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03x04 - Faede To Black

Posted: 01/29/13 23:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Oh my love, ♪
♪ Seein' my blood red for you. ♪
♪ Old, dried sponge. ♪
♪ Suddenly wet from you. ♪
♪ My red lips, ♪
♪ Shy, and ready for you. ♪
♪ My pale skin, ♪
♪ You want my pale skin... ♪

One word: epic.



After last night's marathon, I didn't think I'd get lucky again so soon.

Well, you could get lucky times two.

Oh... oh...

Times three... times four...

I haven't organized my swabs in a week, and I have cultures growing so out of control that my actual control cultures have mutated, and I have a delivery of formaldehyde in... thirty minutes.

Say "formaldehyde" again.

I have a million things on my "to do" list.

I thought that I was your "to do" list.


You are released.


I'm gonna go freshen up.



Lauren: Bo? Everything all right?

Everything's amazing!

Just amazing...


Dyson: Excuse me?

It is going to be amazing, no?!

I gotta go with "no," dude.

Stop... I remember hearing about Philippe Petit, the famous tightrope walker when I was about six.

I knew then that I wanted to be like him. This is my dream.

Well, there you have it. Man's living his dream.

Can we go now?

Can you at least pretend to try?

Hey, Lloyd! How about I take a couple of photos for posterity?

Ah! Bien sur. A most excellent idea.

That's a great pose. You are so bad at this.

The man wants to live out his crazy circus fantasy.

Who cares? Live and let live.

That's so typically Dark of you.

What, saying it like it is?

There've been 4 crazy human stunts pulled in this last week. Remember how the first three ended up?

You mean Splat, Squish, Ka-boom?

Uh huh.

That's nice, Lloyd, another one like that.

Well, at each of those, I smelled Fae.

Something's k*lling these people, I'm gonna find out what it is.

That's great, Lloyd...

I have a hot date with a guy rockin' an eight pack in an hour, so can we hurry this up a little?

Hey, Magnifico! You know this is stupid, right?


That's really great...

Why don't you stand back, I got this. Lloyd!

No, please, sir! Step back.

What I am about to attempt is very dangerous.

Just one more question...

No, no! It's not the time for questions.

It's the time to dream! It's the time to live!



Lloyd: Ahhhhh!


[car alarm sounding]


You got this.

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years...

Searching while hiding...

Only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

3x04 - Fae-de to Black

Kenzi: Bo-apalooza? Bo-Bo...

Bo-ilicious? Bo-dacious?

Do we seriously not have any chocolate in this place?


Did you just throw a pillow at me?

That is a good question that I would like to answer in two parts: a) Yes, b) I would love to have a heart-to-heart, thank you so much for asking.

Can we do it later, Kenz? Please?

I've got chocolate in my purse.

What's on your mind?


It's kind of a delicate subject. Like Southern Belle delicate.

And I don't know how you're gonna take it, but I just can't keep it from you any longer.

Is this about Lauren?

It's about something that's been a big bug up my butt for a couple of months now.

We spend too much time together. You've never liked her...

C'est tout le contraire, mon cheri. {*fra}

Ever since I saw her get all Science-y on The Morrigan's evil ass plot, I lurves me some Lauren.

Well, good because she's very lurve-able.

And from what I hear, super bang-able.

Why is everything always about sex?

Uh... wonder snatch?

Hi! Have we met?

You don't have chocolate in your purse, do you?

Technically, "nyet".

I'm going to the store.

Wicked, wicked Norn... What did you do to me?


Woo! Girl be thirsty.

What happened to your date with Mr. Eight Pack?

Hmm, girl only needs ten minutes.

That's way too much information.

Tox screen on the street pizza?

Can you not call him that?

Tox screen on the street pasta?

Nice... You can see he wasn't on anything.

Well, it's still a su1c1de. So, case closed.

Among all these other "suicides?" Come on.

Look, I'm telling you, I smelled something Fae on that roof.

We need to start this entire investigation from the beginning.

It's the better way.

It's the only way.

No, no, no... look at this...

The vics from the last ten days. Notice anything?

They were all patients.

Of The Better Way Clinic For Health and Wellness.

You can thank me later.

Um... This is the part where we go question therapists.

Yeah, who, due to Doctor/patient confidentiality, won't tell us a damn thing.

Okay... so we go undercover. I could be a great therapist.

