02x42 - Galvatron

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
Post Reply

02x42 - Galvatron

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(exciting music)

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robot in disguise ♪

- [Announcer]

Transformers Energon.

♪ Transformers ♪


- [White Alpha Q] Planet

Cybertron has been captured

by the Decepticons!

- [Red Alpha Q] Yes, by

those devious Decepticons

who att*cked with some

sort of numbing gas.

- [Green Alpha Q] Now Optimus

and the Autobots won't be able

to get near the planet.

- [Alpha Q] What shall

we do, Optimus Prime?!

- [Jetfire] Okay

guys, here's the plan!

Because Kicker's human

and Arcee's an Omnibot,

Energon won't affect

either of them.

So, they head down

to Cybertron to try

and shut off the gas grid,

which will make the planet safe

for the rest of us.

At that point, we

hit the Decepticons

with everything we've got!

- Yeah, but how do

I turn off the gas?

- [Jetfire] Don't know, Kicker.

Somehow, you and Arcee will

have to figure out a way

to cut off the Super

Energon flowing

through those pipelines.

Otherwise, Cybertron

is off-limits.

- [Optimus] Interesting.

- Sounds like it's

worth a try, Optimus.

- [Optimus] Mmm.

Well, Kicker?

- Yeah, I'm in.

- Me too!

We can do this!

- [Jetfire] But Ironhide, you

can't go down there with 'em.

- I know that, Jetfire.

I'm just trying

to pump Kicker up.

- I wonder about you.

- (laughs) You guys

really crack me up.

- Hey, don't be such

a stranger, Superion.

Come on over!

- Nevermind, just ignore me.

- Excuse us, we don't know

anything about Cybertron!

- And this mission

sounds dangerous.

- [Arcee] What are

you whining about?

- [Both] Huh?

- You're both soldiers and

you'll do as you're told!

Is that understood?

- Yes, sir!

I mean ma'am.

- [Optimus] The

time is now, men.

This is our best chance to

take back planet Cybertron.

So let's make sure we're

prepared to attack!

- [Autobots] Yes sir!

(birds squawking)

(footsteps thumping)


(Sally moaning)

(Sally gasps)

- [Dr. Jones] That's it, Sally.

Don't even breathe.

All right, it's gone.

- [Sally] Sorry, Dad,

I almost blew it.

- Ah, sweetheart,

that smells delicious.

- [Miranda] What

did you found out?

- Galvatron and a few Terrorcons

have over-run the control room.

- [Sally] How are we

supposed to radio Kicker,

or the Autobots?

- Well, it seems

Galvatron won't let us

near the transmitter.

That means we gottao find a

way to get to Primus, and fast.

- Not on an empty

stomach, Rad, my boy.

- Or do you think that

it's possible that Optimus

has already been in contact

with him, Dr. Jones?

- We'll find out

soon enough, I guess,

but I really am hungry.

- Yes, I agree.

You can't think straight

when you're hungry.

All right, shall we all dig in?

- [Galvatron] (laughs)

Well, gentlemen,

now I can officially

declare planet Cybertron

an Autobot-free zone. (laughs)

- Forgive me, but shouldn't

we err on the side

of caution, Galvatron sir?

- Mm, are you suggesting

that we haven't

eradicated this place

of all of the Autobots?

- [Starscream] To be

brutally honest, sir,

that's precisely

what I am suggesting.

- [Galvatron] Then where

are they hiding, Starscream?

- Two possible areas;

the southern hemisphere

and an underground

city that we detected

when we arrived on this planet.

- [Sixshot] I'll take care

of any Autobot stragglers.

It'll be a cinch, especially

with this Super Energon.

This stuff's off the charts.

- My, aren't we the bold one?

- [Sixshot] I've earned

the name Sixshot.

- [Snow Cat] Well, looks

like someone's trying

to cozy up to Galvatron.

Can you believe it?

- [Demolishor]

Sniveling smartypants.

- [Mirage] He'll learn.

