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03x12 - Hail, Hale

Posted: 04/10/13 00:58
by bunniefuu
I'm probably just overreacting...

And Lauren if you're here and you're just ignoring me.

I'm sorry for breaking in!

See? It's weird, right?

She hasn't come by, she hasn't answered any of my... calls.

Why would anyone leave their cellphone at home?


Maybe she just forgot it.

Don't do that Dyson. I am not crazy...

Bo, I know you're not crazy but I'm in the middle of the most important case of my life, not to mention today is Hale's inauguration.

I don't have time to play relationship detective.

Look. I'll run the numbers on her cell as soon as I get back to the office, maybe I can scare her up.

Maybe I am going crazy.

Have you ever though that with the stress of The Dawning, the break-up...

It is a break.

Yeah, even I don't buy that line anymore.

[ humming ]

You're awful chipper.

My protégé is officially becoming The Ash.

Of course I'm chipper. It was good that I was hard on him.

Hale's gonna make a real change.

Oh, yeah? Is he not gonna be such a d*ck anymore?

[ whispered ] You need to put your personal feelings aside.

This is a big day for the Fae... and they're not gonna take kindly to a human belittling it.

Does the Light always hold their inaugurations at a Steakhouse?

What are you doing here?

Regardless of the fact the last time the Light elected a new leader he turned out to be an impostor, I am only here with good wishes for The New Ash.

It is unacceptable for the Dark leader to attend a Light Fae Inauguration.

But I was invited.

By whom.

By me.

Nope... still a d*ck.

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years. Searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore. I will live the life I choose.

3x12 - Hail, Hale

Neurotoxin is showing predicted signs, plaque is going rigid, toxin is breaking down.

Applying A54 Enzyme to repair toxin...

It worked.

It worked!!

We're one step closer to heart disease. Or curing it.

[ clapping and laughter ]

I'm sorry... uh sorry.

It's just been a long time since I've felt this useful.

Hey, let's celebrate.

Wow, that's a little presumptuous.

To have champagne in the lab. Since this was our first test run, no?

No. I knew you'd do it.

Drink up there, genius.

Sure yeah, I just I wanna text my...

[ small laugh ]

You okay?

Yeah... yes.


Let's drink.

Lauren Lewis everybody.

All: Cheers!

[ music ]

[ music ]

For my best friend.

On a big day.

Both: Slancha.



That is some good hooch.

Hate to ruin such a fine aftertaste, but what's the latest?

We're still processing the bodies.

Eighteen so far... both Light and Dark.

And... it looks like they were tortured.


Yeah... and some of the vics are missing their organs.

So... black market Fae organ harvesters?

Tell me you have a lead.

Not yet.

Alright, soon as I'm sworn in.

I'm gonna have to have a sit-down with The Morrigan.

See if we can't pool our resources.

This is what I want, right?

It's what everyone wants. Change.

I'm proud of my old partner.

Miss my old partner.

Me too. Which reminds me.


Is that what I think it is?

Well, your father didn't want the first Ash from Clan Zamora in 100 years to stick his neck out only to have it chopped off.

This little baby should keep you safe.

It's nice to know he worries about me... not enough to cancel his ski trip to Chicago by the way but...

Look, I gotta go.

If I'm gonna show up my buddy at his own Inauguration...

Gotta change.

Yes you do.

Hair, attitude... Shit... I'd ask for a refund.

Your Grace.

[ music ]

[ music ]

Wow. You always bathe with weapons?

Moragh attack a couple years back. Can't be too careful.

And I thought the door was locked.

It was.

Can I help you?

No. Maybe.

I just came here to drink all your liquor.

Thought you'd be gone by now.

Wow. You're honest.

I'll give you that.

Well, we all have our strengths.

So... What up, Succubus?

I'm not really in the mood for small talk.

Come on. Everyone loves small talk.

It's Lauren...

I haven't seen her in a few days and I'm worried about her.

I'm sure she's... fine, she probably just needed...

Needed some space, yes. Popular opinion.

Anyway. Dyson has her phone, he's running some numbers.

So this isn't small talk.

You weren't the one who k*lled the Blonde hottie.


The six-fingered lady did.

And then someone k*lled her. Big time.

Wasn't you, was it?

What about your Dark Fae friend? The one in a coma.


It is entirely possible that I do not smell so good.

Well, take a page from my book and take a bath.

I... No, Tamsin, I didn't mean...

Okay then.


Where do you get off being so perfect.

You think you've seen everything... and then you see you.

