05x04 - Go For It! Stampy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x04 - Go For It! Stampy

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by

Ashi Production

What the hell did you do that for?!

It's a test of courage!

I'm testing how much you can bear without avoiding it!

All right, then.

Take this!

That hurt, you know?

How about that?!

Hey, now. Stop this. It's dangerous...

Oh, come on, this is also training!

Break, now it's my turn!

Here I come!

Bring it on!

I'm not just quick on ice!

This time, it's Stampy's turn.

Stop! Stop, I say!

I'll say "no thank you" to this!

What's with you?

I'll test how much courage you have.

Ah... so, I said...

Just do it already!


Stop this!

Stampy, you're such a coward!

When there's a coward on a team, he ends up holding everyone back.

I'm just careful, that's all.

What are you guys playing?

Nothing! Nothing at all! Right, Stampy?


We're approaching the planet Maderan.

Planet Maderan.

It's a planet covered by clouds.

I could say... it's like the planet is wearing thick makeup.

Like you, huh?

Be quiet!

Good grief!

It looks mysterious.

There's an Angolmois capsule reading.

Where on that planet is it coming from?

The thick clouds are causing a diffused reflection, so it's impossible to identify.

You'll have to find it by yourselves.

I've been guiding you all the way to get here, so that should be enough.


Seriously, are we supposed to go down there and comb through it?

What a pain!

It's literally a waste of time.

Magmatron-sama, I have a great idea.

What is it?

I'm pretty sure that the Cybertrons will also sniff out the Angolmois capsule on that planet.

Yeah, they're a pain!

In order for us to look for a capsule at our own pace, it's better if they're gone.

That's right!

So, this time around, why don't we implement an operation to annihilate the Cybertrons?

That sounds interesting!

Guiledart, I'll leave it in your hands.


We've picked up an Angolmois energy reading.

We've picked up an Angolmois energy reading.

What kind of planet is it?

Whoa! What the heck is that?!

It looks like cotton candy.

It's a planet covered by clouds.

What's the location?

I'm not sure exactly.

I'm getting a reading from between the clouds, but I can't identify the location.

So, you're saying we're going on a treasure hunt, right?

Oh, that sounds nice, I also love looking for things!

It might be a good chance for us to measure each of our detecting abilities.

Ah, what are we looking for...?

Naturally the Angolmois capsule!

We just don't know what's waiting for you underneath those clouds.

Be very careful.

Yes, sir!

It's cold!

It's not soft like cotton!

Of course!

Clouds are made from water vapor.

Whoa! This is something else!

It almost looks like many chimneys have been put up!

I can get many strikes if we play bowling here!

We didn't come here to play!

I've got the reading, come this way!


I've got the reading from there, too!

Of course this way is right!

No, this way!

Are you picking a fight with me, huh?!

It's not good to fight among ourselves.

We don't need to go together as a group.

Let's split in two!


Anybody who's coming with me, this way!

Stampy, ya coming this way?

Well, I'll go with Colada then...

You just come with me!

Yes... Yes...

So, who's coming with me then?


You, huh?

This way is the right way!

We've found the capsule!

No doubt about it!

W-W-Wait just a second!


The reading from the capsule is weak!

It's not about what kind of reading we have here, don't you get it?!

We have the actual thing right in front of us!

Besides, there's some kind of other energy reading!

It's better to call Big Convoy and make sure!

Stampy-kun's coward bug has started making noise.

If we call Big Convoy for every trifling thing like this, he'll yell at us!

No doubt!

I found that one!

Ah, I did, too!

I can't move, what's going on?!

W-Was it a trap?

Stampy, help us!


No! I can't get close!

It was a trap!

I'll... I'll go get Colada's group right away!

Damn! That blasted Stampy!

He abandoned us!

He really is a coward!


This way is quicker!

Oh, it's this way!


We've found it!

It's buried in there!

That's right.

No! Don't go near it!

Colada! Heinrad!

Did you hear a voice just now?

I'm sure we were just hearing things...

You're right.

I was too late!

Hey, Stampy!

Why are you just standing there?! Come save us!

Help us, please!

But I can't do anything about it!

Stampy, are you abandoning us?!

Help us, please!

You're my comrades, I won't do that!

Hang on for a bit!

Hey, Stampy!

They say, "You shall not chase after those who have left you"...

We can't chase, anyway!


Somehow, I have to contact Big Convoy!


