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03x22 - Primal

Posted: 08/19/23 07:47
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


Let the training begin.

I must prepare for the final

battle against Optimus Prime.


Even chained,

I can handle any attack.


What is this foolishness?

Now! Begin the att*cks!

All right, try this.

Times two.



Brimstone, demo time!

Now you!

Continue your attack.


Um, Scourge, maybe not?

Uh, break time?



Scourge trains

against weaklings.

What's his problem?

Scourge is sure to win.


Don't be so sure.

In Savage Claw mode,

Optimus Prime gave

Megatron a run for his money.

We can't afford

to get overconfident.

If Optimus Prime wins,

that means the Autobots

will have two

of the Cyber Planet Keys.


I know. But it's not over yet.


Come. I'm feeling good.

Turn it up, you wimps.

I think I'll pass.

Yeah, me too.


I think it's time

for a little backup plan.



So how's it looking,

Red Alert?

Very good, Optimus.

Your systems

are all running

at peak efficiency.

That is good news.

All right, this is as much

as I can do, Optimus.

Looks like Scourge

is all yours now.

Hmm. There must be

another way.

You tried. But this

is feeling a bit dangerous

and could get way

out of hand.

Even you might not be

able to deal with it.

What does Jetfire

mean by that?

Our planets could go to w*r,

that's what he means.

Don't worry. I don't

think it'll come to that.

Can't we

do something?

OPTIMUS: Yes, we can.

ALL: Huh?

There's still a chance

to reason with him.

Scourge must see that there

is an alternative to fighting.


we must convince him.

Hmm. Yes.

He must understand that on the

inside, we are all Transformers,

no matter what planet

we come from.

Thanks, Override.

We can use your help.

COBY: Optimus?




Um, I was wondering,

if Override's going,

shouldn't you bring

a representative from Earth too?


I mean, if you don't want to,

that's cool.

Hey! Someone from Earth

should have a say in

saving the universe too.

Aw, this is ridiculous.

Lori is desperate

to go to Jungle Planet.


Coby! You weren't supposed

to say it like that.


Lori. We've been over this.

This is Scourge. You know,

big, mean, breathes fire?

What could you do?

Plenty. We helped find

the Omega Lock, didn't we?

Well, yeah, sure,

but this time--

And what about Coby?

When he went to Velocitron,

he helped you guys out bigtime.

Didn't you say you practically

saved the entire mission?

Well, I might have


Whatever. See?

We're all in this together.

Well, that is

a good point.

Ugh. What am I saying? You

can't go. It's too dangerous.

Actually, I think it might be

good to have her with us.

Are you kidding? Do you want

to put her in danger?

No, but I want to stop Megatron.

We need to convince Scourge.

And Lori can be

awfully convincing.

That's true.

LORI: Right on, Override.

These humans have been

most able allies.

Mm-hm, mm-hm.

I never could have won

that race without Coby's help.

If you allow me, I'll be

in charge of her safety.



Very well.

If you're looking after her,

Override, I have

no doubt she'll be safe.

Thank you.


But I get to go

to the next planet.

Oh, I can't take

much more of this.

Here, Lori, take this.


I kinda think of it

as a good luck charm.

It'll keep you safe

if you wear it.

Thanks so much, Coby.

Don't worry.

I'll do my best to follow orders

and stay out of the way.

Of course, I'm not

making any promises.

This ought to be fun.

All right. It's time to go

to the Jungle Planet.

We have

a universe to save.





We're nearing the b*ttlefield.

All for one.

And one for all.

We have to make

the best happen.


You are correct, Leobreaker.


Welcome to your doom,




Wow, it really

is a jungle out there.

Don't be worried, Lori.

I'm looking out for you.

I know, I appreciate it.

It's kinda like having

a big sister around.

But I really hope that you

don't have to look out for me.

Welcome back.


Time to do a little fishin'.

I have no time to waste

on you pests!

You picked the wrong day

to mess with me.


I'm with you, Optimus.

You Autobots make this

way too easy.


Do me a favor. At least try to

make this battle interesting.

Although with these babies,

you haven't got a chance.



When I get out of here, you

guys are gonna pay bigtime.

If you know

what's good for you,

you'll get out of my way

right now.


Well, well,

look who came back to say hi.

Soon she'll say goodbye.

Yeah, right.



Face it, Override,

you're done for this time.



No sign of 'em, Scourge.

This is most irritating.

Yeah, who do those Autobums

think they are,

keeping the great and mighty

Scourge waiting like this?

Quiet, fool!

Tell me, Megatron,

could this be some ploy

by Optimus Prime

to get under my skin?


That's too unsportsmanlike

for him.

He'd rather lose than

be even a bit dishonest.




Let them go.

You're nothing but cowards.

