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04x09 - Destiny's Child

Posted: 01/15/14 13:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on Lost Girl...

You have brought a human into our chambers.

Tell me how I ended up pledged to the dark.

I don't know jack about it.

HALE: Everytime I walk into a room you are all I can look at.

BO: She is the key, Kenz. To my memories, to finding Rainer, and who knows what else.

The rebels trying to overturn the blood laws of the Blood King, why was that?

He became corrupt.

I found this box on the bed, has your name on it.

[train roaring]


TRICK: What's this about?


It's about time. I am Dark.

I was taken by the Wanderer.

And I don't know who he is or what happened when I was with him and I don't like it one bit. So...

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this once and for all.

Thank you, Kenzi.

You got it, Bo-bo.

Starting... with this.

Are you out of your mind?

Trick, back off...

Okay, just wait a minute Patty Hurst, is that not the same black smoke that took you from this sh*thole in the first place?

Kenzi, if you have a Hel Shoe in your boot collection, now's time...

I'm taking it back... I want it back!

Kenzi... it's her decision.

Thank you.

I actually agree...


Thank you.

Which is why...

...we need to stand by her now and help her face this Wanderer.


Yes, but...

I feel like I'm in a room full of children.

Guys! Please!

She could be taken. Again.

Lost. And we might not get her back this time.

Damn it, people.

If she opens that jar, she could also...

Not happening!

Kenzi! You give that back now.

No, I'm not gonna sit back and have you taken again.

I said give it back!



Don't you see what is happening to me?

Not knowing is driving me crazy.

I'm sorry. But this has to end now...

Oh, what the hell.


Trickster you okay?

Friend or foe, pal?

By the looks of you lot I'd say you were betting on foe.


Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years... searching, while hiding.

Only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

4x09 - Destiny's Child

My name is Hugin and I am the most humble servant of the Wanderer. And for the time being...

I mean you no harm.

My. My. Aren't you a pretty little thing.



I am, or at least have been, the Wanderer's thought.

A vessel really traveling from plane to plane gathering information about certain women...

We've met. Haven't we?


My brother, Munin and I took you from this...

... sh*thole and brought you to his train.

Our father's train. So it is written ... so it is said.


Yes. The Wanderer is a great man.

And a father to many.

If he's such a great man why doesn't he show his face?

Why does he hide behind cheap lies and theatrics?

Hmm. I really don't know.

But perhaps you could tell me why the Blood King has to hide behind a bar at a local watering hole?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, dear. [tisks]

Your poker face is lousy. But then again, it always was.

My liege.



I need to get back on that train.

Well join the club.

Where is it?

I haven't the foggiest.


I assure you. I do not lie.

My brother Munin trapped me in that jar soon as you got on that train. Where it is now, I know not.

Brother didn't like your jokes?

Didn't like the fact my wife wasn't his.

Ah. So where are they now? Honeymoon?

One could only hope.

I need back to get back there. Now.

And I will help you.

But only if you help me take revenge on my back-stabbing brother and that repulsive quim I used to call my wife.

Munin will know the location of the train.

Waitin' on you pal.

Yeah, let's go.

I'm ready.

Oh, no, no, no.

We go alone or we don't go at all.

That's not gonna work for us.

Where she goes, we go.

Then I will take my leave.

What? No! Wait!

Just wait.

I love you both. So much.

But right now I need you to watch me walk away... because I have to do this.

It's never gonna get easier, is it?

I'm ready.


Oh, and by the way, when we do get on the train... if I find out you're an enemy of my employer I will flay you to his liking.

Oh! I knew it!

So nice meeting you all. Ta!

What did I miss?


What took you so long?

I was getting my science stuff...


You got your weapons, and your wolf, and I've got my brains and we both have...

Let's just go get our girl. Ok?

You're um...

I am ready to kick some Crow ass. Yes.

I was going to say terrifying but yeah, that'll do.


I know you have your brains and your science, but it would make me feel a lot better if you also had a knife.

Thank you, Dyson.

You're welcome, Dr. Lewis.

You know? I'm not sure if I could either.



I could.



Let's do this.

Trickster, why are you PMS'ing over that gorgeous, smoky, crowy, ass-face, hot, jerk?

I don't know what your talking about.

We don't believe you.

I'm sorry, weren't you once an employee of the Wanderer?

Eh, eh, eh, we're not here to talk about Tamsin!


I have to go...

