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04x00 - An Evening At The Clubhouse (special)

Posted: 08/28/14 13:26
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

Pre-season 4 Special

"An Evening at the Clubhouse"

Hi everyone. I'm Anna Silk.

And welcome to the Clubhouse.

I'm here with the Lost Girl cast and we're getting ready for the premiere of season 4, in just under an hour.

We're gonna be answering fan questions and chatting about life and having a little movie night and viewing the webisodes.

So let's have everyone introduce themselves.

Hi. I'm Rick Howland. I play Trick.

I'm Paul Amos. And I play Vex.

I'm Rachel Skarsten. I play Tamsin.

I'm Ksenia Solo, and I play Kenzi.

Kris Holden-Ried. Dyson.

I'm Zoie Palmer, and I play Dr. Lauren Lewis.

And I'm K.C. Collins, and I play Hale.

And I'm Anna, and I play Bo.

It's been a while since season 3.

So let's take a look back and see where we left off.

I will reign as he did.

Even death will fear us.


Only I will choose who lives.


This is just a break... right?

[Thunder rumbling]

No. Please tell me she's not the one.

When was the last time you actually operated on a human?

Relax. It's the last time you'll be human.



I call for a vote of no confidence in this fake Ash.

The Morrigan just declared you an enemy of the realm.

I'm not leaving your side 'til you're safe.

You're tough, Kenzi, but you're human.

Not for long.

We all gotta die someday.

Stop the car.

Uh. Uh.



Thanks for going all Thelma and Louise on me there, 'Ach.

You know? Never looked better going off a cliff.

A lot happened last season, huh, guys?

Yes, a lot did happen last season.

Like what?

Including the birth of my son, Sam.

It's been great to share this time with my Lost Girl family.

Everyone has welcomed Sam, and he's been a big part of season 4.

And I just wanted to introduce him to you guys.

But it is just past Sam's bedtime, so he's going to go off to sleep now.

So, good night, Sam.

Good night, Sam.

Good night, buddy.

Now, I think you guys would definitely agree with me when I say that we have the greatest fans in the world. Right?

Yes. - Bet it.

We actually have a magical Fae box full of questions that you guys have written in with.

So, let's see what you all want to know.

First question, from Nicky Claire.

"Where did you grow up and what were you like as a kid?"

Ooh. Ah.

Let's start with you, K.C.

I grew up in... for the most part, Toronto.

A lot of other places, but to keep it nice and not complicated, Toronto. And as a kid, I was...

I mean, I was athletic...

I felt like I was a defender of the universe.

Nice. - Wow.

I defended a lot of people.

And I ended up in a lot of fights that my Grandma wasn't happy about.

What about you, Zoe?

I grew up in Camborne, Cornwall, England, until I was about ten, and then we moved here.

And I was hyper. Like, I was a really hyper kid.

Don't forget, Zoie, you lived in the same village as me, too.

In Wales? I lived in Wales, too.

You guys lived in a village.


Yeah, a tiny, little village.

I'm a city boy. I like...

I grew up in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

I know this.

And what was I like?

I was kind of exactly like I am now, I think.

But I did spend an entire summer dressed as Wonder Woman, literally fighting crime in my neighbourhood.

K.C.: Really?


I wore same thing every day.

How was that one fight?

Come on, it's New Brunswick. Come on.

Hey, some stuff happens there, okay.

Strangely enough, I grew up also playing Wonder Woman.

So I would walk around with my bracelets.

Are you being serious?

Yes, I am. I loved Wonder Woman.

Me, I grew up in Riga, Latvia.

As a kid, I just remember loving fairy tales.

There was nothing better than being told a story.

So I think that's why I wanted to become an actor, because I just loved the art of storytelling so much.


That's where you started it.

I grew up in Toronto, Canada.

And as a little girl, I was very much a girly girl.

Everything was pink. Yeah, I know. Shocking.

I was a girly girl. 'Cause I'm like a dude now, you know? So...

Shut up.

How about you, Paul?

Well, I grew up in a little village in Wales where we used to speak a little funny hobbit language called Welsh.

If I were to speak Welsh then it would sound something like this.