Let us out of here

and fight bot to bot.

Well, that's sure one idea,

but here's an even better one.

What are you talking--?

You're gonna pay for this,

Thundercracker. I swear it.

Oh, yeah? Then come get me.

I'm right here.


This is your last warning.



Looks like you picked

the wrong friends, Override.

We have to get out of here

or we'll miss our opportunity

to give peace a shot.

That must be their plan.

If we're late,

Optimus Prime will forfeit

and Scourge will win


We can't let him.


I have an idea,

but let me ask you:

have you ever wanted

to be a race car driver?



Things might get

a little bumpy, that's all.

Oh. Gotcha.

Hold on a second.

Let's talk.

We got nothing

to talk about.

Unless you wanna say

something nice.

Zip it, Crumplezone. What?

You want to surrender, Override?

You know, I was just thinking.

It's pretty impressive

how quickly you moved up

the ranks in the Decepticons.


Well, we're a couple

of impressive guys.

Yep, we're on our way to great

things, that's for sure.

What's even more impressive

is that you were able

to get on Megatron's good side

even though

you're two of the worst racers

I've ever seen.


That's not very nice.

I'm just saying good job.

You never would have had

this kind of success at racing.

She didn't just say what

I think she said, did she?

She said it, all right.

I just heard her say it.


That is it!

We're racing right now!

All right, if that's what

you guys really want.

We'll show you!

We're great racers.

Huh? What in the world

are they up to?


Okay, let's do this.

Count it down.

'Cause you're going down.

On my count.


Set. All right, go!


Now it's your turn!



Now's our chance.


This game is over.

Not yet it's not!

You never learn.

Neither do you, old man.


I'll handle this,

Vector Prime.

Optimus Prime,

Super Mode!


Time to pay the piper,


Hold still,

you little snake.

You okay in there, Lori?

Are you kidding? This is

awesome. You're doing great.

Well, I do know a thing or two

about driving.

I come from the Speed Planet,

after all.

Now let's end this.

Cyber Key Power!

Ha! You missed me. Ah!

I'm surrounded

by buffoons. Hmm?


you have one chance.

Tell me Megatron's plan

or face these two.

I'm afraid you completely

forgot choice number three.

That's where I make my escape

without telling you anything.

See you later, Auto-fools!

Hey, wait for me!


we must make haste.

Yes, there's still a chance

to make the battle on time.

Let's roll!


The Cyber Planet Key awaits.

I never should have trusted

this to Starscream

and those lamebrains.

We defeated her!


Ha. In your face, Override.


Hey, where is she?

This is another fine mess

you've gotten us into.



It's time, Master Scourge.

The sun is high.

It's time for battle.

You will pay for disrespecting

me like this, Optimus Prime.




He's late. He shouldn't be

allowed to compete.


He speaks truly.

Explain yourself!


Scourge, I apologize.

If you want to know

why we're late,

you should ask

your new friend Megatron.

What's this?




Come on, Megatron.

Don't just stand there.

Tell him why we're late.

Yes, tell Scourge

about the welcoming party

you arranged for us.

What are they talking

about, Megatron?

Have you done something?

Hmm? No. Nothing.

I don't know what they mean.


Oh, really?

Then let's begin.

Oh! What are we gonna do?


It's time for you to speak

your mind, little sister.


I'm afraid.


It's okay to be scared.

It's not okay to let

your fear stop you

from doing the right thing.

You can't hope to defeat me,

Optimus Prime.

Prepare for your end.

This extra power

will ensure my victory.


Let's go!



LORI: I know. I know.

I am your doom.






OPTIMUS: What are you doing?


What is that?

I don't know.

This is my friend.

Unless you want big trouble

on your hands,

I suggest you back off.

It's okay, Lori,

just back up.

Who dares interrupt?

She is one of us, Scourge.

Her name is Lori,

and she's a human that comes

from the planet called Earth.

Nice to meet you,

Mr. Scourge.

You have an interesting

planet here.

How very strange.

And this is Override.

She's the leader of Velocitron,

the Speed Planet.

The pleasure's all mine. I've

heard of your power, Scourge.

The Speed Planet?

Can you believe this?

They're all aliens.

I'd hate to be part

of a team like that.

What? Why not?

You should respect

all life

wherever it's from.

What are you talking about?

Um. Nothing, never mind.


What a weak little creature.

Watch it, Scourge,

you're talking about

my little sister


Aw, how sad it will be for

her to see you defeated

right in front of her.


Being the strongest

or best in battle

isn't the most important thing

in the universe.


Thinking like that

must be what made

you humans so weak.

Hey, it takes more strength

to walk away from a battle

than to get into one.

If you fight all the time,

you're just a bully. Oh--

What? What did you

just say?

Get her, Scourge.

She can't talk like that.