Look, come on, you're our Trickipedia! You gotta know something.

You're freakin' Yoda. Force must use to problem answer find!


I don't have time for this.

Oh, I'm sorry, you don't have time?

I'm sorry, but you have not done one thing to help Bo since the Wanderer took her!

I want the old Trick back.

The one that knows things and cares about people and why haven't you figured this out yet?!

I don't have time to explain myself to a human... and a lowlife...

I'm sorry... just leave it be. I'm begging you.

He really is hiding something. Isn't he?

Certainly looks that way.

Well, there's only one thing left to do.

Take a dump on his bed.

No! I was gonna say... Ew!

I'm sorry. What do you wanna do?

Snoop. Look around his place... not... you know.

Okay, we'll snoop.


Please be careful not to step on top of the graves.

This is a Fae burial ground.


Meaning you put so much as a pinky on top of one of the sacred plots and you'll be sucked down to Irkalla by the Leviathan.


Yes. Some call it hell, some call it the netherworld, I call it France.

Hm. Usually kills in Britain.

What are we doing here, Hugin?

My brother and I used to live here.

We Crows are always more comfortable around death, travelling as we do between the living world and the afterlife.

To us, you know, it's quite homey.

Well, I guess it does have a certain... No, this place sucks.

Let's just get what we came for and get out of here.

[crow cawing]

Hello, brother.

'Allo, 'allo, allo!

What a pleasant surprise.

Pleasant? Really?

Yeah. Pleasant.

Like being eaten by dogs or having your knuckles rapped by a nun for horsin' about in class.

That kind of pleasant.

He's a poet, my brother.

Dumb as dog shite... but a poet none-the-less.

Shall we?

Oh, yes, please.

Caw, caw, caw!

[crow caws]

One for sorrow.

Two for mirth.

Three for a funeral.

Four for birth.

Five for heaven.

Six for hell.

And seven is the devil... his own self.


'Cause I like them odds.


Hello, Hugin. My little treasure.

Hello, darling. So nice to see you.

Can't tell you how much I'm going to enjoy eating the heart right out of your chest.

If you had been better at eating certain things when we were together I never would have left you for your brother.


Not hard to see who got the passion in that family.

It's Munin. He got the passion.

Let me guess. The wife?

Yeah. Isn't she a peach.

Shall we run?

Why not?


Books. Old books.

More old books... older than the other old books.


Look at this. It's another old book that is... blank.

What did you say?

What about the books? Or the more old books?

About the blank.

Yeah. This one here.

Empty. Nothing doing.

Oh my god. This is it.


This is what we have to do.

Oh like, you mean ... draw weird dicks in there.

No. Look, after Bo's fight with her mother... with Aife...

I found Trick passed out down here.

Near death. He was writing in this book.

With his own blood.

He opened his veins and rewrote the future to save Bo.


Yeah. Real heavy.

It unleashed a shitstorm by the name of the Garuda.

It's before your time.

Okay! But don't you think messing with Blood writings is a bad idea? Even for us.

No, the way Trick reacted Crow's smoke. What it did to him.

I have a feeling in my gut that he's wrapped up in all this.

He has kept things from Bo before.

So I think that the answers lie in this book. In his past.

Or his future I guess.

But, Kenz...

Look, Bo's always had my back, Tammy.

She has saved my life countless times.

Even from the minute she didn't know me.

I think it's time I had hers. You know?

Okay. I'm in.

What next?

Well, we uh need some of Trick's blood.

Oh, well that's good. 'Cause I thought it was gonna be difficult.

Yeah. He told me back in the day he would store his blood in an ink well... ready to write at a moments notice.

You think it's in here?

Well he's a creature of habit, our Trick.

It is definitely in here. And knowing him... it's not going to be easy or safe to find.




Fitzy. Is that you?

Dao-ming. What a nice surprise.


Are you really going to stand there and lie to a Luduan?

I suppose not. I'm looking for your sister.

Oh? Have you come to win her back?

You know why I'm here.

I'm not a mind reader, Fitzy... just a simple Fae that can find the truth.

Even in the most... formidable of opponents.

I no longer live as Royalty.

I meant men. Liars.

Every last one of you.

I need answers, Ming. Now.

So sorry, Wai Lin is away helping with some very important international negotiations.

She's back at the UN?


The world has changed. What can I say, Barkeep?

Help me.



Because I don't feel like it.

