05x14 - Voyage Diary

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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5 - Beast Wars Neo
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05x14 - Voyage Diary

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

Ship's log, 2114.

We, Cybertron trainees, together with our Supreme Commander Big Convoy,

...are on a voyage to acquire the Angolmois capsules...!

A bit more and it'll be done...

How about a little bit more miso oil...?



KANJI?通=通い帳 カヨイチョウ =1 掛け買いの月日・品名・数量・金額などを記入して、金銭を支払うときの覚えとする帳簿。 2 預金の出し入れを記入する帳簿。通帳。It represents "trust among people" on the Tanuki ornament. It's so common (and its famous/well-known appearance) for the Tanuki ornaments to carry this book in its hand, so I think BWN used it as kind of like a joke/prop, but here, not as an account-book like the typical Shigaraki-yaki Tanuki but is used as Heinrad's log book/dictionary/knowledge book.

When we first met Big Convoy, it was quite a shock...

However you look at it, we were a bunch of new and naive warriors, AND also at a cheeky age...!


You must be the instructor? We're the new recruits!

Pardon us for testing your true abilities, Instructor!

OK, Stampy, we're good to lift it now!

Y-Yes, sir!


Why don't you test your true abilities now?

W-Why, YOU!

Guys, let's do this!


Is that it?


I'm sorry about that...

I appreciate your welcoming, gentlemen.

However, that's enough playing around.

Y-Yes, we understand, Instructor!

Addressing me as Big Convoy is fine.

He's never grouped up with anybody else...

He's been leading every b*ttlefield to victory, even when it was said to be impossible to win...

"The One-Man Army."

The legendary warrior, Big Convoy!

-- Bumper Break -- (Ep 1)

We were naive back then, and Big Convoy was coaching us in a strict manner for our own benefit...

Don't run away!

Those who run away leaving their comrades behind, will be taken down by ME!

-- Bumper Break -- (Ep 6)

After all, he's basically the type of individual who wants to fight on his own rather than teaching us.

Though he shouldn't have, he went on a mission by himself, you know...

Big Convoy, just you alone?


Yes, sir!

Please be careful!

I found you, Big Convoy.

...so, there were quite a few moments where he got himself into dangerous situations.

If I said, "It's something that an old man shouldn't do.", I wonder if he would scold me...?


Aww, you caught me!

Sling, remember this!

You can't use the same trick more than once on the b*ttlefield!



That same trick also evolves.

My hologram magic is beautiful, isn't it?

How dare you!

Stunning movement as usual, Big Convoy.


Sling, Saberback, he is not your opponent!

Withdraw at once!

Uh, yes!


This is amazing!

A one on one battle between Big Convoy and Magmatron - it's a rare sight!

If this ignites Big Convoy's fighting instinct, there's a chance of him going back to be a lone wolf again.

This is great!

Let's do this, Big Convoy!



Did I get him?



Hey, Big Convoy!

You've gotta finish this fast, otherwise this planet will burn up!


Look! Those two suns are getting bigger!

Magmatron, you've been going for this?!

You've got it!

You will be burned up by that world-destroying conflagration!

Magmatron, at this rate, you will also evaporate along with the heat!

I wonder about that?



You coward, Big Convoy!

That was a cheap shot!

Look who's talking?!

YOU were going to wait until the last minute, then teleport yourself out of here, and take off!


Big Convoy, I won't let YOU escape!

At this close range, I can't use the Big Cannon, either!

Big Convoy, are you alright?!





Big Convoy, are you alright?!

DNAVI, no, Geneviève, teleport me NOW!

Teleporting now!

I have room for one more. Why don't you come with me?!

I'm going to remain here...

Are your computer systems OK?

Don't tell me you are hoping that your beloved students are coming to get you?!


If they came to rescue me and couldn't find me,

...they all might burn up along with this planet...

What's with you?! This ain't like you at all!

I think so, too...

I don't know what made you like this, but...

We're out of time!

I'm really gonna go!

Let's see each other again if I'm still alive.

You... have really become an instructor, both body and mind...

Good luck!

And good fortune!

I wished that he would have trusted us a little bit more at that time...

They might not come...

I haven't been an instructor who was trusted by his students that much, so...

-- Bumper Break -- (Ep 9)

There was another time like this, too...

Wh... What's this?!

Even Big Convoy, who was feared as "The One-Man Army"...


...can sometimes misfire as well, when he's on his own...

Nowadays though​, Big Convoy has started entrusting us to handle the operational plans...

Yes, he has finally started trusting us!

I wonder about that?!



Too bad you're not with the Destrons!


If you were a Destron, I would get rid of you!

I can take you all on!

That's enough!

Big Convoy!

Selfish behaviors will put not only yourself, but your comrades in danger.

I told you so!

Then, just shut up and follow me!

Colada! See, that's why...


For sure, Break and Colada still have a lot of growing-up to do.

You think so, too?!

What the hell?! What did you say about Colada and me?!

No, we're just saying that you guys seem to be trusted by Big Convoy!

Heh! Right, isn't that right?!

Don't freakin' lump me together with a guy like Break!

What was that?!

Could you cut it out in this place already?!

Oh no... If things are going to be like this, I wonder if it's impossible to ask Big Convoy to trust us...?

Sling, what are you doing? Go and grab the capsule!


Let go! I won't let ya have the capsule!

Sling, show him what you've got!

