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04x12 - It Begins

Posted: 02/12/14 10:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Lost Girl...

I'll never trust you.

I may have given Rainer's soul to the blood king after the great rebellion.

Rainer's revenants are after you.

Will you marry me?

I love you.

Please, anybody!

Bo, where are you?

Now bring back Hale.

No. I can't lose you.

I will never forgive you.

I never said goodbye to Hale.

It was always "see ya later", "talk to you" or nothing at all.

Just that look between old friends that says "we'll be together again soon."

He was a man of complexities,
a traditionalist with a modern style.

An old soul with the optimism of one just born.

Hale Santiago of Clan Zamora forged his own path.

He became a cop.

And he liked being called a cop.

He befriended without judgment or expectation.

And he loved without bounds.

As Hale's closest clan members sit with his body in silent mourning... so we begin the Day of Silence where we pay reverence to our dear and departed Siren.

I think I might scream.

Whatever you need, Kenzi.

I needed him alive.

It will get better.


It will.

I promise.

Maybe not for a long time.

But, I will be there for you.

I am yours.

I am a Knight from the Order of Raina.

And I pledge my fealty.

To my Queen.

To you.

Uh, of course.

Wait, Kenzi, wait.

Where do we begin my liege?

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching while hiding.

Only to find out I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

4x12 - "It Begins"

So you say you're here to see me.

I arrived just in time, I was att*cked on my way here.

att*cked by whom?

Someone who would not want me to deliver my message.

You are in danger, My Queen.

I am here to protect you, and to fight by your side.

I haven't seen these since the b*ttlefield.

It's been a long time.

Look, I don't know you and I don't know what you're talking about, but I do know that I'm not your Queen.

So you can be dismissed.

I am talking about mortal danger.

Okay, we just got back from a funeral. Do you get that?

There will be more funerals if you do not heed my message.

It was foretold that with the death of the Una Mens, the Pyrippus would rise.

It is you he seeks. Here.

"He shall rise and seek Her out, The Succubus, The One."

What does he want?

To that information, I am not privy.

The prophecy says the slaying of the Una Mens also creates the power of The Origin Seed...

Kenzi: Not now Dyson.

The prophecy says there is very little time.

Look. I don't give a shit about prophecies or seeds or Pyrippuses.

This is my family. And they need me.


Bo we have to get him.

He has to die.

He will pay. I promise.

Wormwood, castor oil... yes and just a sprinkle of pepper.

Well well well, look what the puss dragged in.

Looking for something?

It still has Hale's blood.

So when I slit your throat, think of it as a gift from us both.

You didn't really just come here to k*ll me did you?

Why else?

You know, for supernatural creatures and all that, you guys don't know shit about what's going on in your own lives.

I suppose you know nothing about Rainer dying.

And soon too.

What about Rainer?

When the Wanderer rises another curse shall befall him and in 7 days he will expire unless the curse is broken.

It's in your history, moron.

Where is the twig of Zamora?

Oh god you are so annoying.

You know, I did Hale a solid when I drove that sword into him.

Can you imagine the disappointment that he would have eventually felt, knowing that he was forever bound to your pathetic, weak, human ass.


What else do you know about Rainer?

A little of this and a little of that.


Tell me!

[whispers] You will watch friends die and do nothing about it.


We can't k*ll him, yet.


Why not? What did this gut rot say to you?

I need to take him to Trick.

No, Dyson no!

You think I don't want to tear his heart out and eat it in front of him?!

I do, but there are larger things at stake here than revenge.

Bo, please.

He will suffer Kenzi, Dyson will make sure of it.

No. You promised me. You promised me that he would die!

But if Massimo has information that can help us...

First you betray me, now Dyson betrays me.

Dyson loves you.


Kenzi, we have to trust him!

Rainer, Wanderer, assh*le, whatever your name is.

You have go to be in here somewhere.

History keeps a record of everyone and everything.

What the hell?


"Behold the demon beast, evil pure.

Fanged teeth, horned... Him they call Rainer."


"Thousand years shall be ended, he shall be unbound."

Okay. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.

"To wreak torment beyond comparison, and betray the Fae."

I knew it. I...

