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04x10 - Waves

Posted: 01/22/14 13:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on Lost Girl...

Are you The Wanderer?

I knew you'd come for me.

I remember who The Wanderer is.

I created all of this.

I must take his soul.

It belongs to me.

Don't you see what is happening to me?

Not knowing is driving me crazy.

Someone you love very much will soon be dead.

I did all of this because he's not my enemy, he's my destiny.

LAUREN: Did you just say destiny?!

TRICK: If you have something to settle, settle it with me.

Not my granddaughter.

BO: Did you not hear what I just said?

He's brainwashed you!

Can you please trust me, any of you?

What is going on?

DYSON: I'll take care of this. Bo, get back!

No you need to get back. All of you.

Trick, Trick!

It had to be done, they didn't give us a choice.

I have been pulling ninety-hour weeks to make this the biggest mobile launch since the iPhone.

One more delay from you or any of your Ivy League morons and Darren will have you sliced in two.


You're a doll.


(muffled screeches)

Ah... aaaaahhhhhh!

Life is hard when you don't know who you are, it's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years, searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

We should never have let her get on that train alone.

We should have protected her.

She doesn't want our protection Dyson, she doesn't even want to see us.

She's not thinking straight.

It's got to be a possession. Or a spell.

I just... I need to examine her.

That's it, I'm gonna go get her.

But she doesn't want us to Dyson.

I don't care.

Dyson she locked us out.

Bo locked us out.


Aaaaaand we're breaking things.

Giant coffees! Come and get 'em!

Who could possibly need that much caffeine?

Us! We! We're taking a case. Can I get a wha' wha'.



Okay, not what I had in mind.

Kenzi, it's not really a good time.

A woman's legs went missing, dudes! Like mi-ssing. Okay?

She was swimming in her company pool, and then BAM.

Legless in Pool-attle.

What's the company called?

Alaria Tech. Biometrics.

Like "I, Robot" shit. So we need to get to the bottom of this.

And, get that bottom half... back.

Yeah, Bo's kind of our only case right now Kenz.

Yeah, well Bo's made it quite clear that she wants us OFF her case.

So, uh, she said she'd talk to us tomorrow. When she's ready.

Tamsin's resting, recovering. So I packed a weekend bag.

Holla, we're gonna give Bo some elbow room.

How do we trust him?

We don't. And believe me, I am not happy about this either.

You know new guy comes along, girl drops her friends.

Classic suckage.

But we gotta trust our girl. Respect Bo's decision.

I'm so glad you guys could help.

Grab a coffee, don't be shy.


Is everything okay?

I need to understand.

What if this was a mistake?

I want to trust you, I do...

I never imagined I'd be on this physical plane again.

I had to go back to the train willingly to save you.

And I did.

I went dark for you. I did the impossible.

But this. What we did...

Was just as necessary.

Kenzi, Dyson, Lauren, Trick. I'm sorry, they...

Just need time. And so do I.

You said once we remembered, you would talk to them.

I know. But not yet.

The memories are back, the feelings.

But now that we're here, in the real world together, in my world...

I need to understand. Really understand.

(record playing)

You have harassed my friends. Stalked and kidnapped me.

And you just blew up my favorite pub.

So let's get to it... Wanderer.

Be still my heart... another brunette.

I am so sick of this song.

Who the hell are you?

(music stops)

Hey, I'm talking to you.

I came all this way via black smoke, I think I deserve an explanation.

Well sweetheart, you got two choices.

One. You can stay, I can pretend to court you, get bored with you and send you away.

Two, you can get off at the next stop.

Either way you'll forget everything.

(music plays)

Here's option three.

(music cuts)

You tell me why you kidnapped me.

I don't know why you are here. Seriously, I don't.

Next question?

Why go through all of this trouble just to send me away?

If you wanted some epic fight, some battle of wits, some... sweeping romance, you're on the wrong train.

Nothing to see here. Move it along.


Take uh...

Bo. My name is Bo.

Take Bo to her chambers, she'll be getting off at the next stop, if she knows what's good for her.

No thanks.

Your scent is faint but you are Fae.

Orphaned pixie. Raised by humans, in the human world.

As if that wasn't already random enough, now this.

It's very inconvenient.

That's one way to put it.

Well exclusive access to the corporate pool would indicate an inside job.

Is there any sort of suspicious research going on?

