05x05 - Mirage of Sand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x05 - Mirage of Sand

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

The Cybertrons were heading to the planet Donovan where they've picked up an energy reading,

...in the endeavor of searching for the Angolmois capsules scattered across the universe. "PLANET DONOVAN"

The planet Donovan is more commonly referred to as a sand planet.

Due to the recent severe running sand,

...the land has become eroded...

...and the small number of animals and plants living there are now faced with extinction.

I wonder if that's due to the influence of the Angolmois capsule, too?

The capsule seems to be moving, and drifting away by the running sand.

I don't wanna go to a dusty place like that!

My ecstatic heart will be wilting.

Any planet you go to, it's the same.

It doesn't have to be this planet...

...whatever Break does, never ends up being a big deal!


So you're saying I haven't done anything up until now?!

Look who's talking, Colada, you're always just coiled up and loafing around!

What did you say?!

Aha! That must be it!

Colada, you're holding a grudge on me for using your toothbrush the other day!

I tossed it out! 'Cause I felt like I was turning into a penguin!

A penguin is much better than a cobra!

Hey, hey, what's going on here?! Break, Colada!

Colada picked a fight with me first!

I haven't stooped that low where I would pick a fight with a guy like this!

What did you say?!

Colada! Break!


I'm asking the two of you to go look for the capsule on this planet.

Gah! Why?!

What the hell?!

Say, "Yes sir!", now!

Yes, sir...


We're approaching the planet Donovan.

It seems like the Cybertrons' ship is also approaching the planet.

I guess they are also after the capsule on this planet.

Before things get complicated, find it first, Saberback.


Sling, you go.

If you bump into the Cybertrons, I will come and save you.

You come and save me?!

Sling, just get going.

Don't order me around!

It's just to find a capsule in sand, it's easy, ain't it?

If it's so easy then, Guiledart, you go! Or Saberback can go! Or Deadend can go!

What's up with you, Sling?

I feel like you guys order me around all the time, and I don't like it!

It's because we have high expectations for you.


Sling, you among us can complete this job the most promptly.

Isn't it true, everyone?

Yeah, Sling is the best for completing a difficult task.

I'm pretty sure if Sling can do it, even a monkey can do it, though.

Did you say something?

We're counting on you, Sling. You're the Destrons' trump card.

The trump card?

I guess only I could do it.

I'll teleport you now. Good luck!

I wonder if a trump card does a job like this?

Ya! This is it, ain't it?

The detector!

Damn! I knew a penguin wasn't made for a desert planet!

I'm OK just by myself.

Do you wanna go home now?

I wish I could! But acting by yourself ain't good, right?!

Depending on the partner, sometimes it's better to act by yourself!

What?! Are you saying I'm a burden to you?!


Hey, wait up, Colada!

Huh? Where's Colada?


What the hell?! I'm seeing things upside down?


Colada! Good grief... Wait, Colada!

I said acting by yourself was dangerous!

Oh? There's Colada here and there's Colada there, too?

I'll do this...

I'll aim that Colada first and there it goes!


What the hell did you do that for, idiot?!

Ah! You're the real one, sorry, sorry!

I saw four Colada's, so I wanted to find you quickly.

Don't you have a freakin' detector on you?!

That's weird. It looked like there was a capsule around here just a minute ago.

What a place.

It's not right to make me, a trump card, do this kind of job to begin with.


I'm sure they are just relaxing right now.

The Cybertrons?

You're here also?

Because we can't leave a task to someone like you.


As expected, it seems Sling is only good for battling with the Cybertrons.

Though, I'm sure he'd never be able to beat that Cybertron rabbit, either.

Deadend, you wanna try saying that again?!

Hold it!


Where the heck did they go? I'll never forgive you!

A Destron!

Who's there?!

A Cybertron!

It looks like you haven't found the capsule yet.

What's going on here?

Good timing, as I'm VERY irritated right now!



What are you all wound up about?!

Shut up! I'm gonna crush every one I see!


Colada, it's not my fault even if you get chewed up.

It's your fault because you chose to act on your own!

It should be around here...

Don't scare me.

Oh! Found it!

You were just trying to show me where it was!


Why is it there?

And, there are so many of them.

Oh well! I've got you!




I knew we couldn't just leave everything to Sling.

I'm going to go and take out that Cybertron!

Before it's too late, we've gotta find it, Saberback.


I will take him out for you. You go look for a capsule.

Deadend, how dare you!

What're you doing, Sling?!

Shut up! I know what you guys are thinking in your heads!

What are you talking about?!

I can't believe what you guys say anymore!

If that's what you feel, I'll take you on,


...I'll have to finish him first, Sling!

Out of the way, Sling!

I won't let you!

You're thinking about taking another credit for yourself by getting rid of him, aren't you, Deadend?!

I have no interest in such a trivial thing!

But you did take the capsule out of my possession!

What are you talking about?!

What is it?!

Colada, Deadend, where the hell did they go?!


Isn't that...?

Isn't that the capsule?

I didn't expect there was still more!

OK, I've got you!

Huh? The capsule...