- [Snow Cat] And don't

forget about Starscream.

Haven't you guys

noticed how much time

he's been spending hanging

around Galvatron lately?

- [Mirage] Now that

you mention it.

- So what are the benefits

of this new Super Energon?

- [Sixshot] It can

propel this planet.

- [Galvatron] Anywhere I desire?

- [Sixshot] Anywhere.

- [Galvatron] Well...

I've got it!

- [Snow Cat] Oh, great,

here we go again.

- [Demolishor] Yeah,

we'll end up the bait.

- [Mirage] Not good.

- [Galvatron] Aim

for that planet.

- Which planet, Galvatron?

- The planet our friend Alpha

Q fled to, you imbecile.

Now, quit wasting time

with asinine questions.

We have a planet to destroy.

- Sir!

- [Mirage] But Galvatron,

there is no sun

for that planet anymore.

It will die on its own.

- Silence!

The last thing I need

now is insubordination!

Is that understood?

Sixshot, set Cybertron to

the proper coordinates.


(dishes clanking)

(Rad gasps)

- What's wrong, Rad?

You haven't even taken a bite!

- And here I thought

you'd be happy

to have a homecooked meal, Rad!

Even if my wife made it!

Get it?! (laughs)

- [Miranda] Not funny, dear.

(Rad nervously chuckles)

- [Sally] I know you're

worried, Rad, but...

- Huh?

- Open!


- [Miranda] Sally!

- It's too dangerous, Rad!

We've got to move!

- Right!

- It just doesn't end, does it?

- What's going on?

What does Galvatron

think he's doing?

(nervous moaning)

- [Wing Saber]

Everyone, don't panic!

Obviously, Galvatron is

attempting to rattle us,

but hang in there!

I promise you,

Optimus is on his way!

(ominous music)

- [Kicker] Would someone please

explain what just happened?

- It might sound weird,

but Cybertron is moving.

Can't you feel it, Kicker?

- [Kicker] It can't be!

- [Optimus] Jetfire,

status report.

- [Jetfire] You're not

gonna believe this, Optimus,

but somehow, planet Cybertron

is starting to move forward.

- [Optimus] Impossible!

- [Jetfire] And,

it's headed straight

for the spacebridge

that leads to Alpha Q!

- [Optimus] But why?

- We need a defensive

maneuver, sir!

- [Optimus] I'm thinking.

With all that Energon,

Cybertron's still off-limits.

For now, we sit tight.

- (laughs) Will

wonders never cease!

We're moving!

Planet Cybertron

is actually moving!

I'm impressed, Sixshot. (laughs)

(computer beeping)

- [Sixshot] What?

It's the Autobot ship.

Not to worry.

It won't be for long

after I'm done with it.

- [Kicker] They're attacking

from the starboard side!

- [Optimus] Take evasive action.

- [Downshift] Yes sir!

(Kicker screaming)

- [Strongarm] Kicker!

- [Superion] I'll save 'im!

- Hurry!

- [Downshift] Huh.

- [Optimus] Downshift,

good job with the controls.

- [Downshift]

Nothing to it, sir.

(Kicker screams)

- [Kicker] Thanks, uh...

- Superion Maximus.

- [Kicker] Right,

Superion Maximus.

- Just doin' my job.

- Status report!

- [Starscream] Huh?

- [Sixshot] I've located

the Autobot ship, sir.

- Idiot!

- [Sixshot] Huh?

What'd ya do that for?

I didn't do anything!

- Don't you ever do anything

without my permission!

- [Sixshot] But, Galvatron sir!

- I give the orders around here.

Pull a stunt like that again

and I won't be so nice.

(Sixshot moans)

Now get up!

We have a little

mission to attend to.

And make it snappy, soldier.

- [Starscream] So, what's

the plan, Galvatron?

- It's simple.

I've decided to destroy Optimus

Prime with my bare hands.

- [Snow Cat] Now

maybe you'll listen.

