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03x33 - Balance

Posted: 08/19/23 07:56
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

Close up, this looks like

the surface

of a huge mechanical planet.


I'll take you higher.

So huge.

It's hard to believe he's real.


I know what you mean,

but you saw it happen.

We all did! In fact, we were

right in the middle of it.


I didn't think

we were gonna make it!

The ground started shaking,

and huge hunks of machinery

were moving around.


And then

the whole thing changed,

and the planet Cybertron

became Primus, the creator!


How is the prep coming along?

Almost done, boss.


It's amazing that we might

actually get to talk to Primus!

Oh, I'm so excited!

I wonder what he'll have to say.

Huh? What's the matter?

I really hate to say it,

but you guys look

kinda uncomfortable.

It's Primus, Bud.

He's the creator.

We're standing on him

with our dirty feet.

I sure hope we don't get smited

for this.

We have the connection.

Jolt, it's time.

Yes. I'm on my way.

What's the Mini-Con

doing with that cable?

Simple, Evac.

Before, when we inserted

the Jungle Planet's Cyber

Planet Key into the Omega Lock,

Jolt was the one who relayed

a message from Primus.

Don't worry,

you'll do great, Jolt!

Thanks, Bud!

This is a biggie.


Okay, everyone,

let's get started!

Roger that!

Primus, this is Optimus Prime,

can you hear me?

I can hear you. All of you!

Let me convey my gratitude

to you who answered my call.


We have many questions for you,


We need your guidance.

Ask me anything.

Can you tell us how to close

the gigantic black hole

that is currently threatening

the vastness of the galaxy?

This thing you speak of,

it is no ordinary black hole.


Where are we?

Primus must somehow

be sending images

to display his story

directly into our heads.

What are those?



Behind me are two forces,

good and evil,

that have been balanced since

the beginning of time itself.

The red is the good and

the purple is the evil force?


Yes, although

they constantly battle,

the two forces had always

remained in balance,

and then...

That's it! The purple force!

The power of evil

has disappeared!

Optimus Prime,

you and the Autobots

defeated the evil Unicron.

We kicked his planet-eating butt

is what we did!

All right, team!

I don't understand

the problem.


You defeated

a great source of evil.

The universe became unbalanced,

and that imbalance

caused a distortion

in the fabric of space-time.

That distortion

became the black hole.

Agh! That does it.

My mind is blown.

Please, Vector Prime,

what does this all mean?

I'll try to explain it to you

a bit better.

Unicron came into the universe

at the same time as Primus.

From the very beginning,

the universe was made up

of both good and evil,

and one cannot exist

without the other.


Look, Bud, just check out

this quarter, okay?

You can't have heads

without tails, get it?


It just doesn't seem

right to me.

I mean, come on,

we have to have evil?

Ah, guess so.

Okay, now we know

how the black hole was created,

but what I need to know

is how we can destroy it.

Only I can complete that task.

But first,

you must restore my spark,

by placing all four Cyber Planet

Keys into the Omega Lock.

But wait a minute.


has already stolen

and absorbed

some of your spark.

And right now, we only have

three of the Keys.

That is correct.

The last one is still missing.

Where can it be?

If only we could

retrieve that map.

Even if we get the map back,

will it help?

I mean, Starscream and Megatron

both have a copy of it,

and they haven't found squat.

Those two can't find it.

But why can't they?


Who are they?

What are they doing?


They're looking

at the Atlantis Pattern.

The one from the Omega Lock!

The pattern is a diagram

of the Space Bridge.

These wise elders

are deciding

where to place

the four Cyber Planet Keys.

Hey! It's Atlantis!

See that ship over there?

That's your ancestors' ship that

brought your people to Earth.


So the others

are headed for...

Our planets.


That's the ship!

That's where the last

Cyber Planet Key is located!


What gives?

It vanished!


The planetary system

was caught up in a wormhole.

What did you say?

