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03x00 - Confaedential (special)

Posted: 08/28/14 13:19
by bunniefuu
3x00 - Special Confaedential

Hi. I'm Jay Firestone and welcome to the set of our show "Lost Girl." We have a rare opportunity to talk to our cast about the first two seasons of the show, give you a bit of a refresher and we're going to tease you about what's coming up in season 3. Hi, guys.

Jay! Jay Firestone.

Thank you guys for this.

Well, we have to introduce some people to our show. I think the best way to do it is to do something we do quite regularly.

Moon each other. I'm so excited.

Before each episode, we do what in the industry is called a "read through." We sit down with the script and we see if the script works. But, before we even start that, we all introduce ourselves because there is always somebody new at the table.

So, since you guys are new at the table today, I'm going to run around, I'm going to have everybody introduce themselves like we always do.

I'm Rick Howland.

I play Trick.

I'm Zoie Palmer. I play Dr. Lauren Lewis.

I'm Anna Silk and I play Bo.

Kris Holden-Reid. Dyson.

Ksenia Solo. Kenzi.

K.C. Collins. Hailey.

All right, this show has probably been the most fun I've ever had, and it has been a wild couple of seasons. All of your characters have gone through pretty big arcs. Changes. A lot of drama.

Your lives have also changed a fair bit with the success of this show.

So, if it's OK, Anna, I'll start with you, but if we could go around the table, I'd love to know how your character's evolved and how it's affected you.

You know, Bo has affected me as much as I think I've affected her. You know, I've sort of learned along with Bo... that's been the gift of this character to me. It's been a very organic role because she just sort of started out very naive and grew from there and I kind of felt like I got to take that journey with her.

So, I feel like I probably give Bo a little bit more humanity and she makes me a tougher Anna in the real world.

How am I suppose to beat these guys?

You'll be faster, you'll be smarter. They are gonna underestimate you, so use that to your advantage.

I misjudged you. You got any other advice?

Don't get dead!

Dyson was a great challenge, you know. It's like the older character - you know, a thousand year old guy - and just trying to tap into some of the, you know, the faux wisdoms that I have learned throughout my life.

Just, yeah, pretend that I knew better.

Ksenia, it's a different role for you.

Yes. I've never played the comedic relief before, and I was terrified. Every episode I'm still terrified. Three years into it, I'm like, "I'm not going to be funny."

Did you bring home elves last night? I'm not judging, I just wanna know!

I think it was the great poet Ludacris who said regret is for suckers for suckers for suckers, regret is for suckers... bitch!


Ah, you know, with regards to Hale, I mean, obviously he started out as.

Totally awesome. Cool as can be.

He is the.Yeah, then what happened? Right? Then what happened? He's like that kid that grows up and you're like, "What happened?" He's...

Used to be so adorable.

I know what it's like hangin' with the Alpha dog. Still, I do alright. Lots of loose, leftover lovelies for the H-b*mb!

You know, he was a loveable type of character, and of course, season two, things kind of get a little rough on him and he kind of has to wolf out a little bit.

This is ridiculous. You don't understand!

No, this is our shot, Dad. To stop the petty grievances with each other and unite the clans, to fight the real threat.

Different role for you?

Yeah, very different role.

Normally, I like the difference between Trick and I, where I'm a little more kind of frenetic and talk with my hands, and what I learned from Trick, I think, is a better ability at keeping a secret.


Because I'm usually, like most actors, open books.

I've been an open book a lot of times in my life where I'm just blah, blah, blah, and Trick has really taught me, you know what, I don't have to say all those things.

Whoa. You were not sh1tting about the lightning part.

I try not to shit about things.

Zoie, super hot, super smart.

That's been a challenge. That's been a big, big, big challenge, but I've tried to rise to the occasion.

I think playing Lauren has been...

The biggest challenge has been the fact that I've learned along with the audience about her, and so there was a lot of times in season one where I didn't really know her motives either, and the connection with Bo and whether or not how sincere she was and that sort of thing, and for a long time I had to sort of walk the line on how to play her, which was frightening because I never really knew if it was the right choice, so it was kind of always a bit of a shot in the dark for a long time.

I didn't get advance scripts, so I didn't know if she was evil or not.

We have your best interests at heart.

We? Who's we?


Were you sent here?

Let me explain.

Were you sent here?

I'm not as cerebral as she is.

She's a really cerebral character, but it certainly has brought out the nerdy side of me, which I think I have in spades, actually.

If we can find the original source of infection, theoretically, I can use a sample to create an anti-toxin.

You guys have all had a lot of fan reactions on the streets, and I am quite stunned at how dedicated they are.

I always say that you cannot paint a picture of a Lost Girl fan.

You can't say exactly what a Lost Girl fan is because it's such a broad audience and everyone's so different.

People come up and say my grandfather loves your show, or we watch it with the whole family, or, you know, my girlfriend and I watch it. It's... I love that it's so diverse and dynamic enough to draw that many different kinds of people.