So it's a beautiful language, surrounded by beautiful people and beautiful countryside, and I was very, very lucky to grow up there.

And how did you turn out to be so evil?

No. I tell you what happened.

My Grandfather was a compere, which is like an MC in the clubs.

So he used to entertain and sing and tell jokes in the clubs.

And my uncles used to smuggle me into the clubs.

So I could sit on the table and watch my Grandfather entertain like 400 people.

How about you, Rickster?

I was born in Kingston, Ontario, just down the road. And I was a sarcastic child, a bit of a know-it-all. So, you know, there you go.

Perfect. Look what fate...

I didn't fall far from the tree.

From my character's tree.

Next question, from "Val Kensfey."

"Of all the mythological creatures that have been on the show, which one would you want to be if you had the chance?

The swamp one.

The swamp one?

You wanna live in a swamp?

Muddy and cold and wet?

With the head?

Rachel's got a weird taste in things.

It's just to get to look like that and come out be like, "Waah!"

Okay, guys, let's check out a fan video question.

This is from Audrey.

Professionally talking, did Twitter change something, and if yes, what?

PS: I love you guys.

We love you too, Audrey.


Thanks for your question and your endless support.

She's been one of our biggest fans from the very beginning.

I think she's the reason the show is successful.


Do you know what has been crazy, though, is how big Twitter has become now, and the fact that on the last season premiere, it was trending #1.

And I remember exactly where I was sitting.

And I'm like, I'm gonna see what's trending.

"Lost Girl? What?!"

And then just called everybody I knew. I was like, "You have to go on Twitter right now. Go on Twitter."

And that was wild. It was really huge.

It's a testament to our viewers and our fans.

Okay, we're going to take a break for a webisode now.

At the end of season 3, Kenzi and Bruce sped off in a very sexy car, in search of Massimo.

I wonder, what would a road trip with these two be like, besides eating lots of Cheetos and listening to Spice Girls?

Let's check it out.

End of discussion, Brucey.

I am one bridge away from getting what I need.

Strew it or bust.

But Kenzi, Massimo is not a nice person.

Please! Nice is yesterday's skinny jeans.

What Kenzi needs is today's brutal truth.

And the truth is that it's Fae-mageddon out there.

So I need to armour up, Fae style, lose this human shrike for a while...

But I'm Fae, and my life is not exactly peaches and cream.

Well, at least you've got presence. Me...

Oh! You see? I can barely even walk.

That's your shoes. They're too tall.


After everything you and I have been through, you're dissing my kicks?

Diss? I never diss.


I don't even know how to diss.

Kenzi, wait. Danger. It's everywhere.

Passage denied.

Says who?

Up your six.

Up yours... seven.

That's my handle, eyeliner. You probably wouldn't understand.

You're used to men telling you how it is.

Men, nyet. Boys, never.

Especially not scruffy, pit-stained maggots.

Sorry, your trashcan goth rags are screaming '90s too loud.

I can't hear you!

Oh, really?

Well, I'm sorry if you can't stand style, you mainstream hipster poser. Then get off the runway.


Oh boy. We'd better troll.

You I'm not talking to. But if I was, I'd be like, what, like an under-the-bridge fugly troll?

No. An Internet troll.

Those are, like, actual trolls?


Oh boy.

Hey, Six, shouldn't you be online pissing people off?

I trolled a little bit too awesomely on Anonymous.

They had me hacked, transferred for a month.

Mmm. To old-time Bridgeville. Well, bam.

In the immortal words of my girl Alanis, isn't it ironic.

I only have a week left, okay?

Are you gonna cry? Do you want me to polish up those non-prescription Buddy Holly glasses for you?

Oh, you're sharp. And smart.

And nasty.

Come on, guys. Confrontation makes me itchy.

Let's start over. I'm Bruce.


[Bruce gasping]


Nice to meet you, Bruce.


Oh, for a skinny guy, you sure pack a lotta punch.

Yeah. Troll.

Look. I need to get to a druid on the other side of that bridge, the bridge that you've been assigned to guard.

What of it, Captain Exposition?

Okay, how's this gonna work?

