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00x05 - Sweetville Part 1

Posted: 08/16/23 04:36
by bunniefuu
♪ Dreamtopia ♪

♪ Where adventure never stops ♪

♪ Dreamtopia ♪

♪ It's just a sprinkle,
sparkle, hop ♪

♪ Dreamtopia ♪

♪ It's just a dream away ♪

[Honey barks]

[laughs] Honey,
I know you love lemonade,

but save room, 'cause any second
now we'll be in Sweetville!

Wow! I wonder what's going on?

The Sweetville Innovation

Where we show off all of our
new inventions and creations.

And everyone
gets to participate.

Better go. It's all
the way across the river.

Wait. Where?

The Lollipop Gardens,
of course!

-Hi, Chelsea. Hi, Honey.

Sugar Spun Fairy! Come quickly!

The Candy Bridge is broken!

We can't get to Lollipop Gardens
without the bridge!

Which means we won't be able to
have the Innovation Celebration.

It will take days to rebuild
the Candy Bridge!

And by then our sweet inventions
will get stepped on,

or melted, or...

We need a creative way to
solve this problem. Any ideas?

-Not me.

-Not a clue.
-Uh, no.

-I have an idea.
-Wait, aren't you...

Captain Snickerdoodle,
longtime resident of Sweetville.

I know exactly how
to get across that river.

We drink the entire river
and walk across.

Unfortunately, that's too much
lemonade for one village.

-But it was a good idea.
-It was a terrible idea.

And there are lots more
where that came from.

My tummy hurts!

[all] Oh! Ah!

[bubbles popping]

[all straining]

There, there! You tried!

I did not try!

You're not Captain

I am the Notto Prince!

And I destroyed
that bridge myself!

-[all gasp]
-So there wouldn't be
an Innovation Celebration.
