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02x50 - Destructive Power

Posted: 08/16/23 17:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers Energon ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

- Oh no, the Super Energon

has allowed Galvatron

to grow to extraordinary


- He's trying to become Unicron!

- Galvatron transforming

into Unicron?

- Then what will Unicron do?


- Oh I don't like

the looks of this!

- Yeah I was never

big on change either.

- It seems planet

Cybertron has created a

brand new Galvatron.

- Oh no Galvatron.

- [All] What's going

on oh great leader?


- Fire!

Don't let those wretched

Autobots escape!

- I've never seen a

transformation quite

like this before.

- Right now I'm just worried

about Rodimus and Landmine.

- They need our help!

- Yes I suggest you gentlemen

head out and help them.

Meantime I'll stay

back here and make sure

Doctor Jones is looked after.

Now hurry at the rate

Galvatron is growing

there's not much time!

- All right then.

Let's do this gentlemen.

- [All] Yes sir!

- The deck's stacked

against us boys.

So lets fly a tight formation

and keep our eyes open.

- The exuberance of youth!

Will Optimus Prime come

out of his sleep yet?

- Hmm, no not according to

Rad's last transmission.

- We've gotta get to

the Super Energon.

If we can cut off the

source then we can stop

Galvatron from growing.

- Okay that's far

enough Autobots.

- Just ignore the freak

guys, we got work to do!

- I said halt!


- End of the line human.

- Transform.

- Not you again.

- And hear I thought you'd

be happy to see me Scorponok.

But enough chit chat,

let's get down to business.

- Don't play games.

You have two options Autobot.

Either destroy me

or be destroyed.

- Aw give me a break

what's the point of that?

We have to destroy Galvatron

before he turns into Unicron.

Because if that happens

we're all toast!

- My circuitry is programmed

to obey Galvatron.

- So what?

- You may not comprehend

this but I don't question

my leader, my duty is to

protect him and that means

I must eliminate any threat

that may come his way.

And you are a threat!

- I would have thought

you were bright enough

to think for yourself

but I guess I was wrong!

- What the oh no Arcee looks

like they're closing in on us!

- Hurry retreat!

- I'm going to enjoy this!

- This is payback and

you owe us big time!

Don't let even one of

those Autobots escape!

- Transform!

- Have no fear, Snow Cat's here!




- Galvatron.

Jetfire, I want you

to head back to Primus

and take Signal Flare with you.

- Yes sir!

- Omega Supreme,

time to Powerlink!

- Primus is still in sleep mode.

I don't think that's

such a good idea.

- Don't worry, I'll rely on

the power of Unicron within me.

- We don't have time

to wait on Primus.

I either stop

Galvatron now or never.

- Trust your instincts Optimus

and count on me to back you up.

- I appreciate that.

Optimus Prime!

- Omega Supreme!

- [Both] Powerlink!

Optimus Prime

Powerlink complete!


- Prepare to defend

yourself Galvatron.

- You don't really think you

can stand a change against me

now do you Optimus Prime?

- Destiny is on

my side Galvatron.

- Don't make me laugh.

- Battle storm lazer attack!

- Oh please you

can't be serious.


- This is far from over!

- You're nothing more to me

than an annoying

cockroach Prime.

- Optimus, no!

- Let's Powerlink Downshift.

- Right!

- Hot Shot!

- Downshift!

- [Both] Powerlink!

Hot Shot Powerlink!

We're coming Optimus!

- Transform!

I believe it's time to

bring out the big g*ns!

Neuro light beam cannon attack!

I can't allow you to

interfere with Galvatron!


- Impressive for a tiny insect.

- Galvatron!

- Your size doesn't

intimidate me Galvatron.

- Why you insolent little fool.

- Deep down inside you

haven't changed my friend.

- Stand still Prime!

Your mindless antics are

beginning to annoy me.

And I hate being annoyed!

- Oh no, now what's

Galvatron doing?

- I think he's gonna

get even bigger!

- There is no end

to my rise to power!

- Oh gee fellas what with

Galvatron growing and all

I think we should vamoose!

- Yeah if we're in the wrong

place at the wrong time

we're history!

- Let's make a run for it!


- Landmine pull back!

- Oh man the last thing

I need right now is to be

messing around with these

oversized creepy crawlers.

Go for it Arcee!

Woo hoo!

- Don't worry Kicker

I'll take it from here!

Okay here's the deal freaks,

take one step forward

and I'll stomp you for good.

- Listen up my beloved

pets I need all of you to

step aside at once,

now where were we?

- Hmm let me think, oh yeah

I was gonna destroy you!

- Care to go in on

the road Scumanok?


- Hang in there Optimus,

we're on our way.

- Optimus, wait up!

- What's our next

plan of attack?

- We wait Rodimus, I suspect

he wants to make his escape

into space, and we let him.

- He's become Unicron hasn't he?

And his quest is to consume

all planets in the universe.

- You're amazing Galvatron.

(evil laughter)

- Kicker, how should we

cut off the Super Energon?

- I guess our best bet's

to cut right through it.

- Okay but are you sure?

- Yeah I think so Arcee,

I don't see any other way.

Just cross your fingers

and hope this idea works.


- Energon Saber.


- All right Kicker

it's all up to you now.


- Hang back Arcee, and take

care of these creeps all right!

- Is that all, got

you covered Kicker!

Just make sure you hold up

your end of the bargain!

- We're coming too Kicker!

- Kicker, come in

Kicker can you hear me?

- Oh gee dad, now's

not a real good time.

