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03x30 - Starscream

Posted: 08/19/23 07:54
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


Coby, can you plot us

a safe path to Cybertron?

Hold on, Scattershot.

We're working on it.

The black hole

is causing

temporal storms

all over the place.

There's a huge warp

in space-time.

It's surrounding

the planet.

There must be a way

to get through.

Yes, there's one safe pathway.

Here, connect these points. it.


Good job. We're going in.


Okay, the Cybertron Defense Team

is on their way to Cybertron.

Now it's up to us to get the

Omega Lock back from Starscream.

But we have to deal

with Megatron first.

Let's see if Megatron

can deal with this!


Yeah, baby,

locking and loading.


That's just a taste, loser.

Leave Earth now!


You're out of your league.

Think you're the only one

with a jet mode?



Time for you

to crash and burn.

Running away, huh? A coward,

just like I thought.


You thought wrong.



That the best you can do?

Keep laughing, flyboy.


Flew right into the trap.

Now you're mine.

I shall relish

your destruction.

Not laughing now, are you?

I thought you could use

a little help.

Nice timing, cowboy.

Round two.


Rotor Attack!

I got your rotor

right here.


I know you're not supposed

to hit a lady but...

And I thought you were

a straight sh**t.

Now I'll show you

how a lady does it.

Nice try, no prize for you,


Turbine Wave!

Neither one of you can hit

the broadside of a barn.


Y'all are pitiful.


You both need some

target practice.



Wait! I didn't mean use me

for target practice!


Come back,

you scrawny two-wheeler.

I got him, Landmine.


You ain't got nothing,


Oh, no!

We're gonna crash!

Yes! Woo-hoo!

Two wheels

is better than four.

See you later, chumps.

You mess with the bes-- Huh?

Hey, you're one

of Starscream's guys.

Shouldn't you

be kickin' some tail?

The scene just got too heavy,

man. You dig?

Uh, yeah, yeah,

I'm hip, brother.

Way too heavy. Uh-huh.


We've got to get to Starscream

before Megatron does.


Starscream, and the Omega Lock.



I've got just the thing

for unwelcome visitors.

Such feeble trickery

will not stop me.

Which side are you on

today, Sideways?

Or should I say who are you

betraying today?

Ha! I'm on my own side,

as always,

but I'm betting on


That's exactly

who we're after.

If we have to take

you down first, so be it.

Give it your best shot,


But don't underestimate me,

you Autobot clowns.


You can't beat me

if you can't catch me.

Let's rock.

I'm over here.


I got him.


Enough of this.

Enough of what?

Combine your power.

BOTH: Right.

Vector Prime planted

his Mini-Con Safeguard

on Sideways' back.

If he can maintain contact

with Safeguard, we can track

Sideways and blast him

the moment

he comes out of warp.


I think I understand

Vector Prime's plan.

Just follow my lead.

Hey, you're the boss.

I'm just here to lend a hand.

Vector Prime,

keep tracking Sideways.

Don't let him

out of your sight.

I guarantee we'll give you all

the combat power you need.

All right,

Leobreaker, link up.

Now the power of two

is combined in one.


you're on notice.

Savage Claw Mode!


You can't hit

what you can't see.

Hide and seek,

you fools.


No, but Safeguard can.

Over there!

Got him!


They're tracking me.

But how?


Good work, Safeguard.


Who, me?



I've seen winding roads before,

but this is ridiculous.


That's the best

we can do, guys.

This warped space completely

surrounds Cybertron.

Watch out. It looks like

a meteor shower.


It's debris

from the planets

that have been crushed

by the black hole.

Get ready, guys. We have

to blast our way through.



There's two more

coming this way.

Here's a one-two punch.


There's another one,

in front of us.

No prob.

I got this one, fellas.

What? Ugh!

Are you okay?

Ugh! Gross!

I can't see a thing.

You can't drive like that,



And we've gotta stay

on top of those meteors.

Coby, can you take over?

Take over?


Yes, pilot for Hotshot.

It's the only way.


You can drive remotely

from here

via synchro-control.



Sweet! It's just like

Canyon Racer XL at the arcade.

Only no quarters.

You ready?


Ready to roll.

All right,

Coby, you've got the wheel.

Just don't scratch

my paint.


Coby, are you sure

you can do this?

Watch me.

I'll soften him up.

Right, I'll hit him

from the other side.


I think we took him down. Ah!

Evac! Ah!

Megatron nailed

both of them. Yeah!

You'll be cheering your way to

the med unit soon, punk.

Now we'll see who's

a lightweight, Megatron. Fire!

We've got a team

headed for home.

Why are we still fighting?

Cybertron's safety is at stake.


Ugh, that slime

finally wore off.

I can drive again.

Thanks for your help, Coby.


Any time, Hotshot.

If your side wins,

Cybertron will be destroyed.

Or don't you care what happens

to your home planet anymore?



No one can survive

the flames of Scourge!

You're old news, Scourge.

We beat you before,

and we can sure do it again.

This lion claw's

gonna take you apart, pal.

Now let's give it

a little extra power.

Going airborne!

That's what

I'm talking about.

Time to play

a dirge for Scourge.

I better get down there.

Wing Saber!

We can't let him get away.

I'm closing in.

What are you doing?

Huh? Ugh...

You're betraying

your own planet.

Just shut up!


Megatron is coming.

I know.

Aren't you going

to stop him?

Why would I do that?

Let the puny little insect

come and face me.

Uh, right.

And I am out of here!


I can feel the Spark of Primus

burning into me,

all the way from Cybertron.

Huh? Out of my way.

What the--?





It's erupting.



get out of there!

