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05x30 - Unicron Resurrection!?

Posted: 08/18/23 15:48
by bunniefuu
Love is here, long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact... the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness

Your spirit will be transformed... the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by

Ashi Production

It has been revealed that the Angolmois capsules which the Blentrons have been collecting were...

...for the purpose of reviving the humongous and evil Transformer, Unicron.

The Blentrons carried those collected capsules...

...and headed to an asteroid that was wrapped in a dark and mysterious gas.

This reading...'s coming from the Destrons' Dinosaur!

Big Convoy,

What is it, NAVI?

There's a Destron reading near the asteroid where the Blentrons headed!

Have they caught an Angolmois capsule reading?

Huh? But I thought those guys scattered apart?

I don't blame them.

He even tried to defeat the Blentrons by sacrificing everybody, you know.

Which means no one is willing to follow Magmatron...

Yes, I'm pretty sure that Magmatron is companionless without aid now, Big Convoy.

What are you going to do, Magmatron?


So the Angolmois capsules are inside that asteroid within the dark space, huh?

Yes, there is certainly a capsule reading, but...

...will you be OK?

I don't know.


If we continue following Magmatron-sama, we'll never know when we'll end up being made sacrifices again.

For sure.

What're we gonna do from here on?

Now's the chance to break away from Magmatron-sama.


Breaking away from him is easy, but the problem is after that.

Your lives... you want to entrust them to me?

If you choose to follow me, I won't do you wrong.

No, there's also an option of changing sides.


What do you mean by "changing sides"?

You mean to go with the Blentrons?

The Dinosaur happens to have come close to where those guys are.

We could try negotiating with the Blentrons.

I don't see them responding to any kind of discussion.

It would be impossible for you, Guiledart, but I can do it.

Forget following guys like that, follow me!

Don't you think we should follow the one who is the strongest?

So you wanna say I'm weak, Archadis?

Then try destroying the Blentrons all by yourself!

What did you say?!

It seems like we'll have to think, either to go with Guiledart or Archadis.

No need to rush for a conclusion.

But then, I can't actually believe that Magmatron has something he fears that much!

Good grief, how wimpy, or I should say, how pathetic he is!

If he was more together, we wouldn't have to be troubled over something like this....!

I-I'm going to follow Magmatron-sama for the rest of my life!

Magmatron-sama, banzai!


W-What, it's just DNAVI! You scared me!

What do you want, DNAVI?

Magmatron said he will head off by himself to the asteroid where the capsule is.

Aren't you guys going?

Y-Yeah, we're just thinking about heading there.


If that's the case, then I'll teleport you, so you'll assist Magmatron well, you got that?

I'm going off on my own.

Is he going to negotiate with the Blentrons?

We'll depart, too.

If it looks like Magmatron-sama will be defeated, we'll take the Dinosaur and run away!

Running away is not beautiful, but...

What do we do from here, Guiledart?

Let's wait for Magmatron-sama to show up.

We'll look on from a safe height, huh?

He'll be revived soon.

Somebody's approaching.

The Cybertrons? The Destrons?

It doesn't matter which. We'll clean them up.

What is it?!

Is it the Blentrons?!

W-Wait, Blentrons! We're not here to fight you!

It's pointless...!








CLAW sh**t!

CLAP m*ssile!



We've got to run as we counterattack, that's the only way!

DEAD g*n!


This is how you end up when you follow Guiledart.

Magmatron... ar..ound... that area... where... the Angolmois capsule reading... is the strongest...

DNAVI, I can't hear you well because of the electromagnetic interference.

...I've...Guiledart ...around that area... though...

What are you trying to do here, Blentrons?

Wasn't it Unicron whom you've been trying to revive?

I feel it.

An extraordinary power that comes from the Angolmois energy!

If it's something linked to Unicron, then the universe will be destroyed again...

W-What is this?

I commend you for coming this far.

W-Who are you?

Have you forgotten, Magmatron?

D-Don't tell me, you're the Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron?!

I thought you had vanished along with the expl*si*n of Nemesis!

Is that how you've been perceiving of me, who holds the title of the Emperor of Destruction, Magmatron?

Long ago, I was waging fierce battles against the Cybertrons lead by Lio Convoy, over the Angolmois energy.

In order to rule the entire universe, we did an all-out attack using the artificial planet Nemesis!


...with just one step at that time by Lio Convoy and Lio Junior,

...they released the power of the Energon Matrix,

...and my body was torn into pieces...

...and scattered into space.

So, the Blentrons have been collecting these capsules for you, Galvatron...?

That's funny.

So... you just had to go through the trouble of reviving yourself only to repeat the same failure, Galvatron?

I won't repeat the same failure.

The Angolmois energy is only suitable for the one who rules the universe.

It's no longer a time and place where a ghost from the past like yourself can show up!

I'll use that energy to stop Unicron from reviving!

I'll show you which one of us is suitable...