I'm handed a product and I market it.

How it's actually made is a mystery.

Darren Clare would be your guy.

He's the head of Product Development.

Now there's a man with secrets.

Thank you. I really appreciate this.

And I appreciate your Tahiti Sunset manicure.

I'm a Tahiti Sunrise girl, myself.

Sharp eye.

Hm. You hired the best.

Now kids. Let's get corporate.

We got saucy microwaves. Grabby managers. Drip coffee.

How we doin' this?

Actually I've set up two temp corporate profiles.

Okay well how about Kenzi and I take the field.

I've been training her.

As a shadow thief. Check your panties.

Anyone missing any panties?

You have got to stop doing that.

I did not teach her to do that.

Kenzi, I think you'll fit in just fine as mail distribution and maintenance.

Offended. Moving on.

Dyson, you'll go in as Efficiency Consultant.

Now listen, this building is rigged with the latest heat sensor security.

If either one of you gets flustered or nervous, big brother is alerted.

I have managed to hack you into the heat signature system.

So you can monitor yourselves or any suspects.

Just remember to stay alert, calm, most importantly, blend in.

Can you believe Diana got our roles wrong?


What, I never get to wear a suit.

Here's your mail workin' girl.

(earphone fuzz)

What is that noise?

Sorry I was eliminating some potentially harmful bacteria.

You know, E. coli, enteritis salmonella that kind of thing.

Sorry. What do you see? What's happening?

Well, we're basically in a yogurt commercial.

How's the heat monitor working?

Um... looks like I'm the hottest one around.

I like this gadget!

You're hot 'cause you're excited Kenz, you gotta stay calm or you're gonna alert security.

Okay, delivering mail to Darren Clare.


I don't think so.

No one delivers anything 'directly' to Mr. Clare.

Not even me.

Why, is there some sort of secret mail slot or something?


Oh how clumsy of me.

Aren't you a little unkempt for a corporate setting?

Aren't you a little nasal to be answering phones?

I am not...


Dyson: one. Man Drescher: zero.

Heat band-aid secured.

Are you sure this is gonna work?

Ah, yes. It's registering!


Mail is on the move.

Unfortunately, I'm being stalked like a celebrity at a Whole Foods parking lot.

You need to get into that vent system to track that mail before we lose heat.

Okay, I'm gonna distract the guard.

I'll record myself on a camera that cousin Dimitri provided that also doubles as a projector.

I'll install a screen in front of my desk...

Yeah, I don't think we should be trusting Gypsy technology.

Just give me, uh, give me 20.

Or we could just do that.

You're welcome.

Okay, I am getting my vent on.

If this goes Aliens, I am Sigourney Weavering outta there.





That was way more graceful than it sounded, I swear.

Kenzi. Do you have a visual?


Lots and lots of legs.

Long, lean, sculpted calves.

Looks like someone never missed squat day.


(gasps) Someone's here.


Okay, false alarm. No one's here.

It's just Darren's mail.

A lot of mail.

Okay, what do we got here?

We got a subscription to Chez Lounge.

Oh hello.

Medical bills for Tad.

We're talking like six figures. And a lot of them.

Darren's assistant? What's he being treated for?

Uh... Perry-foral somethin'-somethin', I dunno.

Why don't I just take a picture and send it to you.

How you doin', D?

Lauren I'm sending you some visuals to scan.

Yeah, I'm looking at them.

That plant. I need you to bring me one.

It's unusual and possibly aquatic.

Flowers for my favourite doctor.

Coming up.

Okay! Playful banter between duelling exes?!

It's a salt water pool.

I found a pearl in the filtration system.

Ooh! I'm calling dibs.

If it's not evidence I want it.

Am I interrupting?

Frankly, yes.

Oh my, you're sweating.

That's what happens when I gear up to kick handmaiden ass.

Which I will do if you don't help me off this train.

Next stop's not for three days.

If you jump before then, you'll evaporate.

Leave when it's stopped without an elemental, and you'll get transcendental sickness and die.

Now. Shall we freshen you up?

In your size... you'll look ravishing.

I'm not really into looking ravishing for someone who kidnapped me.

Oh, please stop looking at it that way.

There's no other way to see it!

If he wasn't so pathetic.

I would have thrown him off his own train.

I know it might not seem like it on the surface but, he is a great man.

Give him a chance.

Give us all a chance.

Believe it or not? We need you.

