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03x21 - Honor

Posted: 08/19/23 07:46
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


Come on, Lori.

You're not being reasonable!

You know that Hotshot,

Red Alert, and Override

are still recovering

from the battle on Speed Planet!


I don't see what that

has to do with anything!

Oh, come on. Coby's

the mechanical genius, not me!

There's no reason why I

hafta hang around here!

Why can't I go to Jungle Planet

with Optimus Prime?

After all, Coby got to go

to Speed Planet!

Different situation!

Speed Planet is just a bunch

of racetracks!

Have you seen the stuff

on Jungle Planet?

The place is chock full

of volcanic pits

and man-eating plants

and the locals turn into

vicious beast-bots!

It sure is a dangerous place,

all right,

and with Hotshot and the others

out of commission,

there'd be nobody

to keep you kids

from becoming

somebody's lunch!


I hate to be the one

to say it, kids,

but the answer's no.


So then Jetfire goes:

"As long as I'm responsible

for your safety,

you kids are staying on Earth!"

How lame is that?

Aw... Man, I wanted to ride

around Jungle Planet

on a giant robot horse,

like a space cowboy!

That would totally rule!

Yee-haw! Yahoo!


Hey, don't fall off your horse,

there, li'l Space Cowboy!

I know how to ride a horse,



Almost done.

Anyway, I don't want to get

anywhere near that Scourge guy.

Even Megatron

seems to respect his power.

Aw, just get me fixed up, Coby.

I'll run rings

around that jerk!

Take it easy, Hotshot.

We've already got

the Omega Lock

and the first Cyber Planet Key.

The way I see it, that gives us

a pretty good lead.

I still don't see why Coby

got to go race on Speed Planet.

Jeez, Lori, give it a rest!

Would ya!

No, I can't give it a rest,

'cause it's just not fair!

Why should you get to go


just because you're

Super...Mecha Nerd-Boy?

What did you say?

Oh, you mean how I have skills

that are actually useful?


Coby, uh, why did you

hafta go there?

Yeah, Cobe. That was kinda low.



Optimus is going to need us

on Jungle Planet

as soon as we're healed.




You're going with me, Lori.

We girls have to stick together.



I always wanted a big sister!

Did you say something?

Huh? Who, me?


This is Jungle Planet.

An untamed, unforgiving world.

Only a powerful ruler

could bring order

to a chaotic maelstrom

such as this.

This is my world, Optimus Prime,

and only the strong

have a voice here.

We didn't come to fight,


Then you insult me.

Show me your strength or begone!

Very well.

Optimus Prime!

This is just for show,


Don't get too excited.


I don't think Scourge

will buy that, Optimus.

That's not how things

work around here.

Savage Claw Mode!

We don't want more v*olence.

Just follow my lead.

Whatever you say, boss.

We assume this form

as a sign of respect,

but our mission here

is a peaceful one.

Ah, yes, cowardly as ever,


If I recall correctly,


it was you who turned tail

last time we met.

Hey, he can't talk about

the boss like that!

Somebody oughta learn

that big chump some manners!


The big musclebound jerk!

What was that?

BOTH: Nothing, sir!

I thought I made it

clear before.

Your words do not interest me.

If you want a voice in my court,

then face me in battle!


You see, Scourge?

He has no respect

for the laws of Jungle Planet.

He asks for your help,

but his cowardice

is an insult

to everything

you have built here.

It's pathetic.


I'll show you pathetic!

No, Leobreaker!

Don't let him get to you!


He fights with his own arm!

Please hear us, lord Scourge.

What point is there

in fighting amongst ourselves,

when all our planets

are in danger?

We must act quickly,

or the black hole

will surely devour us all!

We have to fight!

There has to be another way!

I won't fight for no reason!

Hmph. "No reason" he says.

Defending your honor should be

reason enough

for any real warrior!


Optimus Prime!

Face me in battle

or begone from my planet!



Only one thing matters

here on Jungle Planet,

and that's brute strength!


It seems there's at least

one lion among the lambs!

And now it's time you saw

the heart of this lion!

Cyber Key Power!

I hope you're ready, Scourge,

'cause I know I am!

Who's the warrior now, Scourge?


Well, "warrior,"

can you stand the heat?

A warrior, indeed,

but I am still the stronger.

Well done, Scourge! This one

won't be troubling us again!

And just to make sure.


SCOURGE: That's enough!

What's this?

He has suffered enough.