Do you want some kind of payment, a lock of my hair?

[Laughs derisively]

And me flossing weave for my teeth for a week?

No thank you.

Yeah, if you were eating it.

Oh, my god, are you gonna eat me?

Not if you sign here.

What, you want me to take over guarding the bridge?

You're perfect for the gig. You spit back insults as fast as I do.

Yeah, but you have, like, a week left.

Exactly. So it's no biggie.

What's that, as long as it takes you to apply your eye makeup?

I need to see Massimo now.

Not until you sign here.

Read my perfectly lined lips. No.


Okay. It's okay. It's all right.

Don't cry. It's all right.

Six, honey, I don't speak sad troll. Just slow down.

Slow down, take a breath and tell Kenzi correct what's wrong.

Well, see, it was about a month ago I was online and I met this guy named Owen, and tomorrow was supposed to be our first, like, date at this coffee shop/game room/

Origami workshop.

Oh, the red carnation so he knows it's you.

Old-school. I like it.

But it's suck-atood central.

Okay? Because I can't leave the bridge unguarded.

It doesn't even matter. I can't talk to anyone without insulting them, road-trip breath.



You like insulting people because you think you're clever.

I am clever, no lobes.


So why don't you try being clever by saying something nice? Try me.

Your pants don't even make me wanna puke.

Okay. Great first try.

But let's pin the puke and try again. I'm Owen.

Your online collection of Che Guevara quotes make me want to knit my own beret.

Yes! Yes. Totally. Okay.

So, about the bridge...

I am such a sucker for love.


Mind your own business.

Kenzi is my business, you Internet cockroach shag rag.

Bruce, it's okay.

And you, you have some deep-seated misconceptions about just how little power you have over people.

But you're my friend, and I support you even if your shoes are ridiculously road-trip unfriendly.

Oh, he's good. Like, online board message good.

Yeah. Who knew?

I don't like being this person.

But I'll do it if it makes you happy. So just give me the contract.

Ohh, thanks, dude. Can I shake your hand?

Can I crush it?

Wish me luck. PS. Love the shoes. Fierce!

Thanks! Good luck! Have fun!

I love you, Kenzi.

But if anything happened...

Shut up.

You shut up.

You shut your mouth.

You shut your face.

Shut the front door.

Don't let it hit you on the ass on the way out.


Thank you for guarding this bridge, for everything.

Thanks for being you.

Don't trust Massimo.


They never suspect the big ones.

Love it!


It's a nice relationship. I love seeing them together, because I feel like they're both looking for their place in the world.

And I think Kenzi feels bad that Bruce has had this really hard life and hard upbringing, so she relates to him.

So, I think it's a beautiful friendship.

Okay, guys, we are going to take a break.

But when we come back, more webisodes, some bloopers that I'm super excited to see, and some more of your fan questions. So, see you soon.

Well, hello. I'm K.C. Welcome back to the Clubhouse.

We're here tonight talking about everything Lost Girl, and to get ready for the season 4 premiere.

We have tons of questions from the fans.

The first question here is from Shirley R. Wild, and it's for Anna and Zoie.

Who surely are wild.

[Mimicking drum roll]

Well done, sir. Well done. Okay.

"Bo and Lauren are opposites on so many levels, yet their love is phenomenal and inevitable."


"Why do you think that is?"

Opposites attract.

Definitely there's that.

And also, I think that for Lauren, Bo is one of the few people...

Like, Lauren I think feels like an outsider in a lot of ways because she's a human and at any moment could be tossed aside by the Fae.

I think that because Bo comes from a world where she kind of started as a human, to some degree, or seems that way, that we kind of had some... I think I clinged on to you a little bit.

I would find it hard to not have chemistry with Zoie Palmer, because she's beautiful and smart and...

You're those things, too. You're beautiful, too.

Shut up.

Stop it. No, you shut up.

All right, everyone, let's leave them and let them at it.

So, here we go. This one is from Daniel Miller.

And he says, "I love the Wanderer song cover in the promo."

He wants to know, where did it come from and can he get it?

Well, that's a good question and a good story.

