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03x20 - Ice

Posted: 08/19/23 07:45
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪



It appears that the activation

of the Cyber Planet Key

on Speed Planet has set off

disturbing climatic reactions

on Earth.

Ahem. Look here.

The location of the disturbance

is the North Pole.

There are reports

of unnatural phenomena

occurring in various

Arctic locations.

That is why I'm deploying

the team there immediately.

Polar bears,

here comes Bud!


this is serious!

What's the deal? It's like you

have an icicle down your pants.

It's a mission.

I know.

Then act that way.


I feel my gears

freezing already!

Look at the bright side,

maybe there'll be a battle

and you'll catch on fire!

Now, with the main team

at the North Pole,

Vector Prime,

Leobreaker and I

will return to Beast Planet.

Any questions?

Only one question,

and that's:

If there's work to be done,

why are we standing around?

Yeah! Let's go!



Our team will need a portal.


Autobots! Roll out!



One last thing, arctic team,

be particularly careful

of moisture

in those freezing


If you get any condensation

in your actuators,

you'll freeze up solid!


There's a cheery thought.

Anything else we should know

about the North Pole?


Well, let's see...

The Earth's magnetic pole

is actually a few degrees

off of the real North Pole.

And it moves around!

BUD: It moves around?


Yeah! And every few thousand

years or so, it flips over!

When solar wind hits the

magnetic field, it lights up!

JETFIRE: Oh, come on, now.

RED ALERT: No, Coby's right.

It's called the Aurora Borealis

the Northern Lights!

The magnetic field

directs a constant flow

of charged particles

towards each pole,

like a magnetic storm!

JETFIRE: All right, enough!

You guys are making

my head hurt!

Well, you asked if there was

anything else you should know!

Bunch of comedians...

I'll see you lot at the pole!

Now, if he didn't want to know,

why did he ask?


I don't think he wanted the

whole guide book, Scattershot!

I read the guide book! It was

fascinating! For instance--


Never mind!

Autobots, it's our turn.


The door!


On to Beast Planet!


The North Pole is huge.

How are we supposed to

find anything?

I hear ya.

It's huge and cold!

Not only that, but that

magnetic whatchamacallit

is messing up

our long-range sensors.

We can't scan

for any anomalies.

No sensors? I guess we gotta

keep out optics peeled, huh?

Yeah. We'd better split up.

We'll cover more ground.


The kids and the Mini-Cons

are gonna solve this one

and be heroes!

Think about it. We're going

to the North Pole, Coby.

How cool is that?

Really cool.

I just hope we find

something up there,

like the Cyber Planet Key.

BUD: Or Santa Claus!

Hold on a minute.


What is it now?

We're on our way

to the North Pole?


Why? Are you

on Santa's "naughty" list?

If we go dressed like this,

we'll be icicles in minutes.

Lori, you're right!

Too bad we can't swing home

and get our snow board gear.

Maybe you can purchase

some new gear on the way?

We are now passing over

a place called Fairbanks,


That's a really good idea,

but I don't have any cash on me.


I see a wallet!

I see it too!

If you promise to pay me back,

I guess we can use

my emergency credit card.


Oh, sweet!

But pay me back!


We promise.

Could it be?


Frost bite!

I've lost the feeling

in my arms!

At least you have sleeves!




It is you two!




Yeah. Professor Suzuki!

Remember when Lori and I broke

into the Lab looking for--

Professor Suzuki,

it's so nice to see you again.


thanks for helping us.


Before we talk,

let's get you warm.


I picked up some weather

forecasts that mentioned snow,

but this is slaggin' ridiculous!

Oh, well.

Guess, I just have do this

the hard way.


Thank you for the loan,



they're so orange!

Please, kids.

Have a seat.

I can't believe there is a store

that won't take credit!

Your folks'll repay me.



They don't have to

pay me back,

as long as, in the future,

you agree to lend a helping hand

to those who are in need of it.

Is it a deal?




Now let's order

some nice, hot pancakes!