I'm alright... but I'm not perfect.

Yes you are. To me you are.

Your eyes are both brown and blue.

Tamsin, what are you doing?

Your heart is both strong and gentle.

You're virtuous.

Yet you're a Succubus.

You shouldn't be.

Be what?

Be real.

Be here.

Okay. I'll see you at the Dal, I guess.

Keep your wits about you.

You never know who might be watching.

We're at the nest. Target's on route.

Trick. Don't wanna be sure.

Well then why are you dressed to the nine's.

Certainly not for Hale's benefit. That guy sucks.

Well, my bartender is late and I have no one else to help me.

No. You mean you have no other humans to help you.

You know, I think I'm going to start a union for claimed humans.

Bring in some change of my own!

You know, the last human to try that didn't fare so well.

Jimmy Hoffa ring any bells?

I'm looking for a tall blonde... eyes like blue ice.


[ giggles ]

I have those eyes. Those are totally like my eyes.

Yes, you certainly do. Tell me...

You're not a natural blonde by any chance, are you?


Tell me, your name isn't Dickface, King of the Douchebags? Is it?

I wish. No, it's Massimo.

It means "the Greatest."

The Greatest Douchebag.

Yes, The Greatest Douchebag. You've figured me out.

And you... you have a look that is all too familiar to me.

Hm. Out of your league?


You're an outsider. You don't belong here, do you.

Dude, who are you?

Just a man who can get you things. Make the impossible happen.

Oh yeah, why don't you make the impossible happen and... disappear. Buh-bye.

Okay, I'm gonna let you get back to your chores.

You still haven't told me where you got that enzyme that I used to stabilize the toxin with.

I got it from same place where I get everything I can't get in North America.



I'm really glad that I met you, Isaac.

I didn't realize it but for a long time there's been something missing you know, there's been an emptiness...

It's amazing what success can do for emptiness, though, isn't it?

Yeah. I admit. It is a potent drug.

Did you hear a story, it was in the news about a year ago... about a woman, waitress from the midwest who was att*cked and m*rder*d at a diner, did you read about that?

This woman... speared in the ribs and nailed down to the floor of the diner in the shape of a cross.

Oh, God. That's awful.

It is. It was.

The DNA of a k*ller named Gabriel was all over the diner.

Not to mention the fact that... the crucifixion style was also his M.O.

I'm sorry. I'm not following.

Did he die of heart disease?

Have you seen this place yet?


Let me show you around.

Gabriel was strange... he didn't k*ll people who annoyed him, he didn't k*ll his next-door neighbour because the poodle snapped at him.

He k*lled people because he deemed them too good for the world. He deemed them worthy to ascend...

Did they catch him?

Yes... but not for this m*rder. When this m*rder happened... he was serving three consecutive life sentences in a maximum security prison.

How were they able to find his DNA at the scene?

So before Gabriel was hunted down and locked up, he was reading about this father of two, James... something, who needed a bone marrow transplant to live.

Gabriel gave him his.

You're not suggesting that the bone marrow...

Completely took over and replaced his actual physical cell structure?

Yes. I am.

And what do you think James said when he was asked why he m*rder*d that waitress?

That she was too good for this world? That she should ascend?

Just think what good we could do if we could find a way to turn that negative... into a positive.

I agree there could be great benefit but this kind of procedure lends itself to slide down some very slippery slopes.

It could be used to create more K*llers, like James.

So wait, you're a scientist, but you don't believe that humans were meant to ascend.

Or to improve. Or to evolve.

Why shouldn't we use all the tools we've been given?

We should... I'm just saying that we also need to remember those tools have given us...

... a possible cure for heart disease.

The cure for polio, mumps, measles,...

And the Atom b*mb.

Did we just have our first fight?

For now... congratulations.

Come on...

Jerry, where the hell have you been? Stuck in traffic and I forgot my keys...

You know what? I don't wanna hear it.

Just get behind the bar and start pouring drinks.

I have to finish getting dressed.

A whiskey. The Scottish kind, please.


I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

Thank you. You're not so bad yourself.

Can I buy you a free drink?

What a gentleman. I accept.

Uh, bar-keep, the lady will have... Champagne?

Uh, no. The lady will have whiskey, the Scottish kind.

And make it a double.

You just keep getting better and better, don't you?

I'd like to think so.

[ humming ]

I can only have one drink, and then I wanna talk to Hale.

See if he knows where Lauren is.


Anything on her phone?

Not yet. After the ceremony. I promise.

[ music ]

To a new Fae under the right man.

