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03x01 - Caged Fae

Posted: 01/08/13 23:58
by bunniefuu
[sirens wailing]


I know, I know: What's a nice girl like me doing in a place like this, huh?



The face?? Really?



Only way you losers are getting in is if you grow a pair of double D's and change your name to "Do Me".





Go on with your bad selves. As for the rest of you... drinks are on me!

[crowd cheering]

[dramatic music]


Give it up, Succubus!

You've leave me breathless, Wolf.

As I recall, you used to like that.

I used to like a lot of silly things.


Is there any Fae law you haven't broken, in the last three weeks?

It's called "fun". Something you haven't been in a long, long time.

Bo, what did you do now??


[Bo laughing]

Your crime spree ends now!

[Bo laughing]

What do you say, Trick, huh? Should I beg for Sanctuary?

I'm not going to fall for that again. Not this time.


And here I thought I was your favourite.

I don't know who you are anymore.

I'm Bo, b*tches. And I'll be back.

[Bo laughing]

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years, searching while hiding...

...only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

3x01 - Caged Fae One pair of earrings, reported stolen from Cartier about a week ago.

A gold woman's watch. Also probably lifted.

And, um..


That one's all mine.

Thus lists the personal possessions of Bo Dennis.

Lineage, unknown. Genus, Succubi.

The unaligned Succubus. Don't you want an autograph?

Sweetheart, no one in here gives a shit.

Then what's with the peanut gallery?

They all like to watch the new gals go through... decontamination.

[prisoners cat-calling]

Hey, kid! You've got pretty eyes.

Thank you.

You must be Bo. I'm Sylvie.


And I hiccup when I'm nervous.

You don't have to be nervous around me.

Because you're innocent?

No. I did it. I robbed that bank.

I did stuff I haven't been caught for yet too.

What are you in for?

My family was starving. I stole some bread.

So you're Jean Valjean?

I'm... Sylvie? We just met?


I don't do well with small spaces. You been here long?

When I was a kid and I was acting up, my mother used to tease me and she used to thr*aten me saying she'd send me to Hecuba Prison.

Now I'm here, and she won't even open my letters.

Well, I barely know my mom.

Though this one time she did sleep with my boyfriend, then try to k*ll me.

Don't you have any kin waiting for you on the outside?

I've got friends that are more than family.

At least I did ... before this.

So what's the deal with the Femi-nazis?

The guards?



They're Amazons.

What like Wonder Woman?

Less super-heroic, more anti-male.

The Amazons refuse to fraternize with men... or take orders from them.

Not even the new Ash?

Especially not him.


Though once every five years... they search out males to breed with.

Nine months later, they celebrate the birth of their female babies.

What about the boys?

They abandon them in the woods. To live or die as they may.

So in summary: They're charming, maternal, and they carry tasers.

Dennis! Time for work detail.

Get lost, Jobina!

I brought your new nurse.

Put her on the table.

You want to examine her??

I need her history.

Well, it's a helluva sad story, Doc.

I've loved, I've lost, my dog done run away...

On the table. Now.

Don't you have a baton that needs polishing or something?

That was so bad-ass!

You're bad. You've been a bad, bad girl.

This is the best role play ever.

Wow! What is that smell?

Oh, I coated myself in the secretions of Skunk Ape.

To pass as Fae. I know, it's pungent...

It's brilliant.

I gotta admit, it's one of my better plans.

What... better than going undercover in a corrupt Fae prison run by a sadistic group of dude-hating Berthas?

The Amazons are a proud race of warrior Fae.

Where's your sense of sisterhood?

I think it was taken when I was strip-searched.

Hmm... Look...

Look at those gifts, crafted by the prisoners.

Dr. Evert loved roses.

Pretty crafty.

I guess you weren't the only girl that loved her.

It wasn't like that. She was my mentor ... and six-hundred years old.

I wouldn't have made it through my first year working for the Light Fae if it wasn't for her.

She never would've abandoned her prisoners.

They were her patients.

We'll find her, Lauren.

Keep this on you at all times, but keep it hidden.

It's only in case of emergencies.

A giant rock, this early in our relationship?

Are you saying you want a commitment?

Are you saying this is a relationship?

Hello, Warden.

I wanted to see our newest charge.


A Succubus is rare indeed ... and the unaligned Succubus...

Doesn't take kindly to pervy authority figures.

Fae prisoners at Hecuba can be as savage as animals.

The Doctor is not a prisoner...

