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03x24 - Trap

Posted: 08/19/23 07:48
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


I can't let them find me!

This area's all clear.

Yeah. Another false alarm.

Good. They're clueless,

and I'm outta here.

Makin' tracks!

I have to get there

before anyone else finds them.

If that seal is broken,

we'll be in for

a motherload of trouble.


Come on, guys.

Move it or lose it!

Can't you see that

I'm in a rush here?

Here comes Smokescreen,

the monster hunter.

I've been doing this

since the beginning of time.



Heh! It's game over

for you boys!

If you creeps

still got some fight in you,

bring it!

My turn!

Who's next?

You too?

Too slow!

Play time's over

and nap time's starting.

Sweet dreams, boys.

You better make

yourselves comfortable,

'cause there won't be

much elbow room.

When you frighten people,

you pay the price!

And I'm the one

who makes you pay!

It's called justice.

And I'm called

"the monster hunter."

But my job is tireless

because even when they've been

captured and sealed,

there's always some punk

who wants to bust 'em out.

What a pain in the tailpipe.

If that seal is broken,

those Monsters will be set free,

and that could get ugly.




Man, the boss

don't look so good.

Probably 'cause we're for

against the Autobots.


Hey, you two.

Try and look sharp!

What about him?

He's about as sharp

as a melted marshmallow.

I heard that!

You wanna get clobbered!?

Shut up!

I'll clobber both of you!


Are you buffoons

gonna keep messing around,

or will you actually help us

figure something out for once.

Piece of junk! This thing

is completely useless!

Aah! Huh?

Calm down, Megatron.

Don't forget

that the Autobots

don't have all

the Cyber Planet Keys yet.

We just need one key,

then we can

take the rest away.

But we haven't been able

to get our hands on one!

And now we hit a dead end.

We don't even have a clue

where the third Cyber Planet Key

is located!

That's where you're wrong.



We've got a map.

I see. Well, you've finally done

something useful, Starscream.

But don't get

a swelled head about it.

You made the map work,

but I'll lead the way.

You can guard the rear.

As you wish.

Victory is within my grasp!

Right behind ya!

We're coming too!

Oh, I wish I was taller!

Here we go again--

Uh, Starscream?

Aren't you coming?

You go if you want.

I'm getting a little tired

of "bringing up the rear."

If you don't go,

Megatron's gonna lose it.

Then he'll just

have to deal with it.

That's a pretty

cavalier attitude.


So Starscream's

defying Megatron.

Is he deceiving him too?

He's going to Earth!

But why?

He must have a reason.


Hmm. I think maybe Starscream's

gonna make his move.


Uh, hey!

I think I'll go with you.

Wait for me!


Is something wrong there,


Uh, I was just wondering

if this place was your den.


Our den? Yeah, right.

Give him a break. He just came

from the Jungle planet.

This is the Autobot


Which means it's where

we get together

to come up with plans.


Well put.

It could use a few boulders

and some moss

to make it a bit more homey,

if you ask me.


I know. Why don't I give you

a lil' tour of the headquarters.

Good idea.

I'll go too!

Count me in!

Don't forget me.


Did you really have to shove me?


Is this your way of

showing Snarl Earth manners?


You're on standby.


Colonel Franklin,

we are ready for deployment.

I've also increased security

at all posts.

Well done. Let all the

commanding officers know.

From now on, I'd like you

to report all updates

directly to me.

All information gathered

will be classified.

And anyone who defies

my orders

will be on KP duty for


Yes! I understand, sir!

I'm closing in.

I'll find you sooner or later.

Oh, no. This can't be good.


I don't have time for this.

If they won't make way,

I'll have to make

my own way.

Cyber Key Power!


Blastin' through!



Someone activated

a Cyber Power Key.

There he is!

He doesn't look like

one of Optimus Prime's

little lackeys, though.

Why don't we go down

and introduce ourselves,

in other words,

show him who's boss.

Almost there!

The seal should be

just up ahead.

This'll be faster!

Thank goodness.

It's still intact.



Looks like trouble.

I bet I know

what they're after.

Who are you,

and what are you doing here?

What, no "Hello,

nice to meet you"?

Wise bot, huh?

Where is Earth's

Cyber Planet Key?

Answer that, and I may not

turn you into scrap metal.