To that dress under the right man.

Ohhh... drink your whiskey, wolf.

You mind if I take a look?

Thank you.

[ music ]

[ music ]

Yeah hi, I'll uh... I'll need those files.

[ music ]

Hm. If it wasn't punishable by death I'd give you a taste...


"Congratulations On Your Big Day" card would be fine. Really.

Oh, I so hope you don't get m*rder*d. With all the death threats.

Finding your k*ller would be like finding a needle in a whore stack.

If we're gonna work together, I need you to be a little less All Bout Eve, a little more Steel Magnolias. You feel me?

Which one was about the haircut that gives you cancer?

Go away.

What is she doing here?

Wow, don't you look lovely.


Thank you.

Look... I can't find Lauren.

Do you have any idea where she might be?

I really do not need this today.

What? Do you know something?

Lauren came to me the other day asking about some time off to work on another project...

And you told her no.

In no uncertain terms.

That makes me feel so much better.

I mean not that she didn't listen to you, but... well, you know what I mean.

Something to eat?

Nothing for me. But The Acting Ash might be a little peckish.

Now off you go.

Please just give me some time to find her.

End of day...

Then I put my people on this. Girlfriend or not... this is a security issue for the Light, understand?

Thank you.

And you look really... official.

[ zap! ]


Glad someone thinks so.

You should really try the hors d'oeuvres. {*fra}

They're generating quite the buzz.

[ smack! ]


I don't know what happened he just collapsed.

Oh my God! Dyson! Dyson look at me! Dyson!!

I called the Paramedics.

Hurry! Please!

What's wrong with him?

He's going to be fine ma'am.

Fine? What do you mean he's going to be fine?

Whoa. Are you boys Skunk Apes?

Just let us do our job ma'am.

What... it's just that... Dyson is part Wanblee.

Is that gonna be an issue?

Nope, he's gonna be okay.

Skunk Apes are poisonous to Wanblees and you think he's gonna be okay?

Oh my god.

You guys are human!

I will open fire on the next thing that moves.

The next room is full of some pretty bad-ass people.

Maybe I should give them a little whistle.

Kenzi, no!

[ grunts ]


[ music ]

[ g*nshots ]

[ screaming people ]

Did they get away?

[ whack! ]

We've got a problem.

There's been an attack by humans.


They've taken Dyson.

No one leaves until we know what we're dealing with.

I want this place locked down.

Get the Dark Fae Elders here pronto.

Shit's about to get real.

[ whack! ]

Who were they? Where'd they take Dyson?

What are you talking about? Why'd you hit me?

Because you hit the ground before they pulled their weapons.

You poured the drinks, you poisoned Dyson...

I didn't do anything...

Start talking traitor or so help me first order of The New Ash will be your execution.

Already on the books, Trick.

Easy! Easy!

He can't tell us anything with a crushed throat...

No! No!

I'm sorry. They have my wife.

I had no choice. Oh...

Damn it.

Oh no.

We gonna...

I know what I have to do, Trick!

[ music ]

SN: Dr. Lauren Lewis Test Subject: 148-B2


I prefer treats, actually.

That's quite a smack your owner gave you.

She's not my owner.

Of course, she was saving your life.

Some people are crazy about their pets.

I can handle myself. And I'm nobody's pet.

Still, I mean it can't be easy. Having to be saved all the time.

Creating compromise in difficult situations.

Holding your friends back.

Yeah. It's not easy being the only human on the attack squad... but I bring other things to the table.

What if I told you, you could bring the real... thing to the table?


Oh, come on.

Don't pretend that you never thought about being one of us.

What are you even doing down here? You don't know Trick.

I was concerned.

Yeah well, where I'm from, concern only comes with a sales pitch if there's some kind of an angle.

You're a smart girl.

Takes a con to know a con.

So, what do you think? How did I do? Are you hooked?

I'll just wait for the movie, thank you.

For now you need to get the hell out of here before I scream.

For help?

As you wish.

[ music ]

[ music ]
What are you doing here?

Hey... I was just on the way to the Dal to meet a friend and you had said Lauren was missing... right?


So I thought I'd put my cop skills to use, come over here to see if I could find some evidence...

Dude, I live in my truck.

Look, I don't care. Dyson's been kidnapped.


At the Dal. By humans.

How did humans take down a wolf?

With this.

The Bartender poisoned him, then poisoned himself before I could question him.

Bitch, this better not be your Lauren.

I'm afraid so.

Well, ain't that just a Shit Sandwich that eats like a meal.