Dinner? With the Wanderer?

His name is Rainer.

And you do look hungry.

DYSON: Then why aren't you doing this from the comfort of your new Dark digs?

I wanted to be here with you guys, close to all the action.

Has Bo called? Pool boy.

Not yet, no.


Not yet, but she will.

We gotta have George Michael faith-a, faith-a, faith-ahhh.

It's not a pearl... it's a crystallized salt deposit.

Did you just say crystallized salt deposit?

Can that sentence be mistaken for some other sentence?


Why, what's going on?

We should never have taken this case.

Kenzi, you need to get out.

But we haven't solved it yet!

Doesn't matter, get out. Do you copy?

What is it Dyson?

A flesh eater?







Eighty thousand dollars a year to gossip by a toaster oven?

Yeah. Fired.


Uh, zip. Zip.

Oh my God Mermaids? I love mermaids!

But like, LOVE them.

They are the psychopaths of the sea Kenz.

"The Seas Have Eyes" is their cultural motto.

I have lied awake at night my entire life thinking of the marvellous mer-day when I would meet a fin-flapping, sea-shell-bra wearing, Daryl Hannah...

Oh my God.

They are a rare and fascinating species.

Yeah. They comb their hair with forks!

Yeah, right after they s*ab your face with them.

Just before they blow up your ship that's en route to the new world.

Yeah but then they sing duets with crabs?

No, they don't, Kenz.

This is not a children's movie.

Okay fine. But if they're that bad, don't we think the good people of Alaria deserve the chance to be mermaid-free?

She's right.

Fine, but we have to be careful. They could be anywhere.

(small squeal)

Your Handmaiden likes playing matchmaker.

She's usually better at it.

Other dates bothered to dress up.

Play into the fairy tale.

Whereas you look like you're here to assassinate me.

I am not looking for happily ever after.

I have that at home. With my family, my friends.

You know, the people you stole me from.

Congratulations. But again, I didn't bring you here.

Is there sauce for this?

What do you want with me Rainer?

The handmaiden told you my name.

Yeah, and now you're gonna tell me everything else.


You think you can come in here and push me around.

Act tough. Demand answers...

I keep barking until I get answers.

You are not going to change anything.

(faint screech)

Are you a Succubus?

Tell me what do the Dark Fae devour these days?

I wouldn't know. I'm unaligned.

That's impossible.

Impossible like a magical train that travels through other dimensions and kills you when you try to leave it.

I really wish there was sauce...

What kind of Fae are you?

Huh? Some memory wiper?

Memory is not my power.

What is it, then?

My curse.

What curse?

We all have our burdens.

True. But yours happens to be a pain in my ass, Wanderer.


Please, call me Rainer.

Whoever you are? I'll be taking my dinner to go.

Approaching Tad for Efficiency Evaluation.

Intel imminent because, yes, I AM that good.

Hi, I'm Lorna Larson from KLD Consulting.

Here to evaluate the efficiency of your position.

Why don't we uh, take a walk.

Or a roll, or we can just hang out. Here.

I'm the most efficient person at Alaria.

And in the spirit of efficiency, let's make this quick.

Right. Does your disability ever affect your work?

Does your leave-in shampoo seep into your scalp and affect yours?


You're not an assistant, you're a SASS-istant.

It's in the job description.

So uh, what happened to your legs? Or lack thereof.

Do you have ten seconds and a violin?

Fourth year college.

I got sick with peripheral arterial disease.

It was either amputate or die.

Piling medical bills, laid off parents. Fun.

Then, Darren came along.

Covered our expenses. Gave me a job.

He saved my life.

And now it's my mission to protect him.

Make sure nothing, or no one, ever gets in his way.

So if he, um, ever did anything, un-kosher, would you cover for him?

Darren's a genius.

People would love to see him fall.

I protect him from the crazies.

(phone vibrates)

I have a meeting to attend.

Because I'm efficient that way.


Tad is not a mermaid. Repeat, not a mermaid.

DYSON: He sure got defensive about Darren Clare.

Oh hello.

LAUREN: Those files you stole... these dismemberments were ex*cuted with surgical precision.

Not like the pool hack job that Diana suffered?

Do you see a match?

All of these belonged to men.

Why the sudden interest in women's parts?

Kenzi. If you could get me a sample or a...

Got it. I'm going back in.

And maybe this time I'll see a mermaid.

