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03x13 - Those Who Wonder

Posted: 04/17/13 05:29
by bunniefuu
[ punching, kicking ]

Every kick from your boot... is bliss.

Speaking of kinky, I'm gonna need your chi.

Why isn't this working?

It's probably my fault.

Tell me where you're keeping the wolf!

I swear, Tamsin, I'll k*ll you if you don't wake up. Come on.

Dyson. I could really use your help to rescue you.

Here's hoping you're okay.

Aife, look at me. There must be a way out of here.

It's called death. And it's coming for you.


Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching while hiding.

Only to find I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

3x13 - Those Who Wander

It's critical that we re-boot Tamsin immediately, so that we can rescue Dyson. Any questions?

Yeah, do you have a non-Ibiza party mix?

I'm so over that scene.

Get dumped by one Spanish prince, and no more island raves for any of us.

Screw you, Amanda.

I'd rather keep screwing Fernando.


To avenge you sweetie.



God you're hot.

Stop, just stop! Ok?

Before I yank out every hair on your head!


Amanda, Kasey, please. Just focus.

Poor Tam Tam. Such a fugly sleeper.

She's not sleeping. She's dying.

Well, she's been shot.

Nothing to do with the b*llet, babes.

Unaligned and un-believably duh, am I right?

Tamsin's clearly at the end of her life cycle. Lookie.

She is... she's dying.

Also split ends.

There must be something we can do to stop it.

This is the way of the Valkyrie. To live, to serve... to expire.

Over and over again.

Besides death's gonna be a sweet out, considering who Tamsin's gotten involved with.

A bad guy. Like, Voldemort bad.

And old. Old as time.

Well who is he?

I don't know his name.

Don't wanna know.

The least we can do is take this nasty b*llet out. I'll scrub in.

You're a doctor?

No, but I've been pre-med for 20 years. I love college.

I'll prep the patient. Do we have time for a makeover?

It's a horizontal laceration, Kasey. Of course we do!

Ginger b*tches.

What a shitstorm of Fae proportions.

Kenzi, oh my god. Are you all right?

Yeah, just keeping it realsies with my peeps in Tent City.

You're in the sewers?

Please tell me you've found Dyson.

Found, yes. Rescued? Still working on it.

But, are you sure you're okay?


Yeah. I just had to evac the Dal.

The Morrigan finally shifted into total psycho drive.

And wow ... has she ever gotten chubs.

Pizza's here, battery dying, love you, bye.

Wait, Kenzi don't...

Speaking of dying.

Both: Hi!

I knew I was a goner, I didn't think I was gonna wake up in slut heaven.

O-M-G-G. The extra G is for glitter.

Amanda? You're a freakin' genius.

Stitchwork's not bad either, Kasey.

And the best part is, you "barely" look like you're dying!

What did you girls tell Bo?

Ladies. Can we have a moment?

Only if you don't mind us rifling through your drawers.

Slash trying on your underwear.

Sorry about that.

Well, they'll be out of luck. I don't wear underwear.

Good to know.

The girls set your pre-op makeover to Pretty Woman.

Before she met Richard Gere.


Not that I care how you look as long as you're willing to help get Dyson out of the compound.

I saw ten guards, you know, just around the perimeter.

What if we were able to get most of them together.

Could you cast doubt over an entire room?

Look, there was a time, I could lay waste to an entire army.

Now if I go full Valkyrie I'll pass out.

Sucks to get old.

Yeah I bet. Sorry.

You should be. You never got to see me in my prime.

I could settle a battle with the blink of an eye.

Before I got weak and started slumming it as a mercenary.

Fell in with the wrong guy?

Or so the movie version would go.

If we're gonna battle for our boy I'm gonna need to power up.

There's this dealer, Massimo. He can juice me.

Druids are good like that.

I've always wanted to meet the Druid.

This should be fun then.

Now, let me check my very packed social calendar, uh, nope. Not scheduled to take any of your guff.

No matter how chouette your shoes are.

Thanks, I use them to crush rodents.

And just so you know, I am not that afraid of death.

Although open to other alternatives.

Your easy-to-snap human body?

What challenge would that pose?

I've seen better constructed dorm room bookcases.

I was thinking of someone with genuine power.

Someone the light hold dear to their hearts.

Dyson. Lauren... !