You're going down,

little girl.

Be quiet, you fools.

The strong rule

and the weak obey.

That is the law on this planet.

That is how I've maintained

order here.

Before I took control, this

planet was ruled only by chaos.

That's great, but you took

the easy way out

by saying that

there's only one way to live.

What if someone's good at

something besides battling?


As individuals, humans may

be stronger or weaker than you,

but each one of us

has different strengths.

By working together and

combining those strengths,

we can achieve

amazing things.


What I mean is that, um,

you can achieve more

by working together

than by fighting.

You see what I mean?

Yes, I think

I understand.

You're saying that

our way of life

is completely worthless

and wrong.




Back off!


Now do you understand?

Your pretty words

are meaningless

in the face of my might.

I could crush you in seconds

if I wanted to.


You dare?

If you want them,

you have to go through me.

Yeah, you can count me in

on that action too.

I've been waiting

a long time for this.

Now you see

what real strength is.

Take on one of us,

then you take on all of us.



Thanks, you guys.


Is that supposed to scare me?

No matter how many

of you there are,

you're just

a bunch of weaklings.

Besides, we have

unfinished business.

Have you forgotten that your

commander gave his word of honor

to battle me according to

the laws of this planet?

But I am gracious. You may have

the help of one of your men.

Hm. Very well, Scourge,

I accept.


you're with me.

Together, we have

our best chance.

Come on,

let's all take him.

No, we must fight fair.

Or we're no better than he is.

Right, let's wipe that

smile off his face.

Optimus Prime, Super Mode!


Now for phase two.

If we have to fight him,

we're going to need

all the power we can get.


Leobreaker, Transform!

Don't worry about a thing.

With this trick

up our sleeve,

we'll have

all the power we need.


Don't get overconfident.

Even if we have extra power,

Scourge is going to be

very difficult to defeat.


I know, you're right.

Let's just get to

the battle, already.

This guy's had a defeat

coming for a long time.

I'm with you, Leobreaker.

Let's do this!


Savage Claw Mode!


I'll give you one chance

to surrender, Scourge.

Here's your answer!

You asked for it!

You'll have to do

better than that!


Guess again.

You're only delaying

the inevitable.

What? Me defeating you?

No way.

It's over, Scourge.


Oh, no! Optimus, get up!

I'm fine.

Let me take care

of that, then.

Now you're right where

you belong. Beneath me!


LEOBREAKER: What's happening?

I don't know.

You all right?

[GROANS] Yeah.


And this was all the strength

you could muster,

Optimus Prime?

I suppose I should offer you

a chance to surrender now.


So be it!


Leobreaker! We've got to

combine again.

Yeah. You're right.

Here we go, Optimus.

We can still

defeat Scourge together.

Optimus Prime!


Savage Claw Mode!


You fools.

Trying the same attack twice.


Yeah, but this time,

we're adding a little twist.

No more fooling around,


Now you get a full taste

of our strength.

And here's a taste of mine!

This ends now!


All right!



I never thought I'd see this.



Say it isn't so.

Leave me be!



Go on, then. Finish me.

It's your right.

Well? What are you

waiting for?

Don't just toy with me.

I fought honorably. I don't

deserve to be treated like this.

Destroy me

and be quick about it.

You did battle well.

That's why I won't destroy you.

But the law

of this planet--

Says that whoever wins

makes the laws.

Yeah, that's right!



You defeated me.

So I must obey.

It wasn't just me.

It was Leobreaker too.

The power of teamwork

is what allowed us to win.

But you sure put up a good

fight, as my arm can attest.

Yes, Scourge,

you were a worthy opponent.

Because you have defeated me,

you are now

the ruler of this planet.

And as such, you are

entitled to this.




The Cyber Planet Key!

This is the symbol

of the planet's leader.

I must pass it

on to you.

I must take this, but I

believe you should remain

the leader

of this world.

With a few changes,

you could be a great one.

I don't need your friendship.


Maybe you ought to

rethink that.

After all, friendship

defeated you. is an option.



Hey. Look at us,

making a difference.

Yeah. Heh, heh.


Ah, you're not upset with us,

are you, Scourge?

No, all of you have just

given me a lot to think about.

You've given me a second chance

to be a good leader.

So thanks, little sister.


Little sister?

Come on, let's go.

Do we still get to pick on

people we don't like?

SCOURGE: Be quiet.

BOTH: Huh?

Hey, I don't want to be

his little sister.

I guess it's a good thing

we brought Lori along, huh?


That's for sure.

It's not funny. Scourge,

you're in so much trouble.



Gah! Another

Cyber Planet Key lost.

Look, Megatron--

I've had enough of losing!

It is now time for this pitiful

universe to feel my wrath.


Looks like it's time

to accelerate my little plan.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