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04x03 - Lovers

Posted: 11/27/13 15:29
by bunniefuu

What is this place?


What's wrong with me?!

Hey, hey, hey, here...

It's just a little bit of transcendental sickness. Look...





What the hell was that?

I just saved your life!

Non-Elemental boys like yourself can't pass from one plane to the next without getting sick.

Next stop same as the last!

Last stop same before next!

Get your tickets ready please!



We're looking for a woman. Her name is Bo...

[train shaking]


Nothing to worry about folks!

The engineer must have forgotten his glasses!



Is it me or did this entire train just shake at the mention of Bo's name?

[grinding metal]


The screams... damned souls are trapped and they're trying to get out.

We gotta get out of here and find your girl.

Come on.


[heavy breathing]

Would you please stop with the attitude?

I hate this place.

There's no WIFI or anything, and it's a shit-hole!

It's just gonna be for one night.



Stay here...





What? Someone had to do something.

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years...

Searching, while hiding.

Only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

4x03 - Lovers. Apart.


Lefty loosey. Righty tighty.

Seen your mother in her nighty.

Oh, there's the little trouble maker.

Can I help you, young lady?

You miss the piano that you left back in Poland, don't you?

Pity. I could have made you a star.



Holy crap!

What did you do?

A little reorganizing.

Is it okay?


This place is more organized than my shitty apartment.

Um... sugar is with salt and pepper.


And, um, vinegar is with ketchup and other condiments.

Oh! And no longer directly next to the baking soda ... you can imagine my surprise when I saw that ... actually everybody's surprised if those two decide to mix it up and have a party.

Carbonic acid is actually very unstable ... kind of like this place ... and Ronald.

You're hilarious.

Am I?

So? You like?

Yeah. I do like.

I just need some sugar.

Crystal... I can't.

[bell dinging]

Break's over!

Break's over!!!



See. Funny.

Were you on the train?

What train?


"train" is obviously slang for heroin.

I mean, just look at her.

Hi, my name is Kathy. and this is my... energetic daughter, Julia.

Bo: Why is he walking like that?

Oh, it's an old Jenkins family superstition.

Makes for a fun weekend.

Where did all the smoke go?

Somebody broke all those glasses.

Bitch, I think your brain broke ...


Does this have something to do with Lauren?

Oh, God... why can't I remember, I...


Did somebody hit me?

Mom did.

Oh, God...

Oh, God, I am so hungry.

Would you like something to eat?

Oh, please do not ask me that.

Woman's voice: k*ll them... k*ll them all...

k*ll them.

Oh... Keep it together, Dennis.

Okay... shoes are all hung...

Ian... our guest is awake.

Uh, can you not look at my Dad like he's made out of hotdogs?

Young lady ...

It's okay.

She reminds me of my best friend. It's comforting.

Look, I don't mean to be rude, but you need to go...

Dad. She's practically a dead person. Jesus.

She needs to go. Now.

Ian, she hasn't had anything...




Can I use the ladies room first?

This was her room. She was here.

Hey! Wake up!

The girl that did this to you...

She's such a good kisser...

Where is she?! Where's Bo?!


He's gonna be so angry when he finds out she's gone...


This was hers.

If she jumped from the sickness that you had a minute ago, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

The delirium and the stomach cramps are gonna lead to death.

But I'm fine!

Because you're with me, an Elemental.

And this train is special.

If you leave or enter without an invitation ... or at least an anchor...

But you could save her, right?

I don't know. Maybe...

You can do this, come on...


Fasten your seat belt, Lover Boy.



What the hell are you doing down here?

Not so much father of the year, are we, Ian?

You think you can just hold people against their will? Huh?

You're keeping your daughter prisoner?

You don't know anything about me...

We are protecting Julia.

I don't need you to protect me.

Protect her from what?

A stupid ghost!

Come again?

My family's haunted.

Every year on this exact day it comes for us.

That's why we come out here.

We get away from neighbors, we get away from families.

We lock ourselves in these cells until morning.

Until it's gone.

Why is a ghost haunting your family?

I don't know. I just inherited the damn thing.

Everyone in my family died before they could tell my why.

Well, you know dealing with "weird shit" is kinda what I do.

I can help.

O-M-G, help what? There is no frigging ghost, you psychos!

Every year you lock me up in this stupid house, and I have never even once seen a Ghost!

You can't keep jailing me away!

All right, it's time.

Dad! No!

And it's time for you to leave my house.

If I'm locked up ... then she's locked up too.

You both can't be in the same cell, Julia. You know that!

