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03x29 - as*ault

Posted: 08/19/23 07:53
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪



Are you sure we're gonna be able

to hold down the fort

all by ourselves, Scattershot?

Aw, come on Coby! You helped

build most of this stuff!

Just load

the configuration file

and reinitialize

the command sequence!

Good! Now all ya gotta do is

configure voice recognition!

Can I get a "Oh, yeah!"


Mm-hm. Oh, yeah!

And there ya go.

All systems are online

and in your capable hands.

Although technically you won't

have to use your hands,

since you can just

speak your commands.

If you have any

other questions ask Jolt,

he knows his way around.

I know it like the back

of my circuit boards.

Take care good care of 'em,

Jolt. Scattershot out.

With great power

comes great responsibility.

We'll really be like

Galactic Guardians now!

Come on, you guys,

get serious, would ya!

I don't wanna

just sit here and wait.

There's gotta be a way

to help the team!

I know! Mission !

If we choose to accept it,

take the Cyber Planet Keys

and the Omega Lock

to Cybertron

and stop that black hole!

Great thinking Boy Blunder,

except for the fact

Starscream has the Omega Lock.


Oh, yeah. My bad.


can we also get a visual

of the volcanic island

located in the South Pacific?

Fine. Mission !

We'll go there and retake

the Omega Lock from Starscream!

Uh, Optimus and the others

are doing that.

That's why they

sent us here.


If Megatron meets up

with Starscream,

there'll be an all-out w*r

here on Earth.

And that would so not be cool.

Hey how about this?

Mission .

Help locate Starscream

by scanning the island

for lifeforms.

That's not a bad idea.

Let's do it!

Hang on, Override!

I can see the island up ahead!

Great! I need some solid ground

under my tires fast!

Coby, how are things at base?

Any new information?

We're working on it, Optimus,

but nothing so far.

We're trying

to locate Starscream,

but long-range sensors

can't seem to penetrate

the surface of the volcano.

Hey! There's something

on the surface!


Two life forms!

They're on the north side

of the volcano!

Great job kids! All right!

We're heading in!

What do we have here?

This oughta liven things up!

I think I'll give them

a warm welcome!


Heads up!

Looks like we've got company!

Hey, girlfriend!

Sheesh! Where did they find her?

Hey, yourself!


There it is! Straight ahead!

Be ready for anything!

Mean girls stink!

Mind if I just drop you off

at the beach?

Sure. I was getting seasick!

Catch ya later!

Alrighty, now. Where'd she go?

Nice tail rotor, flyboy!

Glad you like it.

I'll take care of her, Override.

You go help Optimus.

I'm on my way.

What, no housewarming gift?

It's just me baby, just me!

On second thought, here's

a little something special

from me to you.

Cyber Key Power!

Hope you like packages,

'cause I'm packing!


Oh, no! Evac!

We have to go out there

and rescue him!

I'm afraid he's on his own.

We can't leave our post.


Oh, man, these guys

are gonna harsh my mellow!

I was just

gettin' my groove on too!

I mean, I'm doin' my thing,

Starscream's doin' his thing.

It's like, what's the problem,


Well, nobody's gonna rain

on my parade!

We've got trouble!

'Cause this cat's got claws,


Back off, man!

Score one for our side!


You'll pay for that!

Hey! No free rides! Aah!


For a two-wheeler,

he handles pretty well!

Be careful!

Get off my back!

That all you got?


You won't be laughing for long!

Oh, come on!

That's just rude!

Go, big sister!

Teach him some manners!

Optimus, come in.

This is Coby at HQ.

Come in, Optimus.

Is there any sign

of Starscream yet? Over.

Not yet, Coby,

but we're getting close.


The time has come, Decepticons!

Show them no mercy!

They're everywhere!

If they have to fight

all those Monsterbots,

we'll never get

the Omega Lock back.

Don't worry about them, Coby!

I think I know how to deal

with their kind by now!

Just a simple application

of maximum firepower!

Oh, no! Optimus!

You aren't gonna skip out

on me, are ya?