Because Jay Firestone, our executive producer, and Vanessa Piazza, one of our amazing producers, they got together and they actually held auditions for female vocalists to come in to cover the song.

And the one that won it, her name is...

Emily Mover.

Emily Mover. M-O-V-E-R.

And it's available on .

Excuse me, can we have a another glass of that wine?

Ah, merci! Bruce.

Yay, Bruce!


Hi, Bo. How are you?

Good. How are you?


From Andy W.

I'm more afraid than you are right now, trust me.

Who is the best Instagramer?

Oh, guys. Let's take a vote.

Who is the best Instagramer?

It's got to be one of these three, I think, on the couch.

'Cause I don't Instagram.

I don't know.

I think I'm high up there. I just want to say.

I feel like Kris takes phenomenally artistic, beautiful photos.

The thing is, Ksenia Solo has entered a competition for her photographs.

I think Ksenia wins.

If you're entering competitions, you just automatically win.

Oh, yeah?

Okay, guys, so there is another video question.

Should we get to it? Let's get to it.

We want to know more about people's personalities on set.

Like, who is the funny one?

And who is the Diva who never comes out of their trailer and says, "Don't look at me. Don't even talk to me."

Who's the serious method actor?

And who is the practical joker?

I'm the Diva. I never leave my trailer.


I huddle in there.

I don't know if any of us are Divas, really.

I mean, some of us are slower to come out of our trailers than others. I don't know who.

But you know what?

The guys always take a little extra time primping and priming.

Well, Wonder Woman is a bit of a Diva.

Who is a practical joker?

I think it's either you or Kris.

Yeah. Between you and Kris.

Well, we just practical-joke each other.

That's true.

Well, there you go.

Kris does every other scene with his pants down.

Yeah, or a guitar in his hand.

I always say, you are actually more like Kenzi in your real life than you are Dyson.

So when you played Kenzi, it was like no biggie.

You're used to that.

I was like, "Oh. Kris finally gets to play himself."


I think it's a good time for another webisode.

Trick and Hale have always had a very tight relationship.

As the new Ash, this year, Hale really used Trick as a mentor.

This next webisode was a nice chance to see the two back together after Trick gets back to the Dal.

Let's take a look at the second webisode, Prophecy.

It's like World w*r Z happened in here.

Welcome home, Brad Pitt.

What are you doing here?

Bring in your mail. Someone left it on your doorstep.

And I'm checking up on things. Being the former Ash, it leaves you with a lot of free time on your hands.

You're welcome.

Any idea what happened to my bar?

Furies broke in and threw a party?

Oh, speaking of partying, how was your sex-cation?

Just... don't.

Ooh. Sorry, I didn't know you and Stella split.

All right, well, talk to me.


Do you know the saying parting is such sweet sorrow?


I've had sweeter.


Mm-hmm. And the fools who would love them.

Be it ever so humble.

What's left of it.

Now to tend to my first love.

I'll make you some tea.

Please tell me you've seen Kenzi.

You're the first familiar face I've seen come through that door.

She sent me a text message saying she was okay.

It's just, I don't know where she is.

Dyson and Tamsin on the other hand, I don't even know if they're alive.

I have a bad feeling about what happened here.

Nothing a bucket and some elbow grease can't fix.

What's this?

Be very careful with that.

It looks like some kind of Fae Ouija board.

It's a very old, very powerful diviniation plank.

I believe that's what I just said.

Really? You think the Delphic oracles used a chip board to commune with the spirit world?

Were there boards also made in Taiwan?

I never said it was an original.

But no less powerful.

Well, one dragma... says that your plank is as good as predicting the future as my big old eight balls.

You can't gamble on prophecy.

That's like using Pandora's box as handy place to keep your TV remote.

Just what I thought.


You want proof? Fine.


What the hell are you doing?

What's it look like?

It looks like you were dropped on your head.

Okay, I've had enough.

Okay. All right. Jeez.

I'm starting to see why Stella curbed your ass.

Channelling the oracle is serious. And just for the record, I'm the one who did the curbing.

Okay, I'll behave.

Close your eyes. Clear your mind.

That shouldn't be too hard.

