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03x25 - Invasion

Posted: 08/19/23 07:49
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪



Reports are coming in

from all over the planet.

Some kind of robotic creatures

have filled the skies

over Earth.

No one seems to know

what they want,

if they're friends or foes,

but many people are questioning

whether this is some kind

of alien invasion!



Move into position and set up

a perimeter, men!

No one do anything hostile

unless we're att*cked first.

I don't want to be

the one responsible

for starting a battle

with those, those things!

Dig deep and find your courage,


This may be

humanity's last stand!


These humans

are so self-centered.

They're so sure that I'm here

to snuff them out,

but I could care less

about them.

I'm only interested

in using these Decepticons

to get my hands

on that Cyber Planet Key.

Then I'll be one step closer

to ruling this entire universe.


Come on!

I have to get in there!

Optimus needs me!


Well, this is getting me

nowhere fast.


Maybe I just need more power!


I really need your help now.

Now that's more like it!

All right, say goodbye, ice.

Jetfire! Wait, don't fire!

Red Alert?!

OVERRIDE: What about us?

What are we, chopped Energon?

It's great to see all of you.

Why shouldn't I

blast this debris?!

I can't believe I'm being

the voice of caution,

but you'll cause this whole

cavern to collapse!

Trust me, that's not good.

You're right.

We're back where we started:

stuck here.

We're not defeated yet.

It'll be hard,

but we can dig through.

RED ALERT: We need your help.

You're right.

I'm in! Let's go!


I can't believe this!

How can we battle

that many Decepticons?!

No incidents of v*olence from

the machines have been reported,

but tensions continue to build.

Everyone is imagining

the worst that could happen.

And the worst

could be very bad.

There must be

something we can do.

You'd better believe there is.

We're not giving up.

But we need Optimus

and the others back!

Don't worry.

They'll be back.

I hope so...

Come on, guys!

Put your backs into it!


What do you think

we've been doing!

Who are we kidding?

We're not getting anywhere.

And my hands...

Mine are freezing too.


What choice do we have?

We can't give up. The whole

universe is at stake!

Pain or not, we continue.


We must find

that Cyber Planet Key

before the Autobots!

You can ignore

these pathetic humans,

but if any get in your way,

feel free to crush them

like the bugs they are.

Now go, my minions!

Transform into Seeker Ships

and find that key!




With Optimus Prime out of

the way, nothing can stop me!

The entire Earth

will tremble before me!



This just keeps

getting worse and worse.

There's gotta be

something we can do!

Like what?!

You have any ideas?

No, not really.

Where's Optimus

when we need him?

I bet he'd know

how to handle this!

We'd better prepare for whatever

attack Starscream has planned.

But all those Decepticons...

How can we battle them?!

I'm not so sure Starscream's

even planning an attack!

It seems like he's devoting

all his energy

to finding the Cyber Planet Key.


We may have to force a battle,

even if he doesn't want one.

Are you serious?!

No offense,

but there's no way

we could stand up

to a force like his!

What choice do we have?

We have to stop Starscream from

getting the Cyber Planet Key.

Whatever it takes.

Yeah, but...

What can we do?

Our team isn't even complete!


I wish Professor Suzuki

were here.

I bet she'd have some great

ideas about what to do!

And we sure could use

some of those,

'cause right now,

we've got nothing!


Look, Dr. Suzuki,

it's a very simple proposal.

You tell me what you know,

and I'll share with you

what we have.


Well, Doctor...?

How do I know

I can trust you?

I mean, you did drag me

into this place.

Who knows

what you plan to do?

You'd rather trust the machines

flying over our cities?!

Nobody told me anything,

how am I supposed to know

who to trust?!

But maybe if you let me look at

your classified reports first,

I'd be more willing to talk.

I'm sorry, I can't allow that.

Then we're back

where we started!

You have to trust me.

You haven't told me your name!

My name is Franklin.

I work for an unnamed division

of the government.

That's all you need to know,


Oh, really?

I'm so glad you're here to make

that decision for me.

I'm going to need

more than that, buddy!

All right,

I've had enough of this!

I know you know something!


Come here, take a look at this.

These were taken shortly

before this recent invasion.

Mm. How'd you get these?

Doesn't it seem convenient

that we saw them

right before the invasion?

They could have been sent to

prepare the way for the others.


Hmm. Is it possible?

Could the ones I met have just

been pretending to be nice?

I hope those children are okay!

Whew! This is

further than I remembered.

But it's worth it.

We gotta keep this place hidden.

What a fool. He doesn't even

know I'm following!


Now to get what I came for...

Of course, before I do that,

I gotta make sure

no one's around.

Looks good!


Come on, open up.



Whew. Man,

this is a lot of stairs.


Has this buffoon really led me

to the location

of the Cyber Planet Key?!


I think I just hit the jackpot!

Hey, Evac! I'm here. Huh?

