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03x09 - Collapse

Posted: 08/19/23 07:39
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


It's not here.

I'll find it...soon.


I'm gonna train you hard,


That's the only way you

can get back to full power.

Fine by me.

Nice Metallikato kick!


I had a good teacher.

Well, here's a couple moves

I didn't teach you.





Do we really have to listen

to the weather report?

You know whatever they say,

it's always the opposite.

Watching Earth TV

teaches me about your planet.

But I must say,

you Earthlings


in the strangest ways.

...a proactive coalition

for transnational synergy...

See what I mean?

Just listen.

...indemnifying conglomerate


I don't think those

are real words, are they?

They're real words,

they just don't mean anything.

Then why use them?

Eh, that's just how

politicians talk.


COBY: She's the new president.



All clear. Proceed.



I've got you this time...


How ironic.

On a Speed Planet,

the Cyber Planet Key

is a racing trophy.

Win the race and unlock

the power of the universe.


How very amusing...

and a waste of time.

Let the Autobot fools

keep racing around in circles.

My method is much more direct.


Still standing? Ha!

Not here?

Then where is it?


Megatron, we have some news.

What kind of news?




Summer break

is so boring.

Yeah, what he said.

That's three of us.

Really? I'm fascinated.


What? What do you mean,

you're bored too?

Hey, You know

what's not boring?

A play date with all

of us at our houses.


Play date? What is play

and what is a date?

Well, of course humans

need to eat, but--

Mm-hmm, that's right.

I'm starving.

I might faint if I don't

eat something soon.

Oh, my, I do not want

Lori to faint.

Then we better go home

for lunch. Let's go.

No, please, we cannot

go to a human home!

It is not permitted!

Hold on!

Well, don't leave me here.



According to unnamed sources,

the gold deposits

recently discovered

in the Mount McDermott area

may be the largest in history.

Governor Harmon has pledged

to use the gold

to bring prosperity

to the region,

and hundreds of miners

have already been hired

to work in the new mines.

However, critics claim mining

may harm the environment,

endangering local wildlife

and possibly even threatening

the humans who live

in the area.

You hear the president's speech

at the U.N. today?

I couldn't understand

a word she said.

Doesn't matter what she says,

she just has

to look presidential

and throw

a few big words around.

That's how you establish

authority, eh, sheriff?

Am I right or am I right?

Well, it's just a theory.

I just throw 'em in jail

if they mess up.

That works too.

Town's safe

and the roads are quiet,

thanks to you.

Nobody crosses the line

when I'm around.


Not in my town,

you don't, boys.


Not bored now.

Let's hit it!

Oh, great,

those are police sirens.

We're going to be on

the : news.

So, what is it with boys

and fast cars anyway?


On my planet, the boys

turn into fast cars.

What's that strange sound,



It's called a siren,

and you can start worrying now.


They're mine.

We're not allowed to interfere

with Earth authorities.

What? Ugh!


It's against

the Prime Directive.

Sometimes you've gotta

bend the rules, Jolt.


do not do that.


They'd better start.





We've got to stop, aw.


We are so busted.

I don't want to go to jail.

Coby, Jolt's got a plan.

Turn on your holo-screen.

All right,

joyride's over.

What do you think, Howes? We got

us a juvenile delinquent here?

Let's roll it down

and find out.

As your president, I'd like

to commend you, officer.


The vice president and I

are most impressed.

Your proactive bipartisan

synergy is indemnifying.

Good work. Carry on.

Uh, the president?



What did she say?

I have no idea!


Break time.

You got minutes.

Be sure to punch

your time cards.

Follow mining

safety procedures

and leave your stations

in safe condition.


You darned annoying guy.

I'll make you genuflect

like a dung beetle

simmering in yakisoba.


Ooh, watch this part!

It's so cool!

That ninja vanished

in a wisp of flatulence.

Yes, it is

darned annoying.



I will dishonor

your guts

with my reverse

quacking duck...

Bud likes ninja flicks.

So I see.

What are these for?

They're not for anything,

they're just family photos.

JOLT: Why do you keep them?

COBY: They make me feel good.

You see, for most humans, family

is the most important thing.

And photos help to... Uh,

I can't really explain it.


Please try, it'll

help me understand humans.

Okay, check this out.

Oh, wow!

Cool vehicles!

That's a roller coaster.

It's really scary and fun.

You enjoy being scared?




Green gloop?

Don't drink it all in one gulp.

I want more

green gloopy drink, Mom.

