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03x12 - Deep

Posted: 08/19/23 07:41
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


Zoom in on that.

Yep, that's definitely

the Atlantis pattern all right.

We might be onto

something here, folks.


Unless it's another fake.


I think this

might be the real deal.

We have a legend about a lost

floating city called Atlantis.

They say the people

who lived there

could do all sorts of

incredible things.

BUD: Like Transformers?

COBY: Exactly.


Don't get your hopes up, guys.

You said it yourself,

it's just a legend.

BUD: Spoilsport.

LORI: Watch it, small fry.


where's this location?

It's beneath

the Atlantic Ocean.

It's not too far

from an island chain,

the Bermuda Islands.

No way. It's the right

by the Bermuda Triangle.


This just keeps getting

weirder and weirder.


What does he mean?

What's a Bermuda Triangle?

It's an area just off

the coast of Florida.

A whole bunch

of strange things

have been happening there

for years.

Planes and boats go through

there and suddenly disappear.

Just like they were

swallowed up by some monster.



If I'm lucky,

a monster will swallow you.

They're just stories.

What's wrong?

You're not afraid,

are you?

I'll give you something

to be afraid of.


Maybe these kids

are onto something.


Maybe whatever's down there

and causing all

the strange occurrences

is from the ancient


It could be a clue

about the Omega Lock.

The answers we seek

are beneath the sea.

You're right.

We're gonna head down there

and find out what this mystery

is all about.



This is so cool!

We're going into the heart

of the Bermuda Triangle.



All right, everyone.

Get moving.


Initiating exit launch

sequence now.

Ooh, I just about

get chills

every time I see

this gear in motion.

Stay focused, Scattershot.

Although this stuff

is pretty cool.


Aha! I knew I wasn't

the only one.


Coby, Lori, Bud.

With your knowledge

of this Atlantis legend

and sensitivity to

the Omega frequency,

we need your help.

BUD: Come on. Let's go!

LORI: I get to go first.


Jetfire here. In position

and ready for launch.

As am I. Now we must proceed

with all haste.

We are so close

to finding answers

that we must grab hold

of them before they slip away.

Or before the Decepticons

try to take them away.

I'm with you, Vector Prime.

But don't worry.

We'll get the job done.


You know, Vector Prime, for

someone who's in such a hurry,

you sure are taking your time.

Mind your tongue,

impertinent youth.

I was doing this

before you were even built.

Let's roll.


Hmm. I'd better

tell Megatron.




Wha-- What's going on?

I feel like a whole planet

att*cked me.

Oh, wait. It did.



I'd better get--



Don't move. You're hurt.

You're only going to make

yourself worse.

Who are you?

Backstop, Transform!



What is it you want?

To fight me?

If I just wanted

to destroy you,

I could have

done that already.

Then what do you want?

An introduction?

That is what you're supposed

to do when you meet someone.

Fine. My name is Overhaul.

I'm from the planet Cybertron.

Cybertron, hmm?

I've never heard of it.

But that's not surprising.

We don't get many visitors

on the Jungle Planet.

My name is Backstop.



What is that?

What's going on here?

This planet's alive,

in a way of speaking.

Forces underground are causing

the surface to move and crack.

And that's how

you got hurt before.

Hey, you're going

to hurt yourself.

Overhaul, Transform!

Wait, I've seen a shape

like that before.



I did try to warn you,

you know.


If you wish to test yourself

against me, Scourge,

be my guest. But you may not

like the outcome.



This is over!


Where did--?


Hm. You would have

defeated me.

Perhaps, but nothing

is certain.


This Armor of Unicron

you wear is powerful.

Very powerful, indeed.

If you could also acquire

the power of Primus,

I have little doubt that

you would become invincible.

And a most able ally.

Your might

is already legendary.


A good answer.


Megatron. I have news.

Hmm. What is it, Starscream?

The Autobots just left

on a mission.

It may have something

to do with the Omega Lock.

Good work.

I'll be there soon.

Yes, Megatron.


One step closer

to ultimate power.




I see. So you come

to this planet

to find these

Cyber Planet Keys

so you can save

the universe.

Well, now. At least

you set your goals high.

But this power

of Primus seems

too dangerous

for anyone to wield.

Say what?

SNARL: Backstop!



Hey, who are you?

It's okay, Snarl.

He's my guest.


I bet I know why you're here.

A Cyber Planet Key.

What? How did

you know that?

Because I ran into that

friend of yours, Megatron.


He's no friend of mine.