Morrigan: You think because the Una Mens went tits up that things'll just fall into place?

No. We need to intervene.

Bo and this Wanderer freak... they took out the Una Mens.

Probably the heir of Zamora too.

It's a matter of time before they come after me, after you.

Everything would be easier if the Succubus was dead.


Evony, you're not going to k*ll my granddaughter.

You and your obsession with family.

I warned you about her from the start.

Look, I've missed Hale's Day of Silence for this so let's make it worth my while.

Ah yes, The Siren.

Bit of a stick in the mud, wasn't he?

He was a better leader than either of us will ever be.

Speaking of Rainer. Shall we figure out what to do with him?

First we have to put our differences aside. For now.

Alright, but that's no fun.

Rainer, Massimo said that you're dying.

But I think someone has the answer.

Rosette... she was my best lieutenant.

Spent every moment trying get us off that train.

And I failed you, sir.


Well maybe you can help us now.

All these prophecies that you keep spouting, is there anything about Rainer dying?

That would be impossible.

The alliance between you both would have assured that the earthly curse was lifted.

What earthly curse? What alliance?

"If The Wanderer is rescued, and the first curse should fail, he shall be cursed again.

To suffer and perish within seven days of being on this Earth."

Crap. He's been here six days.

So in case the first curse was broken, a fail-safe was built in by the person who cursed him.


And only by the blood of your enemy can the curse be broken.

Trick's blood is in me.

What is it with my family and blood?

So we can break the curse.

And maybe find this Pyrippus.

The one that's been manipulating me.

The one whose ass I'm going to kick when I find him.

Which is how?

We need something that both you and Rainer shared.

A symbol, a clue.

There is one thing.

So to keep Rainer from dying in the next twenty-four hours, and to find the Pyrippus that we think is screwing with all of our lives, we need to officially form an 'allegiance' and our only clue is this tarot card.

The purpose of a Tarot Card is to guide so perhaps there's a message in it.

Yeah. The card revealed itself as a ticket when Kenzi touched it and it burned.


Then we go old school.

MMXV 2015.

The same thing happened to Kenzi!

It's a time. 8:15.

Or it could be something different. A code or a date.

It could be cartography coordinates.

We need to talk.

Fangs, horns?

Obviously this Wanderer is not the guy in my kitchen.

This book doesn't even look real. Is the ink still wet?

That confused me too. But look, then I remembered, there was no memory of Rainer. Right?



When his memory returned, history's memory of him returned as well. And it's not pretty.


"The Warrior shall escape his curse.

The Valkyrie shall be reborn.

The blood of a Zamoran shall be spilled."

Any of this sound familiar to you?

"The women of the horse shall rise."

I don't have any idea what that means.

"Between the Warrior and the Queen, one of the two shall die."

I haven't determined who this queen is but...

Yeah, they think it's me.

Holy shit Bo. Then it's coming true, don't you see we have to get you out of here.

Why are you doing this?

Something is coming for you. The Morrigan...

To get back at me?

I stayed with the Dark for you.


I isolated myself for you.

This was all for you ... everything that I do is for you.

Except tell me your plan, or the truth!

I had to make you believe it, if I was going make The Morrigan believe it.

Oh. I can't even hear this right now.

There's too much going on!

Kenzi is hurting so badly and where were you?

Playing around in the Dark archives digging up shit on the man somehow intertwined with my destiny.

So that's it. Hm? You choose him.

It is not like that.

I chose you... and you broke my heart.

Whenever you're ready, Bo, I think I've figured something out.

I booked Serge three months ago and this puss-puss isn't gonna wax itself so I don't care how sick his mother is, you make it happen.


Make yourself at my home.

We're celebrating.

We are? Heavens, doctor, what did you do?

Discover a new spore?

I want to join the Dark. Officially.



Changes of heart don't happen for no reason.

I'm a human in a Fae world.

Something that's been difficult to reconcile over the years.

Something that's made me feel weak and small.

And you've given me strength, confidence.

Oh, you're not falling in love with me, are you?

You know, The Light kept me imprisoned.

They made me wear a dog collar disguised as a necklace.

The Dark gave me me respect, freedom.

They trusted me with their research.

You could sell diapers to a Sumo.