Can we buy a whole gallon

and take it home?


Only a gallon? Why don't we buy

enough to fill the pool,

then we can swim in it.


MOM: Don't spill it.

It's all about

family togetherness.



Mom and Dad are here!

They're right outside!

We've got alien robots

in the house!

Parents freak out

over stuff like that.


Is this a problem, Coby?


No, it's a disaster!

Hey, kids!

Bud, did you hear me?

Mom and Dad are-- Huh?

He vanished in

a puff of flatulence.

Oh, we gotta


Mom and Dad are downstairs.

Repeat, downstairs.

BUD: No way!

Yes way.

Get the bots

in the closet, fast.


You know,

I saw this in a movie.

The parents come home and--

COBY: I don't want to hear it.

Kids? Are you up here?


All right, what is it this time?

Felony or misdemeanor?


Hi, Dad, how's it goin'?

Is there something

in that closet?

Whatever could

you possibly mean, Dad?

There's no alien robots if

that's what you were thinking.

Put a lid on it, Bud.

Alien robots, huh?

That's a good one.

Now, what's really in there?


Open the closet, now.



It's George next door.

Says he got

a new fishing pole.

Says he can catch more fish

than you now.

What? I can out fish him with

a string and a safety pin.

Give me the phone.



Hiding us can't be good. That's

not really family togetherness.

Yeah, you're probably right,




My planet

didn't have sunsets.

I hope I can visit

your planet one day.


Dude, that was close.

Yeah, I know. Hm.


We'll be able

to share our mission

with your parents soon,



Hey, are you crying?

What's the matter?

Oh, the Little Match Girl.

Yeah, that is a sad story.

I didn't realize

you were so sensitive.


What, is there something wrong,




COBY: Hey!

Coby. You guys okay?


Yeah, we're all safe.

For now.

This is scary.

Everyone, please stay calm.

We have procedures

to deal with earthquakes.

I'll contact Optimus.

Are we patched in?

We've got a code red

out here.

We're aware of

the earthquake, Jolt.

Scattershot's trying

to get a fix on it.

I got it. The epicenter's

in Mount McDermott.

It's right where that

new gold mine's located.

Is it stabilized now?

Not even close.

That mountain could come

crashing down at any minute,

and that town

is right nearby!

Those people are in danger.

I'll put together a team

and head over there immediately.

We've got to save them

without exposing ourselves.

This is what being

robots in disguise is all about.

Right, Optimus.



Autobot roll call.

Optimus Prime!

Landmine, rollin' out.

Overhaul. Let me at 'em.


Hey, wait for me!



Alpha squad, the people.

Get 'em off the streets,

into City hall.

Beta squad, the fires.

Put 'em out.

Gamma squad,

back us up.



The earthquake!

What a complete disaster.


Chief Howes, look!

Obstacle ahead.

Jump it.

Right behind you,


Did you see that, you guys?

I don't know who they were,

but I gotta tell you, I'm sure

glad they're on our side.

I haven't got a clue

who they are.

But they're gonna

need help.

You men start clearing

this debris ASAP.


Yes, sir.


This is where

the earthquake started.


That's Mount McDermott,

where the new gold mine is.


But our town is

at the foot of the mountain.

What's going

to happen to it?

We don't know yet.

We need more data.

Reverb, Six-Speed, scan the area

and do a geo-analysis.


It looks like the whole mountain

is going to collapse.


Oh, man,

that doesn't look good.

I'm afraid it's not

quite that simple.

Look here...

There's a huge

reservoir of water

directly under the mountain.

If the mountain collapses,

all that water

will come bursting out

and the town will be flooded.


But that's our home.


Jolt, how are we gonna stop

a whole mountain

from coming down?

Don't worry, Coby.

You've been like family to us.

So we'll save your home--

Our home, together.

That's true.


Jolt, our families

are in mortal danger.

Let's go!

ALL: Go!

Landmine and Overhaul will help

at the disaster areas in town.

Scattershot and I

will join up with Jolt

and head for the epicenter.

Remember, the humans think

we're just trucks.

Let's keep it that way.

Now split up.





Why did we go out?

The kids

are still at home.

Over here.



We've gotta hurry,


Yes, but we must

proceed carefully.

Sir, we've finished our scan,

and we mapped out the terrain.

Right, I got your e-com.

The data files have been

forwarded to the base.



It's our town.

It's our families.

Don't worry, kids.

You're helping

to save our home.

Now we're going to save yours.

It's what we do.

Contact Jetfire now.

