05x10 - Wah! Eaten

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x10 - Wah! Eaten

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

With the goal of acquiring the Angolmois capsules through the vastness of space...

...the heroic Cybertrons and evil Destrons have been battling against each other. PLANET REIDA

We've arrived at our destination; Planet Reida.

What a pathetic looking planet!

It's quite small.

NAVI, do you have the details on where the capsule is?

It was, let see...

The reading is coming from here, not on the surface of the planet, but from within it.

It seems that it's hollow inside.

Another cave?!

I'm tired of going into holes. I'll pass on this one.

I don't like it either, but...

...the capsule is inside there, right?

Umm, Longrack, who will be going this time around?

That'll be Break, Colada, Stampy. The three of them will go.

Heinrad and I will remain on the Gung-Ho.

N-N-N-Now hold on a second!!

Why us again?!

You're always staying behind, and that's friggin' unfair!

I've already made my decision after careful consideration!

So don't complain!

What the hell did you say?!

Now, now, now, let's not fight!

There's additional information.

I've picked up a biological reading inside the planet Reida.

But I haven't been able to find a corresponding pattern on our database.

Huh? What?

So in other words, an unknown living thing is inside that planet.

What the hell?! That means it's even more dangerous!

We should only do an investigation first.

Do I really have to go, too?

I am fine with whichever way though...

Be quiet already!

There's no other way than going there and checking it out in person.

I'll go also. Break, Colada, Stampy, let's depart in the Seagull!

Y... Yes, sir!

Docking out!

Systems all green! Pathway all clear!

Miniature Seagull, go!


I've finished examining the surface.

Putting it up on the main monitor.

It seems like there's nothing on the surface as we were informed earlier.

In a moment, we'll be arriving at the cavern entrance.

Good. We'll enter inside then.

Please start a detailed investigation right away.

Yes, sir!

I don't wanna.

That NAVI, she said there were living things, but...

There's no sign of anything like that.

Stampy, how about you?


I don't hear anything.

I wonder what kind of creature it is?

Don't tell me it's a ghost!

I don't think you call that a living thing.

I was wondering why it's well-lit in here, but it's the wall that's giving off the light.

You're right! I wonder why?

Well, it's great for us to have while looking for the capsule.

What's that?!

What's happening?!

Emergency! Emergency!

The life reading within Reida is rapidly increasing!

It's an outrageous amount of energy! It's dangerous! Get out of there right away!

L-----Look over there!

The... entrance is closing!

This is not good!

At this rate, you'll be trapped! Big Convoy, please hurry out of there!

There's no time! Everyone, run for it!

Hurry and board the Seagull!

Damn! In times like this...!




That's better!

OK, Big Convoy! Please go ahead and fire up the ship!

We'll jump on board right away!

All right, understood.


What is this?!

Take a look, Longrack.

What's going on?!

It's the life reading within the planet Reida.

What the heck!

What is it now?!

Such an enormous creature is living inside the planet!

Fly and get out of there, NOW!

That entire planet is the home for that giant living creature!

Stampy, wake up!

Stampy, pull yourself together!

Big Convoy?!

It looks like you're all right.

Huh? What happened to me?

Big Convoy, just where are we?

And where did the Seagull go off to?

The Seagull was washed away into different area.

Longrack said this planet is the home to a giant living creature...

...and we're in its belly.

Which means we've been eaten then?!

Let's break the wall and escape right away!

Stay calm, all of you.

The Angolmois capsule is also inside here.

Either way, we had to come here.

The only thing we have to think about is to find the capsule.

Understood? Then we'll go now!

Yes, sir!

Though I said that to them... can we really get out of here?

What's wrong?!

P-P-Please help us, Big Convoy!

It might be impossible...

How vast it is...

Just how long does this path continue?

Big Convoy, what do you suppose that is?!

There's something white...


What is this thing?!


It looks like it's a place where food is chewed down into small pieces!

Don't eat me! I've had enough!

Stampy, run for it!

Thank you!

Watch yourself!


Why, YOU!


You OK, Colada?

It got my legs.


This way! Hurry, everyone!

I'm so sorry, Colada. This is all my fault.

No, it's because I was clumsy. Forget about it.

You're so cool, Colada!

You're the man!

Shut up!

With that injury, you can't walk by yourself.

Longrack, can you hear me?!