I don't have a clue

what you're talking about.

Hey! Come any closer,

and I won't be so polite.


So Starscream thinks the

Cyber Planet Key is on Earth!

He sent Megatron

in the wrong direction.

Holding out, huh?

Then scrap metal it is.

Cyber Key Power!

I guess we do this

the hard way.

Heh! I won't let you

set those monsters free,

even if it means

locking you up.

Cyber Key Power!

Ready or not, here they come!

You're getting on my nerves.



I think I'll just stay here

and watch the show.

This'll blow you away!

On second thought,

since he's down,

might as well kick him.

Cyber Key Power!

Here's a one way ticket

to the junkyard!

Catchin' air!

Two on one is bad odds.

All right,

they think I'm running away,

which is exactly

what I want them to think.

Now they've powered down

and dropped their guards,

time to make my move

and drop 'em!

He's coming back!

Cyber Key Power!

Take that!

Now I leave 'em in the dust!


Go after him.

He was protecting something,

I'm going to find out what!

I'm on it!

What's this?



The new Cyber Planet Key's

ready for activation.

Y'all ready to get this show

on the road?

I've never been readier.

Do it.

What do you think

is gonna happen this time?

I don't have a clue.


Think it'll set off the alarm?

No way to know

until we try it.


Scanning equipment on standby.

If anything funny happens,

this baby'll record it all.




Since it's the Cyber Planet Key

from your home,

I'll let you do the honors.

Really? Me?

Override did it

when we brought back the key

from the Speed Planet.

I thought this only fair.


That's really considerate

of you,

but I'm sure there's someone

better, like Leobreaker!

You want me to do it?


Your blow defeated Scourge,

so according to the laws

of Jungle Planet,

you're its new leader.

The honor of inserting

the Cyber Planet Key

should be yours.

No, really, I couldn't.


I think Snarl

makes a very good point.

But Optimus...

I think you're up to it.

Just go for it, I got your back.

That's right!

We're behind you percent!

Show us how it's done!

You'll do fine!

If you all say so...





Something's happening!


The Omega Frequency!

Like last time!


I don't think so.

This time's a lil' different.

This light is the radiance

of Primus.

Do you really think

we're in the presence of Primus?

I am certain of it.

Primus? Really?

Your creator?

It is his spark

that guides us all.

I'm getting

some strange readings!


Scattershot, report!


The energy readings in here

are goin' off the chart!

Which could be bad.




Is everyone all right?

Are you kids okay?

Don't worry, I've got you.

Try and stay as close to me

as you can.

Where are we?

What is this place?


I venture we are inside Primus,

within his consciousness,

at the very core of his being.




I hate to ruin

your warm and fuzzy feeling,

but this's makin' me nervous.

What is it, Scattershot?

Take a look at those three.


Maintain the balance

until all are one.

OPTIMUS: That voice!

It is Primus.

He is using the Mini-Cons as

mediums to communicate with us.


Until all are one.



The map! It's blinking!

The North Pole again.

There's got to be

something else there!

We must investigate!

Let's move out!

ALL: Yes, sir!


Now let's see what our

little friend was hiding.


It looks like I hit the jackpot.


Gee, we haven't moved

for the last half hour!

And I need to get back

to the lab as soon as possible

so that I can analyze

the data I gathered.

I believe what we found was a

mechanical being buried in ice.

But what was it doing there?

It could be

a major breakthrough!

Were in a hurry, how much longer

is this going to take?

Don't look at me.

I'm going to get some answers!


Hey! Luci!


Hey! Excuse me!

When exactly were you planning

on lifting this blockade?

Oh! It's you.


Why, hello, Professor Suzuki.

How did--?



how much further is it?

It's about three miles

to the north.


Got it!

Jetfire, you go ahead.

See if you can see anything.

On my way.


What's that?

Prime, I think I found it.

It's straight ahead.




Think this is

Megatron's handiwork?


We can't rule anything out.

You think he'd have the patience

to dig a hole this deep?

There's only one way

to find out for sure.

Listen up. Jetfire you stay here

and be on the lookout,

the rest of us

are going down.



Okay! Let's go!

Yes, sir!

Yes, sir!

Looks like our boys

have taken the plunge.

That is one long fall.


How deep is it exactly?