Hey, Capsule-chan, wait up!


What the heck is Sling doing?

Did he hit his head or something?

More importantly, where did the Cybertron go?

Dammit! Oh, you'll stay still for me, please, Capsule-chan!

It was a waste of time dealing with Sling.

The ones whom I want to fight against are the Cybertrons...

And the one I wish to fight the most is Big Convoy only, who is feared as "The One-Man Army."

Oh! Big Convoy!

I've longed to have an one-on-one battle with you.

DEAD g*n!

What?! He avoided it!

As I expected, you're fast, Big Convoy!

Take this!

Damn! You won't get away!

He vanished again?

I got so tired from chasing after the capsules that don't even exist.

Huh? What's that sound?

What's that?

A Destron?! What is he doing?

Break has sent us some footage. I'll switch to it now.

I wonder what he's doing?

No clue.

I'm seeing all this weird stuff, like, imaginary capsules, ever since I've arrived here!

Imaginary capsules?

They say that a mirage can be seen in a desert...

A mirage... is it that phenomenon where you see something that actually doesn't exist?

Yes. But this seems to be a little different.

What about Colada, Break?

That idiot? Who knows.

He was fighting against one of the Destrons, but it might be an illusion, too!

Why didn't you confirm?!

'C-Cause he's on the ego trip all the time so I thought he should learn a little lesson...


Big Convoy!

Open gate!

Head towards Planet Donovan, respectively! Go!

There it is! It seems that it hasn't drifted away for now.

Does that mean somebody already got it, then?

I'm leaving the capsule to you guys.

I will look for Break and Colada.




Yes, sir!

DNAVI, we've completed collecting the Angolmois capsule.

Teleport us quickly!

I can't do that! You guys still don't get it, do you?!

What now?

Do you want us to call you Ekaterina or something?!

What I'm saying is, I can't teleport you while you're carrying something like that.

We just don't know what's going to happen along the way.

If you're OK with that, then I'll teleport you.

What're we going to do, Guiledart?

If that's the case, it can't be helped.

We've got no choice but to carry it on our own.

Not beautiful at all.

Then leave it here for us!


You'll hand that capsule over to us!

What was that?! Take this!

As expected, they won't just quietly hand it over.

It would be a disaster if our sh*ts hit the capsule.

That probably means...

That's right!


Guiledart, where's the capsule?

Saberback, you didn't hide it, did you?

I haven't learned such a trick yet!

Stampy, the detector!


Huh? Many are blinking, and I don't know which is real!

It can't be helped, we'll check them one by one!

We've gotta find it before they do!

Colada! You went off by yourself...

...and I ended up being scolded by Big Convoy!

'Cause you're playing around with that thing there!

He's just following me around.

He's much more docile than you, Colada!

Too bad you're not with the Destrons.


If you were a Destron, I would get rid of you!

I can take you all on!

That's enough!

Big Convoy!

Selfish behaviors will put not only yourself, but your comrades in danger.

I told you so!

Then, just shut up and follow me!

Colada! See, that's why...


Every capsule runs away from me when I chase after it!

Hmm? It'll sure run away again!


Alrighty, mission completed!

I'll go ahead and take this!

Ah! That was the real one!

Sling, what are you doing?

Guiledart, Saberback...

Now I can clearly see what you guys are thinking about me!

Then, hurry and get the capsule back!

Let go!

Sling, what are you doing? Go and grab the capsule!

Capsule... Where's the capsule?

Let go! I won't let ya have the capsule!

Sling, show him what you've got.

I'm telling ya, don't order me around!

To heck with it, Cybertrons, come and attack me, all of you together!

Ah! What's going on? Is it another illusion?

Damn! Now he's there!


Saberback, take the capsule now!

I won't let you!


And just what can the pair of you do?

This had better be the real one this time.

DEAD g*n!

Colada, the capsule! I'll take care of things from here!

I'll take care of them for ya!

Our troop needs you more than me! You go get the capsule!

Ha! There's nobody in our troop who's not needed!


Stop chattering. We'll take both of you out together!



Colada, run for it!

There's no such word as "run away" in my dictionary!

We'll put you out of your misery now!

The real one is strong!

Big Convoy!


Where are you aiming at?

On the b*ttlefield, you don't know what will happen one second ahead of you!

It's during those times, where you can only trust your comrades who went through the same harsh training as you, even if you are quarreling with one another.

Now, let's return!

Yes, sir!

I said something out of character again...

What're ya lookin' at?

After all, those guys were responding to the detectors.

Yeah, it gave us so much trouble.

I agree.

It seems the illusion of the capsule which Break was after, was due to the Angolmois energy.

It was really terrible.


We're reading another Angolmois capsule!

Well then, let's go!

Yes, sir!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


At last, the enemy's boss, Magmatron, is coming to crash the party.

Understood, then I'll take the next mission by myself.

You gonna be okay?

I can't avoid a one-on-one confrontation against him.

Will we find out the true identity of Magmatron then?

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 6 is, The Dinosaur Combiner, Magmatron.

What? Who's Rockbuster?

He's my comrade-in-arms.
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