- [Demolishor] (laughs) Serves

you right for suckin' up!

- [Mirage] Yeah!

- [Sixshot] Oh. (weeps)

- [Constructicon]

What's up, Galvatron?

- Gentlemen, we're

going into attack mode.

Shadowhawk, come here!

Let's move out!


- [All] Transform!

- [Demolishor] Ooh, ooh,

ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

- [Galvatron] Silence!

This time you have nowhere

to hide, Optimus Prime.

(computer beeping)

- Incoming Decepticons, sir!

- [Optimus] Galvatron?

- Yes, sir.

And it looks like

they're closing in fast.

- Should I activate the

Energon grid, Optimus sir?

- [Optimus] No, Landmine.

At this range, the grid

won't be effective.

We need to go top-side and

gear up for an offensive.

Downshift, scan

for a landing spot.

We have to prepare

for our guests.

- [Downshift] Yes, sir.

I'll park this baby

before ya know it.

- And this time, no fast moves.

- They're here!

Kicker, top-side, stat!

It's Superion Maximus!

- [Kicker] Yeah, I know.

- Yo, Hot Shot, it's

time to combine!

- You got it!

- [Rodimus] Rodimus!

(exciting music)

- [Hot Shot] Hot Shot!

- [Both] Powerlinx!

- [Rodimus] Powerlinx Rodimus!

- [Ironhide] Hey, Jetfire.

- [Jetfire] All right,

Ironhide, let's do it.

- [Ironhide] Ironhide!

- [Jetfire] Jetfire!

- [Both] Powerlinx!

- [Ironhide] Powerlinx Ironhide!

- [Omega Supreme] Optimus,

maybe you should stay back.

- [Optimus] No, Omega Supreme.

I have a job to do.

We must lure Galvatron here.

And then it's up

to me to crush 'em!

- [Galvatron] Steady, men.

We're almost there.

Starscream, fire!

- [Starscream] Yes sir!

- Look!

- [Starscream] Null Beam Cannon!

- What?

- [Starscream] Transform!

(Ironhide groans)

- [Snow Cat and

Demolishor] Transform!

- [Snow Cat] Surprise! (laughs)


(electrical sizzling)

- [Mirage] Mirage to the rescue!

- [Starscream] Hmm!

- I'm enjoying this!

- What?! (moans)

Why you.

- A day without exercise is

like a day without sunshine!

(exciting music)

- Transform!

What's wrong, Prime?

Aren't you going to combine

like the time you attempted

to destroy Unicron?

Well, aren't you?

- [Optimus] This is between

you and me, Galvatron.

- [Galvatron] (chuckles)

Still got a sense of humor!


- [Constructicon] We've

gotta help Galvatron!

- [Bruticus] Right.

- [Both] Huh?

- You're not going

anywhere, boys!

- [Constructicon] Wanna bet?

- [Bruticus] Yeah, bring it!

- [Constructicon]

Bruticus Maximus!

(Bruticus yelping)

- [Bruticus] You!

- [Omega Supreme] Now it's even.

Superion Maximus,

this one's mine.

- (laughs) You're

here just in time!


- [Downshift] Yeah, all right.

Keep it up, boys.

I just need a little more

time to land this puppy.

Are the backup troops ready?

- [Arcee] Just give us

the word, Downshift!

- [Kicker] I'm

itchin' for action.

- [Sixshot] Don't do anything

without my permission, huh.

How dare he.

And I'm just sittin'

here with a clear shot

of the Autobot ship.

(Galvatron groans)

(Galvatron moans)

- [Mirage] Mirage, transform!

Flying m*ssile attack.



- [Kicker] I know you're

getting antsy, Strongarm, but...

- [Sixshot] I

can't wait anymore.

- [Galvatron] What's going on?!

- [Optimus] The ship's been hit.

(dramatic music)

- [Strongarm] Hold on!

- [Omnicons] Whoa!

- [Kicker] Where's

it comin' from?