Where is he? I'll--

Ugh! I suppose you're gonna

tell me that you need

this Key to save

the universe too?

I don't trust you guys.

Don't lump me in

with that chump.

He doesn't care

about saving anything.

He just wants the power

of the Cyber Planet Keys.

And once he gets them, he'll

enslave the entire universe.


BACKSTOP: Everyone, let's relax.


this is Overhaul.

There's no reason to doubt

that his intentions are pure.

And Overhaul,

this is my apprentice Snarl.

He's been working for


the ruthless dictator

who rules this planet.

But only to keep

an eye on him.

Sorry for distrusting you,


No, you're right

to be cautious.

Now, you said

you saw Megatron.

Was he with meeting

this Scourge guy or something?

That's right. I think

he's trying to trick Scourge

into giving up this Key.

It has been said.

Those who quest for power

will find only sorrow.

And in the end,

these Cyber Planet Keys

may prove to be

no different.

Come on! These Keys are gonna

protect the whole universe.

Or destroy it. Power is

dangerous. Look at Scourge.

His strength is so great that it

could have united this planet,

but instead, he uses his might

to control everything

so that only

he has any power.

If this guy's so bad,

then get rid of him.

w*r is not always

the best choice.

If that's what it takes.

Sometimes that's all guys

like him understand.

What about

the innocent bystanders?

Or those punished by Scourge

even if they didn't do anything?

Yeah, but still, you gotta

fight for what you believe in.

Unfortunately, v*olence

only creates more v*olence.

All right, so, what are

we supposed to do then?

We have to do something.

On that, we agree.

But that doesn't bring us

any closer to an answer.

So we must wait.

Until a solution

presents itself.

We know that one day,

we'll have peace

on this planet.

We just have to

be patient.

Just maybe the Autobots

can make that happen.



Well, here we are.

Sure is big, that ocean.

You know, maybe I should

stay up top as a lookout.

What's the matter,


Nothing, nothing.

Great, then let's--

I've never been

underwater before.

There weren't any oceans

on Cybertron, remember?

We'll be fine.

Let's just jump in.



Wait for us!



Yeah, this was a great plan.

We're just sinking.


Oh, yeah, Optimus.

This is much better.

I believe because of your tires,

you're floating.


Are you guys okay?


We're unharmed,

but it's not going well.

Why? What seems to be

the problem?

What isn't the problem? We have

no idea what we're doing.

This is more difficult

than I thought.

Oh, for Pete's sake,

I'll show 'em how it's done.


All right, guys, watch me.

This is called

the breaststroke, okay?


I see. Thanks, Bud.

Yeah, this is

much better.


but it's still weird.


Good job, Bud.

They're starting to get it.

Yeah! Try this.

Now this, I like!


Hey. Look!

Now, butterfly.

Hey, this isn't so bad after

all. I'm actually swimming.


Thanks, Bud. I guess we needed

you guys more than we thought.

Without you,

we would have been sunk.

Ooh, that one hurt.


All right, let's find

that Atlantis Pattern.

You kids okay

in the Mini-Cons?


Yeah, I guess.

Except it's so dark

I can barely see.

That's how

the monsters like it.

All right, Bud,

knock it off.

They're right, Optimus. I can

barely see anything down here.

Okay. Everybody

use their lights.



We must be getting close.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Huh? What was that sound?


What is that?

Optimus, should we attack?


No. It's just a whale.

It's an animal.

It's not a threat.


Wow. I've never seen one

except on TV.

And now I could've practically

touched that one.

Whoa, it's amazing.

The number of life forms that

can be found on this planet.

Look, something

is down there.


Not just something,

practically everything.

Just about any kind of boat

and plane you could imagine.


It looks like some

kind of machine graveyard.


Yeah, who knows

what's lurking down here.


Look at Coby.

He's shaking in his boots.

That's not true.

I'm not wearing boots.


Wait. That is the Atlantis

Pattern, is it not?


No, it's not not. I mean,

it isn't not. I mean, it is.


This thing is enormous.


That it is.

All right, Scattershot,

Landmine, and I

will stay here

and uncover the pattern.

The rest of you

search the area.


Roger that.



COBY: Vector Prime.


COBY: You have to see this.



I appears to be

some kind of entrance.

Optimus, do you copy?


I found what may be an entranc.

I'm going in.

OPTIMUS: Just be careful.



There are some symbols here.


Those are ancient

Cybertronian symbols.


No way. What do they mean?



