investigating the museum

for useful information?

How's that going?

Oh, that's right!

That's what I came over

to tell you! It's amazing!

There's an entire history

of the Mini-Cons,

right from our very early


So were they shrunk

by mysterious forces? Huh?

Long ago, back in

the ancient times,

all the Transformers

on Gigantion

were like the Autobots,

but they had to increase

their size and power

to fight off an invasion.

That explains why Metroplex and

the others are all giganto-size,

but what about the Mini-Cons?

What's the deal with them, Jolt?

Right after the w*r,

the giant bots

were too big

to repair the computers!


You mean they forced all the

Mini-Cons to do the micro-work?


And all those centuries

of doing detailed work

is what made the Mini-Con brain

work exactly

like a human's!

What? Like a human's?

Yeah. Of course!

Think back, Bud.

Don't you remember Red Alert

telling everybody that

after he scanned

my memory banks?

Sounds vaguely familiar...

Oh, well. I tend to forget

long-winded junk like that.

I guess you could say

I like to save

my brain-space

for really cool stuff!

Does that mean you'll forget

this conversation?

Yeah, I guarantee it.


And anyway, who cares

how our brains work?

We make an awesome team.

Hey! Am I right, guys?


You're so happy,

but we're lost.

So come on,

there's no point in moping.

Either way,

we'd still be lost,

so I'm gonna be happy


I guess that's true!

Let's keep on exploring

the rest of the city, you guys!




Stand still!

No can do, big guy!

Is that the best

you can do?

You're a sorry bunch,

aren't you?

Yeah, sorry,

we have to do this!

He's all yours, Hotshot!

I'm on it! Ah!


Right in the kisser!

A credible effort, but you'll

have to do better than that!

Well, all right, but remember,

you asked for it!



Okay, Menasor,

this is your last chance!

For what?


Triangle attack!

Frontal attack, fire!

Right flank, fire!

Left flank, fire!

And just what's

that supposed to--



Aye. That'll do.

Now then, how do you want to

play this out, Galvatron?

You've beaten that bumpkin,

but remember,

I've bested you twice already.

Just thought I'd

remind you of that fact.

So what?

Every time

you knock us down...

We just come back stronger.

Then I'll finish the job.


Check it out!

A Mini-Con playground!

Looks that way!

I guess if you guys

think like humans,

you need to play

like humans!

In fact,

according to the legends,

there's even

an amusement park!

You're messing with me!

No, it's true!

Just like the ones

I've seen in

your home movies!

Rides? Games? Unhealthy food?

Roller coasters?


Yeah, I'd like to see it

just to gather data.

Oh, come on,

you know you want it...

And...a couple of rides.


roller coaster!


Oh, wow!

What happened here?



Something really tore

this place up bigtime!

Ah! L-look at the size of

this claw mark! And it's fresh!


So what?

So what? So whatever

giant monster did all this

is still around here somewhere!

This isn't good.


What are we gonna do, Bud?

What are we gonna do?

How can we hope

to defend ourselves


something like that?

Calm down.

Hey, come on, guys!


Save us, Vector Prime!

Optimus Prime! Anybody Prime!


Ah! My stomach!


Bud! What is it?

Is it your appendix?

Your pancreas?



Yes? What is it?


It's...about time

you guys stopped

your running around in circles

and listened to me for once!


Let's head back to the museum,

where it's safe.

So you were faking

the whole stomachache thing?

Well, I had to get

your attention somehow.


I suppose, bu-- Ugh!

Hey, watch it, bu--




It's Scourge!

Scourge is the rampaging terror

who destroyed the city!

Hey, would you settle down

for a minute?

It's no monster!

It's just Scourge!

Hmph! What do you mean

just Scourge?

Lori said not

to worry about you.

Little sister!

Is she here too?

Not now. She was with us

earlier, though.


Did she look mad?

Not mad, exactly. More like

kinda disappointed.

I think she really wants

you to be a good guy.

I know she does,

but it's not that easy!

Yeah, you seem like

a complicated guy.

My position is difficult.


So, what did

you mean by impressive?

Hm? Oh, to be frank,

I thought you showed

great leadership back there.

Back where?

Oh, the stomachache?

Yes! I wish I could use

such guile!

You brought order

out of chaos,

and you didn't even have

to beat up anyone!