Yes, Big Convoy!

How are things going over there?

Have you found anything at all?

I'm sorry... we haven't been able to find anything about that place.

It seems there's no other entrance than the one you had entered.

What the heck, man! You guys are useless!

Break, everyone has been trying their best!

You better watch your mouth, otherwise Reida will digest you!

Digest? How so?

Acidic liquid?

Is it digestive fluid?!

Ow! Ow! Ow! My body is gonna melt!

Break, hurry and get Colada!

Big Convoy, please respond!

I've detected warp energy.

The reading is the Destrons' Dinosaur.

Grr! At a time like this...

Heinrad, move the ship to the other side of the planet!

We don't have time to deal with them right now!


That is the planet Reida where they say a giant creature lives.

Go into that and acquire the capsule!


Just leave it to us.

This time around, we'll take the Angolmois capsule.

Ahh! I'm melting!! I'm melting!!

Break, what the heck are you saying when you're using me as an umbrella?!

I'm the one who's melting!!

Big Convoy! Head that way! That way!!

All right! Everyone, follow me!

Man, just how much longer does this path go on for?

Probably right to this monster's assh*le.

If it's got such a thing, that is.

Stampy, where the capsule's location?

Uh, yes.

Let's see...

It's getting quite close, just a bit further.

All right, let's go.

We don't have time to lose.

Yes, sir!

Man, I'm tired!

Please relieve me of this baggage...

Hey! What do ya mean by "baggage"?!


Oh-- crap!


That was a close call...

How the hell...?!

Oh? Are you all right, Colada?

Hell no! Something just got solidified on my back!

If I had gotten it on my whole body, I wouldn't be able to move!

This ain't good, Break! Run for it!

On it!

Just what did you guys do?!

We didn't do anything!!

You freakin' kicked a stone against the wall!

I wonder if this creature started recognizing us as a dangerous substance?!

In any case, run for it!

So, Sling, any reading from the capsule?

Yeah, it should be close.

I didn't think it would be this vast.

It can't be helped. In any case, before we--

The Cybertrons?!

So they were here, too!


What are THEY doing here?!

We'll take care of you before the capsule.


That was a close call.

I ain't freakin' putting up with this anymore!

What the hell do you think I am?!

C-Cut it out, Colada!

What's with them? They're fighting among themselves.

Talk about ugly.

We don't want to be like that.


What were you aiming at?

For the ceiling of course!


What da heck is this?!

I-I can't move my body!

Good work, Stampy!

Ya wanna go at it, Big Convoy?!

What da heck are ya gonna do with us?!

What am I going to do? Let's see... how about this?

Ah... was that all right to do, Big Convoy?!

I didn't let them go, as long as I sent them in that direction...

I get it now! This creature itself is going to finish them off!

Now then, we should head off!

Colada, Break, stop playing around now!

Yes, sir!

Hey, Break. We're leaving. Hurry and get up.

I... can't go on...

Give... up...

I'm dizzy!

Oh, we stopped!

What the hell do you mean by, "stopped"?! We can't move, do something, Guiledart!

Calm down. At a time like this, assess the situation...

Is... that rain?

I'm melting for some reason!


It's no use! DNAVI, teleport us! Teleport us now!!

That's right! That's it! DNAVI! DNAVI!!

Are you trying to order me around?

Do you know what kind of position you're in right now?

E-Excuse us.

God, Buddha, DNAVI-sama!

Can't be helped...


That was horrible...

Nice appearance, you two.



It looks like you two almost ended up being nutrients for that huge creature.

Weak. Weak indeed.

What do you want? Did you come here to laugh at us?


Not beautiful at all!

What did you say, you, bastard?!

I won't let you get away with this, YOU!

Hey! Just how long are you going to play there, Saberback?

Yes, Magmatron-sama!

Next up is you, guys. I won't tolerate failure!

Leave it to us!

It's quite close now.

I think we're almost there.

All right. Proceed with caution.

The Seagull! It's safe!

And underneath it, there's the capsule.


All right, Break, get Colada on the Seagull first!

Yes, sir!

Yeah, I can finally get rid of this baggage.

Don't be callin' me baggage!

Stampy, is this location a dead end?

Uh, yes, I believe so.

That isn't good then.


The Seagull and the Angolmois capsule ended up in the same dead end location...

...which means...