You're trying to prevent these people from k*lling themselves, Tamsin...

What do you suggest?

Sure. Great. I'll do it.

You haven't even heard what 'it' is.

Well, let's just say...

I could use the distraction.

Okay. I need you to pose as a therapist at a new age clinic.

How am I supposed to convince the clinic that I'm a Doctor?


Dr. Helen Green.

Of The Sedona Center for Psychological and Spiritual Healing?

I couldn't have gone to Harvard?

You haven't seen the clinic.

What am I looking for?

Well, this is a list of all our vics.

We need you to access their patient files.

Find out why they're doing these crazy stunts and k*lling themselves.

Hmmm... sounds, uh...


If I didn't know any better I'd think you looked a little...

Smart? Gorgeous? Tall?


You and Lauren didn't... did you?

No! And P.S. our sex life is awesome.

Maybe a little too awesome.

Okay... just asking.

I think, though, someone here has had enough coffee for the day...

What kind of therapist am I anyway?

Oh you've got to be kidding me.


Hi there!


Oh... Lemony.

It will help to create synergy and centeredness during your appointment.

Actually, I'm the new Doctor.

[gasp] Oh, Dr. Green!

I am so sorry I wasn't here to greet you when you came in.

I was only told this morning that you were coming, but when I heard, I was so excited I about fell out of my sun salutation.

We've been super-swamped since Dr. de Angelis up and left us.

Yes, I heard the clinic's been having some bad luck.

Bad luck?

Patients dying? In strange and unusual ways?

Oh, Gaia help us, it's been so awful.

Dr. Hope's been super emotional about it... though that could have more to do with her recent divorce.

Dr. Foster is kind of in denial. And Dr. Palmer is taking it the hardest.

He's our regression therapist.

What about Dr. Nemo and Dr. Bob?

Oh... [laughing]

This is Dr. Nemo. And Dr. Bob is our resident kitty.

He usually hangs out in Dr. Palmer's office.

Oh, well, I should let you get back to work.

Actually, it is the other way around.

Your eleven o'clock is here. Good luck!

So, Connor... how do you feel about what Manny just said?


I mean, I do not use my job as an excuse to avoid sex.

So you had to drive to the hospital at 10:30 last night?

For bloodwork. That saves people.

You're a dermatologist.

So, Connor, you're a Doctor... that's very important stuff. But Manny here has certain needs.

You're talking about sex, aren't you?

Which, by the way, we're having all the time.

Oh, I'm sorry...

Is that dermatology speak for hardly ever?

How many times a week are you having sex?

Three times!

Three... times...

That's it?!


How do you survive?

Are you taking his side?

Just let her speak...

Where'd you go to school again?

I have an impact statement I'd like to read...

Oh brother...

Ok, wait! Wait... let me just try something here.

Look at each other.

These are the faces that you fell in love with.

These are the bodies... that need to express themselves.

That are longing for each other.

Aching... for each other.

Oh... wait...

Guys! No! Not here...

Guys, not here! No...

We can be home in 5 minutes...

Ten if we pick up whipped cream...

Tabitha, I'm going for lunch!

You know what I'm craving?

A really nice back massage?


Bo, it's just... I'm just so busy...

Are you using work as an avoidance technique?

Where's that coming from?

It's just, one of my patients at the clinic was talking about it...

Your patients?

[laughing] You're taking patients?

Yeah! I have to say, this whole Doctor thing isn't as hard as I thought it'd be.

Although I should probably crack a book or two.

Yeah, yeah... maybe I can help. Actually...

We have the basics... Jung, Freud.

And then there's of course Masters and Johnson.

You'll also want to review Kinsey.


Do we have a problem here?

Bo, masquerading as a therapist is a serious ethical offense.

Not to mention the fact you're completely unqualified.

Oh... I see. So, you think I lack the intellectual whatchamacallit to pull off this fake doctor crap.

You're not gonna learn how to do it from a book in an hour.

I suppose I need 8 billion hours looking through telescopes, like you!

They're microscopes! And I guess being a Doctor would look easy to somebody who never even finished High School...


Bo, I didn't mean that.

Look at the time. I have to go.

I have clients.

In the dream, I work for the w*r office,
and it's my job to buy the country's submarines.

Go on.

So, there's submarines from all over the world.

There's a huge Brazilian sub... it's packed with naval officers.