My guards know that it takes a strong hand to maintain order.

That's why they'd rather die... than betray their loyalty ... to me.

I'm re-assigning this prisoner.

Uh, she has medical training. I need her here, Warden...

And I want her.

To clean my office.

I've got a very special way I like it done, too.

And a special uniform.

See you later, Stinky.

Oh... this better work.

Kenzi: This will never work!!

Kenzi... you can't go in there...

You can't stop me, Trick! Your troll can't stop me!

I'm calling a meeting, no questions Ash-ked!!

You need to fix this. You're The Ash now!

That's right, Little Mama...

I am.

I didn't like it, but I went along with your kookalabonza scheme.

Pretended Bo had committed all those crimes.

Gone rogue.

I taught her how to be a mighty convincing thief, too.

Your stupid ass plan means my best friend's tits deep in enemy territory with nobody to protect her except...


Dr. Lewis is smart and resourceful.

Oh, yeah? When shit gets real, what is she gonna do?

"Science" people to death?

When it comes to crisis, Lauren is no slouch.

Crisis? There's already a crisis at the prison?!

Dyson: Well played, Trick.

Hale... you are The Ash now.

You have to pull Bo out of there.

The Acting Ash.

The Amazons won't listen to me.

Because of your stupid penis?

I prefer "untested leadership".

I don't want to go up the chain of command, get one of the female Elders to intervene.

Exposing corruption at Hecuba is the perfect opportunity for Hale to make a name for himself.

Yeah, I can think of some choice names for you both right now.

Wait a minute...

This clink's actually built on top of "get laid" lines...?

Ley lines ... Potent geothermal currents that strip the prisoners of their Fae powers.

So Bo's completely helpless in there.

Dyson: No.

Lauren slipped her a Sarsen Stone.

Made out of the same material as Stonehenge.

It counters the effects. The Amazon guards all carry them.

Hale... that's classified intel.

You're The Acting Ash. You don't know who could be listening.

You told me your old banquet room was impenetrable.

I said it was available.

You're the one who wanted more "access" to the people.

This place ain't accessible to anyone but Al Capone.

And even he'd think the Speakeasy vibe was a bit...


This gin joint was the swinging-est hootenanny in town.

Yeah ... one more quip like that and Trick'll outfit you in a pair of cement Pradas.

Hey, me and the flappers used to get geezed on wobbly pops.

My... condolescences.

Dyson: Hey. Come here...

The Garuda, Baba Yaga, the Lich...

Worst dinner party ever?

Funny. I'm just saying, Bo can handle herself.

Whatever this prison dishes at her, she can take it.

I just... I miss her.

Me too.

No kidding.


Warden: Very nice...

But I want you to scrub a little...


And I thought working retail was humiliating.

What a treat... see a Succubus in action.

In my office.

[dramatic music]

This is the latest sample. Is the subject ready for treatment?

She will be, soon enough.

Anything else?

How long you plan to keep doing this?

As long as I damn well please.

I'm sorry. I forgot my place.

Question me again and your place will be down below ... in solitary confinement.

You know that everything I do, I do to keep the Amazon strong.

Yes Warden.

Bo: Well, that's sweet. Love behind bars.

A week ago, the blonde beat her lover with a bar.

What's her deal? I saw her working in the infirmary.

That's somebody you want to know. Jobina's got great connections.

She can get you just about anything for the right price.

Oh no... not Maeve.

She was gone so long, I thought she'd left for good.

She must've done something awful to get sent back.

Does that happen often?

It's gonna be different for me though.

In three days, I'm out, for good.

I don't care what they say.

What do they say?

Only way anyone really leaves Hecuba is in a body bag.


Sounds like sweet Sylvie thinks she's too good for this place, huh?

You don't think you're scum?

That you belong here? You'll be back.

Until then, I'll give you something to remember us by.

Why don't you pick on someone your own size?


Well, well, well...

You want a taste, Succubus?

[Bo laughing]

I thought you'd never ask.






[Bo laughing]

That was weird, right? Huh?

Warden's office. Now!

[tense music]

The Warden's office? Really?

This doesn't look like the Warden's office, ladies. Seriously...

[Bo laughing]

[water spraying]

See now, no prisoner's ever been strong enough to get the jump on Thraso.

I guess they broke the mold when they made me.


Well, maybe I will take a look for myself.


A Sarsen stone.

Well now, you couldn't have come by this on your own.

Golly, Warden, I saw something shiny in the yard and I had to have it for my rock collection...


