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03x14 - Hero

Posted: 08/19/23 07:43
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


You've got to stop, Hotshot.

It's dangerous.


I'm okay.

You're exhausted!

I'm-- I'm fine.

No, you're not.

We should tell Optimus

what's happening.

That we've failed our mission--

No! I've got to win this race.


is counting on me!

But Hotshot--

You don't understand!

I disobeyed his orders, and

I've got nothing to show for it!

I've got to win

the Cyber Planet Key!

Hotshot! Stop!


No lousy fem-bot

is gonna outrun the Dirt Boss!


Yeah, you'll show her!


If you really want

a good laugh,

why don't you look

in a mirror?

Aw, does the little blue

car wanna race too?

Pardon my exhaust.

What the--? Hey!

I know I disobeyed orders

and messed up the mission.

Who's he talkin' to?

If I can save Cybertron,

I'll be a hero.

Are you sure you wanna play

with the big boys?

You might get hurt!

Nice try!


I could out-corner you

with three flat tires!

Ransack, tell me again how them

beatin' us is a good thing.


I told 'em that Override agreed

to race the winner one-on-one.


But she never said

nothin' like that.

You know that, and I know that,

but those two chumps

are gonna wreck each other

tryin' to win a fake race!


Those guys are chumps!

Oh, I love bein' nasty!


Ha! There's no way

you can beat me on the pavement!

We'll see about that!

Cyber Key Power!


Outta my way, loser!

Hey! What're you try--

You maniac!

Nobody beats me! Nobody!


Jeez! That was close!


Come back here, coward!

I thought I was racing

for the Cyber Planet Key,

not racing for my life!

Maybe Red Alert is right.

Maybe we should have waited

for Optimus.

It ain't over yet, little man!

Hotshot! Stop this

while you're still in one piece!

Optimus and the team

are on their way!


It's a little late for that,

don't you think?

Nobody can help you now, boy!

It's just you an' me!

What's your problem, pal?

It's just a race!

My problem is you, "pal!"


Just drop back, Hotshot!

What do ya think I'm trying t--

What do you think I'm trying to

do? This guy's gone crazy!

Run, coward!

This is boring.

I say we blast 'em!


Crumplezone, transform!

Ransack, transform!


You ready?

Nah, let's do it right!


Cyber Key Power!

It's boom-boom time!

Annoying blue guy,

this one's for you!

Oh, you gotta be kidding me!

I can't afford to lose,

but I've got two bozos

sh**ting at me

and a maniac on my tail!

You losers think a little

rockslide's gonna stop me?


No! I can't.

I can't lose this race!

I've had enough!

Hotshot, transform!

Eat plasma!

Right back at ya!

Baryon Bazooka!




Now let's finish the job!


Oh, my aching head.

Just what job

were you going to finish?

Uh, n-nothing!

We're done!


get Hotshot out of there.

I shall assist.

Now as for you two...


Don't mind us!

We're outta here!





thank the Allspark you're here!

It's bad. Hotshot's in some

serious trouble!

Who were those guys?

A couple of local thugs

who've been causing trouble.

In my opinion, they appear

to be working for Megatron.

Working for Megatron?


Look what I found under a rock!

I'm okay.

Oh, yeah,

sure you are, champ.

You're just dandy.

Hotshot's barely alive, Optimus.

The kid's got guts,

I'll say that much.

I want answers.

Looks like we've failed.

Report! Now!


it was all my fault.

Red Alert

tried to stop me.

I guess I disobeyed your orders

I made contact with the locals.


Hotshot, do you have any idea

what you've done here?

What your actions might mean

to the rest of our mission?

Optimus, I know.

I'm sorry,

but the Cyber Planet--

Hotshot? Hotshot?


Please be all right, Hotshot.


He'll be okay, won't he,


If you believe he will, Clocker.

And if he believes.

I-- I believe.

Thanks for the help,


Ain't no big deal,

Optimus Prime.

My home is your home,

for as long as you like.

It's the least we can do, after

all your boys have done for us.


Help me bring in some Energon!


Red Alert, why didn't you

tell me about this?

Yes, I know, Optimus.

Hotshot just started racing

with his heart

and forgot to use his head.

That wasn't your decision

to make, Red Alert.

I counted on you.

I... I know.



But Hotshot

had to help those guys!

He didn't have a choice.

Yeah, you're probably right.

So, what's the problem here?

The problem is,

they didn't tell Optimus.


Optimus trusted them...

just like Mom and Dad trust me.


All right, Red Alert,

why don't you tell us what's

really been going on here?

Yeah, you guys must've done

something worthwhile.

Well, we think we've identified

the Cyber Planet Key.


We believe it's disguised

as a racing trophy.

Racing Trophy?

Yes. It makes perfect sense,


In a culture

based on racing,

it's logical a trophy would be

the most valued of all objects.

That's crazy!

And who has this trophy?

Her name is Override.

I see now.

I do believe Hotshot was racing

to win this very trophy

from the planet's champion,






We can't wager the galaxy

on a road race.

But-but Optimus--

I have to bend the rules

of Speed Planet for now.

I'll meet with Override myself.