No, swizzle spine. I meant Trick.

Your beloved Blood King ... is dead.


Aife! Please, talk to me!

Is my daughter okay?

Bo is fine.

She's my daughter, you see. My daughter. Bo is my daughter.

Bo is my daughter.

♪ Dark, light, wrong, right. Skip to my loo darlin' ♪
♪ skip to my loo... ♪

Most couldn't handle the pain.

But I could.

I can.

What does he want?

At first he wanted... me.

He'd been watching me. Tracking me.

Thought me powerful, the most powerful.

Then he saw me defeated, broken, after Bo and I fought.

Still he picked me up. Brought me here.

Aife. What did he do to you?

Always with the questions.

What's the ultimate type of Fae? Succubus.

Who's the strongest?

But I never told them.

I never told them it's my Bo, my daughter.

I told him it was you.

I saw it in her eyes, that night.

You gave up your wolf, to save her.


I did too, gave up the wolf to save my girl.

Because we love her.

We love her.


My husband was bartending at the Dal.

The things they asked him to do... do you think he survived?

Is that right, Suneetha? Are you a Cabbit?

Hence the thirty-eight children.

I only hope I live long enough to see them again.

I promise you, you will survive.

It's not nice to make promises you can't keep.

And you should know better than to get attached to the lab rats.

I know better than to take advice from a sociopath.

I've put you in here Lauren for your own good.

But now, we have so much to do.

Surgical tools, some antiseptic ... and ten minutes, to save her.

Those are your terms?

Then I'm all yours.

I'll see what I can rustle up... Ten minutes, doctor!

My my my, the spider and the fly.

But who is spinning the web?


Tamsin, darling. You look like ass.

And you, you look good enough to eat.

Where's my pick-me-up?

It's my own personal mix. Should help inject some hot pink back into those frosty Scandinavian cheeks.

Careful though. It's potent, and not for recreational use.

I'll hold it, just in case.

Until we need you at your strongest.

It's good thinking.

Sister solidarity, can you dig it?

I think I'll try Trick again.

You're trembling. Are you losing your edge?

Last person who said that lost their hand.

But not by you.

I'm sorry. I loved Acacia too.

Love will get you k*lled.

Not as much as I'd love to linger, watch this all go to hell but I've a date with a cabin up North.

Will it work?

Measured it three times, cut it once.

He won't measure.

Any luck?

Sure, I mean, I still have you.

Let everybody go. Immediately.

They took my little brother, you see.

We were camping, in our treehouse.

He got scared of the moans that came over the wind.

I told him it was crickets ... or a loon, maybe.

And in the morning, he was gone.

Well, his head was gone.

They said it was me.

That must have been very, very hard for you.

You mean being shipped off to the asylum, or not knowing what happened? Which one?

Both, actually, but I was determined.

By 21, I'd figured it out. It must have been a Wendigo.

They can be very territorial, when provoked.

We didn't provoke it. We didn't provoke anything.

But I found one, later on in my journeys.

I'm not sure that it's the one that k*lled William, but I made sure he suffered.

Oh. Your brother would have been very proud of you.

I didn't find any real pleasure in it, not at that point.

I discovered a whole race of Fae.

A whole race of creatures, evolved beyond our imagination.

Because that's what this is about Lauren. This is about evolution.

The Fae will find you, and they will take more than your head.

Well, go tell them. Go on, go, tell them!

They already know that you're AWOL, that you betrayed them.

They won't take you back!

You flee this compound, and you flee your protection,

How long have you known I worked for them?

Long enough to know you're the only one that could help me.

You're the only that can help the human race, ascend. Lauren.

You're insane.

We both know that's not true.

Deep down in your heart you understand me, and what I want.

Listen me, I brought you here, so you can extract the stem cells from the strongest Fae I could find, and implant them...

...into you.


A crossbreed.

You want to become Fae.

And I'm going to use Dyson's DNA to do it.

[ birds chirping ]

No, I can't do this.

Don't p*ssy out on me now.

It's gonna hurt.

Stay strong and remember we're doing this for Dyson.

You! Stop right there.

Don't hold back, okay?

Guys, we are so glad you're here, we are so lost.

Take it easy Meryl Streep.

Go big or go home.

Could you please help us?

Hey, do you guys know where the mall is?

