01x03 - Base

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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01x03 - Base

Post by bunniefuu »


Here's what happened on

the last Transformers Armada.

Leave these kids out of

our battle or face my wrath.

Oh, you dare to thr*aten me,

Optimus Prime?

I welcome your wrath,

because it pales in comparison

to what I have in store for you.

I intend to crush you!

And that includes

your little friends.

( laughing )

( Megatron growling )

( grunting )

Listen up, kids.

It's time to make a run for it.


And that's exactly what we did.

You see,

the w*r between the Autobots

and the Decepticons

was just starting to heat up.

And at first, we didn't wanna

get in the middle of it.

So my friends Alexis, Carlos

and I ran for cover

while the battle of the bots

was about to begin.

My name's Rad, and stick around

for another episode

of Transformers Armada.

( Transformers theme playing )

♪ Transformers ♪


Enemy at o'clock low!


Why don't you take your

little toys back home, Megatron?


Yee-haw! Let the games begin!

( Optimus grunting )

Oh, no, he's hit!

You okay, sir?


Time to finish them off

for good.

( both groaning )


Care to surrender, my friend?


And miss all this fun?

I see you still have

a sense of humor.

Well, Leader One

will take care of that.

Hey, look, he has a Mini-Con.

You're right.

( beeping )

And it looks like Megatron

has already brainwashed him.



A little added firepower.


( grunting )

( grunts )

Ha, ha. You missed.

Laugh now, but that is only

a taste of my power.

And when I'm good and ready,

you will not know what hit you.

( laughing )

Aw, man. I can't believe

how much that puny Mini-Con

jacked up his power.

Yeah, no kidding.

Don't you get it?

That's the reason they're

all fighting to control them.

( Megatron laughing )

Now I shall lead the Decepticons

to victory,

and the planet Cybertron

will be all mine.

( laughing )

It's time to turn it up.

( grunts )

( all gasp )

Oh, no, it's a landslide!

Hang on!

ALL: Aah!

Hot Shot! Are you all right?

I'm A-okay.

And check this out, chief.

They're clean as a whistle.

Excuse me, Hot Shot.

But would you please quit

trying to hog all the glory?

What happened to Megatron?


Hey, guys.

Take a look over there, quick.

BOTH: Huh?

( grunting )


Megatron! Are you all right?

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Now go and destroy

that obnoxious Optimus Prime.

Yes, sir.

( thudding then both gasp )

Out of my way.

( grunting )

Time to settle this

once and for all, Megatron.

Come on.

Give it your best shot.

( both grunting )

( both gasp )

( all gasp )

Hot Shot, transform!

Red Alert, transform!


( grunting )

( grunts )

( gasps )


( grunting )

Ah, yes. Now I find out

they're all incompetent.

Time to take matters

into my own hands.



They've all retreated, sir.


And we're going after them.



RAD: Would you hurry up already?

I'm trying.

Ready or not, here I come!

( High Wire beeping )

( Cyclonus laughing )

( both screaming )

Heh, heh.

Oh, I do love surprises.

Gotta run.

Aw, man,

that guy burns me up.

( dramatic theme playing )

( Megatron grunting )

This is taking far too long.



The Earthlings have uncovered

more Mini-Cons, sir.


Excellent news, Cyclonus.


Oh, I knew you'd be pleased.


Oh, trust me, I'm very pleased.

( both chuckling )

Come on, boys,

we've got work to do.


Yes, sir.

( upbeat theme plays )

I'm sure Cyclonus reported

your little discovery,

which can only mean

one thing.

Megatron is on his way back.


But what does he want

with us anyway?

All we did

was find the Mini-Cons.

( beeping )


I wish I had an answer for you,

but I don't.

You know this whole thing

happened totally by accident.

Carlos and me

were just checking out

this dumb old cave

when I saw that glowing plate.


Please, Rad,

be careful, okay?

What is it?



I don't know,

but it looks radioactive to me.

( Rad chuckles )

( Rad screaming )

( screaming )

( both screaming )

( panting )

Come on, Rad, let's high tail it

out of here! Huh?


Boy, the whole place lit up

like a Christmas tree.

I guess somehow

when I picked up that plate,

it caused the Mini-Cons

to come out of hibernation

or something.

( Transformers theme playing )

Believe me, Optimus,

I never would have touched it

if I'd a known

it'd start a w*r.


don't blame yourself.

We knew

it was only a matter of time

before someone discovered

the Mini-Cons.

I suppose we were

living on borrowed time,

but at the very moment

you picked up that plate,

we received the signal

in our Cybertron headquarters.

Immediately I dispatched

my most elite force

to where we were receiving

the signal from.

