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03x07 - There's Bo Place Like Home

Posted: 03/06/13 00:45
by bunniefuu

Take a deep breath. Try again.


What did you do that time?

Begged the invisible threshold to knock me on my ass, obviously!

Was I not supposed to?

Most Fae have years to train for their Rites of Passage, you have days before you devolve into something I have to keep in a cage.

Haven't you always wanted a pet?

I see impending doom hasn't affected your sense of humour.

This has to say how to get through the stupid door!

Much is left to interpretation.

Like I told you to...

Yes! focus on the now. Shift consciousness and achieve an effortless merging of action and awareness ...

To allow yourself to cross through the threshold.

So I'm on my own then.



shifting... merging...

And I, Bo Dennis... allow myself to pass.


Fine! Plan B!

No Bo! You can't smash your problems away.

Oh, yeah, did your ancient book sort of tell you that too?

I need a break.


No... Trick, this isn't working!

Sometimes you just gotta know when to fold 'em, you know?

I just wanna go home.


Smell that? Reminds me of being on the field, throwing TD's for Grimley High.

All I smell is cow crap. Do you even know what you're doing?

I've done my fair share of tire swaps, okay?

And you brought me out here for what, cherries?

Best damn cherries in the world.

I kinda thought my fiancee would be interested to see where I grew up.

I'd be in a better mood if I had cell service.

And if I wasn't about to burst.

Pick a spot, honey.

I am not squatting in that field.

Fine! But if I'm not back in five, it's on you.

Watch out for poison ivy. And snakes!


[ music ]


Brad? Brad!


[ screaming ]


Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years...

Searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

3x07 - There's Bo Place Like Home

You say she's already shown signs of devolution?

She's desperate. Whether she realizes it or not...

Well, her condition could become grave at a moment's notice.

Is she still unaligned?

Stubbornly so.


Father unknown. Mother ... a Succubus.

And there are rumours about Bo's ... potential.

Oh dear.

Oh dear that's great news?

Succubi already take more preparation, and are at greater risk of failing their Rites.


But if your granddaughter is as powerful as I've heard... a Fae's devolution is directly proportionate to their abilities.

Bo is extra special, so she runs the risk of becoming... extra UnderFae?

The Bo you know will cease to exist.

And in her place will be something extremely dangerous.

Stella... please...

I realize you're in high demand.

Fae seek my guidance years in advance of The Dawning.

And I thank you for coming to meet with me.

She's all I have left.

Fetch me some tea?


I'll need to evaluate the subject.

But not amidst this horrible racket.

Of course.

I'll turn down the music.

Bo: Mama! Something is happening to me!

I think I k*lled Kyle!

Bo's Mom: I warned you about having relations with that boy!

You promised me!

You have the devil inside you, Beth!

You're a slut. A whore!

You're not my daughter. You never were!

[ gasp! ]

[ phone ringing ]

Trick. It is two A.M.

Well, no, I'm fine. I was just having a weird nightmare.

Yes... I'll be right there.

[ music ]


So what does it say?

Will I meet a brave knight and marry all my problems away?

Why deny your fear, child?

Because it's scary?

[ clears throat ]

Sorry. I'm just a little on edge, Miss...

Stella Nashira. And a Lodestar's work cannot be rushed.

Stella has given guidance to hundreds of our kind as they've prepared for The Dawning.

You harbour great rage.

And great regret.

These two negatives are making it very hard for you to know yourself.

Embrace your true identity.

Well, everyone has hang-ups.

The blockage can usually be traced back to some childhood imprint.

A parental source.

God, it's always mommy issues with you guys.

Okay, look, Aife and I, we had our problems.

But, um, we worked them out with good ol' fashioned hand-to-hand combat.

You call your mother by her name? Did Aife not raise you?

Aife is Bo's biological mother.

And she and her adoptive mom, Mary, also had a falling out.

Twice the mommies, twice the baggage.

You must confront the source of your estrangement.

No. I can't. I won't!

Your anger is hurting you.

She hurt me...!

You have to go home, Bo. You must forgive.

Like hell I do.

Look, I will do whatever it takes to survive this.

But I will not spend one more minute with that ignorant, warped bigot.

But you'll devolve into an UnderFae...

[ music ]

Then let's hope it's a nice cage.