He faced me bravely

and fought with honor.

He is a worthy opponent,

and has earned my respect.

Rubbish. I say we finish him!.


Do not forget who rules here.


As you wish.

Optimus Prime!

Scourge, I--

This changes nothing.

I look forward to receiving

your challenge.

Scourge, transform!



And as for myself,

Optimus Prime,

I look forward

to your destruction!

The feeling is mutual.


Don't try to move.

We'll get you some help.

Where does it hurt,



Where doesn't it hurt?

You fought well.

You nearly defeated Scourge!


but nearly isn't good enough.

You're badly wounded!



I don't need your pity.

Leobreaker, listen to me--

No! Right now, I think

I need to listen to myself.


Where do you think you're going?

Let him go.

Maybe we both have

some thinking to do.


Optimus seems deeply troubled.

I believe Optimus and Leobreaker

have fought side-by-side

for a very long time.

Ah, so they are

brothers in arms.

They say the hottest fire

makes the strongest metal.

If they can get past this trial,

then they'll both be

the stronger for it.

Leobreaker, you stubborn fool!

Wandering off into the jungle

won't help anyone!


Come on, Snarl, think!

Where else would he go?



Come on, focus past the pain.

Hmph. I should have known.


Hey, tough guy!

That's some physical therapy.

What do you want?

I want you to quit

being such a big baby!

You don't know

what you're talking about.

Did Optimus send you?

'Cause I'm not going back

till I'm ready!

And just what do you mean

by "ready?"

I'm not going back

till I've defeated Scourge.

It's the only way

to accomplish our mission.

Defeating Scourge...

You know,

today I saw a side of Scourge

I haven't seen since

the old days way back when.

"Old days?"

You mean you knew Scourge

from before?

Backstop, listen up.

I need you to tell me

everything there is to know

about Scourge.


Know thy enemy as thyself, huh?

You really are a leader,

Optimus Prime!


If you think Jungle Planet

is harsh now,

you should have seen it

before Scourge took over.

It was chaos.

Life was a constant struggle.

Fearing for our future,

I began training

the next generation

in the ways of the peaceful

warrior, to bring order.

My two best students

were Snarl and Scourge.

You're kidding!

You and Scourge were both

Backstop's students?

Yeah, we were students,

sparring partners,

and the best of friends,

but even back then,

I never could beat him.


Best two out of three?



Want to go

for best three out of five?

No. I think that's enough lumps

for one day!

Ah! See? Now I'm stronger

than you, and better looking!

What? No way!


Maybe there's hope yet.

Help. Help me, please.

What happened?

I was att*cked. Raiders.

So. They've returned.

The raiders will always return,


We cannot allow this

to continue.

Something must be done.

We have the power, Snarl.

The time has come to use it.

A new leader, a strong leader,

could end this suffering.

Do you know what you're saying?

I know exactly what I'm saying.

Together, Snarl, you and I

can bring order out of chaos

and begin a new era of peace.

Ignorant fool!

Have you learned nothing?

v*olence only creates v*olence,

not peace!


Master, you have

taught me well--

Have I, Scourge?

If you truly believe the madness

you're spouting now,

then I fear

I have failed miserably.

What you propose can only end in

more destruction or tyranny.

Master! How can we

stand and do nothing

while our brothers

suffer needlessly?

What is the purpose

of all our training,

if we cannot help our fellows?

Don't we have a responsibility

to use our power

for the greater good?

With our strength,

we can end oppression

and finally unite our planet

in peace!

No, Scourge. You will

only cause more suffering.


I'm truly sorry, Master,

but if you will not support me,

I must carry on alone!

Master, I owe you a debt

I can never repay.

I hope we can at least

part as friends.

Hm. So this is how it must be.


Would you leave me too, Snarl?

I truly do not wish to, Master,

but if what you say is true,

then I must stay

by my friend's side

and keep watch over him.

I will not forget your

teachings, Master!


And so my students left,

and the great wars began.

Scourge and his armies

swept across the land,

destroying all who would oppose

his new order.

After long years,

Scourge did bring peace,

but it was the peace

of tyranny.

The fighting had changed him,

hardened his heart.

The Scourge I knew is no more.

Now there is only

Scourge the cruel.

Yet today he was able to show

compassion to Leobreaker.

So perhaps your student

is not lost after all.


Maybe you're right.

But I gave up hoping for his

redemption a long time ago.

It's hard to hope

when your people live in fear.