Okay, baby. Let's dance!

I gotcha this time!

Optimus, watch out! Behind you!


Don't worry!

I got your back!



I'm not called

the monster hunter for nothing.

Leave them to me.



We're back on target!

How are the others doing

against Megatron?




Doddering old fool!

You are full of hot air!

Baryon Bazooka!

Ha! Missed me!

Turbine Wave!

Whoa! Me so dizzy!

Cyber Tempest!

Huh! Well, I got some new moves

too, old man!

So this time,

I'm gonna school you!

Don't worry, boss!

I got yer back!

Oh, no, you don't!


Hmph! Such a blatant display

of cowardice

is an embarrassment

to your leader!

Yeah, but I'm a live

embarrassment! I'm outta here!

Do you not have

a shred of honor?

What kind of warrior are you?

One does not run

in the face of adversity!

Unless you're running from me!

Argh! What was that for?

Ow! Holy campfire!

My biscuits are burnin'!

Hot! Hot! Hot! Put me out!

So! A flaming fool!

Now my head hurts too!


We're wasting time!

He's getting away!

Farewell, my rivals!

We shall meet again!

Sayonara, suckers!

Yeah! Sign Aurora!

Can't say it's been fun.

Will somebody put me out?



There's only one place

they would go!

You're right.

Make haste!

We'll be making haste,

then laying waste!

Those Decepti-dorks

won't know what hit 'em.

We're gonna have a big ol' time!

I've got bad news, Optimus.

Megatron got away.

He managed to get through

the camouflage shield.

I see. Then he's probably

on his way here.

Okay, Jolt,

drop the camouflage shield.

And I think we should also alert

Colonel Franklin.

I'll take care of that.

Uh, computer,

connect me to Colonel Franklin

on the double.

Coby! Something just entered

the solar system!

That's just what we need.



A flaming ball of "something?"

Can't you tell me

anything else, Coby?


Well, not really. That's all

the sensors can pick up.

It's huge. It's fast.

It's on fire,

and it's heading

straight for Earth!

I don't care

how many of you there are,

you won't stand in my way.

Rock 'n roll!



This is not what I mean

by "rock 'n roll!"

Whoa! Me so dizzy again!

Wait for me!

My butt's still on fire!


Ah! Much better.

Oh, no! Why me!

Move it or lose it, pal.

Ow! Ow!

Can't a feller catch a break?




What a waste of metal.

Apparently, the dumber they are,

they harder they fall.

A glutton for punishment,

I see.

Wait! Wait! Don't sh**t.

Uh, what's that behind you?

Gotta go, bye!

Hold it right there!

Pick on someone your own size,


Like me!



Out of my way!

I wish I could say

I was glad to see you!


Looks like the g*ng's all here.

Ah, yes. Megatron. Megatron.

What would make

a fitting funeral for you?




Sorry we're late.

I'm just glad you're here,


Let's kick some tail!


What are we waiting for!?

Right behind you.

Last one out's a rusty bolt.

I shall retrieve

the Omega Lock.

Vector Prime! Wait!

Don't worry. I'll be fine.

You Autobots don't know

when to quit!


Did they expect to get in here

that easily?

You'll never stop me,

and you'll pay

for betraying me, Starscream.


Oh, no, you don't,


Vector Prime!

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Listen, we know

you have a score to settle,

but please step aside,

the future of the universe

is at stake.

How little you understand.

I can destroy Starscream

at my leisure.

What I want now

is the Omega Lock!

And no simpering do-gooder

is going to stop me!

Your time is up, Optimus.



Look out!


Vector Prime! Huh?



You'll pay for this!

Vector Prime is down!

But he can't be!

That ball of fire

has changed course!

Where is it going?


I think it's headed

for the island!

I'm gonna blast you

right out of that water!

Promises, promises.

You men are all alike!

Feel my wrath!

Focus all our att*cks

on Scourge!

Good idea!

I gotcha now!

Think again.

I'm still quick enough

for your pathetic moves.

I'll shut that old trap

of yours!

Yeah! Take that!