But what they're asking me to do is out of the question.

There has to be another way.

I could really use some of your patented nerdness right now.

Bo, I hate to say this, but this is one of those cases where your Faeness trumps my nerdness.

I can only treat the symptoms.

I can't go back there!

Well, I mean, it seems a shame to miss the Cherry festival.

You Googled my hometown?


I know why you left.


If there had just been some understanding... you know, someone to talk to.

They were simple people.

Try not to blame them for their ignorance.

Don't defend them!

My mother cast me out like I was some kind of deviant!

I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for you.


This could be your only hope.

It's a five-hour drive.

Well, I will go with you.

You're practically insane, anyway. You can't go by yourself.


I need you to stay here and do some hard-core doctoring in case this doesn't work out.

Besides, I know someone else who could use a road trip.

Hmm... How is Kenzi?

With every new wig comes another brave face.

Do we know yet ... why the Kitsune targeted her?

No and I didn't ask. You know, she's still...

No... Of course. Of course.

[ music ]

This formula will inhibit cell degradation by freezing the UnderFae cells that are trying to take over ... rendering them temporarily sterile.

If you feel yourself starting to lose control, inject yourself.

Even if you said "in the eyeball", it still sounds more appealing than talking to my Mom.

Emergency use only. Those are the last three.

Why can't you make more?

The formula produces diminishing returns.

With every injection it will work a little bit less.

Wish me luck.

[ music ]

I don't understand why you're letting her go.

She has to go. It is part of Bo's preparation.

I can't just sit by and watch her lose everything, Trick!

I can't lose Bo a...

When did you get it back?


Your love, Dyson.

Bo has Lauren now.

Lauren's human.

Their relationship can only be...

...short term.

So in the short term, I am not going to interfere.

I love Bo too much to screw it up again.

Those feelings aren't something you can just make go away.

'Less you want to book another meeting with the Norn...

These feelings will never go away.

Not for me.

How are we having this conversation without booze?

Her guide... uh... The Lodestar?

Stella. She's the best.

And quite the looker too.

Don't worry... Bo will make it through this.

There will be a long term.


Just do your shot.

[ music ]

[ music ]

Bo: So I tell that holier-than-thou witch that I forgive her, peel home and waltz right past the threshold.

Kenzi: And if you go crazy, I just needle your butt. No problemo.

With everything that's been happening we haven't had much of a chance to talk.

Pepperoni sticks and one pint of candy corn ... the Kenzi is awesome. Bloated, but awesome.

Go! Come on, pump, gas me!

... that rash you had ... you ever figure out how you got it?

Go in your hole!

Let me help you with that, Ma'am.


I seem to have attracted the attention of country folk.

Perhaps of the bumpkin variety?

Beth? Beth Dennis?


Hi! Uh...

You two... you two know each other?

Yeah, Dougie and I were, uh, friends in high school.

Just Doug now.

Nobody ever figured we'd ever see Beth around here ever again.


Beth... Yes!

I guess, they did catch the guy who actually k*lled Kyle... so, woohoo!

I mean, I'm not celebrating the m*rder, dude died right in front of you, just that they caught him.

It was a long time ago. A lot has changed since then.

Including my name. I'm Bo now.

Ah, okay... so I guess you're here for the Cherry Fest?

See some of the old g*ng?

No, actually, it's personal business.

I'll be heading out of here before the pie-off.

[ whispering ]

Pie Off??

That's probably good. This whole area's just hit the skids since you left.

It's just like one string of bad luck after another.

And, of course, there was the accident...


Not the pies.

You remember Brad?

He was crushed by a car by county line yesterday.

Tell me Brad's not a cow.

No, Mr. Popular High School Quarterback.

He and Dougie... Doug... weren't exactly best bros.

Used to pick on Dougie's head pretty bad.

But that was eons ago. That Dougie's gone.

Just like Brad...

Whoa, whoa...

You okay, babe?

Yeah... it's, uh, it's all that driving.

Okay, uh, go splash some water on your face.

Cleanest pissers in Grimley county.

Yeah, Bo, you don't wanna miss the pissers!

How's it going?

Just great, great! Uh...

[ music ]


Maybe I'll just write a letter.

Dude, you have taken on The Morrigan.

Your old lady should be child's play.

She taught me I was evil.