So someone on the inside... helping you out.

By the time I find her...

...oh, she's going to be begging for a simple whipping.

I'm flattered.

But without that Succubus heat... it's just... wet.

Like you.

I guess I owe you a real one then.

Let's see how your kisses protect you now, huh?

Not her face! I want her pretty!

[Bo struggling]


Bo! Oh my god, what did they do to you?

I was just coming to find you...

Ah... Oh God...

Oh, no...

I'm okay, I'm okay. I'll heal...

Like a human, but I will heal.

The Sarsen stone...?

It's gone.

I couldn't just sit by and watch them beat the hell out of my cellmate.

No, that's just not your style, is it?

No, it's not. I protect the people that I care about.

Which is why I'm getting Hale to pull you out of here.

It's only a matter of time before the Warden figures out you're helping me.

What about Dr. Evert? Who's going to help her?

I found these... hidden in a secret compartment in her desk.

Dr. Evert's been injecting prisoners ... often rare species of Fae with a powerful vitamin cocktail.

Well, maybe she was just juicing them up... trying to give them some hope against the Amazons?

The injections were only given for a week, then the prisoners were released.

Half of them I can't track down and the other half...

The other half re-offended.

And when they do come back, Bo, they're completely broken.

This Maeve girl? Re-admitted this morning.

She can't speak.

It stands to reason that there was something in the injections that made the prisoners violent, or more prone to deviant behaviour, ensuring their return to Hecuba.

I just can't imagine Dr. Evert went along with any of this.

We don't know her reasoning, Lauren. Feelings aren't always black or white.

I know mine aren't.

Yeah, well, just once, I wish you could be sure.


Interesting. Um...

The Skunk Ape excretions seem to be jacking up my hormones.

I should get back to my cell...


Look... Lauren...

I get it.

You deserve more.

I have to find out what happened to her.

I have to stay here at Hecuba.

Well, then we need to move faster.

I've already submitted your request to The Ash for "medical supplies".

We're in Dyson's hands now.

Dyson's good.


You could do better.

You actually work with these humans every day, and you never even thought about eating one of them?

Not even this fat one?! Ah...!

You break my cover, then I will rip your balls off and sell them to a certain butcher we know.

Oh, and I thought we could do lunch.

I'm not hungry.

Come on, you've been to the clubhouse!

Kenzi's idea of groceries is freezies and Midol.

So leave.

Or what The Morrigan doesn't want her broken little toy back?

You got a partner now that Hale's The Ash?

I work better alone.

Ah, see, a partner might've helped you work out the not-so-secret dealio 'bout your Light Fae's detention center for broken birds.

What do you know about Hecuba?

Oh, you mean, the maximum security sisters that supposedly get released?

Yeah, there's no actual record of them re-entering society.

They do their time and then... poo.

Bo's been in there for days and you didn't think to tell me this earlier?

Sounds more like lunch talk to me.


I could be your new partner! Huh?

With the big stick and the handcuffs, oo ya...

Hey! Phone call, Dyson. Something about a prison Doctor?

That your boss? Put in a good word for me, mate.

I got my own uniform.


I can't believe you took a beating for me.

Lay low when I'm gone. Ok?

So this is goodbye.

Whatever people say about you, Bo...

I know deep down, you're not all bad.

Don't you let me see your face again okay? Not in here.

Wild warlocks couldn't make me re-offend.

Scout's honor.


Yo! Is that it?

Yup. Here it is.

Took him long enough.

Well, his best chemist is behind bars.

Wish I was going with you.

You know the drill. No wangs allowed.

Face of an angel, voice of a poet.

Mm hmm.


How are you feeling?

Better. Thanks. And better than the Norn, I'd imagine.

You never did tell me what you did to her.

I did what I had to do to get you back in the game.

You gonna tell Bo you got your love back?

I'm still trying to figure that out.

You better hurry up, because someone else might snap up your girl.

Say, an extra hot human with legs to spare?

Think about it.


Kenzi Von Clare.

I'm Bo's honeybee and I'm here for some sugar.

But you're human.

Trust me: The shorter the lifespan, the deeper the quicksand.

Dennis! Your pet is here.


You wore your redneck wig.

And my Monster Truck thong.

Go method or go home. How you feeling?

Is anyone buying Lauren's lame cover as a Doctor?

Lauren is a Doctor, Kenzi.

Sure. When you coming home, Bo- bo?