The Omega Lock is down there.

We can't let it be destroyed.

I'll go after it.

Optimus is all alone.

Then let's go down and give him

some back up, Wing Saber.

I don't think that volcano

is erupting on its own.

There's something else

going on.

What's this?

What is it?


Look, it's Starscream.

But he's, like,


He must have absorbed

the Spark of Primus.

That would make him


Oh, great.



By the Allspark.


I thought

he was shorter.

What is that?

A crown?

A crown befitting

the new ruler of the universe.

Your time is now over,


The reign of Starscream

will be a reign of terror.

We'll get him, Megatron.

Yeah, look out,

you big ape.

We're on your side!

Ah! We'll never get

the Omega Lock from him now!

He's too powerful.

But without the Omega Lock,

Cybertron is doomed.

It'll be pulled into

the black hole and crushed.

And Earth

will follow.

All of you will bow down

before me or face my wrath.


What are you laughing at?

I'm laughing at a coward,

a gutless wonder, a wimp

who I trained

to be a warrior.

But you could never

cut it, Starscream.

No matter how big

you become,

you're still the same

pathetic wannabe.

Oh, yes, you're the king,

all right. King of fools.

Ever notice how much noise

an insect makes,

buzzing and clacking,

until you crush it underfoot?

That's what you are, Megatron,

a bug with a big mouth.

We'll see when I knock

that crown off your head.

Power alone

is not enough

and you just don't have

what it takes.

Don't try it.

Uh, I don't think

we should be here.

Their Energon powers

are unbelievable.

That could blow sky-high.

I must get out of here, but I

can't warp without my sword.

What a crack-up.

I ain't laughing.

Your size means nothing

against my power, traitor.


If you keep fighting,

you'll destroy

this entire planet.

Your combined energy

will rip the Earth apart.

Is that true, Jolt?

I'm afraid so.

Ow! I gotta make tracks.

This place is getting

too hot to handle.

That's better.

Wait for me!

Hey! Get off of me!

You can't leave us

down there.

If you keep eating them

Energon goodies,

you're gonna dent my wings!

Hey, this is fun! Kinda like

a pony ride, only different.

Let's go!


I've got a plan.


Let's see your plan.

Uh-huh. Thundercracker,

come here.

Oh, I was just making

my getaway.

Well, now you're leading

a frontal attack.

Oh, man!

Target Starscream.

How'd I get roped

into this?


Stop whining

and prepare for battle.



And Crumplezone!




ready to ride.


Hang on... Now, blast him.

Ready to wreak havoc!

Buffoons. I'll have

to do this myself.



Jetfire's got him down.

Don't let him move.

All right, I'm going in.

I'm right behind you.

We got your back, Optimus

Fire away.

We have to cut off

that Energon flow.


Got it.



Keep the pressure on.

Stay in close!

Don't back off.

We've got him!


All right.


They stopped him.


Hey, you guys.

Where's Vector Prime?

Didn't he go after

the Omega Lock?

Yes, he warped into

the volcano.

But the volcano


Vector Prime,

can you hear us?


Yes, Lori, I can--

I can hear you,

but I'm trapped

under the rubble.

My sword's out of reach,

so I can't do a dimension jump.


Hang in there, we'll get

someone to help you.

All Autobots.

We have an emergency.

Right. I'm on it.


Oh, no, you don't.


I'll draw his attention!

That's right, we're the ones

you've gotta worry about.


Hang on, buddy.

You okay?

Yes. More importantly,

this is okay.

The Omega Lock.

I'll take that.


Sorry to interrupt, boys.

Shouldn't you be shopping

at a mall or something?

Where do you think I got

this designer helmet?

Do not take

this matter lightly.

All our lives depend on it.

That's the trouble

with you Autobots,

you don't know

how to lighten up.

Sure we do.

Have a laugh over this.

A girl has to choose

the right accessories.

Like this rocket launcher

that doubles as an even bigger

rocket launcher!

Don't you just love it?

Hey, you're pretty spry

for an old guy.

I might say the same for you.


Okay, that's it.

You guys are toast.

Hey, I didn't say anything!

Sorry to go macho

on you, cupcake...

but playtime's over.


Kiss, kiss!

Hey, wait a minute!

Aren't you gonna rescue

a girl in distress? Men!

We've got the Omega Lock

and the three Cyber Planet Keys.

We must take them to Cybertron

to close the black hole.

Right! Coby, has the Cybertron

Defense Team reached Cybertron?


No, they hit

some heavy traffic.

You know, I think

we should get points

for blastin' these



If we were keepin' track,

I'd have the high score.


No way!

I've blasted at least two

for each one of yours.


Pay attention, you guys,

you're getting close.


Lori's right. Cybertron should

be coming into view now.

Can you see it?

Negative, all we see

are these meteors.

Hey, wait, there it is!

Talk about a sight

for sore optics.

HOTSHOT: All right!



Hold on a minute.

There's something there.




Enlarge the image.


Ew! Spiders!


They're Scrapmetals.


BUD: They're eating the planet.

LORI: They are so gross.

I'll never get

near a spider again.


You never got near

a spider before.


We've gotta blast

those things fast.


But there's a million of 'em.


Millions of them

against three of us?

I'd say the odds are

looking pretty good.

Power up!

All right, you little pests.

The exterminator is here.

It's good to be back on


Never mess with

an Autobot's home planet.

I didn't bring

my bug swatter,

so I'll have to use this.

I think we got 'em.

Huh? Maybe

we didn't get 'em.


Optimus, there's trouble.

The Cybertron Defense Team.

I'll try to help them. Huh?


Optimus, no!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