It was a matter of urgency

that we arrive

before the Mini-Cons

fell into the hands

of our archrivals,

the evil Decepticons.


they too received the signal,

and now our battle

has been renewed.


Well, I suppose

we should introduce ourselves.

My name is Alexis,

and this is Carlos and Rad.

I am Optimus Prime,

leader of the Autobots.

And our mission is simple:

To destroy the Decepticons

before they can capture

all the Mini-Cons.

Well, if you guys need

anything at all,

you can count on us.

Yeah, and we owe you bigtime

because you've saved

our lives twice.

And we're not afraid

to get our hands dirty either.

I appreciate

your generosity,

but this is our fight

and we must see it through


But I'm the one who kind of

started this whole mess,

so I'm here for you.

I appreciate that.

Now, allow my men

to introduce themselves.

My name is Red Alert.

And you can call me Hot Shot,

because that's what I am

and I don't take any prisoners.

Aw, man,

you guys are wicked cool,

especially the way

you can transform like that.

Way cooler

than those other dudes.


So, what's the deal

with the Mini-Cons?

When Megatron hooked one on,

it seemed

he became more powerful.

Precisely. The Mini-Cons

are the pawns in our battle.

Whoever possesses them

has the upper hand

and is sure

to go on to victory.

When we first received

the transmission

that the Mini-Cons

had been revived here on Earth,

our mission was to be the first

to gain possession of them

and avoid an all-out w*r.


So the Decepticons wanna use

the Mini-Cons

to gain power, right?

Isn't that what you want too?

Yes, but we treat the Mini-Cons

as equals, see?

( Sureshock beeping )

Well, whatever he said,

it sure looks

like those little guys

aren't afraid of you.

To the Decepticons,

they are nothing but slaves.

( High Wire beeping )



( beeping )

I think I understand him.

It sounded like

he was asking

if you guys were just gonna

use them as weapons too.

The Autobots are peaceful,

and when the w*r is over,

the Mini-Cons shall be free.

They helped build our cities

and our industries on Cybertron.

They were built and designed

to be workers,

but never slaves.

Let us help you.

We'll do anything you want.

What do you say?

I told you before,

this is our fight.

It doesn't involve you.

Like we said, it does,

because we're the ones

who opened up the Pandora's box

that started all this.

And I know we can help you

beat those freaks.

Not to mention

Rad's the only one around

who seems to understand

what the Mini-Cons are saying.

Isn't that right, you guys?



Hey, Alexis,

I was only guessing

at what they were saying,

that's all.

Yeah, he was just messing

with your head, Alexis.

Like you woke up one day

and could understand Mini-Con.

Don't you dare

mock me!

As a matter of fact,

I seem to remember you guys

practically begging me

to come

on your little

mountain adventure.

But did I wanna be seen

with a bunch of losers?


Hey, we were just joking.

We're like

the Three Musketeers, girl.

All for one

and one for all.

( Hot Shot gasps )

( all laughing )

What's wrong?

You look confused.


Yes, I suppose I am.



You punched each other

with your fist

and yet you found humor

in it.

Yeah, it's what we do

here on Earth.

It's kind of like a sign

of friendship.

All right. Then count me in.

( all gasp )

Sorry, I just wanted

to slap fists with you.

OPTIMUS: Hot Shot.


( thud )

You know, I could learn

to like this Earth custom.

( thudding )

Dude, I just hope

they don't hurt each other.

( metal clanks )

Men, all for one

and one for all!

( thudding )

( Autobots laughing )

( Transformers theme playing )

♪ Transformers ♪

( upbeat theme playing )


I got game, and you are

going down, little boy.

You'll never get past me.

Come on, what do you got?

Wanna put money on that, pal?

I'm open, I'm open!

( groans )

Hey, come back here!

I intercepted that pass,

so it's our ball, you creep!

You're right, Fred,

it's not my ball.

Here, Alexis!

( grunting )


Mine! Ugh!

( grunting )

All right!

Next time, use your hands

and not your face.

I'm sorry.


Yes! That's the third time

in a row

we kicked their butts!

( sighs )


So where were you guys

when the earthquake hit, huh?


What are you guys talking about?


Hmm, that's news to me.

I don't know. Maybe we were

sleeping or something.

Don't play dumb, all right?

We saw your bikes

at the cave, Rad.

Yep. You're right, Billy.

We were at the cave.

But Rad and me were just there

having a little picnic.

We never noticed

any earthquake.


if there was an earthquake,

it would have been recorded

at the research station

and we would have heard about it

on the radio.

My dad works up there,

and he said that they had some

pretty weird seismic readings

that afternoon.

Well, maybe you're right.