(playing piano)

By all means, let yourself in.

Who needs privacy?


At least play something more cheerful.

Final Countdown? Really?

You play Risk?

I lost a long time ago.

Something tells me you're not talking about a game.


You asked me what my power was.

I used to have foresight.

In battle.

I was able to see my opponent's att*cks before they happened.

I put it to good use, fought to end Light and Dark.

How would you do that?

I've seen good people slaughtered in the name of what is supposedly "right".

Family's torn apart, forced to choose a side.

Fighting against each other instead of with one another.

A tyrannical rule was on the rise.

Who's rule?

(slams keys)


I can't re...

I can't, I'm sorry.

Not being able to remember why I'm here.

Who cursed me. who took my power away. What this is all for.

It's, it's...

It's t*rture.

One can learn to live with Or without... almost anything.

That's not living.

ANNOUNCER: Next stop, same as the last.

Last stop, same before next.

Come on keypad, work with me.

Someone's approaching but their heat signature's blue.

What does that mean?

Colours correspond to temperature.

Well this one's cool. Cool as a cucumber.

Or cold as a fish, Kenzi get out.

(coughing, choking)

Climbing the corporate ladder is one thing.

But crawling through the corporate vent? Is a dead end.

(gasping, coughing)

So, not only are you stealing my legs, you're stealing my mail?

Where'd you get these letters?

Merman? I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed.

Where did you get these?

Your assistant.

Tad never gave them to me.

He must have thought she was a stalker.


My sister.

There's over a dozen pearls here.

Do you know what this means?

She loves buck-a-shuck Tuesdays?

She's gonna k*ll me.

Well maybe you deserve it for stealing Diana's legs.

Diana lost her legs?! I heard she took a leave of absence.

Are you saying your sister did it?

Pretty sure.

But she doesn't know how to attach them.

Where'd you get yours?

When Tad got sick, he became my first donor.

My team developed a tissue fusion system using stem cells.

Look, I'm not safe here. Dominique is close.

Please help me. Take me to Diana.

How can I trust you?

I am standing in a room full of man gams.

Did you sign your donor card?

They were all willing. I didn't hurt anyone.

My entire life, I wanted to be a part of a world I didn't belong to.

This is my only way.

You wanna be where the people are.



Tahiti Sunset. Diana's legs.

She's closer than I thought. I'm dead.

No, I can get you out of here.

She'll be looking for more legs, won't she?

Yeah. She can hide in the pool water system.

You're gonna have to fish her out.

I know the best bait in town.

Just act natural. Go for a swim.

You go for a swim.



Two minute warning. Next station in two minutes.

What did you do?

When I was seven, I...

It is. You.

You're going to miss your stop.

But this. Us.

Go. While you still can.


Go. GO!


(door clicks)

What am I doing?

Didn't like that underwater frequency, did ya?

God. She's beautiful.


Yes, that's what they're called.


Not yours.

Lauren's. There's a difference.

God damn mermaids. I should just end her now, right?

You feel like some sushi?

NO! I need to walk.


You are hurting people. It's wrong.

I didn't. I need them to get to my brother.

He abandoned me when he left home for his "Walking".

What's that?

Like a Rumspringa?

When the Amish community leave their home for a while to explore the world, then the decide whether or not to come back, live a traditional life.

We get magic legs for a year to walk the earth.

I had my time. Came home like a good girl.

But Darren somehow made his Walking permanent.

And you thought you'd follow suit, only without the means.

Do you have any idea what it feels like to be ignored?

To be locked out by someone that you love?

I've been sending these pearls to Darren.

That's my eighteenth. It means I've suffered enough to take someone's life.

So you're here to k*ll your own brother?

I would never.

My sister on the other hand.

She promised to get Darren and come back.

I waited, and waited.

For years.

She lied to me.

So I took her human walking sticks.

Your sister...?

So it wasn't you.

Thought you were trying to cut me out of my position.

By cutting off your legs?

Isn't that what mermen do?

I hope you guys like tuna!

(high pitched sonic noises)

Ocean speak!

You've gotta teach me some epic mer-swears?


Oi vay! Do you need a pashmina? You're freezing cold!

Cold as a... fish?

You're not pixie, you're a mermaid.

And you're my new bottom half.

I don't get it, why would you hire us if you thought your own brother did it?

I thought he was trying to get rid of me.