And then there's a French sub... it comes with a heat-seeking m*ssile and a gourmet kitchen.

And then there's my husband.

Your husband's on a submarine?

My husband is a submarine.

But, he's a little dinky and his periscope's a little rusty...

So, when it comes time to choose...


Well, I choose the Brazilian sub and I buy the French sub.

I buy and I buy and I buy, and then...

And your husband?

I put him on layaway.

What do you think that means?


Leave the coffee table alone, Rolly. Dr. Palmer will be in soon.

You said the bathroom was just down the hall?


They call me Captain Humongous.

I'm sure they do.

This hand can stop a moving car dead in its tracks.



Hey, Dr. Bob.


Dr. Palmer...

I, um... I was just about to leave you a note.


Yes, I'm Dr. Helen Green.

I'm thrilled to be joining everyone here at the Better Way, but I have to admit, I'm a little rusty on my regression therapy.

And I was hoping to review the fundamentals.

I would be delighted.

Oh... thank you.

I know Bo's got a lot of stuff going on, but Kenzi's got a lot of stuff too!

Kenzi's got butt-loads of stuff.

Hale, I gotta unload 'cause I might've done something that's coming back at me in a big, yucky way.


Sorry, what do you gotta unload out of your butt?

Okay, I'm listening... what's up?

Okay, so you remember a couple of months back when la merde was hitting la fan?

Well, I sort of got comfy with a chainsaw and I went to see...

[phone rings]


An apology letter?

How was I supposed to know I couldn't look him in the feet?

That's where his eyes are!

Yeah, fine... just put it on the list.

Of the million things I gotta do...

Anyway, I got all power-hungry with a power tool and I...

Little mama, I'm up to my moonshine here in Ash biz.

Can we do lunch Friday?


Yeah, I have a mega appointment I have to prep for in... thirty minutes.

I guess... Wait, is that what you're wearing?

Yeah. Why?

Dude, you are the leader of the Light Fae, hello?

You need to start dressing like the leader of the Light Fae. Okay?

The sports coat is like waaaay caj.

And the shoes, I can't even talk about the shoes.

Obviously you need a stylist.

Uh huh...

And I suppose you're just the fly-girl to do it, huh?

Why, Mr. Ash...

I'd be delighted! I have so many ideas.

I'm thinking like, silk ties and tailored suits.

Your basic Ocean's Eleven special...

Ok, ok, ok, ok... just don't go too crazy, huh?

The Ash has his own black platinum?

Honey, the black platinum ain't got nothing on that.

Thank you! Thank you!


You will not regret this.

How do we feel about Ascots...?

So, you hypnotize your patients.

Well, only to help them access the repressed memories that impact negatively on their everyday lives.

I like to think that some things are best left forgotten.

But some of our most treasured memories and dreams are repressed.

That's strange... Rolly never misses an appointment.

You know, I think I might have his cell number somewhere.

And where did you go, Tabitha?


Rolly, stop!

I'm Captain Humongous! Able to stop cars with one hand...

Ugh! lift thousands of pounds... and take anybody out with one punch...

The only thing you're going to do is hurt yourself.

See, you've already got a cut.

It is the Devilish super-villain and his cavalcade of weaponized vehicles.

Or not.




It's okay... I'm okay, go...

Come on...

[tires screeching]

Bo: That should slow you down for a bit...



It's not what it looks like...

Something's pushing the patients over the edge, but it's not me.

So you are Fae.

A Mayan Ixtab.

A su1c1de Fae.

Sounds like a confession to me...

God... stop moving... you're so bendy!

Twelve years of yoga!

And a lifetime of k*lling!

Not anymore...

Please, don't hurt me. I'm in therapy!

So, why are you here?

I can't help but feed off their remains.

I mean, they're right there, and I'm so hungry...

You wouldn't understand.

Oh, you'd be surprised.

Please, I'm telling you the truth.

Why don't you tell it to the Fae cops that I'm calling?


I'm sorry!

Rolly... come on, baby... come on...


Oh, meme on...

Oh, God...


It's a good thing we were able to trace your cellphone.

I'm fine.

Really? You let an Ixtab get away.

That's not like you, Bo.

Yeah, aren't you supposed to be unbeatable or something?

At least we got an ID on the k*ller.

I'm not so sure about that.

She's a su1c1de Fae.