So Professor Suzuki,

why are you

at the North Pole?

There have been

some strange climatic events.


That's why we're--

Bud! Too much info!

To investigate these events,

the government

invited scientists

from many different

fields of study.

I'm one of those scientists.


The government?

So do you have any ideas...

what's going on up here?


Have any of you heard of

the Hollow Earth Theory.


Hollow Earth Theory?


It's a theory that was put forth

by classical scientists like

Dewey, Symmes and Gardner.

They surmised that the Earth

is not perfectly round

but rather had a large cavity

opening into a hollow chasm.

It's far-fetched.

But we far too often dismiss

what we don't fully understand.

Imagine a giant chasm

that distorts the climate

by altering the Earth's rotation

in the way the holes

on a wiffle-ball

make it flutter

as it flies through the air.


Can she be trusted?

If this cavity truly exists,

I don't believe it's organic

but rather the work

extra-terrestrial technology!

Makes sense.

Bud! Zip it!

Let's say you met an Autobot--

COBY: Lori!

Uh, alien...

If you could meet

an alien today,

what would you do?

I guess...


I would extend my hand

and say,

"Welcome to planet Earth!"


No Reverb,

I'm sure it's nothing personal.

The kids would probably

rather ride with us.

No, I don't think Professor

Suzuki is an alien cyborg.

You and Bud

watch too many movies!


It's my turn

to ask the three of you,

what are you doing

all the way up here?

Um, well...

It's kind of complicated.

Complicated, huh?


Fine, don't say.

I'll let your parents know

you're on the way home.

Don't do that please,

Professor Suzuki.

We need you to trust us on this.


I'm begging you.

Let us tag-along.

We'll work for you

as assistants!


Please say, 'Yes!'


Aw, man!

SUZUKI: Oh, all right!


If I can clear this

with your parents,

you work hard!





We have company.



Be on alert, Vector Prime.

That didn't take long!

Huh? Who's this?



Old friends looking for payback!

Tell 'em, C-Z!

Ransack and Crumplezone?

What are you doing

on Beast Planet?

We're the welcoming committee

and the demolition crew!


Because of you Autobots,

Megatron's been

up our tailpipes for days!

I hope you like it here

on Beast Planet, Optimus Prime,

because this is

your final resting place.


Here's payback!

Bring it!

Take that, and this,

and that,

this, that, this, agh!

Is it time for me

to lend a hand?


Optimus Prime!




Savage Claw Mode!


What was that about demolition?


Ah, this is the life!

Don't you need to meet up

with the other Scientists?

I would say

that relaxing with you

is a better way

to spend my time

than hunching up

with a group of big-brained

yet very narrow-minded people.

You really think that?

Smart people

can be really dumb.

We usually conduct research

on our own to avoid conflicts.

I work with other open minds,

and now that I have

your parents' permission,

I work with you.


I'm serious, Lori.


What we need in research

is a flexible mind-set

that isn't constrained

in set rules or common sense.

Maybe it's the questions

that you kids ask,

but somehow I feel

that you have it in you.


I wonder if we can trust her

with our secret?

Look up, Lori! An Aurora!

Hmm? Amazing!

It's so beautiful!

Ha, ha!

Oh, man, this is crazy, bro.

It's an outdoor

natural hot tub!


This Professor,

why does she know

so much of the truth?

Hey, Grumpy.

What's your damage?

It's Suzuki.


Ya big bully!

Whoa! Buddy?


Watch out for that claw.

I-I guess it's my turn.

You can always run away.


I think I can, I think I can...


"Uh-oh" is right!



Ya didn't watch the claw!



We there yet?

We're looking for a place

called the 'Navel of the Earth.'

I don't have the evidence

to prove it yet,

but I aim to show that it was

actually constructed

by extra-terrestrials.


Hear that? We're looking

for the Earth's bellybutton!



Lori, we have to get away

from the Professor!


Professor Suzuki's theories

are too good, too on the nose.

If we hang out here

much longer,

she's going to find out

about the Autobots.