And when you're ready, ask your question.

Which fine woman is thinking about me right now?

You see.

You rigged the board to do that.

How would I know that?

Everybody knows that.

All right, serious question this time.

It's your money.


Who will replace me as the next Ash?


Prepare yourselves for the arrival.

The prophesy shall be fulfilled.

Prepare. Prepare.


Eh, I knew this thing was a fake.

Pleasure doing business with you.

The Una Mens.


All right. There we go.


A little bit more back-story and pre-story.

Ouija boards always freak me out.

Yeah, me to.

Did we hire James Earl Jones to do that voice, or...?

Well, no, baby, I just went from the diaphragm.

Yeah, he just brought in.

That was all you.

That's what I do.

We know it.

So, that was great.


We're going to go to a commercial break now.

But when we get back, we'll answer more questions and see another webisode. So stay tuned.

Go wild!


Hi. I'm Kris Holden-Reid. Welcome back to the Clubhouse, where we're talking about our favourite Lost Girl stories, webisodes, and getting ready for the big season 4 premiere tonight.

It's coming up very soon, so don't go anywhere, because we're going to have a little bit more questions from the magic box.

It's my turn with the magic box.

Oh, really?

From Tracy Atkinson, "Bo needs to feed off of sexual energy to survive.

If you had to feed off of any one thing to survive, what would it be?"

Any deluxe pizza.

I vote laughter.

How's that one? Right?


I like making people laugh, so when they laugh, then I can feed off that laughter.

For me, nothing moves me more in life than when people are genuinely kind.

So I would feed off of kindness.

See, now I've got to get all deep.

I was just thinking like, a plantain, or a burrito.

But now I need to get all deep.

I would also feed off of pasta.

So, next question is from Leslie dAmico.

"Can any of the actors tell us about memorable moments meeting fans?"

I think we've all been very lucky in terms of getting really cool fan art, posters, paintings.


But I think I got one to top this, and I'm really excited about this.

I want to introduce the world to little Kenzi, who was made by a very talented artist by the name of Ms. Jo Moxy.

And little Kenzi's got everything from a black leather bra, to Lady Gaga heals, and you know, the right hairdo, and the little cuffs.

And she's actually going to be auctioned off for charity.

And so hopefully, one of you guys at home will have little Kenzi one day soon.

I don't know if I've got one to top that, but I've got an interesting one.

Well, obviously, like the show has a lot of ex-military fans.

So when we were down in Atlanta, I had this really very, very deep conversation with this one fan.

So, she gave me this coin. So she said, if you meet anybody in the military and you show them this coin, if they don't have their coin, they, by law, military law, have to buy you a drink.


So I was in New York just last week.

This young girl, she was really lovely, and she was actually in the military. She'd just come back from Afghanistan.

So I actually had it in my pocket. I thought, "I know I have that"

So I pulled it out of my jacket, I put it on the table.

She stopped, ran out, went across the street, came back with a brown paper bag with a beer Oh! What? inside of it and put it on my desk.

That was awesome!

No questions asked.

That's nice.

That's cool.

That's pretty good, yeah.

But it's not as cool as that.

From DV Pandemic: "What is your view on the chemistry/relationship between Tamsin and Bo?"

It doesn't exist.


I mean, I just love you.

So it's so easy to have chemistry with you.

I feel that you're one of those people you know, where...

I didn't exclusively feel this.

I think everybody felt this way when they meet you.

Its like... you feel like you've known you forever.

Oh, thank you, Rachel.

And you're hot.

So, that's cool.

Good Lord.

What I think was interesting for Rachel and I, is that you know, Tamsin and Bo didn't exactly hit it off in the beginning, but Rachel and Anna did.

So we had to kind of remind ourselves that we hate each other, we hate each other.

We'd be like, ha, ha, ha...

Yeah, hate each other.

Exactly. But I think there is a mutual respect between Bo and Tamsin. They are equals.

They are very powerful, so I think there is a respect and the chemistry kind of exists there.

Even though they might not always love each other's choices, they kind of respect them.

You know what I want to know, guys?

I want to know what it's like to play the evil, monstrous Vex.