Who's in therapy!

Besides, none of these victims are committing su1c1de.

Splitting hairs. It's like Occam's beard-trimmer...



The simplest solution is usually the right one.

Once we track this Mayan honey down, slap some steel on her wrists, this case will be closed.

I don't know what I like about her more: her warmth or her charm.


You need to refuel.

Don't worry.

I'm on it.

I'm sorry about earlier.

Oh, me too. This whole case has me on edge.

You know that I think you're smart?


And funny...


And beautiful.

I think your su1c1de Fae is innocent.


The tightrope walker had a complete depletion of serotonin and endorphins in his body.

Well, that's unusual, isn't it?

The fall alone would have caused a spike in adrenaline. He had none.

Something is getting these victims excited and then feeding off their bursts of adrenaline.

Not the usual despair that would satisfy a su1c1de Fae.


Why, Doctor... I think you've just reopened this case.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Absolutely.

I can't believe you are so close-minded.

And I can't believe you suddenly think you grew a badge!

We need to investigate the clinic further!

What we need is to locate our annoying little Ixtab.

She didn't do this.

Ugh... you are clearly out of your mind.


Help me out here, dude.

I think we need to hear Bo out.

Even if Tabitha is culpable, she most likely has a partner.

Like who?

Dr. Palmer hypnotizes patients during his regression therapy.

What if he's hypnotizing them into performing these deadly acts.

You think he's Fae?

I don't know.

But both Lloyd and Rolly were his patients, and what about those articles I found on his desk?

I'm sorry, do I hear a plan in here anywhere?

We send someone in undercover.

Let's see what really goes on during one of his sessions.

All right... all right, I'll do it.

Actually, I was thinking of someone who can sense Fae.

It's worth a try.


Can I talk to you for a minute? Privately?

What's going on?

You tell me.

Dyson, I really don't have the energy to play mind-reader with you right now...




Wait... please...

Bo, you're bleeding.

It's just a bruise.

Internally! This is serious.

I'm fine.

You could die. Aren't you feeding?

Of course...

On what, a block of wood?

I'm with Lauren.



Only Lauren.

Are you crazy?

I am monogamous.

No, you're a Succubus.

You can't sustain yourself on one human alone.

You need to feed!

No, I can't... I can't...

I can't...

Hey, hey...

Look, there are no strings here. No feelings.

It's either me or an ambulance. I'm not kidding.

No feelings...


Hale! I just need two seconds of your time.

Oh! Sick outfit. Very Gaga-esque.

Ok, I got this Australian wool and it is on sale, but only for today...

This is not the time.

If there's anything I've learned from Tim Gunn, it's that it's always time for fashion.



No! Ambassador Brynhildr! Ambassador...

We were in the middle of something!

Looked like a whole lotta nothing to me.

The Ambassador was conferring with her ancestors!

You mean like a conference call with dead people?

It requires silence. Pure silence!

How's a girl supposed to know that?

Just put a sock on the door or something...

This isn't Spring Break in Cancun!

My life hasn't exactly been mojitos and sandy beaches.

That's what I've been trying to tell you.

I gotta fix this mess.

Mr. Dyson? Are you all right?

Kind of... Um...

You know, I actually think I do need a little help emotionally, Doc.

[cat hissing, meowing]

Sorry about that. Dr. Bob is usually so friendly.


Must be my dogs. I have dogs.



No... I smell layers, um... chemical compounds, uh... into vanilla.

Oh... oh, gosh, is it the incense?

The candles? The cat litter?


I must say, you have a remarkable sense of smell.

It's usually a little more remarkable actually.

Well... shall we begin?


Your arms and legs feel heavy.

You slip deeper and deeper into a relaxed state.

Deeper and deeper.

Now, I want you to reach way back into your earliest childhood.

Remember that time of endless possibilities and idyllic dreams.

I want you to think about one of those dreams.

Focus on it. Become it.

Dyson: It was amazing.

I was grounded, but like energized.

It felt like I was given a new lease on life.

And a nick on your neck.

Yeah, it's just shaving or something...

During this session you didn't smell Fae?

At first I thought I smelled something.

But there was too many scents in the air.

There was incense and candles and kitty litter.

The diatomaceous silica in the litter could have clouded Dyson's senses.

Seriously? Your kryptonite is kitty litter?


Palmer did put you in a hypnotic trance.