Is that digestive fluid?!

A dead end - which means this is the last digestive area.

Stampy, grab the capsule and get ready to launch!

Yes, sir!


Longrack, please respond!

Yes, Big Convoy.

You've heard it; it will soon be filled with digestive fluid here.

I can't make a hole from the inside due to that jelly attack.

I want you to punch a hole from the outside, using the Gung-Ho!

The Gung-Ho is not a battleship, so we don't have any powerful weaponry on board!

No... wait NAVI.


We'll concentrate all of the ship's energy to the laser on its bow.

It should work if it's just once.

Heinrad, switch the system in the energy room!

Roger that!

NAVI, we'll move the ship where we can aim at the center of the planet!

Yes, sir!

This is bad! The Seagull is completely out of energy!


The t*nk has a hole in it!

The fuel was drained out while it was being carried away!

She can't fly like this!

Colada, I feel bad when you're injured, but I'm gonna put you to work!


There's no time. Can we make it?

Who's there?!

We've been looking for you, Big Convoy!

We're going to be taking that Angolmois capsule!

Destrons! And at a time like this!

Take this!

DEAD g*n!

I need to stop them from hitting the Seagull!

What's wrong, Big Convoy?!

What happened to your reputation as "The One-Man Army"?!

Break, at this rate Big Convoy's gonna be--

I know!

Longrack! Are you ready, Longrack?!

Not yet! Don't be twisting my arm!

We haven't finished aiming!

We're doing it as quickly as we can!

No! We can't wait! Fire it NOW!!!

If it fails, it might hit you guys!

We're in the real trouble! I have faith in you, Lieutenant-san!

NAVI, please let me aim. I'll take the shot!

Yes, sir!

Heinrad, how is it there?!

OK whenever!

Target; inside the planet Reida, 20 meters left from the Seagull!

And away!




DNAVI, teleport us now!

Good to go now, Break! Fly the ship!

Yes, sir!

Colada, it's your turn!

On it!

Engines, to full power!!

We did it! We'll be escaping successfully!

Right, Stampy?

Break, ahead!

Why, YOU!

Just what is that?!

They're not gonna let us escape just yet!

What am I gonna do? Can I dodge all of them?!

Increase speed to your left by thirty!

Stampy, do you know what you're doing?!

Be quiet, this is hard to do!


Twenty to the lower right, fifteen to straight above you!

Right! Speed up to 120, left, left, then upper right by ten!

What the hell?!

Left by fifty!

Right, left, 50, then below!

Good work, Break!

At this rate, we can reach...!

What's going on, Break?!

I've just got one hit! It's all right, continue!

The power is going down... the ship did too many crazy movements!

At this rate, Colada won't last!

Damn... this is quite hard, isn't it...?

Oh no!


Break, the engines--!

I know!

Damn! Can't make it?!


Colada, what's wrong?!

Colada, it's too early to be asleep!

Answer me--

You idiot--- say-- something--!

Say something already!


Stampy, give me the directions!

Straight ahead, straight!

Huh? The exit is--!

The exit is closing!

Don't freakin' give up!

We're going in!

This is the last one.


Colada, are you alive?

Colada, say something! C'mon!

You're such a pest... shut up for a bit...

Your freakin' voice is ringing in my head...


Is it over?

Yeah, it's over.

Everyone's safe and sound!

Thanks to our excellent engine!

I wonder if that creature is all right?

I'm sure the wound will heal in time.

Besides, we removed the capsule for him.

Right, we did a good thing for him.

But, I really thought I had been eaten!

Yeah, I don't know how many times I thought I was done for.

It was a painful one also.

If somebody told us to do it one more time, we probably wouldn't be able to.

Well, this time we were lucky.

Remember this well, everyone.

Each of us has limitations,

...but when everybody exceeds their own limits by just a tiny bit, and then puts that power together...

...it will become a power big enough that a miracle can happen.

When you face a big challenge in the future, remember what you did today.


Yes, sir!

Yet again, I said something which was unusual for me...

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Oh? Break, I think you look older today?!

What're you talking about? I'm having the time of my life, I'm brilliantly shining!

Legend has it that the planet Chronos manipulates time.

So that means you can be an old man or a child?

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 11 is, The Planet of Time.

Peas wotch et! Goo-goo gaga!

Huh? You've turned into a BABY?!
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