Don't be fooled, they're just like the others.


Take them to the cells.

Told you we'd get inside.

Yeah all we had to do was act like girls.


What is this place?

You're quite the comedienne.

But not a t*rror1st.

Those should-be-extinct Fae elders in the banquet room might have bought your hysterical anti-human rhetoric. But Bo won't.

Bo's not here. And Trick's dead, and Dyson's probably a shag carpet by now.

Hale, then. The motherflippin' Ash.

Hale's gone, sweetie.

Pissed his leather panties while he begged for his life, left you, like the coward he is.

Is this your endgame?

t*rture the human for info on... what, exactly?

I have some very specific questions about the Sucuslut's lineage.

You want to talk about Bo?

Oh. I've tried bribery, the Mesmer, a parasite.

You could try not being such a bitch.

It's like the French Revolution all over again, am I right?

So gratifying finding pleasure in the little things.

Like watching Channing Tatum dancing, in 3D.

Why don't we start with that?


What? Broke up with Lauren?

Can now supersuck a crowd? Enjoys watching online cat videos?

You might as well just t*rture away hunny, 'cause I ain't tellin' you squat.

Bo can feed, off multiple chi ... at the same time??

I doubt even Bo could hoover deep enough to remove those crowsfeet!

What the hell... is this thing on??


I don't have time for these games.

Perhaps the Sanctuary is warded.

Or the Blood King cast some heavy duty protection spells over his lair.

The Sanctuary must be warded!

You are so wise, Ma'am.

Anyway, I have what I need.

You do?

Take the girl somewhere you can end her, once and for all.

Hi, I'm Dr. Taft. How's it hanging?

Judging by your pants, high and to the left.

Ha ha ha. That's good.

So you're the human behind all this?

Yes and you're the latest addition to my collection.

I'm here to get Dyson, and no mad scientist can stop me.

How about a sane one?

Oh. Thank God you're okay...

You came for Dyson.

I knew you would.

Actually, I traced the number on your phone.

I can save you both.

Actually, Dr. Lewis doesn't need saving. She's my partner.

That's a pretty sick interpretation.

Actually, it's a pretty flattering one, I thought he was my boss.

Lauren, what is this?

The Fae ruined my life, Bo.

They have cursed my girlfriend, they have held me prisoner, sometimes literally.

And all the while, my brain ... my talents, don't you see?

This is a chance for me to do something meaningful.

To save my kind.

You have been brainwashed. This is not you.

Oh, please, Bo. Maybe that was our problem.

Did you know that my name isn't even Lauren?

Whoever you are I know you, and I love you.

And I loved you.

Which is why I will do the surgery, so long as you agree to let Bo go, unharmed.

What surgery?

Colour me skeptical. But why the change of heart?

The Fae will never let me live out there.

And here I have a chance to transform humanity ... and take out the one man who's stood in my way.


Dyson, Bo. I can't save you both.

Just like you couldn't love us both.


Take Bo to her cell.

You are a monster.

Oh no, not yet, not yet.

I can't wait for you to see me after, Succubus.

I think you'll find me very familiar.

He took out six of my men before we managed to sedate him.

Oh well, all in the name of science.

Congratulations, my friend.

I am not your friend.

No. What you are, is the fastest, strongest, most magnificent creature that I have ever encountered.

Do what you want with me. Just... let the others go.

So noble! I hope that doesn't rub off on me.

Oh, I hope that temper doesn't rub off on me either.

I cannot wait to be the recipient of all that you have.

And I can't wait to feel what you feel.

I'll see you on the other side, my friend.

I do like the wolf, you know. It'd be nice if he survives.

I wouldn't bet on it.

It feels bad in here.

You claustrophobic or something?

I lived with death.

And whatever was in here before us? Begged for it.

Well hold it together, Tamsin.

Because right now you are all that I've got left.


Oh. Sweetheart?


No, it can't be. No. I gave them nothing.

I gave them the wolf.

You going to introduce me?

Tamsin, this is Aife. My mom.

They pit Fae against Fae, make us feed off each other...

Bo, my daughter. Bo.

Keep her from the evil.

Mom, it's okay.

No, it's not okay, you have to leave.

If your father was here he would k*ll them all.

Then resurrect them and k*ll them again.

My father?

They want powerful? They fear us?

