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03x05 - Landmine

Posted: 08/19/23 07:37
by bunniefuu


Our worlds are in danger!

To save them and the galaxy,

we must find

the four Cyber Planet Keys

before the Decepticons

can use them for evil.

It is our mission.


Transform and roll out!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

Hey, there's some big guy

parked up on the road.

So you think he's friendly?


No! Not friendly!


Make tracks, buddy.

What's with him?

I don't know. Maybe he's related

to that cute scooter you dumped.

You should have been

nicer to her.


Aw, man.

Looks like we're going

bumper to bumper.

Crumplezone, Transform!


Ransack, Transform!

I am Megatron,

and now you work for me.

Yeah, sure,

anything you say, boss.




Are you all right?

Oh, uh, yeah...

Just feelin' a bit useless for

being broke down, that's all.

Don't you worry,

old friend.

You'll be percent

and back with us soon.

I'm hearing you loud and clear,


I promise

I'll work hard.


Hey, Landmine,

how's it going?

Better, kid.

Thanks for asking.


Very good. Time with friends

is exactly what Landmine needs.

So tell me, kids, what

brings you around here, huh?


I wanted to bring you

chicken soup but... .


Autobots, it's time

for us to plan.

Well, it doesn't

look like we have

a whole lot of options

in this situation.

We gotta find

those Cyber Planet Keys

before it's too late.

I'm not saying

I buy all that malarkey,

but nothing else

has worked.

Come on, less talking,

more walking.

Wait. Overhaul,

where are you going?

We don't even know

where to look yet.

More bolts

than brains.

Yeah, I gotta agree

with you.

We can't just search

the whole universe.

We need more


Very well, then, Optimus.

I'll analyze

the Atlantis Pattern

and attempt to locate

the Omega Lock.

Excellent, Vector Prime.

Scattershot's right,

we need information.

All right, the rest of us will

go forth and gather Earth data

with one primary objective:

finding the Cyber Planet Keys.

Is that understood?

Right, I'm on it.

Go forth! I'll do that.

Jetfire, hold on.

I wanna help look too.


Hold on tight, Lori.

Take-offs can be rocky.


I'm cool.


Cyber Planet Keys,

here I come.



This is so gonna rock.

Glad you could come along

for the ride, Master Bud.

Autobots, let's move out.


Jolt! Jetfire and Lori

just burned us.

Can't you fly

any faster?

If you wanted to fly fast,

you picked the wrong Mini-Con.

But if you wanna surf fast,

I can't be beat.

As in surf the net for

Cyber Planet Key info.


This is wonderful.

Everything looks so beautiful

from up here.


Hey, guys. How are you

doing on Earth?

Not bad, except I kinda

hate the traffic.

You know what, the other day,

I was almost carjacked.

Be careful to keep up

your disguise.

We may need to stay

here for a while.

Okay, Optimus, but I really hope

we return to Cybertron soon.

Yeah. I'd really like

to be back home.

You just know that my team

is doing its best

to get you there. By the way,

have you seen Hotshot anywhere?

Hotshot? Well, I, uh...



Nothin' compares to the rush

of revving up the RPMs.


Hello, Hotshot.

Hey, Optimus,

what are you doing here?

Hotshot, watch that

transforming in public.

Sorry, Big Bot.

I wasn't thinking.

Look, we can't press our luck

and risk discovery

for the sake of fun.

Caution is needed around humans.

No more recklessness.

Is that clear, Hotshot?

Won't happen again.



Okay, Landmine,

now let's test the gears.

Why don't you try

lifting up one of your legs?

So how did that feel?

Not too bad.

Feels good.

That's great.

You're recovering

really fast.

It's all thanks to you, kid.

You know, you've really

given me a second chance.

It was nothing, really.

I just made a few tweaks

to your system.

After all, Landmine, you're the

one that's doing all the work.

Hey, Coby,

be straight with me, huh?

Am I healed?

A hundred percent?

You're doing great,

but maybe not percent.