Ian, what if she goes outside past the shoes and the knots?

I am not risking my daughter's life!

And you need to leave now!


It's ok. I'll go.

Thank you for everything.




No phone calls, no letters. No correspondence of any kind.

For five long years.

And now all of a sudden, you can't live without me.

What can I say? I'm touched.

If there's one thing that life has taught me, it's that I can definitely live without you.

But, I agree. You are touched.

Now, there is something different about you.

Evony. Did you dye your hair?

Yes. Thank you for noticing.

The color is called Grow-My-Eyeball-Back-

Or-You-Will-Be-Growing-Back -A-Ball-Of-Your-Own!

That's catchy.

Isn't it just?


You sing soprano in your church choir don't you?


Oh. My child...

I see you still have a way with children.

Hazard of the profession, I suppose.

When you've been in power as long as I have ... everyone is your child.

Like it or not, one day you just wake up and you're a mother.

And Druid.

Don't disappoint me like 'Chanel Number Goo' did.

My eyes are brown.

Actually, they're imperial brown with a slight flare of green in the rim of the cornea.

Just don't screw this up.


Dad? Dad, I'm sorry...


You came back.

Need a cell mate?

Ugh... ugh...

Are you okay?


You kind of look like that girl from that video in health class giving gross birth.

It's fine, Kenz, really.

Uh, who's Kenz?

Somebody I obviously miss very much.

Look, um, Julia... What is going on?

I've been to my share of bad family reunions, believe me, but this is crazy town.

Um, can I show you something?

Woman's voice: k*ll them... k*ll them all.

k*ll them...

People in my family, keep... they keep dying.

m*rder. su1c1de.

My great grandfather he poisoned his whole family, almost, and then... posed them like dolls that are at a tea party.

Um, and then there's... there's this.

That little boy, right there? That's my Dad.

He saw his father sh**t his entire family.

You know how he talked about inheriting this ghost?

What if what he actually inherited is this thing? This...

...thing that keeps making them do all this horrible stuff.

You've never seen anything out of the ordinary?

He locks me in a box, okay? He's sick.

I'm just scared that one day he's gonna hurt us.

Well, I guess there's nothing I can do.

Except get you out of here.

Oh, thank you. Thank you for listening to me.

You know, for a totally loco chick breaking in our house, you're... you're actually pretty cool.

Come on.


We've lost her scent.

No, no, relax... I know these woods.

My friend Lazy John was buried out here.

He fell asleep against a tree and then... monkeys buried him.


John! John.


Hi, John.

Hello. Hi, honey.

Hi, Clio.


I would like you to meet my business associate.


Business Associate.

Have you seen a Succubus running through these woods?

Your Succubus ran through last night. But... what direction did she go? Hm.


Don't judge me.


You can lick one toe.



Come again?

Do you want to find your Succubus, or not?

Business associate.

Man! You must really love this girl.

We shall never speak of this again.

So, what's the real story with this voodoo juju?

Apparently the stupid ghost can't come inside 'til she tries on all the shoes and unties all the knots; lame!

And walking backwards?

Oh, a ghost can't jump inside your body if you're walking backwards, duh.

'Cause that makes sense.

Oh. That's not a ghost.

That's a body jumper! Julia!

Julia, no!


Jesus! You're sick?

I told you not to interfere!

Look, I'm sorry. I was just trying to help.

Help?! I had this under control!


Where did Julia collapse?



Past the shoes and knots.

[g*n cocking]

Ian, what are you doing?!

We said if this thing entered one of us, we would k*ll whoever that was!

But not Julia!

I will not let her live... with what I had to live with.

Ian! Please! She's our baby!

I know what happened to you when you were young ... but there is always another way.

You don't know anything!

You don't know what this thing did to my family.

To my brother, to my sister my mother, my father!

What it made me do.


You told me that was your father!

If Julia ever had to do what I did...

You don't know what it's like to have something inside of you!

To have something you just can't control.

Actually, yeah, I do. I can fix this.

Fix it?

I can still hear that thing laughing...

...while I butchered everybody that I loved.

You can't fix pure evil.

[lights bursting]

[Possessed] He's right. I am pure evil.


And I ain't never felt better.

Go! Hide! I won't let anything happen!

Not without our daughter!

I've got this.

Come on, let's go!


[country music]




I just have a lot on my mind.

It's okay. Really, I get it.

Why are you here?

Uh... I work here?

Yeah, I know.

It's just that...

I know why Ronald is here.

And I'm still kinda working on why I'm here...

Oh, that 'why are you here'.

You know what, if it's too personal a question...