Now I'm supposed to tell her it's okay?

It's called being the bigger person.

Which reminds me, I wanna scarf down like twenty pies on the way home.

I don't wanna be the bigger person. I am so sick of being the bigger person!

That bitch has said things to me that echo inside my head!

They scratch away at the inside of my brain every night when I'm trying to fall... Ow!!

What the hell...?

I ass-provised.

Oh... was that not one of your monster fits?

You seemed really angry! Did I just waste one of these?

Not if you wanted to help me re-focus my rage.

Well, you're welcome. Now get your head in the game.

It's time to face the Mom music.

Okay... Then we get the hell out of here, right?

Does a horse shit in the barn?

No, seriously, is that where they poop?

Just, keep the car running.

You got it, boss.

[ music ]

[ knocking ]

Over here...



Oh, finally... you've finally came home... I've missed you so much.


[ music ]

To think that you'd finally come back and I didn't have a crumb of fresh pie for you and your new friend.

Yeah. Your moms. What a bitch.

She used to be.

I didn't exactly give you any warning.

Do you go to Grimley High, too dear?

Um... no.

Mom, Kenzi's not from around here.

I've been away a long time.

That's what your father always says.


Said. He's gone now...

Your Aunt Bea always says that I keep getting confused, and that I should write things down.

But really, I don't think that she listens very well.

Certainly not to me!

Do you remember why I left?

Well, you were lost.

And the Lord helped you find your way back.

Oh! Oh... I forgot the rhubarb.

What happened to the forgiveness so we can get back to your monster-proofing training junk!

It's like she doesn't even remember.

So, remind her.

And break her heart again?

Two minutes ago you wanted to break her face.

Hello time-warp. It's like some kind of Beth shrine.

Well at least it's not creepy.

Bo: This is who I was.

Kenzi: The perfect daughter.

Kenzi: Underneath the crimped hair...

Until the night I ruined it all.

"Local teen m*rder*d...

"Kyle Williams, 18, found in the back of his car... foul play is suspected... last seen with Beth Dennis, whereabouts unknown."

She must have kept that for a reason.

Reason being she's crazy in the head.

I think the medical term is dementia.

Sorry... small towns make me nervous.

What harm could it do to write one more chapter in Beth's book, huh? On my terms, not hers.

Trick and Lauren will k*ll me if I don't have you home right now!

Where is my mind!

You children have to see the Cherry Fest!

And see some of your old friends. You go on while I make dinner, okay...


Oh, no, we really...

Not before you change out of your city clothes.

It is hot as the Devil's own oven out there.

Besides, um... people will stare.

We didn't bring anything...

Sweetheart, you have lots of pretty dresses up in your closet.

And your friend can borrow one and...

maybe some sensible footwear.

[ whispering ]

What is this place??

You said you wanted to have some fun.

A country makeover? Gee, I can't wait.

Man: Last chance, folks! For the fifty-fifty!

Kenzi: I feel like I fell in some Amish.

Own it, Laura Ingalls.

♪ When you feel the burning sun ♪
♪ Lady Polly has her fun ♪
♪ How many children will she slay? ♪
♪ One... two... ♪

Cute song!

Why are they trying to trip each other?

It's Double Dutch.

You're sh1tting me! I thought that was only on Wii!

I was on the team. Regional champs.



I thought you'd disappeared, Miss Witness Protection Program.

Are you still living up on the hill?

Try Chicago.


What's with Debbie Gibson?

Sharonda. Hi. Pleasure's all mine.

So, you guys old chewin' tobacco pals?

Can you call someone a "pal" if she beats you three years running for Miss Cherry Blossom?

Oh, my, did you get to wear a sash?

No. From the time Beth popped those boobs, all the guys had their eyes on her.

I was a late bloomer... but I'm over it.

You sure are.

The little tease strung them all along.

They'd do anything for her. Except Brad.

He was always mine.

Jessica, I am so sorry.

I saw on Facebook that he was coming out here.

I hoped to run into him.

I starved myself. I lost six pounds...

Yeah... I could tell.

It's really too bad he got crushed by a car.

What? It is...

He's gone to a better place. Unlike the rest of this county.

Has it always been so creepy?

Yeah, with the gorgeous sunshine, and the scent of cherry blossom...

God, it is even more beautiful than I remember.

