05x17 - Troubled DNAVI

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x17 - Troubled DNAVI

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

Aiming to acquire the Angolmois capsules that were scattered across the vast universe,

...the heroic Cybertrons and evil Destrons have been battling against each other.

Archadis, what do you think of us, and this Dinosaur?

It shows Magmatron-sama's very prestige. It is truly wonderful.

I, Archadis, am impressed.

Let me see what you're fully capability of.

I am humbled.

We've arrived at our destination, the planet Pastel.

So, Archadis, do you want to go?

No, please let me observe how Magmatron-sama's subordinates perform...

...from this Dinosaur.


He's completely acting like he's second-in-command already, without going on a mission himself.

Magmatron-sama, I'll go.

All right. Guiledart and Sling, you go.

I'm going to show him how excellent I am as a lieutenant!

Time to get going, Guiledart and Sling.


I can use this.

This teleportation device has the ability to instantly teleport one to wherever they need to be, as long as they are super lifeforms.

This should do. Things are about to get interesting...



It's us again?

It can't be helped, Break.

In any case, we've got to find that capsule!

I've checked out the capsule room, but it looked like you guys didn't accomplish much.

Break, the abilities of you guys are...

You do know, right?! It's because the Destrons keep getting in our way!

Then, we should get rid of the Destrons!

After that, we can implement our operations in whatever way we want.

You can't even determine such a simple thing, Break?

How dare you!

Alright! We're gonna compete on who att*cks the Destrons more!

Hey-hey, Break!

If I win, I won't let you open your big mouth anymore!

Let's see here... the capsule's reading is...

More importantly, we're looking for the Destrons!

Hey, Stampy, do you get it?!

Those aren't the orders we're to follow!

Screw the orders!

Oh, the Cybertron guys are there!

Just at the right time...

I'll show that Archadis just how powerful I am by destroying these guys!

Let's do this!

TAIL sh**t!

A m*ssile!

Those damn Destrons gave us a surprise attack!

Just like a moth flying into the flame!




Break, let's not fight if we don't need to!

What the hell are you talking about, Stampy?!

You, too, freakin' counterattack!



Cybertrons located! Presently engaging in combat!

Good! Saberback's group, join them!

Sir! As you please.

Teleport is ready! Get ready to go!


I wonder what will happen?

W-What is the meaning of this?!

Hey, DNAVI, what's the meaning of tossing us out into the darkness of outer space?

What?! Where did you end up?!

Teleporting once more!

W-Where are we?!

Guiledart's group is now fighting with the Cybertrons, aren't they?

This is not a beautiful way for DNAVI to be doing her job.

I'll show Magmatron-sama just how incompetent they are.

Goodness. What's going on here?

Hey! You didn't tamper with the teleportation device, did you?!

How can you say such a thing?!

I'm just watching the manner of how you do your job.


DNAVI, just what are you doing?

Something is strange!

Magmatron-sama, it appears that​ DNAVI isn't in very good condition.

We should disassemble her once to check her over.

There's no way in hell I'm approving you to disassemble my body!

Don't even think of laying one finger on me!

I don't care about that.

Just hurry and get everyone re-teleported!

All bark and no bite!

Good, let's finish them off.

Ready to teleport!



They vanished...

Just when we had the chance to beat them, they turn tail and run!

You were just fighting against overwhelming odds, though?!

It's because all you did was freakin' avoided fighting!

W... Well...


Why'd you do that out of the blue?

You stupid bastard! I'll get you back for that!

You're the ones who att*cked us out of nowhere!


Wait, Deadend! Before we were about to attack, we were teleported all of a sudden.

He's right!

A little more, and we were about to land a finishing blow to those Cybertrons!

You guys also, huh?

We, too, were teleported to a not so beautiful place.

We were almost about to fight among ourselves...

My status as lieutenant was in jeopardy...

That was close! If they started fighting among themselves, they would have blown their ranks out...

What's going on with this machine?!

What a useless bunch...

...just when we might be able to bury those Cybertrons for good by using the magma on the planet Pastel....

Longrack, how's Break's group doing?

They haven't located the capsule as of yet.

Big Convoy, the magma on Planet Pastel will be active soon.

It looks like it's going to happen much earlier than expected.

Longrack, inform Break's group...

...to hurry and bring that capsule back!

There's not much time!

Yes, sir!

Hey, Stampy, they just said that the magma's gonna spew.

We'd better hurry and wrap this up!

So it IS a volcano then.

We've wasted our time fighting the Destrons!

This way!


This is the Magmatron-sama's order; bury the Cybertrons, using the magma.

Guiledart, where exactly are those Cybertrons?

DNAVI, you freakin' better teleport us in front of the Cybertrons, properly!

You're such a pest! I am teleporting you properly!


Where have you teleported us to?!

Are those Cybertrons within this cavern?

What's that?

This is the inside of a volcano!!

That was a close one!

We almost got swallowed by that magma!

What a freakin' sloppy teleport job!

I'm gonna beat the hell outta DNAVI!!

Sling, stop misdirecting your anger!

She's been freaking' shuffling us around to these impossible places and I'm so pissed at her!

Hey, DNAVI, return us to the Dinosaur at once!

I'm gonna freakin' crack that stupid head of yours open!!