- [Downshift] Aw, man.

I've lost all

hydraulic pressure.

And my manual override's fried.

Energon gas!

Take evasive action!

Take evasive action!

- [Rodimus] Wait!

- Sixshot, Are you

responsible for this?

Answer me!

- [Sixshot] (laughs) Yes,

and proud of it, Galvatron.

- You fool, you

stole my thunder!

- It's going to blow, sir!

- [Galvatron] The gas will

take care of you, Prime.


- [Starscream] Transform!

- [Optimus] (moans)

Everyone, retreat!

Evacuate the Miranda II!

- But we've gotta

defend the ship, sir!

- [Optimus] It's

too late for that.

Now get moving!

- [Rodimus] Let's go, Ironhide!

- [Ironhide] Right behind ya!

- [Snow Cat] Ah, I

say we scram too!


- Hey, has anyone seen Optimus?

(expl*si*n rumbles)

- [Optimus] Must hang on.

- [Downshift] Kicker,

don't jump ship yet.

Stay with me, copy?

- [Kicker] Ya think ya

can still fly this thing?

- [Optimus] Downshift,

I'll take over.

You go!

- [Downshift] Sorry, sir,

but I've got a job to do.

- [Optimus] Okay,

I'm counting on you.

- [Arcee] It's getting

too dangerous, Kicker.

I say we bail.

- [Kicker] Relax, Arcee.

This ship was

named after my mom.

Trust me, it can take

more than ya think.

- [Downshift]

C'mon, c'mon, bingo!

That's it!

The Decepticons weakest

point is on planet Earth!

Kicker, you're good to go.

- [Kicker] That's

our cue, Arcee.

- [Arcee] Moving out!

- [Downshift] We're

depending on you, Kicker.

- [Optimus] Good job, Downshift.

- [Downshift] No sweat, sir.

- [Optimus] The Miranda II

has one last job to carry out.

All engines to full throttle

and push this ship to the limit!

- What's he doing?

- [Omega Supreme]

Let's find out.


- [Superion] Good plan!

- [Ironhide] Well, hey!

- Let us handle it!

You stay put.

- [Downshift] That's

it, Optimus sir!

I'm totally maxed out!


- [Omega Supreme]

Optimus, get on!

- [Optimus] Ugh!

Thanks, Omega Supreme.

- [Downshift]

Yeah, what he said.

- [Superion] Hmm.

- [Downshift] Aren't

you Superion Maximus?

- (laughs) Yeah,

the one and only.

(expl*si*n rumbling)

- [Optimus] You served

us well, Miranda II.

Goodbye, my friend.

- [Kicker] Keep going, Arcee!

You can make it.

- [Arcee] We're coming

in steep, Kicker.

So ya better hang on!

- [Kicker] How come you're

not deploying your field?!

- [Arcee] I can't use it

with a passenger on board.

Here we go!

- [Kicker] Look out!

We're gonna nail that tower!

- [Arcee] Can the yapping

and let me concentrate!

(Kicker grunting)

(Kicker panting)

Safe and sound.

- [Kicker] So, where

exactly are we?

(soft somber music)

The Miranda II!

- [Galvatron] Sixshot!

- [Sixshot] Huh?

- You fool!

You'll pay!

(Sixshot moaning)

Don't you dare move!

- [Snow Cat] (laughs)

Someone's in trouble!

- [Sixshot] You wait,

one day you'll need me.

And when that day comes,

Galvatron, you can beg,

you can grovel, but

I won't be there.

- [Mirage] That's gotta hurt.

- [Demolishor] (laughs) Serves

the little whiner right.

- [Galvatron] Might I

suggest you watch out.

Optimus isn't your only enemy.

(Sixshot growls)

- [Arcee] You must be very proud

of your mother's

namesake, Kicker.

- Yeah.

- [Arcee] Now, it's like

a beacon of strength.

- It sure is.

And hopefully

it'll last forever.

And many generations

will get to see it.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(exciting music)

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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