Besides, you've wanted answers before.

Not sure it did you much good.

There's a memory.

It has been blocked by someone very powerful.

And you think if I force you to tell the truth... this memory will just poke its little head back into the light?



I have money...

Why should I help you after everything you've done to my family?!

Because. You hate the person who's blocked this memory.

And who might that be?

Me. I think I did this to myself.

Now... this is interesting.

No magic herbs, Ming?

I thought they helped you Luduan's engage the realm of truth.


Antiquated parlor tricks. Hardly worth it these days.

Have you seen my sisters teeth?

I will help.

Thank you.

On one condition.

Name it.

I get to ask you any question I want... and you must let me get the truth ... no matter how painful.


For my granddaughter's safety ... I give you ... my blood oath.

Excellent. First question.


Why did you pick my sister over me?

Oh boy.

Ok. Looks like we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way and fight our way out.

You ready?

Succubus. I was born ready.

Whoa! What are you doing?

I'm sorry.

But, ever since my father...

He who Wanders!

[crowd laughs]

Ever since, he who Wanders, banished me to that jar, well you know, I've kind of grown to hate him.

So, you and the wife ...

Very much in love I'm afraid.

Your boss is the one who screwed you over.

What does this have to do with me?

It seems you are of particular interest to our decaying former employer.

So I thought my brother and I...

Would slit your throat.


Oh. So why the charade?

Well, it's hardly any fun k*lling someone outright...

No thrill? No chase? It'd be like the King, just sh**ting the fox in the head point blank.

Where's the fun in that?

Better to release the hounds. And make a game of it.

Yeah and besides.

I do like seeing the expression change... when they know they've just been double-crossed.


really gets the blood pumping.

It warms the cockles of my heart.


Well, then I'll enjoy seeing the looks on your faces when I disappoint you.


And how exactly is that going to happen, eh?

You're trapped. Surrounded.

Yeah, you're right.

But nobody is slitting my throat today ... or any time soon.


Hmm... I did not see that coming.

Well that sucked.

[echoing] Ah.

Who's there?

[voice mocking] Who's there?

Both brown and blue.


Both brown and blue!

Strong yet gentle...

I don't have time for games, Lady.

Virtuous yet lustful!

Show yourself!

[mocking] Show yourself!

[echoing] I know you!

I know you!

I know you.

I am pretty popular these days. Let me guess.

The Leviathan?

Your soul...


What the hell?

Where did you get that mark!?

Oh you mean the hand hickey on my chest?

Some guy on a train ... I had a lot to drink ... the more important question is where the hell is the door to this place, lady?

I have been searching for that mark for six hundred years.

It was supposed to me mine. They kept it from me.

I want it! I need it!

You want and need this mark.

I want and need back to that graveyard.

No one ever leaves here, child.


No one has ever left.

Now give me that mark!

You want it?

Come and get it.

I'd just as soon stop screwing around and fight for it anyway.

It's a little more my style.


A game of riddles then it is.


There's no Angry Birds in Irkalla?

Do you agree?

I don't suppose you'd care to haggle.

Do you agree?!


Yes, I agree.



When did you first use your blood to change history?

I don't... I don't remember...


The Damghan Earthquake. The Damghan leaders became defiant... and unruly ... they needed to be taught a lesson.

How many did it k*ll?


Over 200,000 souls. It was a m*ssacre.

But it prevented a larger m*ssacre. A genocide ...

How many souls have you wiped from this Earth?


Millions! But ...

Who do you love most?

Isabeau. You know that.

Tell me the truth!

I am ...



Me! I am the first son of this Earth.

I am the one to be worshipped!

[grunts in pain]

I'm... I'm not going to continue.

Ming, please.

Whatever is buried in there does not want to come out.


I am frightened, Fitzy.

I'm frightened of what it could be. What it could mean... for all of us.

Bo's life is in danger. She's all I have left of my line.

Ming, you have to continue, please. I beg of you.

So be it.

I am black as night and as bright as day, as cold as March and as warm as May.

What am I?

You're um...

Yes, what am I?


You're fog, right? That's the answer.


Your turn, Princess.

Oh, not big on losing huh, Levi?

The game is not over yet. And don't call me that.


Ok, Ok, I'm going.

It's not here.

Keep looking.

We've been looking for hours. It's not here.

[floor creaks]

Gross, Tamsin!

It was the floor!


What is that?

This can't be.