Oh... you're serious? Of course...

In less depressing news, we ran into your old friend Doug.
Hey, Doug!

Ugh, he's still such a creep!

Coming back here, it was such a mistake.

Yeah, I think I've had about all the nostalgia I can take.

Well, Bo-Bo, why don't we go-go have a chat-chat with your Mom-mom...

God, you are sooo weird.

Thank you...

Reminds me of that girl, who used to sniff glue in chem class.

Jessica... that was you.

I hate this place.

There she is...

Okay, you two go have your Mom-ment.

I will grab your clothes and my dignity.


Oh, you're back! Oh, you must be hungry?

Would you like something to...

Mom, do you remember the night that I left?

The night that Kyle died?

You said some things to me that really hurt.


Do you understand what I'm trying to say to you?

Is that another friend of yours, dear?

That would be a NO.

Ok, Lady, what's your deal?

Bo! You okay?

What the hell was that thing?

Just look at what your filthy fornication has brought down on this house!


I told you to stay away, you Devil child!

You bring nothing but pain and sorrow!

I want you gone! I want you out of my house!


Bo! What are you doing?!

It is all my fault...

It has always been my fault.

What's your fault?!

Bo! Do not Dukes of Hazzard on me!

Bo! Please! Please...


[ music ]

It was supposed to be a simple in-and-out Mommy-makeup mission.

Has Bo buried the hatchet with her mother?

Well, she tried, but then gross nightie lady tried to bury her sickle in Bo's face.

From what you're telling me, we're dealing
with one mean UnderFae: Poludnica.

Gee, I wonder why that name isn't more popular...

The locals sometimes call her Lady Polly.

"Who has her fun in the burning sun..." Right...

Hey, did you know that double Dutch is real?

Polly's M.O. is staging accidents when the heat and the glare of midday disorients her victims.

You mean like getting smushed by a car when changing your tire?

That'd be her.

When Bo finds out she unleashed hell on the town by succu-k*lling Kyle, she's gonna succu-plotz, Trick.

No, that's impossible. Kyle's death was merely a Fae feed.

Polly can only be awakened by humans and released amidst fire and brimstone.

So who summoned her?

Probably the same people she's been k*lling.

Bo's former classmates...

They finally all came home, and Lady Polly's offing them.

"Well house burns... arson suspected..."

Oh, boy...

Poludnica can't stray from county lines. She's bound to the land.

But if she kills the humans who summoned her from the ground...

...Tornado Tits can flee this one horse town, yeah...

Hey, you said summoned from the land, what about summoned from a well?

Sure ... Polly is an elemental.

She could be trapped in water.

Ok... good to know.

And Kenzi, don't let Bo get distracted.

She needs to forgive her mother and get back here.

I hear ya loud and clear, boss. I just have to... find her.

You've lost Bo??

No, I'm-on-it-missing-the-cow-tipping-

I'm-so-sorry-thank you-bye!


[ music ]


Yo! Uh... mom!

I'm borrowing the car! Okay!

Delicious. One more.

Ma'am, these are samples.

I'll have you know, I was Miss Cherry Blossom three times over.

More. Now!

There you are!

In the flesh.

And on the sauce. Great...

I am so angry and itchy... and everything smells so overpowering...

Uh oh...

I'm hungry.

And cherry pie ain't gonna cut it.

Look at them all...

horny corn-fed farm boys...

Buxom milk maids.

I think you're projecting.

I want to taste them all.

Bo... hey!

You're changing, okay? You've got to fight it.

Oh, Kenzi, I'm not changing...

I'm not changing into a monster. I've always been one.

I've done so many terrible things... so many terrible things... and that is why The Dawning is happening to me so soon.

Okay, I am just gonna perch here yonder so we can talk... okay?

Let me tell you about the time my best friend and I, went on this road trip?

Let me tell you... it was...



Oh, I'm sorry... I'm sorry. Again.

Thank you.

One strike left.

But lucky for you, I have good news.

Okay, your first Fae feed had nothing to do with releasing Lady Polly. She can only be summoned with fire.

And look: "Well house burns..." that's probably what released her.

Oh, Kenzi... I was there.

Okay, I'll just... I'll put that away.

Oh, my God...

More wine for the lady, please!

Bo: Dougie was going through his Occult phase.