Haven't a clue. Our gauges don't

seem to work down there.

They may need some human help,

so be ready!

I think we should head that way.

Let's go.

This place is creepy.

Is the king of beasts

a fraidy-cat now?

You could always

wait outside.

Don't make me

get my claws out!


Put a lid on it!

We still don't know what could

be down here. Stay alert.

Oh, uh--

Hey, look! Over there!


Let's go!

What in the world?


Would you look at that?!


Told you this place was creepy.

Landmine, Leobreaker,

start gathering data

so we can send it back

to the base.



What in tarnation!

They look like eggs.

That's ridiculous!

They can't be.

She's right.

What kind of animal would lay

their eggs in a place like that?

Are ya gettin' anything, Jolt?

They're not eggs.

They're more like stasis pods

that are controlled by some sort

of sealing mechanism.

Whatever's inside is putting out

life readings identical to ours.

But how is that even possible?

You mean there are

Autobots inside?



We'd better proceed

with caution.


You're just in time to celebrate

my amazing discovery.





We meet again, Optimus.

Not so fast!


Prime! You okay?

What's going on in there?

OPTIMUS: Starscream's here!

What's he doing there?

Hang on! I'm coming in!

No! Stay there!

I need you to communicate

with the base.

The signal is too weak

from down here.



I'll teach you

a thing or two!

Heh! Your friend didn't put up

much of a fight,

Let's see how you do.

I'll give you a fight!

The bigger they talk,

the harder they fall.

LANDMINE: Leobreaker!



Now, my comrades, I, Starscream,

am here to break the seal

and release you

from your cruel prisons!

From now on, you will follow me!


What do you think

you're doing?!

What are those things?!


Let me introduce you

to my new friends,

or should I say,

your new enemies!

They are the sparks

of ancient Decepticons

that once lived on the Earth.

You've heard the legends?

Well, now the legends

have come to life!

They've been sealed here

for thousands of years,

all because they scared

a few humans.

It's so unfair.

Wouldn't you agree?

Those things look like

a bad nightmare.

A vampire, a big old werewolf,

Bigfoot, and dragons too!

They're all in there!

They were all Decepticons!

He's actually making sense.

That's it!

All the monsters and legends

we always heard about

were really Decepticons!

I figured it out!

They're gonna need back up.

I'll lead a team there.

I'm with you!

Go on, take your

true Decepti-forms!

So glad you dropped by.

Now I have something

to test my new army on.

You're making a huge mistake,


While you're

entertaining the troops,

I'll be able to look

for Earth's Cyber Planet Key.

You won't get away with this!


The earth has changed

since you were imprisoned.




We must stop them.

We can't let them escape.


Now's your chance

to take back the world.



how are they holding up?


An army of crazy, angry,

ancient Decepticons

has 'em surrounded,

so they've probably been better.


Hang in there, guys.


There's too many!

You are so pathetic

that even I can't take pleasure

in watching this.

So I might as well put you three

out of your misery.

Optimus Prime,

prepare to meet the Allspark!

Come on, everyone!

Don't give up!


Wait, Starscream. You can't--!

What's going on Prime? Come in!

Do you read me? Come in! Huh?


This can't be good!

You really want to chase me

while your friends

are being buried alive!

I've gotta save them!

I'm coming!


Finally the day has come.


I, Starscream, am going to

bring about a new world order,

a world for Decepticons.

And you will help me!

No one is going to stand

in my way!


And now to see about

that little trap that I set up.



According to the map, we're

close to the Cyber Planet Key!


Oh, goody!

Let's party

to celebrate!

Wait a minute. Look, Megatron.

The map is doing

something strange.

What is it?


What's going on?

I want to look too.

Hey, you're steppin'

on my tire!


I can't see!


What is the meaning of this!?


Don't you like the map

I left you?

Don't worry. I'm in charge now.


Starscream, you traitor!

What are you up to now?

Let's say I won't be

"guarding the rear" anymore.

Aah! Don't leave me

out here all alone!

Let me in, guys!

We're trying to get out,

you sack of bolts!


Hey, let us out.

Why won't this open?

I demand you to release us

right now!


I'm afraid I can't

do that, old man.

Argh! You'll pay!

Just wait!

I'll make you suffer

like you've never

suffered before!


♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