It's a Tametebako.

A tomato-bacon!


Ah, no.

This is a Japanese folding box.

These markings ... but this is impossible.

Fill a brother in, Tam-tam.

In fifth century Japan a fisherman, Urashima Taro, met a turtle ...

I've met turtles.

No. This turtle was the cursed daughter of the Emperor.

She gave the fisherman a magical box... if I'm not mistaken... it is this magical box.

Like, make a wish, magical box?

Or just like have a late period, magical box?

Like protect you from evil but don't you dare open it unless you know the combination magical box.

It opens from all sides. But the combinations are endless.

Hm. Well if I was the Blood King...

This is where I'd hide my blood? Yeah.

Tammy, this may be the single most irresponsible/frightening thing we've ever done.

More irresponsible than the time we snuck into the Fae Veterans Hospital switched charts because you were having period cramps...

Shh! We said we would never talk of that again. But, yes!

Let's totally do it.


I grow weary of your stalling, princess.

I said stop calling me that. And, I'm not stalling...

I just haven't played a lot of riddle games.

That's all. They're not really a thing.

They're kind of old fashioned... sort of like, everything about you.

Don't you mock me!

Yeah, yeah...

Ok, I've got one.

She's brilliant.

He's strong.

Her life is little ... his life is long... both loves are pure ... both loves are true... if you were I ... who would you choose?

Who would I choose?

What... what do you mean?

Choose? As in choice?

This is a trick!

Oh, Lady... it is annoying hell... a times... it is emtionaly crippling. But if it's a trick?

Then someone up there has quite the sense of humour.

Now, answer the riddle, Levi.

This isn't fair!

What, you're gonna cry?


I am warning you...

Answer it!

The man! He will live longer...

Final answer?

No... wait. Um...

Ah... Um...

The woman. Uh, yes, you love her.

You wear her humanity like a shield.

So we're stickin' with the woman, Levi?

No, um, wait uh... the man.

Yes, you crave strength. The man.

I answer the man.

Oh! Damn you!

Too bad, so sad. Now send me back up, fish fingers.

Was it the woman? I must know.
Hey, I was kind of hoping you could tell me because as far as I know... there is no answer.

You cheated!

Uh, no. I Bo'd it.

And yes, that is trademarked.

I will make you pay for this.

Why are you so grumpy?

I'll send you down a snack, I promise.

Now up!

Very well.


Something funny, Levi?

I will be seeing you again, soon enough.

What do you mean?

Someone you love very much ... will soon be dead.


Wait!? Who!?



Yes, Hugin?

What part of being rich will you like best once The Wanderer has fallen into the abyss with his pathetic choochoo and we collect all of his riches we've hidden about the world?

Well, I will tell you, see...

[sighs] my soul is saying world domination ... but there are other parts of me that are saying... a different woman every night!





Get her!

Whoa. I did not see that coming!









Whoa. That was a bit bad luck, wasn't it?

Well, what do you know? Three for a girl.

Yeah. Three for a girl... who is, um, sadly...

Outnumbered once again.


I wouldn't be so sure.

Run! Watch your step!


Oh... well, I've seen marriages end in worse ways.

How did you, uh...

The stench of Crow.

Easy enough to track.

Well, uh... see, I really did not see that coming, I swear.

Oh, shut up, Munin!

Here goes nothing.

[blood curdling scream]


[creepy laugh]

Trick is really weird.



Do you want to open the next one?

Alright, alright. There's no need to get violent.

Shut it or I'll tear your throat out.

And I'll pump you both so full of Fae STD's your little egg fertilizers will drop right off.

Wow, that's intense.

Too much?

No, it's good.

You have to admit brother. They do have a certain panache.

I should have let mother k*ll you.

Okay. Heckle. Jeckle.

I need to get back on that train. Now.

Yeah well, the thing about betrayal is once you betrayed someone they hardly welcome you back into their lives with open arms.

You know... unless there's a sword in each one.

Very good point. If we get back on that train... we're dead.

So you just might as well do your worst.

Oh, our worst, huh? Dyson ... what would your worst be?

I could disembowel them... let them swim around in their own entrails for a little while. That's painful.

Ouf. Excruciating.


Well I could inject them with the larvae of a Fae Bot Fly.

Little bugger would take over their central nervous system... make them do all sorts of horrible things to themselves.

You know, self-mutilation... internal bleeding...