He believed he could communicate with the town's local legend, the supposed bogeywoman of the countryside...

Kenzi: Lady Polly.


He led us through a seance at the old well house.

Brad, Jessica, Kyle and ... me.

But nothing happened, it didn't work...

Obviously, it worked.

We lit some candles, we must have left one burning.

Later that night I was with Kyle and I never thought about the seance again.

k*lling your boyfriend was the second shittiest thing you did that night.


I'm sorry, wow... that's not helping.

Okay, look, Bo, you have enough on your plate.

All right? Can you just forget about saving the county?

Save yourself.

There's gotta be a way to get rid of that midday bitch.

Trick said only those who summon Poll-ski can send her back.

I'll find Jessica. You grab Dougie.

Gas station round up. Got it.

Meet at the well. If we're together I can keep us safe and lure back Polly.

Like, bait?

If you're up for it.



I need some help over here!

Fine. Fire and brimstone it is.

[ music ]

Paging the Lord of The Bumpkins!

Kenzi? I thought you and Bo were going home.

We got a little bit of business to take care of.

You shouldn't be here.

Okay... How do I say this in Farm Speak?

Um, minor Tornado lady issue.

We've got a date with a burned-down well house.

I I warned you! I told you to leave...

Why didn't you listen to me?!


Don't go all Children of the Corn on me, Dougie...

It's Doug! Dougie's dead.

And if we wanna get rid of Lady Polly?

We're gonna have to give her a sacrifice.

I nominate Dougie. He's dead anyways.

This isn't a joke, Kenzi!

Wait, back up... you knew that Lady Polly escaped the well and was k*lling people??

I've been trying to get rid of her for almost ten years.

I... I invoked her during a teenage Goth stage.

You were Goth? Here?

I had to go two towns over to get my favorite guy-liner.

Dude, I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell anybody about Polly? People are dying.

You don't think I know that?

After Kyle died, everyone left town.

I thought it was over, that Lady Polly couldn't get to them.

No matter how much she taunted me... they were safe.

Oh, Dougie...


She told me to lure them all home, but I wouldn't do it.

But now they're coming home and Brad's dead.

And Jessica and Beth are next.

Hey! She's Bo now.

Trust me ... that makes all the difference.

Shit! LP came to the party early!

Come on! We can lose her in the field!

Oh, great! Nothing bad ever happens in the field!

Wait up!

[ music ]


Where's Jessica? We need three of us!

She's dead. Lady Polly staged another "accident".

Poor Jessica choked on a cherry.


P.S.: Senorita Shitstorm is hot on our heels.

I need to stop the spirit of Lady Polly before she kills again. This whole thing is my fault!

Dougie, what are you talking about?

Back in high school, after the séance, all you guys coupled off and you left me alone.

I knew I could connect with the paranormal.

Para-normal? Don't you mean para-weird?

I had my occult book and my candles ... and I burnt a copy of Antichrist Superstar as an offering.

You sacrificed "Superstar"?! Dude, Marilyn Manson is a god.

I kicked the candle over!

So what?

I burnt down the building! I released her!

Dougie, it was an accident.

She is the one k*lling people for fun. She is the one who's evil!

[ music ]

Look who just blew in.

She blows, all right.

Lady Polly, Leave her! I'll be your sacrifice.

Dougie! You were just a kid.

You didn't know what you were doing. It wasn't your fault!


[ whack! ]


Ghost: Prepare to die...

And here I was prepared to kick your tattered ass.

You will be my greatest accident!

Kenzi! Ass-provise!


Your eyes ... they are like mine...

I am Fae... but I am nothing like you.

Sometimes you just have to go home.

Whether you want to or not!

[ whack! ]

Nice kick.

[ slam! ]

I guess she wasn't feeling very "well."

Not feeling very "well?"

Oh, sweetie...

I'm still getting my mojo back.

You okay?

Is he?

Come on...


Come on, Doug... come on...

Come on...


Okay... we got ya...

Oh, what happened?

Did we get her back in the well?

Ain't no celebrities gonna be taking up that cause.

Did I help?

We couldn't have done it without ya.



So... whadya say we get out of hicksville and I get you back to Trick, stat?

One more stop. Someone else I need to talk to.

Come on, buddy. It's all over...

[ music ]



How was Cherry Fest? Did you make a lot of new friends?