Yeah, I kinda figured,

but do you think

I could go help the guys search

for those Cyber Planet Keys?

Well, don't you think

that's rushing it?

Doesn't matter.

I can't just sit around here

while the other guys are out

risking their necks, you know.

COBY: Wait!



You can't go out

looking like that.

It's time for you

to pick a disguise.

How about that?

I don't know.

Nah, I can't see myself

looking like that,

kid, it just ain't me.

Okay, looks like

you're a picky shopper.

How about something

in a shovel like that?



I'd say that's your color.


I like it. It's powerful

and sturdy, you know?

Yeah, it's just my style.

Go try it on.


Landmine, Transform!

Whoa, I dig

your new look!


Dig! Hey, that's a joke, right?

I get it.

That's a good one, kid.



This is where I race dirt bikes

with my dad and brother.


Two wheels, huh?

I'll stick with four.


I love it. Just check out

the scenery.

It's golden.


My dad says this isn't just the

most beautiful place on Earth,

but the most beautiful place

in the universe.

Yeah, it is beautiful.

If I were from Earth,

I'd probably feel

just the same way

as your dad, kid.

Is your home planet as beautiful

as this, Landmine?


Not right now, kiddo.

Just makes me too sad.


Man, what you reckon this

Omega Lock thing looks like?

Where exactly are we headed?

Got a picture of it?

Oh, quit whining

and keep searching.

Oh, whining?

I'm thinking out loud.

Hey, I was talking

to you.


Any luck, Master Bud?

Yeah, I just located

an Atlantis Pattern.


Where is it?

At a museum down in Mexico.


Huh, so Atlantis is in Mexico?

Can't say that for sure,

but I do love tacos.

I've received a report

from Jolt.

They have located

an archaeological site

in Tirambel, Mexico

with an Atlantis Pattern.

This may be

the Omega Lock.

I got it.

I'm on my way, Optimus.

Me too.

I'm rollin' out.


Vector Prime,

what do you think?

The data looks

promising. Hmm...

This may indeed be

the artifact we seek.

That means there's not

a moment to lose.

Autobots, let's roll!

We're rolling!



Would you look at that?

Everybody's off to a party.

I just love parties,

don't you, Starscream?


Hey, you guys.

We're over here.


let's keep it quiet.

At this time of night,

any folks around

should be fast asleep.

Then let's not wake them.


And talk about hot

out there. Today...


Jolt. Bud.

Finding the Omega Lock

is excellent work.

Thank you.

Yeah, Bud.

Real good job.

It's cool.

We need to confirm

that it is the Omega Lock.


So how do we do that?

Well... Huh?







Is he mad or something?

I don't know. Did we do

something to make him mad?

Yeah, but how could we, Ransack?

We ain't never seen him before.

Silence yourselves.


Yes, sir.

The two of you work for me.



You'll be my guides

to the Speed Planet

unless you'd

rather be destroyed.

I don't wanna work.

It's an offer

we can't refuse, Crumplezone.

But this guy is mean. He

kinda scares the oil outta me.

Uh, go with the flow.

Do you have a problem

with my offer?


No, sir.


Hey, how would you like

a taste of my...

Cyber Key Power!


What now?

Thunder Cannon!

I dropped you

like a bad habit.

I hate this guy.

Jetfire, find a way

to keep Thundercracker busy

and as far away as possible

from the Omega Lock.

Will do.

Good idea, Reverb.

Let's clear the area.

Starscream, you're sorely

mistaken if you think

the Decepticons are getting

the Omega Lock.

We'll see about that.

Cyber Key Power!

How do you like me now?


So Thundercracker isn't

the only Decepticon

with a Cyber Key.

What is that I see?

Is that fear in the great

Optimus Prime's eyes?


Optimus Prime, Super Mode!


Ah! Oh, man.

Come on, guys. It's time

to stop, drop and roll

to a safe spot

before one of us gets hurt.






For Cybertron!

No. We'll take care

of the Decepticons.

You analyze

the Omega Lock.

Mm-hmm. Leave it to me.