My comrades have fallen into a trap.

And there's no way I can contact Big Convoy.

What am I supposed to do?!

What's wrong, NAVI?

What happened to the scheduled contact from Longrack?

It seems the planet Maderan is having a magnetic storm.

A magnetic storm!

Is... Isn't that...?

It looks like the Cybertrons fell into our trap.

It's time to take our trophies!

One of them got away?



TAIL sh**t!

If I get caught now, all of us are done for!

I can't let that happen!

He's quick at running away!

Oh well, just wait.

A coward like that can't do anything.

Now, let's collect our trophies in the trap.

They're in, they're in!

Only morons would get caught in such a simple trap like this!

They're so one-track minded.

You guys have caused us a lot of trouble up to now!

How much do you think Magmatron-sama scolded us?!

That ain't our problem!

You won't be talking like that for long!

Let me pay you back even more as revenge!

If only I knew... I should have listened to Stampy!

Don't talk about him anymore!

Stampy ran away, abandoning us!

Come on!

Why, YOU!

How is it? Ya like the taste of my Tailbunker?

I'll give ya more of a taste of it!

I gotta save Break and the others!

What am I supposed to do?!

I know! I could destroy the device that is sending the electromagnetic ray!

But how can I get close to that device?

Now that it's come to this, I'll test my speed!

Over there!

The device is on that rock!


The electric trap is gone!

You guys beat the crap out of us, you scumbags!

It's more fun when there's some resistance.

That's what I say!

Stampy, it's good you came back!

You can fight also!

Heinrad's group got stuck in a trap, too!

I'm going where they are, so I'll leave the rest up to you guys!

Are you running away again?!

You're wrong!!

Could it be it was Stampy who deactivated the electric trap for us?!

You can't fight back, huh?

I wish I could freeze time.

Whenever you're ready!



I'm releasing more energy than usual!

I used it all during that time, and I don't have enough energy charged yet...



Phew! It worked out somehow.

Now, I'll join the battle, too!

Guys, what's taking you?!


Forgive us!

You guys follow me!


Let us go!


You're taking too much time!

We won't make any further errors.

So, please let us dispose of them!

Do whatever you like.

How rude to drop us like that!

Dammit! I would beat the living crap out of them if I wasn't stuck in here!

They got caught again! What am I supposed to do?!

On top of that, their boss is there, too!

That's right! I can use this!

Please reach through to Big Convoy!

Stampy has sent an emergency communication!

What?! Which location?!


All right.


Let me enjoy watching you guys finish the Cybertrons.

Yes, sir!

Big Convoy isn't here as expected.

However, he'll be shocked when he finds this out.

Cut it out!


Cut it out already!

They're all my comrades!


Damn you!

How about this?!

What were you trying to do to Magmatron-sama?!

Ya little scumbag!



Let's finish them off first!

Big Convoy.

Stampy, I definitely got your communication!

How dare you guys try and do whatever you wanted with us!

Simultaneous as*ault!


Ya scumbags!


DNAVI, transport us!

You failed, eh?

I was being careless!


Retreat for now!

DNAVI, transport us!

You guys cause me so much trouble.

Hey, Stampy, hang in there!


Is everyone safe?

Yeah, we're fine.

All thanks to you, Stampy!

Is that so?

Th-Thank... good... ness.

Hey, Stampy!

The one who deactivated the electric trap...

...and the one who contacted Big Convoy for us...

...and the one who stood up against Magmatron all by himself...

...Stampy did all of that...

Sorry, Stampy!

This wouldn't have happened if we had an ounce of your carefulness!

If I were in your shoes, I couldn't have acted as bravely as you did, Stampy.

On top of that, you've just found the Angolmois capsule, too.

He played outstandingly today.

Stampy, get well soon.

What's Stampy's condition?

He'll be fine after he's repaired here and there!

All of you make one team.

In a team, there are those who jump the g*n, and those who are cautious.

There are also those who can be brave at the very last moment, like Stampy.

Different personalities and talents make a team.

Burn that into your minds!

Yes, sir!

I ended up preaching something that was pointless again...

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Look, Colada, the scenery looks upside down!

Break, I think your brain is set upside down.

Good grief, you're such a drag!

Shut up! A desert planet is not for a penguin for starters!

Ha! I'm going off on my own!

Wait! What about the preview?!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 5 is, Mirage of the Sand

Hey, Colada!

Slither, slither!
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