That's what I want to know.

What is it like.

Yeah, what is it like to be the all-powerful Mesmer?

It's like the most powerful thing ever, playing Vex, and just to be able to get into those leather pants every day I come into set and just to do the hand movement.

It's okay. It's okay. Don't worry.

Can we just watch me now?


Close your peepers for one hot second and imagine this.

Dulce de leche fountains big enough for Charlie Sheen's ego, guests so delicious, they'd make a model wanna eat.

And the outfits. Phwa! The outfits.

They will make Jean-Paul Gaulthier's spring collection look like a string-your-own macaroni necklace day at the geriatric ward. Phew. We are talking about the party of the century for little old "me."

Spotlight! Symphony!
Vex, Hale is on line one.

He says it's the seventh time he tried to call you today.

But I'm busy!


All eyes on me as I descend on a blood diamond Chandelier.

Fact: they descend cause that's how you clean them, apparently.

Gasps. Applause.

Tears. Boners.

Welcome to the start of the new Dark Era.

Now, after the festivities, my guests will want some nosh.

And that's where you come in.

Now, you are the only chef on the continent that is willing to prepare Fugu, the cyanide of fish.

Prepared incorrectly, it will k*ll, instantly.

Now. Why have all your references been crossed off?


What can I do for you?

Uh, try the Fugu.

I'm vegan.

"Oh, I'm vegan"!

Oh! For the love of the artist formerly known as Prince, tell me you booked the venue.

Yeah. Actually, they just got back...

Don't you dare think about giving me bad news!

Since the chateau is part government property, they require an application and the process takes months.

What about plan B, the party boat?

I mean, I know it's a tad common, but it's the only choice we got left.

The harbour laws have restrictions on loud music after 9:00 P.M. and restrictions on numbers of guests.

We can't accommodate 1500 people. It would require a permit.

That would take...

Let me guess!



How hard is it to arrange a party?!


Yeah, is that what you want, Vex?

Not today, sugar puffs.

You said choking isn't making out.

Yeah, but you've made me very upset.

This party is everything, and I feel like I'm doing all the work.

A bloody one-man show!

And the only one-man show I fancy is a long shower in chaps, yeah?

Should I start the shower for you?


I'll find you another venue, and it'll be even better with a pool and a winding staircase for your grand entrances.

How about a grand exit?

Try... the... fish.

Fug you. You're hired... providing we can find a venue. Hey, you, next!


[softly] What can I do for you?

You'll have to use your outside voice, darling.

What's your name?


Oh, perfect, Alyssa. Now, I simply am trying to throw a party.

But I keep running into red tape.

Now I'd like you to make that red tape vanish.

And if it's still there, I don't wanna hear anything about it because it's your job to find a way around it. Got it?



It's hard work, darling.

I mean, restrictions, incompetent people.

And I'm just simply trying to throw a party.

What's gonna happen when I try to do something serious?

What have I done?


Oh, yeah. It's impressive, I know.

In Australia, they call this a "packed lunch."

You can just put it on the desk.


[eerie music plays]



And k*ll the caterer. The party is over.


You do look good in leather, Paul.

The funny thing about that is I actually do that all in one, every single time, which is pretty tricky.

That's an outfit!

Tricky. No pun intended.

It's largely because... Yeah, exactly.

It's largely because I am the only classical trained actor amongst us all.

Is this correct?

You gotta lay that on.

Anyway, we'll be back soon with more from the Lost Girl cast. Stay tuned.

Hi. I'm Rachel Skarsten, and we are back in the Clubhouse.

We're minutes away from the premiere, so let's get right back to our fans.

This one is from Alexandra Desan.

"Finish this sentence: "This season is more..."


Oh, you stealer! That's what I was going to say.

Magical. Theatrical.

It's more of the opposite of what you think you know.

Yeah, it's more like that.

It's a lot more left than right.


It's more circular than it's ever been.

It's more less centre.

It's taller.

It's bananas.

It's a little wider.

It's more unicorn.

Sometimes it lies down.

It's hefty.

Occasionally it sings.

Okay, next question. Great. Thank you.

Zoie Palmer.