Mmm, I like that one.

Oh... alright. Alright. We get the picture.

A proposition.

We're all ears.

My brother and I will get you on that train...

If you promise to let us leave as soon as your...

Feet touch the rotting floor.

Deal. Lets go.

Bo, no.

You can't just leave us here.

Guys, I told you. I need to do this on my own.

We are your family.

Your weird... complicated...

Completely dysfunctional family ...

But we are your family nonetheless.

You are my family.

And I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world.

Which is why I can not let you risk your lives for me.


Catch, lover. Fly.

You know that kiss was for me, right?

Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.

What is the worst thing you've ever done?

I don't... I don't remember...



Tell me!

[evil laugh]

You ridiculous, cheap, low-born Fae.

Do you have any idea how powerful I am?

I could open my veins right now and write you out of history for good...


Like I did Rainer!

[wind blows]


That's it. I remember.

I remember who the Wanderer is.

How he came to be what he is now.

I know why I haven't been trying to... It's because I...

Did I do this? Did I do this to...

I created all of this, didn't I?

So sad, Fitzy.

You've tried so hard to walk away from your power.

To make things right.

But in the end, the past will always find a way. Even you.

Even the all-powerful Blood King, even your power is a curse.

Even you cannot escape fate.


What in the world could be funny at a moment like this?

With all of your ability to change the future, no matter what you do, you are still powerless to change your nature.

I have to find Bo. I have to warn her.

I will tell my sister you come by, Fitzy.

Shit just got real.

What do we do?

Finger paint.


I'm only half kidding.

Do you have a better idea?


Ah! Fire in the hole!


Uh... Eugh.

It's not working!


Maybe trick needs to write in it. Or, uh...

Someone Trick has written about. I'm sorry Kenz.


Ah, Kenzi!

What's happening?

I don't know.


Tamsin let go!

Agh! I can't!

I must take his soul. It belongs to me.

Oh boy.


But this is a warriors soul.

I must take it. It is my purpose.


You know this, Blood King. He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla.

It is written.

Written? Written?

If it wasn't written by me then what importance could it have?

But you know what will happen...

You overstate your importance, Vulture.

That's right. You are nothing more than carrion... a greedy bird pecking at the helpless dead.

My helpless dead.

I am a Valkyrie and we are a proud race.

Then how can you let yourself become so... ugly?

So disheveled? So disgusting?

You're a shadow of your former self, Tamsin.

My lives are ending.

For good this time.

And I've made so many mistakes.

And I fear my soul is...



To hell?


Don't you want to be beautiful again? To re-write your path?

To have new life?

More than anything.

If only I had more time... I would do things so differently.

I would cleanse my soul. And wipe my sins away.

I will give you what you desire... but, for payment, I must have his soul.


So that I may curse him with the words of my blood.

For his defiance. For his arrogance.

For thinking he could change the laws of the King... so that he will never rise and take arms against my will again.

So that his soul will wander in eternity.

For no one will remember his name.

No one will remember Rainer the defiant.



Tammy! Tammy wake up!

Oh wake up. Wake up, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry. I was just worried about Bo, Tammy, wake up!

Wake up, come on!


Are you him?

Are you Rainer?

I asked you a question.

Are you the Wanderer?

Oh... not really what I was expecting.

I knew you'd come for me.

Yeah, that makes two of us.



[heavy breathing]

Hey! Wake up! I'm sorry!

Wake up! Please, please please...

Whatever you do... don't trust Trick.

We have to find Bo. Now.

Yeah, well, we lost her.


She's back on the train.

You two have to arm up... call Hale, call Kenzi, call Tamsin, hell, call Vex.

Trick, what's going on?

I know who took Bo. I know who the Wanderer is.

His name is Rainer. He's my mortal enemy.

Hey, guys.

Bo, thank the gods!

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, yeah I'm great. Never better actually.

I, um...

Whoa. I found out why I agreed to be Dark.

I found out it was my idea actually.

What, are you talking about?

Yeah. It was so I would move Heaven and Earth to get back to the train. To Rainer.



So that I could break his curse and free him from the train.

And with the whole memory gone thing... well it became quite a dilemma.

I'm sorry that I put all of you through that.

Bo, I don't understand ... what's happening?

That's him! That's Rainer!


Dyson! Don't!

Just listen. All of you.

I did all this... because he is not my enemy, and he is definitely not my father.

He's my destiny.