I have to cut the crusts off my own sandwiches and Vex thinks my SpongeBob impression is "weak".

So Vex is still evil then.


I have missed you, Kenzi, I don't think I realized how much until right now.

It's only been a few days. You okay?

You get that rash checked out yet?

Yeah, nothing a bit slather of Polysporin won't fix.

Now speaking of, uh...

...oozing bodily fluids...

No touching!

I'll never wash these lips!

I'll be faithful ... this time.

Je t'adore!

Love you too, Kenz.

I'm almost done here.

Stay put. What's the freaking hold-up?

[dramatic music]

Never opened...



I thought you went home.

I am home, Bo.

And I made a family.


You're pregnant!


I just woke up... and voilĂ : I have my own apartment and a bun in the oven.

Everything's coming up Sylvie.

No, no......

We can't stay here. It is not safe.

I have to be good. I don't want to get sent back to jail.

I know, I know...

They're going to take it, Bo. They're waiting for him.

They're always watching.


Bo: Creepy prison nursery with observation deck.

Just when I think I've seen all things Fae...

Promise me you won't let them steal my baby.

I will not let that happen.

But you have to come with me.

What if they see us leaving?

A giant pregnant lady and a Succubus in a red jumpsuit?

I doubt they'll even notice, come on...

Let's go...




[water breaking]

He's coming.

He's, he...... he as in, the baby? As in now??



Okay, just hold that thought.

And hold that baby! Okay?

I know someone who can help... Let's go.



Come on... that's it, just breath...

Bo? What's that?

It ain't gruel.


It's impossible.

It's Fae!

Get me Sylvie's file. Quickly.


That's it, that's it... Okay...

What do I do? Huh?

Gather some towels? Put the kettle on?

Put on the kettle?

Lock the door.

Unless you want an audience of Amazons.

It's your last chance to leave, Jobina.

And let you scrub in?

You thought the speculum was salad tongs.

[groaning] Okay... It's alright, honey. Baby's coming fast.

That's good. Means it's a fighter.

Where's Bo??

I'm right here!

You're a Wanblee? I thought those were extinct.


You have got to be kidding me.

Wait... What's a Wanblee?

Extremely rare North American Fae with highly-developed folfactory senses.

What does this have to do with your pants?!

If the newborn Wanblee smells Skunk Ape, it will blow up like a party balloon.

That's graphic.

I have to detox, get rid of these secretions...

What... No, no... You'll expose yourself as human!

Then you'll protect me. You always do.

And I have to protect that baby.

Sylvie: Nooooo!

Save the lovin' 'til later.

That's how folks end up in this mess in the first place.

I'll lock the door...


Authoritative, right? You have the right to remain... my bitch.

Remember what I said about breaking my cover?

Hale's called a meeting.

He wants to know how our convicts are... victing.

All right, let me just grab my...

Is this a person??

Kenzi, it's not...

This "Evert" chick did not go quietly. Or in one piece.

The Dr. Evert, the former prison Doctor??

Oh, this is bad...

Kenzi, there's no reason to panic.

Unless of course, you're arranging Dr. Evert's funeral.

I mean, she'll have to be buried in several boxes.

I'm not waiting for whatever did this to do it to Bo.


Hey! Not that I'm not flattered by the attention...

She definitely wasn't pregnant a week ago.

I've never seen such an accelerated gestation period...

Sylvie: Ugh!!!

Contractions are 2 minutes apart, Doc!

You're human?

Knew you were too pretty to be a Skunk Ape.

Look, I need you to start pushing on three, okay?

One... two... three!


Good... again.


I can see the baby's head! The baby's crowning.

Is he cute?

Um, well, I mean, his head looks very... symmetrical. From here.

Oh, my God!

Take this towel!

Get ready to play catcher.

Wha... me?

It's the miracle of life.

Suck it up.

Okay, Sylvie, I need one more big push.

Okay? I know you can do this.



[baby crying]

Is he okay?

Oh, he's...

He's perfect.


He's a he! [laughing]

Oh, wow...

Oh, wow.

Isn't this amazing?

So amazing. You, you were amazing.

I always liked the name Ethan for a boy. Charlotte for a girl.

You have baby names? You want babies?

Absolutely. Don't you?

What'd you say we let the Mama take a look?

I'd love to...

[tense music]

Now hand over my baby.

Bo promised...

She promised nothing would happen to my baby.

Then nothing will.

You've been breeding prisoners.

Well, the adoption market for unusual Fae is quite lucrative.