A wormhole?

But where did it go?

It was transported

to another universe.

Another universe?

There are many who believe

there are an infinite number

of alternate universes.

If the fourth Key

is in another universe,

there's no way

you could detect it!

That makes perfect sense.

That is why Megatron

and Starscream have failed

in their attempts

to find the fourth planet.

But Optimus, it would seem

that we're in

the same proverbial boat.

What can we do?

If we can

retrieve the map,

we might be able

to find the wormhole

that connects

to that universe.


What's the matter, mate?


Primus's energy

seems to be spent.

The creator's return

to true consciousness

is still a long way

from complete.

Starscream drained a large

amount of Primus's power.

Primus! One last question:

What is the name

of the planet we seek?

The name of the planet is


What, Gigantion!

I can't believe

it's the Giant Planet.

So you've heard

of the place?

Yes, it's the home planet

of your friends Jolt, Reverb,

Six-Speed and Safeguard.

KIDS: Huh?


Hey, why are you guys

lookin' at me so weird?




Where am I?

Welcome back to the land

of the living, boss man.

Sideways, you rescued me?

That's right

So just where are we?

Our new hideout!

What about Megatron?

Optimus Prime?

So many questions, boss!

Things have gotten

real interesting,

but instead of me talkin',

why don't you take

a look-see for yourself.

Can you move?

Primus' spark works wonders.

Okay, let's go!



Okay, Jolt.

Where is your home planet?

Where? Uh...I don't really...


What does that mean?

Vector Prime, a lil' help?



My path crossed that

of the Mini-Cons

as their ship drifted

aimlessly through space.


And let us thank you again

for that!

Why were you guys

adrift in space?

That's a good question.

We were playing Hide and Seek

and the ship

was an awesome place to hide.

I wonder if our friends are

still looking for us. I wonder.


Your friends, uh--

How should I say,

the people of your planet,

are they all small like you?

Oh, no, not at all. There are

bigger Transformers there.

Come to think about it,

they might be

a little larger

than you guys.

So the Giant Planet

has two types.

So the reason

the Mini-Cons are small

could be

they evolved that way,

just like I evolved to my

environment on Jungle Planet.

That could be, Snarl.

That's all real interestin',

but if these little guys can't

remember how to get home again,

we're spinnin' our wheels!

It's not that

they don't remember.

The memory data has deteriorated

away, but we'll see.

Now hold steady. You may feel

a slight sting, but don't worry.


I'm fairly certain

I can put you

back together again!




You were a bold leader,

but your reign is over.

Look alive!

I will now take command

of the Decepticon forces!

Hey, now, Mr. Furnace-Mouth!

I've got seniority.

This here's my outfit now!



You think I'm gonna leave things

to you? I'm the man!

I should be boss!


You know, I wouldn't follow

any of these losers

if they left a trail

of Energon goodies!

Insolent rabble!




Stop it, and listen to me!

All right! The only way

we're gonna settle this

is the old fashioned way,


Battle Royale!

Then so be it! Let's go!


You know,

maybe it would be better

if we just drew straws

or somethin'?

Oh, don't let his bad breath

scare you.

Come guys, the three of us

together can beat him!


Three on one equals fun!



Shoulda drew straws!

I'm not done!

Boys! I'm outtie!


Megatron has been destroyed!

The Autobots were just gonna

seal him up

in that fire dimension,

but the big doof used up

all his energy fighting back.

So they used the Omega Lock

and blew him to bits!

Couldn't have happened

to a nicer guy.


I'm beginning to think

I made a big mistake

when I left Starscream

to team up with these nitwits.




That tickles!

Tickles! Oh! Stop!

Jolt, will you hold still?

Shouldn't you search Six-Speed

and Reverb's memory too?

Well, now that wouldn't do us

any good, boys.

From what they told us, Jolt was

the one doin' all the driving.

How are the readings, Red Alert?