Do you know that... I feel more like myself than I have in years.

Will you claim me?

Honey, I don't need to claim your clam to claim you.

Why don't you tell me what this is really about?

Truth? I have nowhere else to go.

Look, I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend.

But I might want some of the benefits.

I have never understood you humans.

But you are fun to play with.



The women of the horses.

Welcome. I am Sister Epona.

What is it you seek, children?

My Queen, stand back!


Rosette! Stand down.

This is the one that att*cked me when I arrived in your world.

I've never seen this girl in my life.

You are more beautiful than I expected.

What's with the horse?

The horse.

The great and all-powerful.

With dominion over life and death.

Only the mighty one will denote the worthy from the fallen.

But if you find it...

Find what?

Your blood will destroy him. He must be protected.

Protected from who?

The Succubus. You.

What about me?

The daughter's intentions are unclear.


The Pyrippus, is he... ?

Your father.

So, what should we do then darling?

My vote, we get rip-roaring drunk and settling into a stack of oh I dunno, something Rachel McAdams-y, I didn't call you for cuddles Vex. I need to get revenge.

Oh. Absolutely. Revenge is my middle name.

Well, second middle actually. After Chauncey.

It's a family thing, don't judge.

I'm talking blood spilled, guts, pain. I'm talking payback.

Stop. You're givin' me a stiffy.

Alright, tell uncle Vex, who's the unfortunate sot that's going to met his untimely end?

His name is Massimo.

Oh, well. That low level teabag human druid?

How in the world did he manage to k*ll Hale?

He had the twig of Zamora.

What stupid idiot gave that to him?


Do you have any idea what you're dealing with?

Do you even know where he is?

I know exactly where he is, in The Lair.

And you are the only one that can help me. So come on.

Listen, you're putting me in a real fix here, you understand?!

Honesty's not my strong suit, you know that, love.

I'm not a good Fae. Screw or be screwed.

You're having a crisis of conscience now?

Vex, I need the real you.

k*ller, crooked, cocky, dirty-to-the-death Vex.

Okay, okay.

We'll take out this crumpet muncher, Massimo. But ... let me handle him, alright?

I'll Instagram you every gratuitous little bloody tick.

In Kelvin 'cause it's my favourite filter. Alright... ?

No! Vex, I know you're trying to protect me, but that insect k*lled my almost husband.

He took my happiness, and my future, so this one is mine!


What is this thing I'm not supposed to get my hands on?

And what does it have to do with your father?

In my dawning, I saw a horse.

In the room where my father held me as a baby.

Last year I was haunted by visions of a carousel.

They were all clues. He wants to meet you.

Well he never has before.

I've been waiting to meet him my whole life and now I am terrified.

Because terrible things have been said about him?

For a reason.

So I have heard.

If he is evil then a part of me must be evil as well.

Come on. Look at how the history books painted me malevolent and depraved. A beast.

History really likes the ugly.

My Queen, I must tell you... according to the prophecy, your alliance with Rainer will release your father from his prison.

He's imprisoned?

Why? By who?

I don't know what to do.

If we align, then you will live but my father will be released.

And because you know nothing about him, the danger may be too great.

You buggered up big style.

It must have been horrifying.

To know what an ugly monster you'd be if you survived that fire.

Every inch of my body was searing, I could smell the stench.

My stench. Burning flesh and hair and sweat that burned the instant it appeared.

But I prevailed.

Thanks to your boyfriend.

My fiancé.

Even better.

Where is the twig of Zamora?

Oh, can't say.

You'll understand the irony of that once I've cut out your pretty little tongue.

Ow. Vexie.

I'm sorry, love. But this hot mess is mine.

Yours?! This psychopath k*lled our Hale!

I know!

But his mum abandoned him, and I gave my blood oath to take him in.

I mean he used to curl up at my feet, then s*ab them with forks, but, like a fine mold, he grows on you.

I bought you your own shop of herbal druidic shite and still you're nothing but aggro, you little muppet.

I'm so sick of you Fae and your blood oath bullshit!

So you wanna feel what burning flesh feels like?

Let me deal.

I do every thing else for you, so just get out before I change my mind.