You two cover him as

he examines the Omega Lock.

But I want a piece

of Starscream.

Let's crush

those Decepti-creeps.

The Omega Lock comes first.

With it could lie the future

of Cybertron. Now go.


We won't let you down.

You were looking for a fight.

You found it.

I'm too powerful to defeat.


I'm here to prove you wrong,


Hey, watch

where you're going!


Landmine, Transform!



Starscream, I've got a bolt

to pick with you.

Give me a break.

If I wanted to smash up

useless outdated parts,

I'd go to the scrap heap.


go help the others.

I'll handle this

second-rate Decepticon.


No, Landmine.

We both know

you're not fully recovered yet.

Don't fight Starscream.


Oh, please, don't fight



Landmine! Stand down.


Heh. I'll take out

the weak one first.


You're hurt.


Don't worry about me.

Retreat now

and guard the Omega Lock.

Sorry. I hate to disobey

an order but...


Now I'm mad.


No! He's going after

the Omega Lock.

Vector Prime is up next.

Another old man.

It's up to us.

Yeah, us and a Cyber Key.

Cyber Key Power!

Eat this!

You missed.

Your luck's

about to run out.

You beat me once,

but I've been

recycling punks like you

for years.


I can't shake this guy.

Take this.

Matching Fire!

Look out below!







I can't let

these kids get hurt.

A Cyber Key?

Cyber Key Power!

Don't worry, kids!


Cyber Tempest!




Hey, Coby? You, uh, think

you can fix me again?

You betcha, pal.

This Omega Lock will not help

us. It is an imitation.


It's not the original.

This was made only

a few thousand years ago.

It's too new to be

the real Omega Lock.


if it were real,

it would be in sync

with my Cyber Key by now.


Red Alert, Transform!

Overhaul, Transform!

Get lost, Starscream.

No Omega Lock.

No need for us.

It was starting

to look too much

like an Autobot

family reunion, anyways.

What took you so long,

Red Alert?

Very funny. I only wish

we had been here earlier

to help out the team,




Coby, you asked me before

if Cybertron was beautiful.

I think for everybody,

home is the most

beautiful place

in the universe.

And you know, kid,

when I first came here,

I only wanted

to save Cybertron.

Earth didn't really

matter to me.


But now I gotta save

the Earth.

'Cause it turns out some of my

best friends live down there.



I mean every word of it, kid.

You, me, the Autobots...

Together, we're gonna save

everybody's home.

It seems our search

must continue.


I guess we're back

to square one then.

Fear not. Our journey to the

ruin was not entirely fruitless.

What do you mean?


I discovered a celestial map

at the ruin

and when I studied it, the

coordinates of the Speed Planet

were revealed.

There is

a Cyber Planet Key there.

We know the location of one

of the Cyber Planet Keys?

That's great.

We've got to send

someone there.


Whoa, Speed Planet?

Sounds like heaven.


That's a great attitude.

You'll go, but not alone.

Red Alert,

team up with Hotshot.

Very well, Optimus.

This is very important.

While on Speed Planet,

you must be discreet.

Keep your identity

as Cybertronians a secret.

And avoid all contact

with the locals.

Am I making myself clear?

Got it. Keeping it on

the down low. The DL.

Oh, be still

my beating heart.

A secret mission with

Hotshot? I'm dizzy.

Huh? Did you say something,


Oh, no. Nothing.


Hey, guys.

You're so lucky!

Oh, man, you get to explore,

like, a whole new planet.



Whoa. Look at

that open road.

Autobots, good luck.

Well, see you soon,


Here goes nothing.



This is awesome!

A sunny day and open road.

Remember, we are on

a mission, Hotshot.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Road hog!

That's the fastest thing

I've ever seen.

Faster than me!

I thought I was the fastest

in the universe.

Talk about a letdown.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots, Decepticons

Go ♪

♪ Transformers

Robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers

Transformers, go ♪


The Autobots wage their battle

to destroy the evil forces

of the Decepticons.

♪ Transformers, go ♪

♪ Transformers ♪