Get him on line.

Already there.


show us the best way in.

You got it.

Decompress the data.

We need visuals.


And we're linked.

Don't push, there's enough room

in the City Hall for everyone.

Proceed in

an orderly fashion.

Excuse me, where's

the hardest-hit area?

North edge of town.

The power lines are down,

the whole area's collapsing.


We'll get right on it.


Who was that?


This place is a mess.

Story of my life.

Hey, Landmine,

those power lines are live.

You leave them to me.

Might be humans

trapped in there.

Can you can get over

those barriers?

When have barriers

ever stopped me?

See ya!


Can't back off...

Gotta push through it.



We hit a dead end.

It's gonna blow!

And all of our firepower

can't stop it.

There has to be a way.

Jolt, where did the humans go?

They couldn't evacuate.

They're in City Hall.


Optimus. New data.

There's a shift

in the rock strata.

We've got five minutes

before the mountain caves

and the flooding starts.

Within an hour, there'll be

nothing left but a puddle.

You won't be able to tell

there was ever a town.

What if I crash into

the mountain at full speed?


No, Scattershot,

that'd make things worse.

We've got to go

to City Hall

and evacuate

as many humans as we can.

It's our only option.

JOLT: But Optimu--

We'll do the best we can.


I was just thinking...

About what, Coby?


green gloop.


Someone's in there,

I can hear 'em.




Uh-oh, can't let 'em

see me.

Proceed straight to Town Hall.

Carefully. The way is clear.

Anyone left?

I'm the last one.

Whoever's driving,

thanks a lot.

The mine shaft ends a few

meters above the reservoir.

We can pump the water out like

a gigantic drinking straw.

We need to get a tube

through the chunk of rock

and into the reservoir.

Once the water's gone,

we can collapse

the mountain safely.

By Primus' Spark! Brilliant.


Yeah, no pressure.

Coby, did you think of this

because... You know...


What do you think?

Adults can learn a lot

from kids like you, Coby.


Now let's see

if it actually works.

It has to work.



I hope the rescue teams

have found the kids.

Oh, Robert...

It's okay, honey.

Knowing Coby and Bud, they're

probably trying to save us.


Jolt, Transform!

Here's the shaft,

but it's covered up. Ready?

In a big way.


Go for it!

Double-barrel m*ssile blast!

The shaft is open!


You're up, Optimus!

Nice shot!

It's going right down

into the reservoir.

We're in position.

Activating hydro-pump!

Oh, man, he's got a thousand

tons of water to suck up.


Yeah, he should have used

a flavor straw.

Think it tastes like

green gloop?

It tastes like success.

I'm almost finished.


BOYS: Yeah, that's excellent.


Good to the last drop.

Have a blast, Scattershot.

I think I'll have two.

On target.


He's guiding them

right to the spot.


Don't worry, it's okay.

Perfect, it fell

right into place.

Look, it stopped.

We did it, Coby.

All right!

Check it out! Woo-hoo!


Well done.

The humans are okay.

Our job is finished.

Then let's roll out.


They're safe

thanks to you, Coby.


That green gloop idea

was one in a million.

Not too shabby.


Our team is like a family,

right, Coby?


Speaking of family, Coby...

Yeah, you're right.

We don't want them to worry,

do we?



Six-Speed, Reverb, do you

know what a chauffeur is?


Then please give our heroes

a safe ride home.

I've got the coolest friends

on Earth.

So do we: you guys.

Now let's get back

to our family.





By the way,

what is green gloop?


I'll tell you later.




Well, Howes, no more crisis.

We can relax.

Until the next one.


Hey, Mom! Dad!




Great, son, you're all right.




Talk fast.

You want the Planet Key,

we can get the Planet Key.

Fast enough for you?

Tell me something,

how would you manage that?

Uh, gee, I forget.

We'd race for it.

So you think you can beat

Override then?

Exactly, and we're

entered in the race.

And so are we.

Of course,

we don't exactly

play fair, do we?

Yeah, right.


These fools

couldn't possibly win.

But if they cause enough

chaos in the race,

it will be

that much easier for me

to take the Key unchallenged.

Okay, we've got a deal.

All right!

Rock 'n' roll!

But if you two are thinking

of betraying me--


We wouldn't do that.

Oh, no?


See that you don't.



What a nice guy.

Oh, so the Cyber Planet Key

is the race trophy.


That means it all depends on

who's the fastest.

And that's gonna be me.

Hotshot, Transform!

We're gonna have us a race!


♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