I'm sorry, Kenz, but we all got our burdens to bear.


[groaning and panting]

It's like being a virgin all over again.

Lauren, who knew?

Well the doctor is in.


Uh, I can't believe I just said that.




Ew, salt. Ugh, so... so much salt.

You're sweating. Good sex will do that.


Not to me.

Never me.


Why do I feel weird?

Because Evony... you've been transformed.

Welcome to my world.

You're one hundred percent human.

Are you trying to melt me?

That's adorable.


I used your own DNA to create the serum that transformed you.

What serum?

Ow, forgotten already?

It's only 20 minutes ago you were down there.



You know, books will be written about this.

I'll write the first one of course.

It'll be called The Lewis Solution. For difficult Fae.

Shit. Something's happening?

Something's on my nose. Get it off!

You have an itch. Humans do that.

Hm. Bo has a soft spot for humans.

Her distrust just falls away, as do her panties.

She'll grow to like me, see that we have so much in common.

For example, both of us'll obviously screw anything.



You know, I'm not sorry.

I was going to prick you, but... this works too.

You know, an experiment of this magnitude could be very risky for you.

Your system could accept the sudden and all...

encompassing changes very well.


Or, it could all wear off and you'll be dead within the hour.

All this talk of destiny.

Dyson, I am being pulled in every direction, I don't know what to do.

I dunno Bo. This one is your call.

Oh Dyson, did we do the right thing?

With Massimo?

Kenzi is hurting so badly and we let her down.

Trick's good at hiding the real stuff.

But not that good.

Okay, let's drink.

A little to remember the good stuff, a lot to forget the bad.

You gonna open that or what?

It's the Zamoran family code.

Although I don't know why Hale gave it to me.

"Complexity, courage, strength, and beauty; Mindful always of your duty; To ties of blood and those we love; With gentle hands, wings of a dove; Ready thyself, on guard, be keen."

It's not much of a poem.

It inspired Hale when he was a child.

Are you guys seeing this?

"Ready thyself, on guard; be keen; To reunite with me, The Queen."

Well, there's your rhyme.

Zamoran poetry.

Rainer re-membered; history re-writing itself.

What's next?


I know this crest.

It's from the Order of the Knights of Raina.

It means loyalty.

To their queen.

Not just their queen.

"The" Queen.

When I was collecting souls on the b*ttlefield; knowing who served whom ...

I had to memorize every crest there ever was.

See this crown, how it hovers over the coat of arms?

And the bee, the queen bee. Literally.

They think that I'm that queen.

No Bo, it's so much more than that.

"The Queen" doesn't just mean "The Queen".

Bo it means you're The One.
Hey. I've made a call to a friend, in Warwickshire.

Bill. Famous playwright, nice guy.

We're gonna stay with him 'til things blow over.

Flight's are booked. So come one, let's go.

No, no I can't leave now. Not until it's finished.

You k*lled the heir of Zamora, you unappreciative little shit.

No wonder your mummy didn't want you.

What am I gonna do with you, eh Mo?

You were a wee thing when your mum dropped you off with me.

I tried everything I could to raise you right.

Didn't I feed you proper eh, teach you everything I know?

It still wasn't good enough for you, is it?

Every little psycho needs their mummy.

'Cept now I think I'm all you've got left.

Please Mo. Come to England with me.

Just you and me.

As it's always been.

There ya go, that's my boy. Bill's a lovely guy.

Just don't mention Hamlet to him. Alright?

He's obsessed with the ending.

Thinks it should've gone another way. Come on.

[phone ringing]

Please. No.

It's only going to end badly.

Please, Mo. Come with Vexie.


What took you so long?

And what's wrong with your face?

You look like a walking chemical peel gone wrong.

Ohhh. Don't pout.

So boring. Come.

It's true; the doctor has turned you.

I can hear your heart beating.

You and I we're the same.

Both human. Isn't it wonderful?


We have to hurry alright, because when Lauren finds out that I sent a text, not Bo and Bo isn't downstairs she'll come back.

Fine, let's go then.

I'm itchy everywhere and I think I might be getting my period for the first time.

There better be some miracle cure-all in that bag.

Shitty-ass rosemary, some blonde's extension and bad barbie rattan furniture?