But it's more likely they had

some kind of computer glitch

or something, that's all.



( upbeat theme playing )

BOTH ( in unison ):

Aw, man, would you check out

that sweet ride!

Yeah, it was a birthday present

from my grandma on the coast.

As a matter of fact,

I just put it together myself

this morning.

That is one wicked BMX.


It's the only one like it

in the world.

No kidding. I've been

to all the BMX websites,

and I've never seen a bike

even close to that one.

It's totally original.

CARLOS: Hey, sorry, Fred...


but we gotta run.

Hey, so where

you guys going?

Check that skateboard.


You mean this old thing?

Aw, it was my dad's

way back in the ' 's.

It's just

a hunk of plastic.


Hey, Carlos,

you coming or what?

I'm right behind you!

Later, dudes.



They're up to something,

and I'm gonna find out what.

( Rad laughs then whoops )


Yeah! Unh!

Those two

make me so mad.

So, Billy, you got some kind

of plan cooked up?

Of course. Only an idiot

wouldn't have a plan, you moron.

FRED: Who you calling moron?

Oh, boy.


I'm calling you a moron.

That's what you are.


I am totally surrounded

by weirdoes. Ugh!


You're a lousy

basketball player.

You're bad.

Hmm, Alexis.

Ah. In our little spat,

I almost forgot about her.

What's she got to do

with anything?


( chuckles )

Man, that was a close one

with Billy, huh, Rad?

Yeah. But they bought it

hook, line and sinker.

( Carlos & Rad laugh )

Very funny, you guys,

but I hope you realize you just

about blew it back there.

Aw, chill out, Alexis.

They bought it.


And besides,

what are they gonna do?

They could open up

their big mouths

and tell everyone what we know,

that's what.

It's supposed to be our secret,


CARLOS: Yeah, whatever, Alexis.

RAD: Don't sweat it, Alexis.


Aw, when will you guys

ever learn?

( dramatic theme playing )


It's only a matter of time

before we defeat

those useless Autobots

and I become the supreme leader

of Cybertron.

And I'll be

your right hand bot.


That's my job, Starscream!

You wanna piece of me, punk?

Let's do it!

( upbeat theme playing )


You are so history! Huh?

( Demolisher grunting )

( both grunting )


( groaning )

( groaning )

Heh, heh. I'm sorry,

but I think you lose

this one.


That's enough!


Ah! Megatron!

Quit wasting your energy.

I do not need my men fighting

amongst themselves, thank you.

He started it!


Stop wasting time

with frivolous play fights.

( grunting )


And when Demolisher said

he was your right-hand man,

I lost it, Megatron.

Because we all know

I'm next in line.


Enough of your petty bickering.


But I was just trying--


Did I not make myself clear

the first time?

For us to win this w*r,

we must each supplement

our power with a Mini-Con.

So far, Starscream,

you have not yet captured

your own.

( grunts )

Without their power,

we will be deadlocked in battle

with the Autobots forever.

So we must search out

all Mini-Cons.

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunts )

( beeping )

( laughing )




Please say hello to your new

little partner in crime.


Oh, thank you, Megatron.

Thank you so much.

MEGATRON: Starscream!



You know what you have to do.

Capture a Mini-Con.

And then we will be ready

to destroy the Autobots

once and for all.

What in the world

has been going on here, Fred?

Where's the cave?

Hey, take a look at this.


FRED: This is so weird.

It's like some giant bulldozer

came through here.

Yeah, but who in the world

could've done this?


You're asking me?

Wow, this place

is totally awesome .

Heh. You sound like you've never

been in a spaceship before.


It looks so high-tech.


Um, maybe that's because

it is a spaceship, Carlos?

Just ignore him.


This place is wicked sweet.

It's packed with computers.

It's like the world's

biggest candy store for geeks.


Well, that's what I said,

but they just made fun of me.


RAD: Huh?

I have something

I'd like to show you.

It is time.


What is that?


His name is LaserBeak.


Oh, wow, he's so cute.


And he's so tiny.

That is wicked.


His job is to ensure your safety

while we're here.


Hey, does that mean you'll

let us help you fight?

I didn't say that.

Your safety

is my responsibility.

( alarm blaring )


( beeping )

High Wire says

there are more Mini-Cons

who are coming online

out there.

The Decepticons

have been busy.


So, what are we gonna do?

I say it's time to do

some serious damage.


This is it.

I guess so.

Let's check it out, guys.


I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying,

but where are we going?

( alarm continues blaring )

( Transformers theme playing )

Incredible. Whoa.


It was true.

Mini-Cons were coming to life

all over the place,

and our only hope

was that the Autobots would be

the first to find them.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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