You want better

leadership skills?

Is that why you went

ballistic back there?

Uh...I don't have

to explain myself to you.

Well, welcome to the Bud's

School of Painless Leadership!

Okay, people, take your seats.

Class is now in session!

What seats?

Just sit down,

would you?

And raise your hand

if you want to ask a question!

Okay, now I'll take roll.

Is this necessary?

Yes! And raise your hand!


It's simple, Galvatron.

Keep one eye on me....

And the other on me. Hi-ya!

And don't forget

to watch your back!





You have improved.

I might just have

to battle you at full power!

Ah. I've been reborn!

So have we!


But if you've been reborn,

and I've been reborn,

then that places us back

where we started, doesn't it?

With me as

your unquestioned superior!

I'll question your superiority

right now!

We're more than ready

to take you on!


Then let us begin.



Okay, so these five guys go on

a treasure hunting expedition.

But they find six treasures!

The question is, what's the best

way to split the treasure?

The strongest one among them

should take two treasures.

The others should be

satisfied with one.

Ah-ah-ah! Sorry, that's

the wrong answer, Scourge!


But-but that's impossible.

Each guy gets to keep

one of the treasures,

and the extra treasure pays

for their next treasure hunt!

You got it?

Next treasure hunt?

Okay, suppose our five treasure

hunters are getting sleepy,

but there are only four beds.

So how would you solve

a situation like that, Scourge?

Well, the weakest one would

sleep on the floor, of course.


You set up a giant, big tent

in the backyard,

and all five treasure-hunting

guys sleep in sleeping bags.

How am I supposed to come up

with an answer like that?

I didn't know

there was a tent there!

You're supposed to bring

the tent with you, silly!

But that's not the point!

But that's exactly the point.

My dad told me the key

to being a great leader

was thinking

outside the box,

finding a new way

to solve problems.

You see, you've got to be

a creative thinker.

I could have come up

with those answers

if I was allowed

to make stuff up!

So go ahead, make stuff up!

I never said you couldn't!

Did I?

What? Oh.


No, you didn't, did you?

So I'm allowed to make stuff up!

Sure! Why not?

Hmm... I see.

All this time, I've been

trapped inside myself,

weakened by my own strength!

Okay. Now I'm lost.

I'm thinking outside the box!



Hey! Look! It's Wing Saber!

Hey, Bud!

What's going on?

The whole team's out

looking for you,

and you're hanging around

with this guy? Give me a break.

It so happens you're

interrupting my class, Lori!

So, what are you teaching him,


Tell her!

Well, it was some, uh,

leadership techniques.

Whatever you guys are up to,

I'm glad you're not hanging out

with any Decepticons!


Hey, yeah! Maybe you could come

and join the Autobots!



There you are, laddie!

You had us worried!

With good reason. You picking

on children now, Scourge?

No! Optimus, wait! Scourge

didn't come here to fight!

Autobots, I challenge you

to a duel.

What? Scourge, you don't

have to fight any more!

Bud, I got a feeling this is

something Scourge needs to do.

Huh? Oh.


He's changed.

Hmm... Are you sure?

This score must be settled,

one way or another.

Very well. We accept.


Who will be the first

to oppose me?

I'll test your mettle!

Then begin!


Well done. Who is next?

I, Vector Prime,

accept your challenge!


Keep going.


Well done. Who's next?

All right.

This time, he's all mine.

Override, wait.



I'll be facing Scourge next.

Okay, Wing Saber.

It's time to link up.

Link up? But--


Just as it should be.

Optimus at top power!

A great warrior

deserves no less.

Optimus Prime,

Sonic Wing Mode!

I accept your challenge!



But this is crazy!

Stop it! Stop it!

There's no reason

to fight!

Bud. Stop yelling.

But Lori!

This is a duel of honor,

just like in the movies.

I think you should

be able to understand that.

For honor.

Begin! So Optimus Prime!







I hope he finds peace.

Optimus Prime.

I don't think I can move.

I guess our battle is finished.


You fought with honor,




Stop looking so mopey, Bud.

Scourge is gonna be okay.

I know.

So, what's wrong?


I just thought

it would have been cool

to have him on our team.


Well, maybe someday.




Bah! This is such

a waste of my time.

Still, they did

put up a good fight.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