People are always just falling in love with you, aren't they?

You don't remember the last time you saw me, do you?

Well, of course I do.

You and your new friend had just changed into your summer clothes.

I'm old, but I'm not that old.

[ laughing ]

Mom, there have been a lot of things that I've wanted to say to you over the years.

And it took me a long time to realize that the things that I did when I was younger were beyond my control.

Yeah, I've made mistakes. I still do. A lot of them.

And I'm sorry.

You don't need to be sorry, sweetheart. Oh, you are such a good girl.

Wow. It's strange to hear that coming from you.

I am good, you know?


You always make everything better.

Do you remember that Sunday in Church when that dying butterfly came through the window and it landed on your hand and you tried to help it fly and it just couldn't.

You cried all day.

You remember that?

Your father and I tell each other that story all the time.

Mom, I know that you thought the way you chose to raise me was right.

I see that now.

When you screamed and yelled at me like I was evil, it's because you didn't really understand who I was.

Neither did I.

We were both scared.

Scared? No... no, no...

You don't need to be scared, no...

I have a family, Mama.

And they love and protect me without question.

That girl that I came here with? She's like my sister.

When I'm with her, I know everything is going to be ok.

And I found my grandfather, mama.

And guess what? He... Uh, he cares about me.

I don't know what I'd do without him.

Without any of them.

If you really knew me now, you would be proud.

I did good.

And I don't need to carry around those terrible memories anymore.

I am done.

[ crying ]

I am done reliving them, and reliving them, and reliving them...

But... Beth... your pies are so beautiful.

It's okay.

This is how I'm going to remember you.

As the sweet woman who taught me how to make the best pies.

You had a hard life, too.

I can't hate you anymore.

And I'm done hating myself.

I'm not the devil, Mama.

I'm Fae.

I'm Bo.

Goodbye, Mom.

I love you too...


[ sobbing ]

[ music ]

Dyson: Trick?

[ music ]

[ stereo music playing ]

Trick: No, no, no, no, no! She requires silence!


Stella! She's on her way.

Actually I think she's just arrived.

Sorry for the racket.

I'll have the bar cleared out in an instant.

Has Bo returned?

She's on her way as we speak.

Good. Let's prepare for her test.

The threshold, it's in your office, right?

Yes! Of course. My office.

Just the two of us. Perfect.


I hope you haven't misjudged me.

Sometimes even I like it loud.

[ chuckling ]

I knew she was Trick bait as soon as I saw her.

Trick bait? You're crazy.

That no-nonsense ball-buster thing she's got going on?

That's like crack to you.

I'm in trouble, aren't I?

But you have no reason to keep your feelings under wraps.


[ music ]

Aren't you going to wait for Bo?

I'd just be in the way.

[ music ]

Salutations, from the Grimley Cherry Festival!

Thank you! How'd it go? Did you grant forgiveness?

Oh, I forgave someone.

Let's just hope I passed Stella's little riddle...

As long as you allow yourself to merge body and spirit in a state of oneness...

Yes, Mrs. Miagi. So what happens when I pass?

When you're ready to enter the temple...

What... there's a temple?

The Rites of Passage vary.

Some physical, some psychological.

It's different for each Fae. Which is why time is of the essence.

Then let's cut to the chase.

[ music ]

You did it!

I did it! I did! I did!

Look! Look!

I just successfully merged action and awareness!

I'm so proud of you!

So this temple that you speak of... is there a dress code? Do they take reservations?

You've performed one simple task.

Now, the real training begins.

Crossing the threshold only allows you access to the temple.

Where the most gruelling challenges of your life await you.

Oh, crud.

Bo: Hey...

Kenzi: Hey! How'd it go?


Trick's gonna set up a trust for my Mom. She'll be taken care of.


Can Trick set me up a trust?

Oh, and I crossed the threshold!

I mean, there's still tons more training and there's a temple, but...

Come again?

I feel better than I have in a really long time.

Thanks again for coming.

Of course. My goodness, it was godly farm-fed fun!

Kenzi, you can't keep hiding behind your jokes.

Sure I can.

I'm worried about you.

I'm just glad to be home.

With you.

But I can't talk about it yet.


Then let's talk about something else.

Kenzi, why did you go see the Norn?

[ music ]