How about another!

g*ng way!

Now that's just humiliatin'.

You're scratchin' the chrome,


I'll scratch more than that!

Now what in blue blazes is that?



Do you actually believe

the two of you could stop me?

Don't make me laugh.


Ya gotta admit,

that was pretty cool!

Huh? Wing Saber?

You guys okay?

We saw something fall, and--


What are you doing here?

Hey, Jets! What's up?

Wing Saber?


They know this guy?

Hey, guys,

is that a good thing?

Somebody tell me

what's going on!


I wouldn't mind

being filled in.

What? You mean

you don't know who he is?

He served in the great wars

with Optimus

on Cybertron

back in the day.


but he quit after a while.

Isn't that right,

Wing Saber.

Were you bored

with responsibility,

or did you get too tired

of breaking all of the rules?

As long as he's an Autobot,

then we should have

his records on file.

Are they in the computer,


I'm bringing them up

as we speak.

Huh? Oh, my!

You weren't kidding.

Look at all those

code violations!

I don't believe it!

It says he tried

to attack Optimus once!

Is that true?

Hey, the big guy had it comin'!


Hurry. Grab my crane,

then I can pull you up here.

I don't need anyone's help.



Why did you decide to come

to Earth, Wing Saber?

It seems I got some

crazy distress signal.

It must have been the signal

transmitted when the third

Cyber Planet Key

was inserted

into the Omega Lock.

Well, I didn't know

where it was from.

All I knew

was somebody needed help.

Hey, any of you got

an extra vehicle mode

that's compatible

with this planet I can scan?

Yeah, sure. No problem.

I have some in my databanks.

Here we go.

How about this?

Looks good to me. I'll take it.

Wing Saber, transform!

Everything seems to be

working properly.

Now, whose bright idea was it

to split up

and run all over the place?

We'll be much more effective

if we all stick together.

Well? Come on!

What are you all waiting for?

Let's get a move on.

Everyone, follow my lead!

Whoa! Hey, buddy,

who made you the leader?

What was that?

Do you got a problem with me,


What're you doing?

We're on the same team!


whose side is this guy on?

That's just how he is.

Don't worry,

you get used to it...kinda.

I can't wait.


You're the one!

I guess you're new around here,

so you haven't heard, but--

No one does this to Megatron

and gets away with it!


You gotta catch me first!

Whoa! I've never seen an

airplane fly like that before.


Did you see that, Optimus?

The black hole's core is

becoming increasingly unstable.

If we don't do something,

Cybertron will be gone forever!

I have a proposition...

Send an elite team

back to Cybertron first.

They may be able

to devise a way

to slow down

the approaching black hole.

Hm. Red Alert, Scattershot,

I'm sending

the Cybertron Defense Team

on a special mission.

Roger that!

All right, Optimus!

We won't let ya down!

I know you won't,


The rest of you

are with me.

We're going after Starscream

and getting

that Omega Lock back!


So many Decepticons

so little time!

Omega Lock, here we come!


the best way to proceed

may be to create a dimensional

portal to Cybertron.


There's no need for that.

Coby, I was wondering...

can you create a road from here

to the Space Bridge?

Got it!


Shall we go then,


But of course.

If you'll excuse us!

It's been real!

Is there no honor left

anywhere? Huh?

Wait for me!


Coby, as soon as we get

to the Space Bridge,

I'll need you to plot

a safe passage to Cybertron.


Okay! You can count on me.

I expected much more from you.

Then you're gonna get it!

You ignorant oaf!

More and more Autobots

seemingly appear from

out of nowhere. No matter.

I'll show them how I deal

with those who oppose me!

That's your w*apon?

You gotta be kidding!

I grow weary

of this foolishness.

I know I'm providing

quite the airshow,

but don't you think someone

should go after Starscream?

Time's running out!

He's right. Let's go!

Move on out!

Right behind you!

I can feel it in my Spark.

I'm growing stronger

by the second.

Soon the power of Primus

will be mine.

I'll see to our guests.

I've found the traitor!

You won't get away that easily!

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