She's got to see reason.

Overall engine efficiency

at percent.

Six percent loss of traction

on turns three and five.

Best lap time .,

down percent from average.

End program. Delete data.

This is useless.

How can I train for the race

if I can't concentrate

on racing?

Both Megatron and Hotshot

say they need the Planet Cup

to save the universe. Each one

says the other is evil.

But how can I know

who's telling the truth?

Great. Who's this big lunk?

I'm sorry to interrupt,

but we need to talk.


my name is Optimus Prime.

I'm the leader of the Autobots,

and I desperately need

your help.

Oh, really. What a surprise.


what's your side of the story?

How's he doin'?

Well, I've repaired the damage

to his reaction chambers,

and replaced

two of his fuel cells.

Now we just have to

watch and wait.

Watch and wait?

I've done what I can here.

The rest is now up to Hotshot.

All this from the landslide?

Mostly from racing

and modifications.


Hotshot! He said something!


He still looks kinda out of it.

Red Alert said he'd been

driving himself hard for days.

Maybe he just needs

some downtime to recover.

Y'think so?

I know so.

Nothing can stop Hotshot.


It looks like his proton flow

is back to .

So that's good?

Yes, Landmine it's very good.




I lost the race.

Forget about the race,


Optimus went to talk some sense

into Override.

I'm sure that he'll

straighten this all out.

It won't make

any difference to her.

All she cares about is racing.

Yes, I thought so too,

but with any luck,

maybe Optimus will be able

to change her mind.

Anyway, the important thing

right now is you.

How do you feel?


Oh, come on, now.

There's a problem

with your transmission,

but we'll get that worked out.

Until then,

avoid using second gear

and your flux capacitor--


Don't waste your time.

There's no point in fixing me,

Red Alert.

I'm useless anyway.

Hotshot! I am not

letting you give up on this now!

Or for that matter, ever!

Don't give up.


Clocker, Optimus is right.

I've jeopardized

the mission. I'm out.



Okay, I know all these gears

came out of here...

So why won't they

go back in again?

Hey, Dad! I'm back! Huh?

Problem, big guy?

Coby! Son, am I glad to see you!

What's wrong

with this clutch?

Uh, no. Don't force it.

If you put the bearing

on this end first

then turn it a little,

just like this:

Voila! It goes right in!

My son, the genius!


It must come

from Mom's side of the family.

Override, please understand

I'm not asking you to give up

the Cyber Planet Key


We only need to borrow the key

long enough to--

Yeah, yeah. Close the black hole

and save the universe.

Please, spare me the details.


I heard the same sob story from

Megatron and your boy Hotshot.

Unless you've got some evidence

to back it up,

I don't need to hear it again.

But the universe is in gra--

Would you can it!

I said I don't want to hear it!


I wish you could hear yourself.

Everybody takes a powder

once in a while,

but let me tell ya,

we all got to keep on goin'.


never should have sent me here.

RED ALERT: Whiner!

CLOCKER: Hey, don't say that!

What kind of talk is that?

I totally messed up the mission.

I'm no good to anyone.

But Hotshot, that's not true!

I'm glad you said it.

Saves us all a lot of trouble.

And I sure ain't big on trouble.


Our mission's tough enough

without wildcards like you

on the team.

I'll be glad when we can ship

your useless tailpipe

back to Earth.

Ugh! Mm.

How could you say that?

Like you're so great?

Hotshot saved my life!

He's the bravest, toughest

Autobot I've ever seen.

Compared to you!

HOTSHOT: Clocker! That's enough.


Landmine's right.


Hotshot! Come back, Hotshot!

How could you say that to him?

He looked up to you.

You should not judge Landmine

so harshly, Red Alert.

Though his words seemed mean,

they were born

of great kindness,

and precisely the lesson

that Hotshot needed to learn.

You should be more respectful.

Hmph! Kids these days.

You still don't get it,

do ya?

Get what?

You can fix up Hotshot's body,

sure enough,

but there's not a doctor alive

who can restore his spirit.

Right now, Hotshot feels lower

than the bottom of your oil pan,

but he's still got his pride.

Landmine had to say what he did.

For a stubborn kid like Hotshot,

that's the only way

to snap him out of it,

and get his fighting

spirit back.

But then, I'm just an old man.

What do I know?


I didn't understand.

I-I'm sorry.

Look, Optimus, for all I know,

you may be telling the truth...

I am.

But there's no way

I can know that for sure.

It's not a decision I can make.


If you want the trophy,

you gotta win it.

That's the only way we settle

things here on Speed Planet.

All right. You're on.

Did you hear that?

I sure did!



No way! That's what

you rat-racers

said last time!

We musta heard it wrong,

or somethin'!

This time it's totally

on the up-and-up! I swear!

Axle grease!

Naw, it ain't axle grease,

Dirt Boss!

This time I heard it with my own

audio receptors! Honest, I did.



But this time nobody better

get in my way! Understand.



I don't understand, Clocker.

I just tried

to do the right thing,

but the harder I tried,

the worse things got.

Maybe Landmine's right.


Maybe I just don't have what it

takes to be part of the team.