Sylvie wasn't pregnant a couple of days ago.

That's what was in those canisters.

Some sort of magical sperm ... ew.

What kind of Fae can do that?

A Liderc. Trickster Fae capable of impregnating a host without detection.

The oblivious mother finds herself delivering his baby mere days later.

Then we wipe the mothers' memories, convince them they've re-offended out in the world...

When they never even left the prison.

Take my son.

Careful now...

Dr. Lewis insists that the Amazon are a proud and noble race.

Why would they go along with this?

Because I'm their leader!

What would the Amazons be without duty, without honour?

Nothing! I wouldn't, Doctor!

You smell that? And I just grazed her.

One more step and 9000 volts. We'll be having a BBQ.

At the behest of The Ash, I warn you...

You're a human. And she's not Light Fae.

Which means I can sell her baby to either side.

And I'll be damned if I'm going to lose a chance to breed a Succubus.


I would rather die.

You will.

After you've spawned.


Abort, abort!

Operation Chained Cooch is officially over.

Baby, you better sign or seal or spit on whatever you need to end this thing now.


We gotta get in there and pinch those broads!

Or, you know, better yet... knock 'em off.

Sorry... this place has that effect on me.


We found the body of the former prison Doctor...

And then Vex showed Kenzi the photos.

Yeah, you thought it was hilarious, didn't ya, darlin'?

I did get a call from the prison infirmary.

Figured it was a mis-dial. All I heard was...


Someone yelling.

I'm on it.

I'm coming.

I'm bored.

Wish I could get in on the action.

You're the new Ash.

You'll be missed, though... sir.

I have this sudden urge to don a Fedora and dance the Charleston.

And I do not dance the Charleston ... unless, of course, you want me to..?

My guards are disciplined, but they have a warrior's appetite.

They'll devour the human Doctor while you all watch.

You leave her out of this. You've got me.

Is that what happened to Dr. Evert?

She was going to tattle to The Ash about our little baby farm.

The prisoners had to watch her die too, to teach them a lesson in discretion.



You've got one shot, Succubus!



She's bluffing. She's powerless...

I knew that was a lot of stubble, even for an Amazon.

Your beloved leader is a MAN! He's a Liderc...

He's been impregnating the prisoners himself.

This is ridiculous!

You disposed of all the canisters down below.

You brought them in as decoys for the Amazons.

She'll say anything to save her human lover!



Wow. We're not the only things undercover at Hecuba.

I was doing those babies a favour!

My mother was an Amazon!

[Amazons growling]

I'm one of you!

I'm one of you!

I'm one of you!

[cell doors opening]


Time to go, "human lover".

I just hope Hale got my message.

I'm sure the cavalry's on their way.

Dr. Evert?

She must had to know what the Warden would do to her.

Why didn't she get out when she could?

Why didn't you? She couldn't leave her patients behind.

You felt it. You were right.

About everything...


It's time.

It's time?


I want to give this a real shot. Be together.

Life is too short.


Kenzi: Wait! The guards are...


It's all over.

Well, at least, Bo looks... chipper.

She looks happy.


You know, it's just about k*lled me denying you Sanctuary.

Well, that was the plan, Gramps.

Oh, don't call me that. Makes me feel so old.

So where is the fine Doc this evening?

She is home, resting. I'm going to go check on her later.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Oh, hey, Sylvie and her baby made it to her Mom's and they're going to call him "Beau".

All: Awwww...

Bo: Oh!

And she sent pics.

Bird. Bird boy.

Wanblees... get cuter after their first molting.

Bo: Well, even with all those feathers, he'll have a better upbringing than the Warden.

The Amazons tossed him aside but somehow, he survived.

He still wanted to be like them.

All Hale The new Ash!

See what I did there? Hale-Ash.

Never gets old.

No, never.

What's the latest on Hecuba?

Well, I've pardoned all but the most violent prisoners and shut it down.

Kenzi: Oh! That's my man.

You know, it's the first time I've enjoyed being The Ash.

The Acting Ash.

Acting like an Ash you can be proud of.

Hale! Wait up!

Well... I am off to see my girlfriend.

Best wishes to both of you.

Thank you.

Are you really all right? You went through a lot behind bars.

No powers, no privacy.

Like my mom.

Hundreds of years, being used by the Dark.

The same way that the Warden...

What do you mean?

My father was most certainly Dark.

But what if he was a monster?

What does that make me?

You are a lot of things, Bo. But you're not a monster.

[tense music]