That's it?

I found something very powerful and this is gonna make everything better.

Trust me.

How can I trust an albatross so utterly fantastic at failing?

Bring home a cute University pal.


Bring me the head of the Succubus.


Fix my eye.

I still see spots.

Always such a disappointing monster.

Don't call me that.

I always knew you were a monster on the inside, but now you look like a monster on the outside too.

Stop it, mother!


Recognize anything?

I was secretly hoping this thing I'm not supposed to find would be easy to spot.

There are too many of them to fight at once.

Let's spread out.

All I see are horses.


You don't like me very much, do you horse-whisperer?

If it comes, you will bring death and destruction.

If what comes?

Do not play games, betrayer of all.

You are interfering with destiny.

No, I'm finally facing it.

Ooh, does that bother you?

You only like horse-play when you're the one doing the playing?

You must die!

Hey. We found it, now what?

Be careful.

Could be a Trojan horse.


Maybe what we're looking for is inside the horse.

There must be some kind of trigger or something.


"Show thyself, on guard; be keen; To reunite with me, The Queen."


The handfasting. It cannot be.


Oh no, no, no. Been there, done that.

With a Loki in a cheesy Niagara hotel.


Tell me if I'm getting this wrong but are we supposed to get married?


I'm glad you're here.

How have you been?

Showing your new lady knight the sights?

You can try to push me away Kenzi, but it's not gonna work.

I love you.

It's really interesting stuff.

"One with eyes both brown and blue.

One who shifts, a Valkyrie too.

One with blood that rules the world, one who sings, his life unfurled.

A warrior to be her guide, a healer always by her side."

The professor and Mary-Ann!

Everyone's in here except the weak human girl.

Kenzi, you are a part of all of us.

Unclaim me Bo.

That is your grief talking. That's not what you want.

No I know I don't want to be here anymore.

My Queen.

Not now.

It's Rainer. There's not much time.

Can you just do this one thing? This one thing that I'm asking you!

No. I'm not letting you go. I can't.

This is not about you!

Kenzi this is a tough time.

Unclaim me.


I unclaim you.

My Queen, please.

Here, give this to Rainer.

I'm sorry. It's the best I can do.

Kenzi, we are not done.

Yeah. We're done!

[yelling] Monster!

So cruel.

[yelling] I hate you!

But I love you.

The Valkyrie hair, the seed?

What will make you love me?!

Stupid. Stupid.

[yelling] Stupid!

And you, I will get her everything she wanted.

I will be everything she wanted.

And you, you're gonna help me.

I won't.

We are gonna make a great team.

Of course, you're gonna have to die...

I will not help a madman.

[yelling] I'm not a monster!

[yelling] Stop calling me a monster!

When you see what I'm about to do... it's... You're a scientist.

You are really, really gonna dig this.


This is the Origin Seed.

The Seed. No, Massimo.

I will do anything. Please, please do not eat that.

Whoever takes this seed will have the combined power of the Una Mens.

And that means all power.

And it is all mine.

No, no, no, no, no...



[evil laughter]

[screaming in pain]

I came as soon as I got your note.

Are you all right?

Everything is changing around me.

I can't stop that, but I can control this.

So I will bind with you and save your life and face my father on my own terms.

Are you sure this is what you want?

Just to be clear. This isn't about love.

This is about what's right for my family.

Bo, it is our destiny to fight together for the good of the Fae.

To unite will be to join in a mutual quest.

And for the record, I do love you.

Here we go.

[latin chanting]

Is that it?

Well you did just save my life.

[evil laughter]


The prophecy has been written.

"She will rise, with The Wanderer as her soldier, and together they will release the Lord of Darkness."

I'm sorry, what did you just say?


The Dark Lord rises from Hel.

He will be here any minute.

Hell, hell?

No, the mirror of Valhalla.


You betrayed me, you bitch.

All those years by my side... a ruse.

You will pay!

No. He will protect me.

He promised me everything. Everlasting life.

Power of my own. He will be here.

The prophecy said he would come.

So where is he then?

[groans] No... No!

Please, please!

[screaming in pain]

It was all for you!

Oh god, Rainer! What have we done?