So I hired you to play detective to get rid of him.

For a species without assholes, you sure act like ones.

Drop the knife.

Take one more step and she's chum.

Dominique, Dominique, Dominique.

Always screwing everything up.

I want you both to come home She's our sloppy sister.





Dominique, you are so small pond.

Darren and I worked hard for our legs!

Let's just all go back home.

You promised me that you would come back... you forgot about me.


You stay here with us.

It's perfect... you get the doctor's.

Diana gets the squirmy one's.

And I upgrade to wolf legs.

Dominique, don't listen.

You have to help us.


I like his idea!


Stop it, you're k*lling him!

Look at that.


The family's back together!

We'll get our legs.

Blow up Alaria Tech.

Start over again in Maui.

Now's the time for our kind to rise.

Goodbye sea shells.

Hello Victoria Secret!

There's nothing that can stop us.

Except tap water.

Oh shit.

And you missed the last stop.

And the one before that.

And the one before that. And the one before that...

Time is different in this place.

Are my friends still safe?

Kenzi and Dyson are coming close to finding the compass.

When they break it, they'll remember you.

And you won't remember me.

It was worth it.

Even if I never see you again.

After all, it is my curse.

Screw your curse.

Everything's ready.

Nobody's ever come back...

Tell me again.


All the clues are in place.

When I return home.

They'll guide me back to you, even though I won't remember.

When your crows brought us that gorgeous singer to perform for us, I told her to come find me...

Who? Who told you to come?

You did.

And then there's Hugin.

When I open that jar, he will guide me back...

And if that is not enough, there is one thing that I know for sure will work...

A contract with the dark.

Be my witness?


It betrays who you are. Everything I fought for.

This is never gonna stick.

If there is one thing that I know I would never in a million years align myself.

If I go home, and find out that I am dark...

I will move heaven and earth to find out how that happened.

Bringing me back to you.

When I return, I will destroy this contract.

Save you from this train.

I will get you everything back.

Your memory.

Your power.

What if I'm a monster?

What then?

Then I'll k*ll you myself.


For now, all you have to do is keep this train running.


Stay alive.

Unanimes venit lumen.

Unanimes veniat pax.

Malum est...

Oh good, you're all here.

Being creepy.

You have broken our laws again, Succubus.

The Wanderer is not intended for this physical plane.

It is his curse.

Breaking curses is kind of my thing.

Rainer, now!

I can feel it.

I can see their att*cks.

My power of foresight is back, Bo. And we're in danger.

This is the reason you were cursed.

This is too much power for a rebel.

Your corrupt council warrants a rebellion.

What you speak is blasphemy.

For your crime, we will k*ll your claimed human.

The doctor.

The wolf.

The siren.

Everyone you love will perish.

After you have witnessed their destruction... we will k*ll you.

Capture the Succubus and The Warrior.

Seek out her friends, her families.

We will make her watch as they suffer.

(fighting sounds and grunts)

I don't want what comes next.

You don't want what comes next.

You know you can't defeat us, Succubus.

She's right.

Last time I succubused them, it almost k*lled me.

They'll reflect my att*cks because it uses my power.

The Keeper is quick as lightning.

But you can do this with my help.





(fighting sounds and grunts)




Holy shit.

It's working.

What next?

Do you trust me?

Once we get rid of this sea foam, it's unlikely they'll survive the sewage system.

How'd you know it would k*ll them anyway?

I noticed tap water k*lled the aquatic plant.

Diana refusing to drink a drop combined with the composition of Dominique's pearl.

Salt water pool.

The rest was osmosis!


Smarty pants.

You know what?

We make an excellent team.

We do.

Bo never called.


No, I'm worried about her...

I mean...

What are they even doing?!



What's next?

You got this.


If you do this, if you follow him... you will suffer a fate beyond your worst nightmares.

A fate even worse than your own whore of a mother's!

You will be dragged beneath irkalla, damned like the spawn of evil that you are!!!

No more threats.

No more councils.




What are you doing here?


This can't wait.

How dare you come into my home?

Into my room?

Rainer will ask you to slay the Una Mens.

I know that they've wronged us.

That they're evil.

But I am begging you: Don't do it.

Their power will be amassed into the single remaining seed.

What seed?

The Origin Seed.

It was stolen from me.

In the wrong hands...

What, Trick?

Just give me your word.

That's all I ask.