What's going on, Evac?!

He's not even here!



Evac! I'm glad you're okay.

I was worried.

Yeah, I'm glad to see you too,


Where you been?

I'll tell you later.

We've got trouble!

It's too bad.


I mean it's too bad

you had to bring

an unwanted guest

along with you.

Right here!

Uh-oh. My cover!

You?! What do you think

you're doing here?!

Me? Why, I was just leaving!

Two against one are not

the kind of odds I like.



See ya, chumps! I'm outta here!

You're not getting away

that easily!

Cyber Key Power!

Try outrunning these!

Don't have to outrun 'em,

if I dodge 'em!

But you can't dodge me!

No, but you

I can outrun.


What are you doing here?

What do you want?

Sorry, if I told you,

then I'd have to tell everyone,

and it wouldn't be

much of a secret.

Smart aleck. Smokescreen,

you got anything for me?


I heard someone say something

about a Cyber Planet Key.

Oh, so that's it.


but you're way off base.

What you're looking for

isn't here.

Then where is it? Tell me!

I'm sorry, but if I told you...

I'd have to tell everybody.

But I do have something

for you...

That's it. If you're not going

to play nice, I'm out of here!

Come on, Smokescreen.

We'd better hurry.

You got it.

We gotta get to the bottom

of what's going on.



I can't believe it.

We're almost through!

Jetfire. Your turn.


Time to melt this ice.

It'll be a lot easier

in vehicle mode!!

You ready?

Go for it!

Let's see some fire!



Come on. Come on.

You're almost through!


You're doing great.

Just keep it up!



We did it! Optimus is free!


But is he okay?

Optimus Prime!

I'm fine. Thank you.

Thank goodness!

Thank you, old friend.

You really went

above and beyond.

Anytime, Optimus.

I heard everything

on the comm.

All right. Let's go!



There is hope yet.

We may still win.

I'm shocked!

We must mobilize our forces

and move on Starscream.

We have to stop him now

before it's too late.


I'm going in!

I'll try to slow him down.

Is that a good idea?

Shouldn't you wait

until the others

get back, Snarl?

We don't have a choice.

I mean, Starscream

isn't going to wait for them.

Yes. I shall go too.

Hurry, Optimus! We need you

down here right away!


Man, if only there was

something I could do! But what?

We must hurry, everyone!

The fate of the universe

is in our hands!



There's still no indication

of what these

strange invaders might want.

But the reports from the

government seem very grim.

The opinion is that

if the invaders were friendly,

then they would have

already indicated that.

So the decision has been made

to mobilize the military.


The unmanned droid planes

are finishing fueling now.

We'll be ready to launch

in just a few seconds.


I can't believe this.

I have Decepticons

blanketing the entire globe.

And I still can't find

that Cyber Planet Key!

It's time to take this world

apart brick by brick.

Not if I have

something to say about it!

This is as far as you go,


You're mine now!

Do yourself a favor

and surrender, Starscream.


All right!


Did you forget

about my new friends?

I need better footing.


You're very brave to take me on

by yourself, Snarl.

Well, either that,

or you're simply foolish.

Since you're about to be

destroyed, I'd say foolish.

But he isn't by himself,


Your reign is over,


What?! Impossible!

Wrong as usual.


Impossible's our specialty.


Sorry to keep you waiting,



No problem.

I managed to keep myself busy.

All right, Starscream.

You're done.

I hardly think so.

Decepticons, attack!


They're everywhere!

Don't worry!

I'll take the ones in the air!


Right! I'll take

a little extra power

for the ones down here!

Come on, Red Alert!

I'm with you!


The unmanned drone planes

are almost in position.

They'll be in firing range

in seconds.


All right. As soon as they are,

tell 'em to let loose!


Yes, sir!


Look sharp.

This one's for all the marbles.

If we don't take care

of these guys today,

there may not be a tomorrow.

Okay. All the drone planes

are almost in range.

Get ready to fire at will.

That's it! We have a lock!



Wait, I'm on your side!

No, stop!

You're after the wrong guys!

Hey, watch where you're aiming!

All right, that's it!

No, Hotshot! Don't fire!

The humans

don't know any better.

They don't see Autobots

or Decepticons.

They assume

we're all threatening them.

But we're trying

to help them!

Take evasive maneuvers

and don't engage them.

Our job just became

twice as hard,

which means

the Decepticons could win!

I know. But I'm afraid

we have no choice.


You might not see it out there,

but it's clear as day

on this schematic.

So there are

two different groups

of those robots

battling each other?

That's right.

During this battle,

I've been running an analysis of

the combatants' attack patterns,

and it's plain to see

the robots signified

by the red marks

haven't downed

a single drone plane.

In fact,

every one of their blasts

have been directed

against the other robots.

But the group

they're battling against,

they don't hesitate at all

to open fire

on anything

that gets in their way.

Hm. Huh?