- The only way to stop

Galvatron's growth spurt

is to destroy all the energon

tubes that are feeding him!

- That's exactly what I'm

doing, but it's not that easy!

- It took me hours

to figure that out!

How did he know

what to do so fast?

- Oh for crying out loud!

I'll bet he's trying

to hack through it

using his energon saber.

That means he's cutting

each strand of Super Energon

one by one and at that

rate it'll take forever!

Not too bright.

- Ah my asynchronous transfer

adapter is k*lling me!

- Would you quit whining,

we've got work to do here!

- Hey dad, I need an update.

What's going on with Galvatron?

- [Dad] He's headed

out for open space.

- You're kidding!

- He's tethered to Cybertron

by the bands of Super Energon

and he's towing the

entire planet behind him!

I think he's headed

toward Alpha Q.

- Let's get in front of him men.

- You better think

again Optimus Prime.

- Starscream!

- He's headed toward Alpha Q?

To what, destroy it?


- Doctor Jones I've brought

along a few Omnicons to

help get the Super

Energon to Primus.

- Good work.

All right men now go and

help Kicker, he's down below.

- Doing what?

- Helping Optimus!

And believe me Jetfire we

sure could use all the help

we can get, we're going

to stop Galvatron.

(evil laughter)

- Aren't you forgetting

something Scorponok?

I still have team

Ironhide backing me up.

- Oh yes, I seem to

remember your lackluster

band of misfits, so where are

they now back in kindergarten?

- Hey you just better

watch your mouth Scorponok!

- Heh.

- Or have you already

forgotten what happened

the last time we met?

Don't you dare mock my team.

I'd be nothing without them,

and they'll help me destroy you.

- Save the speech, your

words mean nothing to me.

There are only two things I

understand and that's winning

and losing in battle so

please spare me the emotions.

- You wanna see an

emotional outburst,

you keep pushing my buttons

and you'll get a

front row seat creep.

- There you go again,

all talk and no action.

Now are we ever going to get

this over with or what huh?

- Man and here I

thought I talked a lot.

- My purpose is to

protect Galvatron.

You want to destroy him,

that means you must

be terminated at once.

- You don't get it

do you Scorponok?

- Don't get what?

- Your supposed leader, he

doesn't care a lick about you

or your comrades loyalty.

- If you're asking why isn't

he being loyal to those

who serve under him the

answer is simple my friend.

Why should he be,

we're his soldiers!

- You're absolutely right

I'm tired of talking.

And the only way to prove to

you that you're a complete

idiot is with my fist!


I can't believe your blind

loyalty to someone as

untrustworthy as Galvatron,

it doesn't make any sense!

- Now what are you

babbling about?

- Aw man you still

don't get it do you?

Your mighty leader is

transforming into Unicron

before your very eyes.

- How many times do I have

to explain this to you?

I am programmed to

serve Galvatron!

It just can't be any simpler.

- Nothing is ever

that simple Scorponok.

Once he becomes Unicron the

old Galvatron won't exist

anymore, he'll start

consuming every known planet

for his own selfish gain

and crush anyone who stands

in his way and the first planet

on his menu is Alpha Q's!

- Excuse me, your point is?

- Is any part of

this starting to sink

in even just a little?

- Not a word.

- And here I actually thought

you might have a shred

of artificial

intelligence, but no!

You're as dumb as a drill

of oil and somewhere along

the line you've abandoned your

sense of honor as a warrior.

So I guess I should forget

even trying to explain this

because you're too

stupid to understand!

- No one calls me stupid

and gets away with it!

- You wanna bet!


- Call me crazy but I thought

because we were both soldiers

you'd understand what I

was trying to say to you.

Wow talk about being loyal.

That's it, there's no way

I'm gonna fight anyone with

that kind of allegiance

especially after

everything I just said.

- Lose your nerve Ironhide?

- Here's a thought Scorponok,

you might wanna look

at your own soldiers to find

out what loyalty really means,

if that's possible.

- Hmm?

- [Ironhide] Just like you

call Galvatron your leader,

these little guys look up

to you in the same way.

But what makes you

different from Galvatron,

is you respect your men.

- [Scorponok] Wait a minute,

I think I understand now.


- Everyone hurry, we're

running out of time!

- Jetfire, what's

the situation here?

- We've nearly severed the Super

Energon lines to Galvatron.

- Done.

- We did it Kicker!

We cut off the Super Energon.

- Look.

- Huh?

- Whoa.

The color of the Super

Energon is changing!

- From the Deceptacon colors

to it's original color.

- We'll be able to produce

Energon Stars again!

- Hey that's right!

And that means we

can wake up Primus!

- Victory will soon

be Galvatron's!

- And no one will be

able to challenge him!

Not even Optimus Prime!

- It's the beginning of

the end for you Galvatron.

- Enough, it will be my

pleasure to destroy you on

Galvatron's behalf!

- Oh no, Galvatron's

going to grow even bigger!

- Let's get out of here

before we get sucked into it!

- Wait for me!

- Transform!


- What?

- He's transforming!

- I now know what

ultimate power looks like!

- You think, he just

looks super sized to me.

- We must follow our

great leader Galvatron!

- Yeah.

- Right.

- Galvatron is making a move.

- So does he plan on destroying

our planet once again?

- Please Optimus Prime,

Autobots, you're our only hope.

- Misha, have you calculated

Galvatron's coordinates?

- All I know for sure is

he's not headed for Alpha Q.

- What?

What does that mean?

- He's not coming our way.

- Then where is he headed?

- What evil plan do

you have Galvatron?

♪ Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