It's okay.

Uh... well, I guess...

...sometimes when a girl's had so much bad luck... she can... start to feel like she's the one causing it.

She is bad luck.

And that's when you start to except things.

Like how being the best singer in town doesn't really mean very much in the big city.

And how sometimes big dreams will swallow you whole.

If you don't turn 'em into small ones instead.

Small ones like this.

Farm for sale?

Small farm for sale.

Just under ten acres.

Couple of chickens. Pigs.

An old Palomino named Duke.

Work hard all day and just sit and watch the stars at night.

Little heaven right there.

See you tomorrow.


Listen, I know you're not on the market but if you ever wanna grab some beer and... a pizza and vent... you know where I live.

I have no idea where you live.



[possessed] What the hell are you?

Awesome on two legs.

And what type of Fae might you be?

[possessed] Jumbee, Jumbee, Jumbee, Jumbee....

Oh, I don't want to hurt you Julia, but this bitch ain't making it easy.

[possessed laugh]

Ahhhh! Who the hell are you?


His name is Dyson. It's okay.

Oh, God... how did you find me?

I had a little help.

[possessed] Jumbee, Jumbee, Jumbee, Jumbee...

Bo, meet Clio.



The beer and the pizza and the venting.

Is right now too soon?

Of course not.

Come on in.



We know you can body-jump, but what else you got?

Huh... did I just agree to a threesome?


Mama! Mama, they're hurting me!



Kathy, no!!!



No... Oh, God...

Oh, God...

The Peony plant.


It's gonna stop the bleeding. It's healing plant of the Gods.

It grows in the forest.




Bo... I've got to get you out of here.

You're dying.

This woman is dying.

You don't understand. When you jumped from that train, you got sick. You need help.

She needs help, Dyson. And it's my fault!

Help me fix this, okay? I can wait.

Just keep pressure on the wound.

Go! Get my Julia!

I can't lose them both!


On death's door, and still helping humans... at least you're still you.

Stay with me... stay with me, stay with me...

[laughing] Oh, man.

Why can't we just.... erase everything.

All the bad shit that's ever happened to us, or that we've done. and just forget it ... all.

Forget that horny boss that kept grabbing my ass.

Forget the wedding dress and combat boots that I wore all the way through freshmen year ... as a "statement."

Yeah. Forget that... forget that car that I hit and then sped away, and didn't tell anyone. Until now.

Actually it was three.


[laughing] Go, go!

Okay, okay, okay!

Uh, forget the Master I had for five years who kept me in indentured servitude...


It's probably the beer talking. I guess I ran out of bad shit to forget.

Imagine we could really forget all of that stuff ... what would we have left?


[both chuckles]

Oh, my God...

You know, I would have been fine with just beer and pizza, right?


Now she tells me.

[Julia screaming]


So, what's the plan?

It's time for me to introduce myself to this Jumbee.

Wait... you?

You shouldn't have done that.

You shouldn't be meddling in things that don't concern you!

Clearly, you haven't been out in the world for a while, so let me get you up to speed.

Hi, I'm Bo, the unaligned Succubus, how are you?

A couple things about me ... I like leather, having a good time, and in case you haven't noticed ...

I always meddle in things that don't concern me.

And if you don't stop torturing these innocent people I'm gonna crack my foot off in your retro ass!

Torturing them!?

They thought I was a witch.

Hey, hey... come on, boys, we talked about this...

Take your hands off her! Don't you hurt her!

Get your hands off me! Let her go!!!


John! Jesse!


And they wanted my fiancé, my Noah, to see me proved a witch.


Don't do this!!!


An Elemental ain't no witch!


My Noah saw what I really was and he still loved me.


[g*n firing]

They left us separate forever.

And I ain't never gonna stop until every last one of them Jenkins' is dead!


They k*lled her. Your ancestors k*lled her.

Her and her fiancé; also a Jenkins, m*rder*d her!

Oh, God! So much anger!

So much pain! She's never gonna stop!


Why are they making me pay for what they did??


Because the past always comes calling.

She's trying to take over!


Fight her, Bo!


Not bad. For a human.

Well, I am always at your disposal.

Disposal? I like that.

What was that?

When I was in the cell behind Vex's desk, I had a lot of time to think.

I realized something very important.

Oh? What did you realize?

That I've been far too nice.

I know that Succubus was somehow behind my capture.

It's time somebody finally put her in her place.

I already did.

Excuse me?

She's gone. I helped Tamsin get rid of her.

For you. You know, I've been thinking, maybe I should come back here.

I could live here with you again.