He could have convinced you that he's not Fae.

No... I remember everything, Trick.

[phone ringing]

He brought me back to my earliest childhood memories.

It's Tamsin... there's another victim.

And if Dyson was with Palmer...

Then it looks like Tabitha could be our k*ller after all.

Tamsin: Well... hate to say I told you so.

There's a lot of things I'm sure you hate.

That's not one of them.

Okay, the victim drowned. Witnesses say she dove into the middle of the lake but apparently could not swim.

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, just this shirt's a little tight.

Well, try to keep it on?

Some people pulled her to shore.

Hey, isn't that...


Is that a mermaid costume?

Well, it looks like she's not our k*ller after all.

Told you so.


So we have a dead mermaid, a dead tightrope walker, and an almost dead superhero...

Does anyone else sense a pattern here?

It's got to be Palmer, our resident hypnotist.

No, no, the guy is not Fae.

You said you couldn't tell if he was Fae.


Bless you.

No, Palmer might be a Rakshasa.

An Indonesian illusionist and shapeshifter.

It can only be k*lled with lead.

So, it would probably be fairly easy for him to change his form into say...

...a friendly therapist.

And make people act out crazy stunts that get them k*lled.

People should be allowed their dreams.

[phone ringing]

Dal Riata.

He did what??

No... I'll take care of it.

Excuse me.

I say we go question Palmer.

Right behind you.

No, no... he's not gonna talk if we all come down on him like this.

You got a better plan?

Let me go, see if I can sniff something out.

Well, maybe I should come with.

It's better if I go alone. Him and I have a rapport.

I don't know...
[phone ringing]

Hey, Lauren...

Yeah, sure, I can come right over.

There's something I gotta talk to you about too.

Ambassador Brynhildr only comes out of her turret once every four months.

We cannot let her leave without approval from her ancestors about the Dyson/Tamsin trial program!

What the hell happened?

We were interrupted. It's not that big a deal.

You know how Kenzi just bursts in on things...

Kenzi?! What was Kenzi doing here during such an important engagement?

She's my...

[under breath] stylist.

What was that?


She's my stylist.

I told her she could be my stylist.

You are The Ash now.

And not quite the horse everyone's betting on.

Oh, whoa, look... I'm tired of taking it in the nads every time I turn around here.

Well, you wanted to make a difference. So, here's your chance.

But that means protecting the inner workings of this office! And your people!

It's just Kenzi. Come on.

We all love Kenzi.

But make no mistake... she's not one of us.

That's harsh.

Nobody said this would be easy.

So what do I do?

You step up.

You do what you have to do.

Even if it's more than you can bear.

Lauren, hey...


I need to talk to you about something.

It's, uh, going to be hard to hear...

Come... look...

I've been pouring over the photos you brought me: Tabitha, the tightrope walker...


Look here.

And here.

They have the same wound.

That continues to bleed after rigor mortis.

Well, that's not possible, is it?

No. I think that's how the Fae enters the victims and how it continues to feed off them.

You know what I'm thinking?


That's not exactly where I was going.

Palmer must be the Rakshasa.

He hypnotizes his patients into acting out childhood fantasies then feeds off their adrenaline until they die.

[phone ringing]

Dyson was hypnotized. He has the same wound.

[phone ringing]

What's up?

Dyson never made it back here. I can't reach him on his cell.

Meet me at the clinic.

I'm already on my way, sweetheart.

I'll talk to you later.

I don't know how you did it, Doc, but you made me see the truth.

You've made me see that I've been living a lie.

For years! For hundreds of years.


I made a wrong turn somewhere, but I can change that. I can see that.

I can go back now. I see that... I can go back!

Please... put that down.

Doc... you can help me. I'm ready.

I am ready to be what I was meant to be.

What is it with people and daggers?

They're very convincing.

Unlike you, which is strange considering you hypnotize people into k*lling themselves.

I don't. I swear.

We know you're a Rakshasa.

A what??

Look, I'm just some guy who took a couple of internet courses on hypnosis.

I don't even know what the hell I'm really doing.

Come on, Dr. Palmer, you're really not Fae?


Oh, great.

I shouldn't even be practicing.

I don't help people, and all of my patients end up dead.

Dyson's out there with a monster on his tail and all we've got to go on is Dr. Dipshit.

Did he say anything else? Anything at all.