Would that be so bad?

Of course it would!

True, she's an adult,

but she's the right kind

of adult!

I'm not sure about her,


Lint? Mm?

The Professor listens

to what we say

without dismissing it

because we're kids.

She genuinely believes in the

existence of extra-terrestrials

and isn't afraid.

When Professor Suzuki

meets Optimus Prime

and the others,

it'll be cool.

I think she can

really help us!

Why are you so convinced

she's a good guy?

A woman's instincts!

What? You've got to be kidding.

My instincts

are always dead on!

Hey, I was right about

you backwood hicks!



No! Lori, don't do this! Ugh!

Professor Suzuki,

we have a secret.




Lori, don't tell her!

Oh. Hey, don't worry, bro.

Professor Suzuki

is really cool like that.


[GROANS] Looks like you win.



we actually are friends

with some



They're from Cybertron,

and they can take

different shapes.

Some look like cars

and vehicles,

others like airplanes.

Our friends are a group

called the Autobots.

That's the best news ever!

I've spent my whole life looking

for extra-terrestrials.



Now tell me all about them.

Well, you see, there's this

really big black hole...

...and they're going to help us

save the Earth!


We're trusting you

with our secret.

So the artifacts that I found

that look like mechanical parts,

those are from Cybertron,


We're sorry

we didn't tell you earlier.

Yeah, we're sorry.

Oh, no,

don't apologize for that.

Thank you for sharing

your huge secret with me.

So you truly believe our story?

You bet I do!

It has always been

my conviction

that extra-terrestrials exist

and that has guided my research.

You probably didn't think

I'd believe you.

No one believes me!



Those brats

are here somewhere.

Why'd you sh**t

the truck?

They're the kids the Autobots

have taken on like mascots!

Oh, I get it.

You thought the truck

was an Autobot!

Forget the stupid truck!

Those obnoxious kids

may have info we can use.

Those aren't the Autobots,

are they?

No, Decepticons!

That plane's a jerk

named Starscream.

You fleshbags, tell me

what you know and do it now.

KIDS: Huh?

Tell me useful information,

and you might live

to see tomorrow.

All right!

Stop this right now!

We can work this is out

like civilized beings!

In the name of goodwill between

extra-terrestrials and humans,

we should--

Silence lady, stop boring me!

Hurry up.

I'm not known for my patience.







Coming through!

Tough guys!

You need to pick on someone,

then pick on me!

Nice entrance!

You're outnumbered, Autobot!

You think you can beat us

by yourself?

You know there's more to me

than meets the eye!


That's it,

away from the humans.


with that ice.



Time to meet this problem

head on!

One down!

Ugh, snow in my gears.

Looks like rain!



It's just water!

Yes, 'just water'

but the end of you!

I said careful with the ice!

Oh, man! I knew

I really hated this weather!



This is fair!

Don't worry, I'll warm you up.


It's really your fault

for not preparing better

for battle in extreme weather.


This looks bad.

We have to stop watching

and start helping!

Mini-Cons! I know you're out

there. Come help us!

We're coming, Lori!


I knew they'd be there.

But they're so small.

This is impossible.

That g*n is humongous!

And we can't aim it.

Come on, everybody!

Together just lift!



You can do it! Lift! Lift!

Eh, forget about them. What can

a bunch of puny fleshlings do?

This happened

because you worried

about the worthless humans.


You can worry about them

with your final thoughts.

You shouldn't count me out

just yet, Starscream.


Look there!




The kids

shot a distress signal.

This happened because humans

are not so worthless

like you thought.

Let those be

your final thoughts.



What are we going to do,


I am going to act

like a true leader.


I'm going to make

a tactical retreat!


Hey, wait for me!




Sending that signal

was good thinking!


Now where have they all

vanished to?



Did anyone else notice

an extra human?

Welcome to planet Earth!


I think it's real nice

to meet you.

I only hope Jetfire

doesn't blow a turbine.



Roll out!

It's a long, dangerous walk

through this jungle.

Then we better keep moving.

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