It gets worse.

The disguise they were using so they wouldn't be detected by Fae was the same disguise Lauren used to fool the warden when we were in Hecuba Prison.

Wait now, so... one of your ex's took out the other?

Well, when you say it like that it sounds weird.

Are you gonna help me or not?

Look... If the bartender dropped dead immediately how do we even know Dyson's alive?

Because I know, Tamsin.

I don't understand why, but I can feel it.

He's alive. Hey...

I'm fine.

Just been having all of my meals in liquid form lately.

Just need a straightener.

You've had enough.

But there's some left.


[ smash! ]

Okay, okay.

Just scour the apartment. If she did really turn on us... maybe we can find out why.

Dyson still have her phone?

No, he dropped it at the Dal.

There's a number in there she's been calling lately.

It doesn't ring any bells.

I can run it down to the Cop Shop.

Have the boys do a trace. See if I can find out who it is.

[ whispers ] Oh Lauren, no.

Find something?

No, nothing.

I'm gonna get dressed.

You should change that frock. Things are gonna get dirt-ayy.

Are you sure you're in fighting shape?

Humans took Dyson. I've never been fightier in my life.


How did the humans even manage to get past the enchantments that protect the Dal?

They were helped!

By that human the Succubus keeps!

No! Kenzi single-handedly saved Dyson during the fight with the Garuda.

When all of you were hiding in your posh homes!

She had nothing to do with this.

Friends. Elders.

Noblemen. Shut the hell up and listen.

Hale and I have been trying to broker a peace.

We've been trying to find a way to get the Light and the Dark to work together for a common good.

Well the need for such an alliance has finally come.

But not with him!

[ applause ]

Too long have bleeding hearts like him stood by and watched
humans believe that they are the superior beings on the planet...

so much so that they've had the hubris to plan an attack against the one true race... on our own turf!

And get away with it.

[ applause ]

His leadership allowed this attack to happen!

That is completely unfounded...

Oh? Is it really?

Where did you get this?

Read the label out loud so we can all hear.

Let's see who supplied the poison that took a proud Fae down.

You don't want to do this.

Read it.

Dr. Lauren Lewis.

[ shocked voices ]

His own chief medical officer.

I call for a vote of no confidence in this fake Ash!

[ loud applause ]

[ growls ]

I applaud your strength, wolf.

You were given the antidote a full thirty minutes after the neurotoxin was ingested. You're even stronger than I had hoped.

Why don't you come down here, and I'll show you how strong I can really be?

[ evil chuckle ]

No Fae can be strong enough.

What do you want with me?

I want you to prove your worth.

Against your mortal enemy.

I would put the odds at even I should think.


Whattaya say you and I forget about thousands of years of hatred between your kind and mine try to find a way out of here together?

[ growls ]

Have it your way.

[ fierce growling ]

[ growling and fighting ]

[ music ]

[ growling and fighting ]

You sure that's right? There's not much in that part of town.

Yeah, well... it wasn't easy to trace... believe me, but my guy said that the cell phone was using towers just North of this compound... Shit.

What now?

I got it. Get your ass in the truck. I won't be a minute.




What are you still doing here? You need to leave.

Trick look I...

No. Go home. Hide.

When the dust settles I'll come fine you. I promise.

But you have to go!

[ cell ringtone ]


Kenzi, I just sent you a photo. need you to find out what it means.

Yeah, um... things have gone all Tyra back here, babe.

The Morrigan is talking smack about claimed humans being criminals, and there's this vote against Hale, and they found this thing with Lauren's name on it...

Oh shit! Okay, Kenzi, I need you to get out of there.

Just go somewhere, anywhere...

Okay, promise, promise...


I've seen one of those before.

Man, why are you still here?

Because you are.

Yeah, well every Fae and their dog want me gone so... toodle- loo, Wank-head.

Who are the Fae to tell you to leave?

Especially after everything you've done for them?

You don't know anything about me.

I know you saved that Wolf... more than once.

I know you stared a Cherufe in the eye and lived to tell the tale.

I know that isn't fair that they try to push you out when they can only claim to be better than you because they were lucky enough to be born with exceptional gifts.

You... you don't have any of those gifts, yet you still fight.

Anyway... I'm interrupting you, you gotta go.


I don't trust you, okay? But my best friend is in trouble.

You wanna help me? You wanna give me what I desire?

Then tell me what this vial is.

Sure... but there's a price.

Name it.

A kiss.

Hero to d*ck in like six sentences ... you are unbelievable.