Ranting mostly. About being the King of creatures.

Wanting to fly.

The roof...


You didn't leave the door open, did you?

Dr. Bob has a tendency to escape.

Dr. Bob...


Hey... buddy.

Whadaya say we go to the Dal, grab a couple fingers of the good stuff.

I'm not going back there!

Okay, um, look, if you're depressed or something...

I'm happier than I've ever been.

I had a dream once.

And I'm going to make that dream come true.

Jeez, if you wanted to sleep with me, you didn't have to get on a ledge to get my attention.

I was born into a family of shapeshifters.

But I was meant to be a Griffin.

Okay, I'm warning you... do not unwrap the wang.

I can't be grounded anymore!

I need to fly. I need to be free.

Where's Dr. Bob?!

Thank goodness you're here. I am so bad at this shit.

The cat... have you seen Palmer's cat?

Forget the cat. You talk Manimal down over here and I'll go after Rakshasa.

Dr. Bob is the Rakshasa.

He feeds off the adrenaline rush his victims when they live out their childhood dream.

You've got your work cut out for you, because this one wants to be half lion, half eagle and full assh*le.

Here, kitty-kitty...



I'm so glad you're here to see my transformation.

Into a Griffin?

I grew up hearing about them. A creature of strength and magnificence!

I wanted to be them so badly.

You are strong and magnificent. You are a wolf.

Loved by so many people.

Not by you.

I got it!

How do I k*ll this thing again?

With lead!


How much lead are we talking here?

Dyson... you are the wolf.

Strong, fast, fierce.

But my dream...

It was the dream of a child.

Your wolf is the dream of a man.

A man that we all love.

Come on...



Tamsin! Watch out!

Don't worry your pretty little head.

I got this.

This should do it.

[monster screeching]

All right... let's get tanked.

Come on...

How you holding up?

Well, I'm gonna be avoiding rooftops for a while, you can count on that.


But this whole thing, it's made me realize that I have been neglecting my wolf.

So, more howling at the moon then?

More of everything.

And how are you?

I am good as new.

Dyson, what happened between us... it can't happen again.

You can't survive off of Lauren alone.

And I will talk to her about that, but... you and me... with our history...

I mean, obviously you can't feel anything anymore, but...

It's still hurtful... to Lauren.

You understand... right?

Of course I do.

I knew you would.



Damn... that girl really gets to you, huh?

I'll tell you what... how about I buy us a pitcher and you can tell me all about it. 'Kay?


So, what, you're just going to sit here brooding?

No. We're going out.

And we're going to tear this town apart.

I know just the place. Except it might be a little rough for a delicate flower such as yourself.

But the women are hot and the drinks are cold.

Sounds perfect. You buying?

Only if you're a good little boy. Are you?

No. I'm a very, very bad wolf.

Good answer. Let's go.

Uh... you must be new here. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Kenzi.

Stylist extraordinnaire and besties with The Ash.

Dude... stop Ash-blocking the Kenz.


Hale, please... I need to talk to you!

It's serious! Some shit got spilled on me!

Dyson should come see me as soon as he can.

I want to make sure the Rakshasa's wound heals properly.

There's no need. All better now.

Well, there's only a few things that can heal a Rakshasa's wound and...


Lauren, I am so so sorry. I was bleeding internally.

Wow... and here I thought you were just playing at being a Doctor.

I wasn't healing and he was there.

And there were no feelings for anyone. And I regretted it immediately.

And I should have come and talked to you. And please, say something.


If this is you angry, I need to tell you about the time I borrowed your favourite pair of earrings and lost one of them.

I love you.

I love you too.

But being a Doctor, I know I'm not enough for you.

No, don't say that.

You're a Succubus. Bo.

And we both tried to pretend that it wouldn't be an issue, but it is.

And for some reason, the sh*ts aren't working anymore, and...


So... you have to start feeding... off others.

And you're okay with that?


I have to be.

But, I think that we should... make some ground rules.

Of course. Anything.

For starters...

No Dyson.

I promise.

♪ ...we started again, ♪
♪ we started over. ♪
♪ Whoaa, ooo, ooo, oohh ♪
♪ We started over... ♪

I promise.

Bo... Bo, please call me back. Like ASAP...

I'm just... I'm really freaking out, okay?

What are you? And why won't you go away?

[tense music]