I feel like such a punk.

I thought I could

save the universe.

I thought I could be a--


A hero!

But I just mess it all up.

No! You're wrong!

Maybe you didn't

save the universe,

but you saved me and Breakdown,

and that makes you my hero!

Don't you understand that?

Clocker, I-- Thanks.

Listen, you're my hero,

so I'll never give up on you,

Hotshot, never.

But that means that you

can't give up on me either!

No matter what!

I'll never give up, Clocker.

I promise.


As I suspected.


just won't listen to reason.

Well, at least

if we had gotten here first,

she might have believed

our side of the story,

but now... Blast that Megatron!

There's nothing more we can do.

No! It can't end like this!

Not when we were so close!

There's still one chance.

ALL: Huh?

We will follow

Hotshot's original plan.


Tomorrow morning, we race.

Can we win this race?

It's not a question

of whether we can do it.

We must do it.

We have no other choice.


Very well, then.

But you must realize

there's only one of us

who even has a chance

of defeating Override.

Of course!

Hotshot, front and center!


I know you're still injured.

Do you think

you can handle this?

Whatever it takes, Optimus!

Red Alert! Clocker!

I want him ready to race!



The future of the galaxy

is riding on you, Hotshot.

I know you won't let us down!

Hey, thank you.

The rest of us will run defense.

The Decepticons will do their

worst to keep us from winning.

Thanks, guys.

And I want you to remember

that you're not alone out there.

You're part of a team.

We're there to watch your back.

Right, Optimus.

I'll remember.

Behind ya all the way, Hotshot!



As Bud would say,

rock on, dudes!

You and Clocker

work on Hotshot.

Landmine, you survey the track

and distribute the data.



Vector Prime, we need you

to keep an eye out for Megatron.

There's no telling

what he might do now.

Yes, understood.

All right, team,

we've got

a hard road ahead of us,

but let's not forget

what we're fighting for:

For Cybertron.

For Earth. For home.


Ya see that, kids?

Now, that's a great leader.

Makes me wish I was

right there with 'em.

You really think

Hotshot can win?

Doesn't matter what I think.

It's what he thinks.


You can do it, Hotshot.

You just gotta believe!



So. Megatron again

takes his leave.

I find these absences

most unsettling.

Are you there, Boss?

It's me, Crumplezone!

Can ya hear me?

'Cause I can't hear you...

Yes, what is it, Crumplezone?

And I assure you

it had better be good.


That big red guy showed up,

just like you said!


Yeah, and get this:

He's gonna race Override!

I mean, the guy's gotta weigh--


Don't bother me with details!

Just let me know who wins!


What was all that bubbly gunk?

Maybe it's a beauty treatment!


Oh, you goofball!

Let those foolish Autobots

run around in circles.

The Cyber Planet Keys

will be mine soon enough!




On behalf

of the Speed Planet Cup,

I'd like to welcome everyone

to a fine day of racing.

This will be the largest

cup challenge in history!

It's been a long time

since anyone

offered a serious challenge

to our champion

the current holder

of the Speed Planet Cup,


And another local favorite, the

bad boy of the baja, Dirt Boss!

Ya feelin' me, people?


Two more colorful characters

from the tri-track area,

Crumplezone and his partner

in grime, Ransack!

Crumplezone and Ransack?

It's alphabetical?

And the newcomers from... Well,

I don't know where they're from,

but I've never seen 'em before!

Ol' Breakdown and Clocker

round out the pack.

And here it is, folks.

This is what it's all about.

The greatest prize in all

of racing, The Planet Cup!

So that's the Planet Cup?

The Planet Cup.

Yes, it could be the Key.


And the competitors

are at the starting line.

Let's go down and see

if we can pick up

a little

last-minute trash talk!

All right.

We know why we're here.

Let's do this thing!

You betcha.


don't break out too early.

Hang back where we can cover you

at first, then make your move.

Got it!


I can hardly stand it!

Go for it!

Come on!


Come on, guys! You can do it!

I know you can!


Just moments away.

There's the lights.

And they're off!

Are we supposed to win,

or just mess stuff up?

Eh, whatever comes first.

Watch out, sweetheart!

I'm right on your bumper!

Heh. Whatever, dirtball.

Uh, Optimus?

Little problem here.

I can't seem

to get out of second gear!

We've got to get you

up to speed!

Stay close behind me, Hotshot.

The Venturi effect

should pull you along.

Okay. I'll give it a shot.

So do you feel that?

Yeah! It's like the wind

is pulling me along!

Hang on!

It's working!

Almost there! A little more!

Yes! High gear!

Nothing can stop me now!

Thanks, Red Alert!

Don't mention it, Hotshot!

That's what teammates are for!


See you at the finish line!


You show 'em, Hotshot!

Look at him go!

Go, Hotshot! Go!


Be strong, Hotshot.

The universe depends on you.

Those guys

have a pretty big lead,

but I've got a lot of people

counting on me.


A lot of people

who believed in me

when I didn't believe in myself.

And I've made a promise

to all those people:

I will never give up!

♪ Transformers

More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots

Decepticons, go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