Jolt's memory device is quite

complicated in its design.

Because his body is so small,

it had to be quite complex.

That's obvious, of course,

but what I'm finding

seems to be

quite extraordinarily


Uh, okay,

Red Alert, great.

I need that in words

I can follow, all right.

The bio-analytical

scan structure of his brain

is more human than Transformer.


What? Really?

Yes, I see now.

That's why Jolt and the others

can so easily relate

to the children.


That's also why it's going

to take a while longer

to analyze him, Optimus.

There's no other way to do it.

Keep working.




Something's heading this way

with ants in its pants.

I'll get visual on it.


Hello, Starscream!

Primus, the creator?

Is it awake?

Yeah, Starscream, but I think

he's kinda groggy.

Seems some clever devil

went and stole

most of his spark already.



give back the Omega Lock!

Hey, look,

it's our old punching bag!



Blocked me!

What do you think

you're doing?

I will not permit you

to bring harm to Primus!


From what I've heard,

Primus and Megatron

are both ancient history now!

This is the Age of Starscream!


you know what time it is?

I know!

I've got your back, Optimus!

And I've got yours, Wing Saber!


Let's do this!

Optimus Prime, Sonic Wing Mode!


All right, Starscream,

bring it on!

Let's try some of this.

Your feeble att*cks

just bore me.


Who's first?

I got ya.

Everyone, lock on

and target Starscream!


Come on, Autobots!

You can get 'em!


It's Scourge

and the Decepticons!


quit squeezing my fuselage!



What? Are you telling me

you guys haven't seen a girl

cruise on her own Energon

beam before?


Jolt, take care of the kids!


Yes, sir!



I'll put some wind in her sails!

Cyber Tempest!

Don't you realize that wind

can muss up a girl's hair?

Pretty good defense

for an old coot!

Beauty pageant's over, love.

Time to crown the loser!

This may mess up your mascara!



Three against one! No fair!

I think I'll throw you

into action.



This is for Megatron!


On to more important things!

How pathetic, Primus.

To fall into an eternal sleep

because I stole a little

of your spark! Oh, well.


He moved?!

ALL: Whoa!

Primus is awake!

Wake up, fast!

How tough can

this old guy be?

Get off me!

This'll be good.

Didn't see that coming!

Ha, ha! Very interesting.

This might be half a challenge!

And I hate a challenge!





really pushing it!

That's Primus's head.

He's lost his mind to fly

into the face of the creator.


Well, that wasn't so bad.

Starscream just doesn't know

when to quit.

He really has gotten too big

for his circuits.

I'll probably have to deal with

that scoundrel at some point.

But now...

Heat's on!


Hey, now!


I got you now!

What? No way!

Whoa! Big g*ns!


That's the map!

I was afraid

Primus's blast would destroy it!

Soon we'll be on the road

to the Giant Planet.

Hey, Ransack,

it's fun to creep up

and attack suckers like them

when they're not looking!


That's why I don't mind

being called a creep!



You're asking for it!

Cyber Key Power!

C-Man! Let's get

while the getting's good!

Baryon Bazooka!

There's so many of them!

It's hurts! Agh!


I have seen enough!

Crumplezone went boom!

This is some bad barbeque!

We best hightail it outta here!

Calm down.

This just is not as much fun

if Megatron's not around.

Huh? You're giving up?

That's what it looks like,



M-M-Megatron. Is that you?

What did she say?


Whoa, I can see

right through Megatron!

That is weird, even for him.

From all the movies

I've ever seen,

I'd say he's obviously a ghost.


you know I'm afraid of ghosts!

He's not a ghost, right, Jolt?

Where are the Mini-Cons?


Hey, put the Mini-Cons down!

Oh, I'm so scared of you.

I think I'll run away! See ya!

Come back here!

Follow him!




We're okay!

Wow, guys, we're floating.

Yeah, I wonder why.

Forget about that.

Guys, where are we?

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