This is from Billy McCarthy for everyone.

"What is it like balancing your personal lives and your professional lives?"

Ooh. We live here. We live, breathe, sweat and cry here.

This is kind of like our second family.

But I think our real families do miss us.

It's interesting, because when we work as actors, there is a lot of transference sometimes between the character that we play and the person that we are. But I have found with Skyler, whenever I see Skyler, there is a wash, a clean wash.

And it's just like I want to be the best person I can be, the best dad I can be for him.

That's how Ksenia and I feel about Max and Tina.

We just want to be the best people we can be for them.

Happy. Yeah, and love them.

Feed them the best Kibble.

The best Kibble.

Train them properly.

That's beautiful, Rachel.

Honestly, we have a pretty amazing family at Lost Girl, which you can see.

Sometimes things get pretty hilarious.


Let's take a look at some moments that didn't go too well for a couple of us.


Oh, my god.


So I shook hands with a dark pixie and now I owe you my IOU?

Yeah. Uh-uh. Exactly.

You deserve a haircut. Whoops.

I just hit Kris in the balls.

Let's pick it up from the ball hit. Because I like that so much.

Seriously, what are you? -

Something you can't k*ll, Bo-Bo.

But this might k*ll you.





[rumbling in stomach]

I'm so sorry. Sorry, guys.

Somebody's f . . . -ing with my magic.

That was awesome.

That was the way to go.

That was good to see.

Thank you very much for having me.

I have to go to make a flight.

But everyone else will be back very soon. Mwah!

Love you.


Hi, hello. I'm Zoie Palmer. Welcome back to the Clubhouse.

I literally can't stop eating popcorn.

I'm on my seventh box of popcorn here.

The season 4 premiere is coming up very soon. We're all very excited.

But we still have some time for some more fan questions.

This one is from Angela Romano.

"Will we learn more about Kenzi and Lauren's back story?"


Did you pull that one by accident?

Where did you get that?

Anything about me.

I think that, yes, we do learn more about Lauren's back story.

We'll learn a little bit more about what her problem is.

And I don't know, what about you, Kenz?

I think, yeah, we delve into Kenzi's past and some peeps appear, without giving too much away, who kind of shed some light on Kenzi's life and where she comes from.

Okay. We are going to go on to a video question.

We're gonna watch the monitor.

Hi, I'm Anna. My question is, will Kenzi and Lauren be friends this season? I hope so.

She said, "Will Kenzi and Lauren be friends this season?"

I hope so.

Oh my god.

Well, at the end of season 3, we finally, you know, dish it out, talk things out.

Yeah, we had that scene where we were a bit grumpy and then we got...

Very grumpy.

Remember that grumpy scene?

We fought pigs together.


Remember that? That was nice.

So I feel like, you know...

We're getting there.

We've had our grumpy, mean times.

I feel like it's time to get in to the love with Kenzi and Lauren.

Okay, now it's webisode time.

And we're introducing a whole other kind of Fae this year.

And we've hinted about that at some of our conventions that we've attended.

But now it's time to get to know a little more about some of the new players in the Fae world this year.

Or rather, some of the old players.

The Faedonia Film Company presents: Getting to Know You Chapter 2: The Una Mens Oh. Well, hello again.

It's me, your old pal, Flynn Decker.

I so hope you enjoyed last week's presentation of Getting to Know You, chapter one, The Disappearance of the Bloody King.

Which of course brings us to the creation of the Una Mens.

Who are they? What do they do?

What do they mean to you or I?

Well, I'll tell you sure enough.

But why don't we first find out what you know already and go from there.


[Glass smashing]

They're not here, are they, Johnny?

Hey, you there, who are the Una Mens?

I heard they were superheroes and they could wipe you out just like that.

Wham, smack, pow, bam!

[Laugh track playing]

You're short, buzz, but not on moxie.

I heard they was the bogeymens.


Oh, no, sorry little one, that's Una Mens.

Hmm. Well, it looks like we're gonna need a little help.

The Una Mens are....

Easy enough for you?

The Una Mens took my son. My boy!

And I want them dead!

If you ask me, they should be strung up, brought to the gallows and whooped but good! Ah!