We have to talk

to those kids.


You can't possibly be thinking

of getting them involved

in this.

They're just children!

That's what you're thinking,

isn't it?

Why don't you say something?


Look around, Optimus.

Can't you see by now

there's no hope for you?

If you surrender now,

I'll allow you to live.

Save your breath. Everyone!

Stay strong.

We will be triumphant!

Yeah, but how? We're barely

holding our own here!

Don't worry.

We'll come up with something.

We gotta tell them

everything right now.

The Black Hole, Cybertron,

you guys coming here,


We have to tell the whole world!

What are you talking about?!

If we just tell everyone

the truth,

then everybody on Earth

will come to our aid

and help defeat

the Decepticons!

He has a point.

That might be our only option.

It's worth a shot.

I'm sorry, Coby.

I can't allow it.

This isn't something

humans should

be involved in.

But, Optimus!

It could help!

That's true,

but it could also hurt us.

The people of Earth

have already seen

cruel invaders

flying through their skies,

how do you think

they'd react to knowing

that there have been outsiders

hiding among them?

Humanity would feel betrayed,

not eager to help.

I can't allow you to do it.



That's it!

I can't sit here any longer!

Keep an eye on the base for me,


Come on,

we're going too!

Wait, Coby!

Where are you going?!


To try to end this!

Hey, wait!

We want to come too!



we're gonna get to do our part

to help out in this battle!


Oh, wait! We actually

have to go if we want to help!

Hold on, guys!

I'll be there as soon as I can!

I just hope that

I'm not too late!

Finally, we made it!

Time to join the battle.

I bet I get there first!

Here goes nothing.

Aha! You'll do.

Come on. This way.

Thanks for the ride!

All right, show me what you got!

I'd better get in there

to back up Smokescreen.

Evac, transform!

Hmph. What took you so long?

We're here to clean up

the mess you've made.

And just what do you

plan to do to stop me?

Are you going to run away

really fast

like you did the last time?

I'm here right now.

Bring it on.

If that's what you want.


Look out!


You'll pay for that!


And I'll see to that!

I don't know

if he's getting up!

Are you all right?

Optimus Prime!

We have to get him out of here.

Jetfire, come around!

You got it!

Get him over to me quickly!

Listen, I'm going to need

your help with this.

You got it.

Now jump!

Get us out of here!

Everyone! Break off the battle!

Optimus has been injured!

This isn't over!

We'll stop you yet, Starscream!


I heard what happened.

Is he okay?

We don't know.


So what now,


We gotta find someone big

to talk to,

like a general or something.


But listen,

we are sure that we're doing

the right thing, aren't we?

I don't want to get

the Autobots

into any more trouble

than they're already in.

I know.

We'll help you guys,


That's good news!


Stop here.


Excuse me.

But we need to talk.

Who are you?



I'm fine.


You're not fine!

Sit here

and let me do my job.

I have to fix you,

if we hope to defeat Starscream.

My name is Evac, by the way.

And my friend here

is Smokescreen.

We're in your debt

for blocking that shot.

Sorry you were hurt.

In any event,

back in that battle,

we heard someone say

your name is Optimus Prime,

is that correct?


Hold still, Optimus.

I'm almost done.

Well, looks like

I've found your problem.

Seems like all we've seen

is shrapnel

since we left Cybertron.



Did you say Cybertron?

Well, did you?

I did. Why? It's just

our home planet after all?

Perhaps to you, but to us,

it's much more than that.

I just can't believe this!

The legends are true!

Cybertron exists!

It's amazing! I never thought

I'd see this day.

Look, I'm really happy

for you guys,

but this isn't helping!

We gotta stay focused

on stopping Starscream!

I mean, I don't want to have

to leave this planet too!

Yes. But we need a plan.

We can't just rush into battle.

Mm-hm. Starscream's forces

vastly outnumber ours.

so we're going to have

to outthink him.

When the battle

does come...


We will stand firm.

We'll find a way. Together,

we will defeat Starscream.





I hope this was a good idea,


I know this is

an emergency situation,

but I don't understand

why we're getting

such special treatment

from the military.

I know. I don't know

if "special" is good or bad.


Hang in there, guys.

Coby, listen, I'm here

if you need me, okay?

Thanks, Dad.

Don't worry.

Everything's gonna be fine.

Of course!

Yeah, we're with the military,

what could happen?


So, what do you think

this guy wants?

I wish that I knew!

Well, I think I have

a pretty good idea

of what this guy

has in mind.

I bet he's going to try

and take those Autobots apart

piece by piece

to see what makes them tick,

I think!

All right, Bud, calm down!

Why? You know that I'm right!

We should have listened

to Optimus.

I've seen enough TV shows

to know exactly how this one's

going to turn out!



Maybe we should give him

a chance.

But if he tries to do anything

to those Autobots,

and I mean anything,

I'll make sure

that he regrets it big time.

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