We have reached a whole

new level of cool.

Let's explore

this place already!


What was that? An earthquake?

JETFIRE: It's Megatron.



Again, I must thank you,


You've saved me a lot of work in

trying to find the Omega Lock.

You can thank me

for this.


Ha! You fool! Your laser

is useless underwater.

Let's leave Vector Prime

to explore what he found.

But the rest of us

must stop Megatron now.


Very well, then.

If it's a fight you want,

it's a fight you'll get.

This ends now!



All of you get inside now.


Today's the day you say

goodbye, old man.

Guess again!

Leave this to me.

See if you can find

anything about

the Omega Lock.

Very well.

I wish you luck.


Fine, you can say


Well, that is not

good at all.

Works just fine for me.

Landmine, Transform!

Cyber Key Power!


Look, there's another door.

Hey. I bet

I know what this is.

An airlock.

Let's see.



Hey, look.

The water level's dropping.


I thought so.

This is an airlock.



Whoever built this

must know their stuff

for it to keep working

all this time

without anyone around

to maintain it.


Yeah, or something's still here

maintaining it.


Oh, yeah.

I didn't think of that.


Whatever's inside,

we still gotta check it out.




It's still kinda creepy

in there, though, isn't it?

I'll say.

Mm-hm. But we gotta go in.

Follow me. Make sure

you stay by my side.


No worries there. You couldn't

get rid of us if you tried.

Do not be concerned.

I will protect you.



This appears to be some kind

of control room. But for what?

If I might suggest...


Perhaps Safeguard can

provide some answers.




What did you do,


Hey guys, Look at that

screen, up there.

It looks like Optimus Prime

is in trouble!

I wish we could

do something.

We have. We've discovered

what this facility is.


We have?

As we thought. This place

is indeed a control room.

A control room

that's used to operate

an ancient Cybertronian



Are you serious?


You were correct to call this

a floating city, Coby.

However, it was a city

that floated in the air

instead of upon the ocean.

Something must have


and caused it to crash

into the water,

where it sank

into the depths

and came to this resting place.


And that's why

we have our legend

of the city of Atlantis



Wow, I can't believe this.

So we're actually standing

in the lost city of Atlantis.


KIDS: Whoa!


Optimus Prime!


Make it easy on yourselves.

Hand over the Omega Lock now

or we will destroy you.


No, you'll never get it.

You ignorant fool. You don't

even know when you've lost.

Why don't we just

go take it ourselves?

You're right.

These buffoons are too weak

to stop us.



Megatron's coming!


We gotta do something.

Right now!

I know what we can do.


What are you doing,

Vector Prime?


He's getting us out of here.

This is a spaceship, remember?


Yeah, but it's a broken one.

We must get this away

from Megatron.

I just wish I knew

how to pilot this.




What is going on?

I don't know.


Look. Atlantis is rising!

We need to leave, Megatron.

The rocks are unstable.



[GROANS] I'm okay.

Well, at least we have

some good news.

The rest of you,

we need to evacuate.

Yes, sir.

But sir,

what about Atlantis?

Once it reaches the surface,

it'll be detected.

You're right.

We have to do something,

otherwise the humans

will discover it.

And us along with it.



Yes, sir.

If we can surface

ahead of that thing,

can you send out

jamming signals

until we can cover it

with a stealth coating?

You bet.

Then let's go.


Wow, this thing

can really move.


Let's just hope it can stop

before it sh**t us

into outer space.


I don't know,

that doesn't sound so bad.



All right, signal jamming

at full power.

Look at the size of that thing.


Wow, it's even bigger

than it looked underwater.

If I didn't know better, I'd say

it looked like a battleship.


It could be one.

If the Omega Lock is onboard,

you'd want to have a lot of

firepower to protect it, right?



I got plenty of firepower

right here.

Now get out of the way

before I have to use it.


You really do want to be

destroyed, don't you?

You can't stand against us

when you're injured.

I'll stop you

even if I'm in pieces.

There's no way I can just stand

idly by and do nothing.

We must escape.




What's that?

It looks like it warped out.

But where'd the darn thing go?

Find that ship immediately.

We must retrieve it

before the Autobots do.

Roger that.

Well. You got lucky again,


But we'll finish this later.

That we will,


But for now,

we have to focus on

getting Coby

and the others back.

From wherever they are.


What an interesting

turn of events.

There must be some way

of using this to my favor.

There always is.

Soon enough, I'll have all

those tin-plated puppets

doing whatever

I want them to do.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