To heck with it, Cybertrons, come and attack me, all of you together!

Ah! What's going on?! Is it another illusion?

Damn! Now he's there!

Saberback, take the capsule now!

I won't let you!


And just what can the pair of you do?

Big Convoy!

DEAD g*n!

Colada, the capsule! I'll take care of things from here!

I'll take care of them for ya!

Our troop needs you more than me! You go get the capsule!

There's nobody in our troop who's not needed!


Colada, run for it!

There's no such word as "run away" in my dictionary!

We'll put you out of your misery now!


Where are you aiming at?

-- Bumper Break --

Well, Big Convoy now totally trusts ME...

...and recognizes me as second-in-command due to my established reputation.

What the hell are you talking about?!

Oh, HOW MANY times did we end up in dangerous situations by following Longrack's lead?!

Right, Colada?

Yeah, I'm on the same page as Break regarding that point!

W-What did you say?!

Just WHEN did I put YOU guys in any dangerous situations?!

Calm down, Longrack.

Don't get so worked up!

Everyone, please be quiet!

We need to think back long and hard on our past events...

B-B-Break! Break, please help me!

Help you?

W-What is that?!

D-Don't come here! Go away! Shoo, shoo!!

Why, YOU!




C-Cut it out!

Hurry and get over here, Longrack, Break!

No time for that! I want YOU guys to save us!

What happened?!

Change in the strategy!

Did we have such a thing as a "strategy"?

No we didn't.

It's this guy who att*cked Big Convoy!

Wh-Who is 'this guy'?! Wasn't it the Destrons?!

Just come already!

It's ended up like this because Longrack is too freakin' slow!

It can't be helped.

Let's go, Stampy, Heinrad!

We'll take care of the Destrons later!

What the hell are they doing?!

It's freakin' going to eat us!

Rather, he's trying to make us his preserved food.

It doesn't matter how, he's going to eat us anyway!

If you wanna eat something, Colada served up grilled would be delicious, I tell you!

And, Stampy will give you a lot more jumping-high energy than me!

And Heinrad can be useful as an ornament!!

Who the hell would be better grilled?!

Eating me will not give you more energy!

I was hoping you guys would show up if I talked about you!

Couldn't you say something nicer about us?

So you think I'm an ornament?!

They'll end up being feed for the monster by just leaving them as is.

Colada, you take on Guiledart!

Stampy, you go around to the right and take on Deadend!

And Heinrad...!


Longrack, we can't just fight conveniently like that!

Heinrad, up, up!

Stampy, not that way!

Cover Colada!

Uh, which?!

Just ignore him!

SPIRAL b*mb!

I...Is this the end?

What was that?!

B... Big Convoy!

So Big Convoy is still alive!

Either way, we'll finish them off here!

Longrack, what's the next strategy?

Stampy and Heinrad, r-rescue me and Break.

Big Convoy, attack the Destrons and c-cover them!

I won't heed to that strategy.

No way!

Are you saying it's OK that we'll be eaten, Big Convoy?!

I would do the opposite of yours!

Colada, Stampy, Heinrad, cover me!

The priority is to exterminate this monster now!

Yes, sir!


Stampy, I'm leaving these two to you!

Yes, sir!

I'm saved!


Take this!

DOUBLE m*ssile!


Damn! They've gathered more steam!

DNAVI! DNAVI! Teleport us!

What's up? Did you defeat the Cybertrons or find the capsule?

What happened?!

No, Big Convoy is alive... and we didn't find the capsule!

What's up with that?!

Nevermind, just teleport us already!

Good grief... why don't you suffer for a bit then?



The Destrons' beauty!


Catherine the Great!

We'll retreat for now!

Lastly, I'll confide a special secret to you all...

You know that Big Convoy always give us these cheesy sermons, right?

He lectures us with a straight face but...

...they're actually the lines sent from the computer God, called Vector Sigma...

...on the planet Seibertron.

The truth is, even now, Big Convoy is a warrior who likes to fight on his own...

...and feels that being an instructor of new recruits is out of his character.

We'll have to become full-fledged as soon as possible and be able to set Big Convoy free!

(Ep 5) On the b*ttlefield, you don't know what will happen one second ahead of you!

It's during those times, where you can only trust your comrades who went through the same harsh training as you, even if you are quarreling with one another.

I said something out of character again...

When people are trying to behave like something, they sometimes end up being that something...

(Ep 6)

Big Convoy has regained consciousness!

Are you OK, Big Convoy?

All of you came to save me...

You put yourselves in danger...

Well, thank goodness you're safe!

But regrettably, we couldn't retrieve the Angolmois capsules at the same time.

No, on that planet, I felt that I gained something more important than the Angolmois capsules.

Thank you, all of you.

And once again, you said a pretty cheesy line!

Even though Vector Sigma didn't communicate with me...

...I said something that was not like me.

Anyhow, with your condition, you won't be able to move for a while.

So, you'll take a break for a while.

No, there's no break!

We'll depart and search for another Angolmois capsule's reading!

What?! Come on!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


We've got trouble!

With what, Longrack?!

My private room has been h*jacked by a horse!

It's this guy named Mach Kick, and he's got a cocky attitude!

What about you, Saberback?

A suspicious one called Archadis came fluttering in to the Destrons.

Newcomers give us such a hard time, don't they?!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 15 is, Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!?

Please look forward to it!

To our viewers, please be kind to your new classmates, OK?!
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