I understand.


So that's the story.




Weren't you listening?

Sure, I heard ya.

But it doesn't change anything.

Let me tell you a little story.

Back when I was Overhaul,

I was kind of a lone wolf.

No offense.


None taken.



I pretty much worked alone.

I always got the job done,

and I liked the attention

it got me.

Well, you've done it again,


Another successful mission.

The more dangerous the mission,

the louder the crowds cheered.

It felt good. Real good.

But I found out there was

a flip side to all the cheers.


The guy has no strategy,

he just plows through!

I sure wouldn't want

to go on a mission with him.

He's way too reckless!


Overhaul's just plain crazy!

I want a partner who'll watch my

back, not use me as a shield!



I wouldn't wanna

rely on Overhaul!


So I kept working alone.

I wasn't responsible

for anyone else,

and no one

was responsible for me.

At least,

that's what I thought...

until one mission.



So that was it.

I was completely alone.

Nobody could help me.

Nobody even knew I was hurt.

I figured my time was up.



Optimus! But how?

Overhaul! Are you all right?


I couldn't figure out

what had happened.

Why was Optimus there?

Had he just stumbled across me

by blind luck?

It just didn't add up

until Optimus explained.


Sorry, Overhaul!

I tried to give you some cover,

but the Decepticons

att*cked me from behind.

I saw you go down,

and I came as soon as I could.

All those times when I thought

I was completely alone,

Optimus had always been there

for me, looking out for me.

You didn't know?

I guess I needed a mountain

to fall on my head

just to remind me

who my friends are.


And I'll bet Scourge

is just the same!


And what about Optimus Prime?

What about him?

So you've forgotten again?

I guess you need

another mountain!


Yeah, I guess maybe I do.


We can all use a wake-up call

once in a while.



Optimus, I guess

I was out of line.

You did go

a little ballistic.

But you were right.

I should have listened.

Maybe I've been wrong

all along.


Intruders in the temple!


Stay back, or we'll hurt you!


I may be getting old,

but I'm more than a match

for you two!


Pretty cocky for an old dude!


Let him pass!

Well, if it isn't Backstop,

my old teacher.

And to what do I owe the honor

of your visit?

Why so formal, my old student?

There's no need

to put on airs for me.

I know you all too well.

I'm just here

to deliver a message.

A message from whom?

Optimus Prime,

leader of the Autobots,

wishes to face you in battle,

at a time and place

of your convenience.


Why didn't he just fight

this morning?

I thought that

was pretty convenient!

Maybe this time he'll argue

with his left arm!


SCOURGE: Silence!

Tell me, teacher...

this Optimus Prime,

why does he fight?

He fights for peace,

and to protect the innocent,

and to save his planet.

I knew someone else

who said he fought

for those things,

but in the end,

he only fought for power.

I guess it's easy to lose sight

of your goals on a b*ttlefield.

Why, you--


Let him pass!


So long, Scourge.

Let us know what you decide.



I was right? Wow.

When we began this mission,

I thought we could save

the universe by ourselves.

I didn't want

to contact the people

on the planets we visited.

I thought it would

only cause trouble.

But it turns out I was wrong.

Every single planet

is different.

New rules.

There are different customs.

But one thing is the same.


Everywhere we've gone,

we've found people

who wanted to help,

valuable allies,


Yeah, that's true.

We're never alone.

When we battle Scourge,


we won't do it out of anger,

or pride, or even vengeance.

We'll do it for them.

Well, if you're sure you want

to put up with a right arm

who's such a pain in the neck,

then I guess

you can count me in.

Well, it takes all kinds,


I wouldn't have it

any other way.

Let's do it.

Finally! I thought

he'd never come around!


I never had a doubt.

Like Leobreaker said, team,

let's do it!





So you're really

going through with it?

You're going to face

Optimus Prime?

I must answer his challenge.

Don't be a fool.

It's obviously another ploy

to trick you into giving up

the Cyber Planet Key.


Don't you see?

You're playing

right into his hands!

Nothing you can say will make

the slightest difference.

He has issued a challenge,

and I must accept.

It is the law

of Jungle Planet,

my law, and it is no concern

of yours, Megatron.

This arrogant fool

is going to ruin everything!


Optimus Prime

is pretty resourceful.

He might just defeat Scourge,

and then the Cyber Planet Key

would be all his.

And just where

would that leave you?

Is there a point

to all this blather?


Ah, very interesting.


♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