It isn't like that. This kind of information requires this kind of tribute. I don't make the rules.


[ music ]

What the hell was that?

That? That was something.

Hello! Forget much?

You want the right information or the almost right information?

The right.

Then I'm gonna need a couple of minutes.

[ growling and fighting ]

[ evil chuckle ]

[ growling and fighting ]

[ evil chuckle ]

Is that what you want?!

You're the one I want!

I knew it. I knew you were the one.

[ music ]

This is bad. I've seen this kinda thing before.

And it is not gonna end well for humans.

It's gonna get bloody before it gets better.

If I were you, I'd get outta town.

What? What are you talking about?

Those guys guarding whatever that place is look like the guys that took Dyson.

And Lauren is missing...

Lauren is as good as dead.

No way.

No. They need me.

They are my friends. I am not leaving.

Why you care so much?

Tamsin, what is going on with you?

Watch out!

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ breathing heavily in pain ]

Are you sure you wanna do that, buddy?

Huh? I don't think that those were your order.

[ whack! ]

This is the last time... I do anything nice for you.


Now the "for" has 26 in favour.

13 against.

The Morrigan's motion is passed.

[ applause ]

From this day forward all humans, claimed or under the employ of the Fae, in this territory will be considered t*rrorists.

Enemies of the One True State.

[ applause ]

Whoever had that photo in the bag with the vial is trying to imprison your friend.


To enslave her... to k*ll her maybe, I don't know really.

What are you still doing here?

But Bo's in trouble. I think Tamsin's trying to hurt her...

Forget Bo for a second. You have to go...

Stop saying that to me! Why does everyone keep saying that!

We all used to be friends, Hale!

g*dd*mn it Kenzi!

You are not my friend. You've never been just a "friend"!

If anything happens to you... I won't be any good to anyone.

And right now I need to be better than I've ever been.

assh*le. You stupid... why didn't you tell me that?

Because I was scared. You have to go!

Saying your good-byes?

Something like that. Uh, it's okay, I got this one.

Hale? What are you doing?


Let go of me!

Claimed human of Bo, the unaligned Succubus.

From this day forth you will be known as an Enemy of the State.

And will be immediately put under guard until such time you are provided with a date of execution.



I always wondered what a t*rror1st tasted like!

Take her away.

[ music ]

[ music ]

Trick? Trick!


[ music ]

Come on babe, wake up! Wake up!

Oh God.

[ phone ringing ]

I'm busy. What?

Hello, Blondie. It's the Druid.

Just thought you'd like to know.

I've secured the kiss from the best friend.

The Serum to tame the Succubus is ready.

Great. I'll be in touch.

Oh Tamsin. You stupid, stupid girl.


Dyson. Oh, my god.

I don't suppose you're part of a rousing rescue?

What happened to you?

I was drugged and I woke up, I was fighting...

What are you doing here?

Dyson listen to me... there's a sample in the Lab upstairs.

An enzyme from a mature Succubus... from her immune system... is Bo here...?

Who's Bo?

How do I meet this Bo?

You have any idea what you are meddling with?

Do you have any idea what you're meddling with?

Wasn't supposed to be like this. I wanted to tell you.

You have any idea how long I've been planning...

Since I was a kid ... fourty years they've been laughing at me.

Fourty years, you have any idea how gratifying... this is gonna be.

You used my research to poison my friend.

You lied to me.

It was not your research. It was not your research!

It was my research!

But yeah, you're right, that's fair. I used you.

I'll continue using you.

[ bam! ]

That was your mass grave... You're the one that's hunting us.

My goodness he's magnificent, isn't he?

You're magnificent. I can't wait to be like you.

It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun.

I really want you to understand how important our work... is going to be.

Hey, we're gonna do great things together, you and I.

Lauren... I never lied to you about that.

[ music ]

[ music ]

Oh no. Nooo!!

You don't really know who I am. You're making a big mistake...

[ music ]



I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

He's been hunting us... torturing us.

Making us fight each other like dogs!

I didn't know...

Hale told you not to go!

He lied to me...

This is why you can't leave the Fae, Lauren.

Why you can never leave.

Woman: Have you seen my husband? They took him.

I'm sorry, I don't know who you are talking about.

Jerry, his name is Jerry.

They said they would k*ll me if he didn't do it.

If he didn't do what?

This. To me.

He did fine, trust me. Looks like you're gonna live.

Woman: What about my daughter? Is she safe?

My daughter... where? My daughter?


My daughter.

[ music ]