If he were here, if he were here... he would never allow this to happen to his seed.

Mom, what does this have to do with my father?

I'm sorry.

I don't need your pity.

If these assholes want a fight, let's give 'em one.

Juice me.

What are you doing?

You really need to learn how to share.


Feels like the Trojan w*r and WWII running through my veins.

You ready to do this?

Save it for the big show.

Don't struggle Dyson. It's futile.

Lauren, why?!

Because I've injected you with six doses of anesthetic.

Don't do this.

You ready, Isaac?

When was the last time you... actually operated on a human?

Relax. This is the last time you'll be human.

Extracting bone marrow...


I'm sorry ... but it has to be done. I have to end this.

Better, better. But don't apologize.

Be firm. Tell her you expect full severance.

The Morrigan's gonna severance my heart from my chest if I actually try to quit.

There, good as old. Take a look.

Thanks. I hate the sight of blood.

Speaking of blood, I still seem to have all of mine.

Thank goddess for Trick's anti-v*olence-in-the-lair thing-a-ma-protect-ums.

You should thank your hips.

Bruce, I said we could be friends.

No, Kenzi ... I clocked it earlier. Check your pocket.

You know, from the poem?

"To Clan Zamora, a gift bestowed.

"Immune to evil deed, to blow. For he who carries sacred twig."

Immortality shall cling."

Holy ballsauce, Bruce.

I have a PhD in Medieval Fae Verse.

You're telling me, this stick's what kept me safe?

Somehow you've acquired the Twig of Zamora.

Which is weird because traditionally it's passed down from father to son...

Zamora. Oh, Hale.

What about him?

He just saved my life.
[ fighting ]

Hey. Quit it, or we get the dogs!

For all we know, they are dogs.

Hey, this is unauthorized!

Your move Valkyrie.

You've disappointed me. You've failed.

You should be unconscious right now.

Nice job.

[ gasping ]

If you find Dyson, he has my Wilco bootleg.

No, no, no. Come on.


Bless you, child. You really are the chosen one.

Where will we go?

Anywhere but here.

Who let my pets loose?

No, no, no, no. No need to restrain the Succubus.

She'll be my first test.

I normally don't do virgins.

Don't you want to take a little dance with the new me?

Or would you rather mate first?

What did Lauren do to you?

I am reborn, I'm Fae.

Take it from me, the learning curve is brutal.

And I'm a quick study and I need to get through that door, right now.

Then you'll have to get through me first.

Awesome! As you wish.




Whatever he is? Needs to die.

[ growls ]

Oh, Mom. Mom?

Mom, can you hear me?

Of course I can, Isabeau.

You know, that was my mother's name.

Yes, I know. Trick told me everything.

Trick... look out for him, Bo.

What? Who?

Trick? Taft? My father??

We've gotta get out of here.

No, I don't want to leave her in this place.

I left her once before, and look what happened.

This place took her mind and her strength, but Aife held on just to protect you. Do not let that be in vain.

I will stay with her.

None of us will get out of here if you do not.

Thank you.

Oh Mom, I am so sorry.

It's time to go.

I'm ready to end this. Let's go!


This place is a freakin' maze.

This is the operating room.

Sorry, I don't think Dr. Frankenbitch is here.

Besides, I told you. It's time to go.

And where might that be?

Wherever he wants you.

I knew you'd betray me.


You played it well.

You're smart. Always liked that about you.

And I've always known I couldn't trust you.

You should've learned from the Dawning. Trust your instincts.

I won't go easy.

I know.

That's why I brought this.

One hair from someone you trust, two from someone you love, and three from your own head.

Woven together by the kiss of someone who'd never betray you.


Never known a Druid mix to be a dud before.

Maybe he fudged the recipe.

Or maybe you just don't love and trust the way you claim.

This isn't about me, Tam Tam.

This... this is about you.


That taste, on your lips?

Those feelings of doubt?

Kinda sucks, huh?

I'll just have to take you down old school.

I am stronger and older.

All I just heard? Was old.

Baby Fae.

Dead woman.

[both grunts]

Blood King, bested by a car trunk? Not on my watch.

[ footsteps approaching ]

I warn you, there will be no mercy for someone fool enough to abduct me from my own place of Sanctuary... !

No need to go all Wrath of the Titans, old man. It's only me.