...for the Angolmois energy, Magmatron.

Do you want to waste that body you've just revived?

I wonder about that?

Why did the Blentrons take the capsules to that asteroid?

Is the Blentrons' boss or something in there?

Hey, wait, if the Blentrons have a boss,

...that means that guy would be the same as or even stronger than them, for sure!

We're definitely not a match for him...!

Big Convoy, there's a battle reading within the planet!

A battle reading?!

I highly doubt the Destrons would go face the Blentrons, after they had the crap beaten out of by them.

And, it's not only from one location!


So their opponents are not the Blentrons only?!

I'm going there.

Within that asteroid...

...something designed to revive Unicron may have been starting...

I'm going, too!

No, it's just a recon. I, alone, will be enough.

If it's recon, then I'll go along!

I'm going, too, as it's worrisome if only Stampy is going along.

If that's the case, I'm in, too!

Me, too!

As it's worrisome to send just these guys along, therefore, I'm in, too!

You're all aware that we don't know what'll happen there?!

Fine! All members, depart!

Yes, sir!


What you're doing is pointless!



You know...

...I-I think it's better to have Archadis start negotiating...!

I guess it's my turn to take the stage.


All of you, stay out of this!


W-What was that just now?!

Let's find out!

Is that all you've got, Magmatron?

You're pretty good considering you've been in slumber for a long time.

I've been storing my energy.

Since you're so unwillingly to admit defeat, I'll soon shut you up!



Over there...

Is that Galvatron?!

He is the former Emperor of Destruction, I've heard of him before, but...

So that means, the one the Blentrons were trying to revive was Galvatron?

W-What does all this mean, Guiledart?!

Don't ask me!

There's an option to side ourselves with Galvatron as well.

With this level of your power, you've been calling yourself the Emperor of Destruction, Magmatron?!

It looks like I underestimated you a little.

I won't go easy this time!

What in the-?!

Don't you get it? The level of your power doesn't have what it takes to rule the universe!

It's over that way!

GIGA m*ssile!

It's done!

W-What're we gonna do?!

If Magmatron wins, are we gonna go with him?!

Hey, Guiledart?

I just told you, don't ask me!

Guiledart, you want both sides to be defeated, right?

W-What're you implying?!

Look! With his current level, Magmatron might not be able to win.

He didn't avoid it on purpose!

He's showing off his power.

It's scary and beautiful...

You don't possess the power to rule the universe!

Big Convoy! O-Over there!

That's Galvatron, the one who Lio Convoy had a fierce battle against, right?

So, that's Galvatron, huh?

The new and old Destrons...

It's a battle between the two Emperors of Destruction, huh?

This will be quite a show!

However, didn't Lio Convoy say that Galvatron ​had been swept away into cosmic space?

So that means, the Blentrons were trying to revive Galvatron?


Big Convoy, check it out!

Both the Blentrons and the Destrons are watching the fight unfold!

I'll show you which one of us is befitting to destroy Unicron!

How futile.


WING m*ssile!


I don't want to waste my energy on the likes of you.

W-Wasting your energy, you said?!

I-I've let you talk too much!

Don't you get it?

I've been telling you, you don't have the power to surpass Unicron!

Surpass Unicron?

He's dealing with Magmatron as if he's a child.

Lio Convoy faced and fought an incredible guy like him?!

Could it be that Galvatron is actually...?!

What is it, Big Convoy?


U-Up until now, I've been collecting the Angolmois capsules scattered across the universe... order to prevent Unicron's revival.

B-But ironically, those capsules ended up being used for Galvatron's revival,

...and I'm not even a match for Galvatron himself?!

That's the reality.

Your objectives haven't been accomplished at all!

And that reason is... because Unicron has been revived!


That Galvatron guy, just what's he talking about?!

Big Convoy?

Unicron has been revived?!

W-What are you talking about, Galvatron?

Haven't you figured it out yet?

You've just absorbed the Angolmois energy that was meant to be used for Unicron, into yourself, haven't you?!

And now, you're trying to make your ambitions from long ago come true, Galvatron!

That's right.

This has been my ambition since the Great w*r...

...where I swept across the entire universe!

But that ambition since the Great w*r was Unicron's...?

N-No way!!

Now you've finally put it all together, Magmatron.

At least, I can commend you for making it this far!




It's too dangerous, Big Convoy!


P-Please teleport us!


I guess that's the way it goes...

M-Magmatron has...

It's Unicron.

That guy is...

...Unicron who is in the appearance of Galvatron!


Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Galvatron is Unicron, and Unicron is Galvatron... In any case, that means the greatest monster in the universe ended up being revived!

We can't contact the front line base!

This is all because of Unicron, isn't it?

All right. I'll go investigate.

Ah, please wait, I'll go with you!

It is a lieutenant's duty to remain behind with his troops to take care of them!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 31 is, Unicron's Ambition.

Wait for it!

Please take me with you!!