Do not talk to me in such a rude manner.

Ready to teleport.


Wh-What is this place?


What's the meaning of this?!

DNAVI, you stupid moron!!

It might also be a good thing if Guiledart and others get swallowed up by the magma.

Oh my, Archadis, what are you doing?!

Nothing, just trying to repair it for you.

Nobody else but me is allowed to touch this machine!

Hey, DNAVI, what're ya doing?!

Be quiet! I'm making an adjustment right now!

Don't tell me it's Archadis who's behind this?

I can't believe you've said such a thing... I'm just repairing it.

I don't freakin' care, just teleport us properly!

Hey, the capsule is over here!

We finally made it!

The monitor didn't respond at all, so...

The eruption created a fracture...

...then we were able to get the capsule reading!

That's right! The capsule seems to be right below this!

Alright, let's hurry and bring this thing back, guys!


...And there!

Keep going down more.

Keep going down more.

Hey-hey, Heinrad, rather than watching, help us out!

On it!



...And there!

...And there!

Hey, DNAVI, freakin' hurry up and teleport us in front of the Cybertrons!!

You're being a pain, Sling!

Don't interrupt my work!

DNAVI, are ya even freakin' listening?!

I don't care anymore!

You don't listen to me at all!

This thing... THIS thing is to be blamed!

DNAVI, this isn't a broken TV with a blurry picture, so you shouldn't hit it.

That's fine, I'll do this to it!

We can't rely on DNAVI anymore.

Ready to teleport.


Hey-hey! Just where exactly are we going to be teleported to?

Ah! There it is!

Here it is!

We found it! Now before the Destrons get here, let's hurry back to the Gung-Ho!

That's right.

We should hurry, that volcano will erupt soon...


That damn DNAVI, she finally teleported us properly.

Furthermore, they have the capsule, too. Beautiful!

Now you're talking!

The time has come to show my ability as a lieutenant...

When I treat it in an unreasonable way, it works; what a perverse thing.

SPIRAL b*mb!




I've got it!




We found that thing!




Mach Kick, you saved me!

So the Destrons got in your way again, huh?!

They always show up at the most important times!

If that's the case, then let's get rid of them!


You know that, right, Mach Kick?!

I'm defeating those three, so don't freakin' meddle with me!

You can't do that all by yourself!

Shut the hell up!

Gimme my capsule back!

Everyone come together, and fire simultaneously!


Good. Let's use this as a decoy and lure them to the crater.

That way, as it was in Magmatron-sama's orders...

...we will be able to bury them under the magma!

That is a beautiful plan.

My active role as a lieutenant...

...will be reported back to Magmatron-sama!

Ready to teleport.


The teleportation device which DNAVI operates, can only teleport super lifeforms...

...and it's impossible to teleport an Angolmois capsule.

I've got it!

What's with this?!

I don't know anymore!

Things won't go well like that...

That blasted DNAVI, what the hell is she doing?!

Just when things were going well!

Just what exactly are the Destrons doing?

I guess they gave us a present... this capsule.

Alright. Let's hurry and return back to the Gung-Ho.

Run for it!

Wait for me!


Break, we're coming to save you!

Guys, it's too late for me!

I'm going to toss the capsule, so take it back with you!

Break, don't give up! We're coming!

Wait there! I'll rescue Break!

Big Convoy, you came for us!

This will do.

Big Convoy...

We gotta get Break back to the Gung-Ho, and get him repaired!

Understood. Everyone hurry and get on in.

That volcano will soon have a large expl*si*n!

Is that why Big Convoy came?

Yeah, let's escape quickly.

Made it in time...!

That's what she should have been doing right from the beginning!

Alright, get them!

Isn't it going to erupt?!

There's no time...!


Hurry up!

Come on!

Ready to teleport.


Just where are you teleporting us NOW?!

That damn DNAVI!!

We're too late...!

That's just the way it goes...


Here goes...




I don't mind using this, but...

...it's a lot of work!

That was some heavy labor...

Ah! It's going back to the present time soon!

I'll be left behind!

Huh? I thought we were going to be engulfed in that giant expl*si*n?

We're all saved, Big Convoy!

Let's return to the Gung-Ho immediately!

Yes, sir!

It's thanks to you, Break, that we were able to bring back the Angolmois capsule.

Not really...

We'll have to postpone our competition of beating the Destrons.

First and foremost, fix up that body of yours.


You guys are finally back.

DNAVI, you...!

Oh, but you are safely back home right?

My orders were to bury the Cybertrons under the magma...not YOU, guys!

A-About that... DNAVI's teleportation was all over the place!

I'm gonna beat the crap outta her!


Don't blame DNAVI for your incompetence!


Magmatron-sama, somehow that DNAVI girl was in a very bad mood today.

It wasn't me! The teleportation device was acting strange!


You're a dubious one...!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Colada, do you know him?

He's a kind and powerful guy!

It's Randy, a wild life protection officer.

That guy...

...he hates anything that's crooked and...

...he tries to straighten me up as well.

That Randy and the Destrons are making a big fuss over a cute baby animal!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 18 is, Charge! Randy.

Please look forward to it!

Can you believe that DNAVI is feeding milk to the baby?!

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