No! No!


It looks like somebody forgot the three R's of the Una Mens: restraint, respect, or reckoning.

It's all quite simple, really. There's nothing to fear for the law-abiding citizens of the Fae world.

We must keep calm and carry on.

And remember, if we show restraint and respect the laws of the Fae, there will be no... no... Psst!

Buzz, that's your cue.

No reckoning.


Nice one, junior. Why, with a nice Light Fae attitude like that, you're a shoo-in for Ash one day.

Oh. Well, maybe acting Ash.

Why, I outta...!

Easy, junior. Remember, stray from the one true set of laws, and, well, let's just say Mrs. Johnson's turkey is gonna be a little bit smaller this Thanksgiving.


Go to hell!

Oh, come now, Mrs. Johnson, we all must observe the 3 R's of the Una Mens.

For without them, there would be chaos.

And nobody wants that.

So you see, friends, life as an honest to goodness Fae is...

It's as easy as 1...

It's as easy as... restraint.

I can't do this anymore. This... what the hell is this, huh?

Is this the book of dead Fae?

There's pictures of dead Fae in here.

What, do they... Do they do what...

So you do this?

I know some of these people.

What, am I next?

Well, I got news for you, pal. You can't have me.

'Cause I only answer to Flynn Decker, and Flynn Decker only.

Take your hands off...! No. No!



That was awesome, eh?


And a little terrifying.

We're getting closer to the premiere of Lost Girl, so do not go anywhere.

All right, guys, welcome back to the Clubhouse.

We are so excited, we can't even contain ourselves, because you guys are about to see the season 4 premiere. Okay?

So, just before we do that, we're going to get a couple more fan questions in before we go. All right?

So enough popcorn. Hand over the box.

All right!

This is from Bri Amber "Yumans"? Okay. This is for Zoie.

And the question is, my love: "Was it hard learning all those medical terms and phrases Lauren says?

How about everyone else? How do you prepare for scenes?"

Yes, it's hard. It is hard.

I sometimes have no idea what I'm saying.

I literally just memorize it phonetically and then say it.

How about everyone else?

I definitely Google and Wikipedia different Fae stuff. And because it's...

Yeah. I need to have a picture of something in my head when I'm trying to tell you guys a story.

I walk on set, I smell in corners, I pee on things.

And I just kind of basically growl at the odd stranger.

And you lick your own balls.

Yes. Well, that took years of yoga, Paul.

Don't diminish my training.

Getting here and then going into the hair and make-up trailer, which is usually the first thing that we do.

I slowly start to feel more and more like Bo.

And then as soon as I put on the tight pants a nd the cleavage comes out and the belt goes on...

And the Anna goes away!

The Anna goes away.

Who am I? No. I mean, it's...

And then I really feel ready to kick some ass.

I wonder how you guys at home are feeling, knowing that we are mere moments away from the epic season 4 premiere.

We are this close, but we've got one more question.

So this is the special last question.


I'm gonna reach into the Fae box and I'm gonna pull it out.

And the question is from Janice Shawn.

"We know you can't give away season 4, but throw us a bone."




It is so hard to talk about season 4, because there were so many cliff-hangers at the end of season 3.

Yeah. I can say I do feel like you won't be disappointed.

Will not be disappointed.

You will not be disappointed.

It's a strong season.

There are so many twists and turns and mysteries and secrets and sexiness.

And I think each of the characters, you're going to see them in a way you've never quite seen them before.

And I think that is the case for all of us.

Yeah, that's true.

I don't think there is any one of us that you're not going to get to know a little bit more about, and it will be a bit of a surprise.


We can't wait to hear what you guys think.

I'm sure we will talk to you guys very soon.

We hope you love it.


This season got big, it got bad. We're going to bring it to you right now.

Yes, we are.


And thank you very much to all of our fans for great questions. We all learned a lot tonight.

And we had a great time filming season 4.

Yes, we did.

And we really hope that you all enjoy it.

It's coming up in just a few seconds, so don't go anywhere.

Bye, everyone.

All: Bye!

I love you!


Mwah! Best friends ever!