[ chuckles ]

Get me outta here!

[ screaming ]

[ crashing ]

You don't want to fight me. You want to succumb.

What I want is your hideous Skeletor face out of mine!

Impressive... but you can't resist me forever.

That's my line.

Tastes like fear to me. Delicious.

Playtime's over.

[ fighting ]


C'mon. Finish it!

I'm not doing that. And you don't want to do this.

You can stop too.

Shut up.

You have a choice.

I'm already dead.

You are more alive than anyone I've ever met.

I don't know what to do.


It's okay.


No, no, no, I've cursed us. You have no idea.

He's gonna come after us.

No. You need to listen to me.

We need to get the team back together, regroup, okay? Somewhere safe!




I'm gonna get Dyson.

And I'll find Kenzi.

What about Lauren?

I don't know where they took her.

You're not like anyone I've ever met.

In any of my many lifetimes.

Let's go.

Meet me at the Dal.

My last peace of bussines was the Acting Ash was protecting the Blood King from the clutches of the Dark.

Last piece?

Turns out politics wasn't my thing.

So what now?


Stella's got a gig in Scotland.

As good a place as any to hide out, 'til this battle is won.

You are wrong. You would have made a great Ash.

Later. I gotta see about a girl.

What about The Morrigan?

I don't worry about it.

Got a guy on the inside.

Her Royal Thighness is ready for delivery.

Hey. Provided you're clear on what I'll get for playing my part, Hale.

Stop struggling, dearest. You bruise so easily.

Yep, yeah, that sounds acceptable.

Yeah. We'll hash it out over a nice cup of tea. Ta!

It's like my birthday! La Shoshain, and the St. Valentine's Day m*ssacre, all rolled into one!

[muffled scream]

Hang on, hang on!

You can't k*ll me.

I'm pretty sure I can.

No, no. We're connected. Brothers.

You were right about one thing.

What's that?

Dr. Lewis, she is a genius.

She somehow managed to mix a Fae DNA with yours.

I know it. I can feel it.

But it wasn't mine.

You're half human. Half Cabbit.

No. No!

Despite you forcing them to do it, Fae don't usually eat Fae.

But for you... I think I'm gonna make an exception.

Listen to me, I'm a billionaire! Damned, I'm a billionaire!

I can make it worth while, for you!

Best thing I can offer you is a head start.

Not gonna make much difference. But at least it'll make it more fun.

For me.



Look out for surprises' tax.

Surprise. I'm huge. I don't do stealth.

Bruce, I'll be fine. Really, you have to go.

If The Morrigan finds out that you helped me...

The Morrigan just declared you an enemy of the realm.

I'm not leaving your side 'til you're safe.

You're tough, Kenzi. But you're human.

Not for long.


I met someone... who said he could make me Fae.

And I think I'm going to take him up on it.

Bad idea.

I'll probably owe Massimo for the rest of my life, but...

Massimo, the Druid? Really bad idea!

Yeah, but my friends need me, Bruce. They need me to nut up do the rescuing, for once. And I can't when I'm... this.

I'm not letting you meet him alone.

Well, it's a long walk.

Who's walking?

The Morrigan's new toy. And you get to drive.

I love you!

I love you too, Kenzi.

I was talking to the car.

Uh, idiot.

Just ... try to keep it on the road.

Road? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

I don't remember calling in for a ride.

Get in.

You're looking pretty rough.

You should have seen the other guy.

I bet.

I'm so stubborn.

I should have expired years ago. Now there's nowhere to run.

Whatever it is, we'll get through it together.

[ radio ] # Well, I'm the type of guy who will never settle down... #

That song...

I heard this during Bo's Dawning.

It's Bo's father.


You know, we all have to make choices.


Tamsin, what are you doing?


We all gotta die someday.

Tamsin stop the car!

Slow down!




Kenzi? Trick?

Dammit, where are you guys?

[shutting all doors]

♪ Well, you know that I'm around ♪
♪ I kiss 'em and I love 'em ♪
♪ 'Cause to me they're all the same ♪
♪ I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em they don't even know my name ♪

[ repeating ]

#... don't even know my name... #

You're right. I don't.

But when I figure it out, you are in serious shit, Wanderer.

Cards and music?

You got anything other than parlour tricks?