Oh... honey... but then where would I keep the dogs?

What are you gonna do now?

With Bo gone?




Separate forever!


Separate forever. That's what the Jumbee said!

I know what we have to do!

Before they were married, they were k*lled!

They were buried separately!

If we...

If we what?

No, no, I know!

If we bury them together then it will end the Jumbee's need for vengeance.


Come on, you've been around for a thousand years, and you've never read a romance novel?

Wow, you are a lucky girl.

Take Kathy downstairs and lock yourselves up.

Be okay, okay?

Dyson, you have to go find their remains, ok?

Just please hurry.

I'm not leaving you, Bo! I just found you!

There's no way in hell I'm...


Do you trust me?


Then trust this. I can fight her, Dyson, but you have to go.

You have to hurry! Please, just go!



Ok, is this his leg bone or the Jumbee's leg bone?

Doesn't matter. It's all going in the same place.

Is this how your dates with Bo usually go?

Digging up graves, and trying to save human lives?

I'd be lying if I said this didn't have some semblance of nostalgia.

Okay, that's it... are all of his bits with her bits?

Yeah, they are.


Help me hold her down.




Oh, I'm gonna enjoy k*lling you both.

Hold her still...


They were never married! That's why she's still stuck in limbo.

If we marry them ... maybe it will end the pain...

Where did you find these?

I take you to be my lawfully wed wife to have and hold, in sickness and in health, and even in death.

Do you take me to be your...


Do you take Noah to be your lawfully wedded husband?

To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, even in death?

Yes. I do.


What are you guys looking at?

You can't see them?



[chuckling] Are we?

Ready to go home?

Oh, hells yes.


[phone ringing]

Good morning, Ronny!

Grab the phone, would ya?

Some yahoo's been calling every ten minutes or so, asking about some Karen.


Yeah. Said there's a big reward for information.

Hardly had time to do my prep.

[phone ringing]

You gonna answer it, Red?

I actually have to go to the washroom.

[phone ringing]

Uh, your kicks are gone all ghetto.

Oh, you want to borrow my kitten heel fly boots.

They are trés gorge and they might make this, um, homeless-persons- nighty-thing you're rockin' look like an actual fashion choice.

You know how I know you're gonna be okay?

Because you've got balls as big as my best friend.

Who is a girl?


Bye, babe. And don't be so hard on them.

One day you might have to face down your own demons... and they might come in handy.

But if you do ever need me... come find me.



I need to leave.


Town. I need to leave town.

What are you talking about?? Leave when?

Now! I can't really explain...

I... will come with you, ok? I can help ...

No! Just promise me. If anybody comes looking for me, you'll pretend that you never knew me.

Where are you going? Just...

Promise me.


For luck. I really hope you find some soon.

Wait, wait, wait... is there another way out of here?

Yeah. Come on.

You're in an awful rush for a sick girl?

I just can't wait to get into bed.


First thing's first.

Clio ... you wanna do that ear thing?


What do you think you're doing?

Taking what's mine.

Money talks, and your buddy, Vex, has got boat loads of it.

Do you really think you're just gonna walk away with her?

Let me put it this way. If you follow us or try to stop me, then I'm gonna let the transcendental sickness eat her insides and then I'm gonna leave her in a hot and bloody succubus mess.

I don't mean walk away from me.

I mean walk away from her.


Last time I checked, Jumbees were Elementals, too.


See, that's the thing about helping people, Clio.

Sometimes you get paid back with a little thing called Karma.


Jumbee already healed me ... and when she was inside of you she saw exactly what you were up to.

This is just professional...

Do you have any idea how sick and tired I am of being double crossed and lied to and generally dicked around!

You picked the wrong girl to screw over.

Because I like to make everything personal.





What are you?

She's your worst nightmare.

Dying with a smile... that is much too good a fate for you.

Did you get a little medieval while you were away?

I don't know? Maybe.



So... Vex, huh?

Man, can that guy pick a team already?

You're one to talk.

God, I missed you.

I missed you too.

Take me home?

You got it.


Hmm. I can't wait to see everyone.

Kenzi and Hale...

Trick and...

You know, some day we're gonna have to talk about what happened on that train.

What train?

I don't know. I don't know why I said that...

Don't worry.

I will figure out what happened to me. One way or another.

You can be sure of that.


I'm not gonna get rid of you, am I?

Not that easy, hop in, partner.

You know what?

I am really happy to see you.

And I'm really sorry.


[muffled scream]

You think we should stop and see if they need help?

Sorry, Bo... gotta get you home.

Whoever that is can fix their own flat tire.