Chris, you had quite a wild time in the first two seasons with your own love interest in this show.

I sure did.

You fell in love with Bo, you then gave that up to save her, second season you were suffering a lot from that, you found an old girlfriend that got k*lled.


And you wonder why Dyson's so dour all the time.

But you jumped Hailey's sister at one point and she slugged you for it, and in the end you got your love back for Bo and you don't know what to do with it yet.

And here we thought we were just making light-hearted TV.

How did you handle all that roller-coaster ride for your own
emotions to that?

You know what? It was really fun.

Honestly, a lot of times in TV you just get trapped in doing the same thing all the time, and that was the lovely gift about season two, is that I got to go on an emotional journey with Dyson, I got to, like, he got to suffer, and how do you play not being able to feel love or losing your love for something.

I remember you saying that, too. At the end of season one, you were like, "How do you play the absence of something?"

You were really kind of wrestling with that.

Yeah, because you don't want to play apathetic, I don't feel anything, so I'm like an android. You need passion still, and it was a struggle and it was pretty dark for a while.

Originally, we didn't think that storyline would last so long, but it was like 20 episodes of like, grr, but in the end when I look back, I really like the story that Dyson's gone through.

Season one was so great, of us exploring each other and finding and falling in love, and then losing that gives you somewhere to go, so I got to play a whole other side; and then season three, we shall see what we do with it.

And, Zoie, just because we want to complete this little triangle here, Lauren went through quite a ride.

She was like the sl*ve of the Ash.

Truth is, the Ash held me prisoner.

I guess we've both been prisoners for the past five years, huh?

We found out that you had an old girlfriend, surprise to everybody.

You were tricked into working for the Fae because of her.


Bo helped save her and then Bo ended up k*lling her.

Bo, Bo!

It was an interesting choice to have Bo k*ll Nadia, for sure, and we talked a little bit about that.

I certainly thought a lot about it and how to, you know, if you actually think about that scenario, if you had that actually happen and how do I play that I could ever forgive that.

Producers and writers and everyone came up with a way to do it that didn't...

Make you the bad guy.

Make Bo so awful and made Lauren involved, you know, so that was, I think that was good.


All right, well, we're going to take a break now, and when we come back we're going to have a lot of questions for the rest of the cast.

[chainsaw whirring]

What in Gaia's name are you doing?

Going for new ones.

No. You cannot touch the sacred tree.

I guess my bite is worse than your bark.

Welcome back, we're on set of Lost Girl talking to our cast, and Ksenia.

Yes, sir.

Every character on this has a special relationship with you. Why Kenzi?

I don't know. I think Kenzi's pretty fearless, and I think she's pretty awesome for being this young seemingly fragile girl who gets really just thrown into this insane world of scary creatures and somehow she manages to become the closest friend to one of the most powerful Fae to ever live.

Hey, what about me?

Okay, let's get you out of here.

I saw you eat some dude's face; it was amazing.

Just terrific. Let's go. Come on.

I'll take you somewhere safe.

Bye-bye, Mr. Smiley Face.

She becomes friends with all of these other creatures, Faes, who could really just k*ll her like a fly on the wall, but they don't, and I think after all these seasons, becoming a a warrior in her own right, so I really admire her for being this human who comes into this world and has a place in it.

Well, you know, Ksenia sort of created this character a little differently than I think we initially anticipated, and I have this story I tell everybody about when we were sh**ting the pilot and, uh, Bo had just k*lled the Morag and you run into the room with your sword and they're sitting there and you don't have a line.

Jay runs up to me with a list, he's like "pick one"!

I said, Oh my God!

Pick a line, pick a line.

Smells like fried bitch.

And that actually stimulated a fan question, so I'm going to ask it now.

Let me just see this. It says "Jordan wanted to know:"

Every day. Um, no, most of the time I think, damn, I get a good line, this'll be really fun, so I think I get really excited.

You like it?

At the read-throughs, I feel like they make me giggle, so if I'm giggling, then hopefully everyone else will giggle.

It's so hard to do.


Comedy, no... like the lines, to make those work.

It's pressure, right? I gotta deliver, I gotta be funny, what if I'm not funny? This good line goes to waste.

I'm getting hot just thinking about it.

She pulls it off at the table read as well, which is even tougher.

Now you're just being nice.

Okay, maybe a little bit. I'm serious.

Thanks, KC.

Do you guys need a minute?

I'm going to pop over to Rick for a sec because you have a very unusual character in this show. - I do.

You ever played a role like this before?

You know... a lot of the roles I've played have been powerful, but they're always kind of creatures, they're not actually humanoid, so it's been a real pleasure to look like me somewhat, to not have things glued to my face or whatever.

It's nice to be a... it's really nice to be Trick. I love playing the character.

You've got a very special relationship that we reveal this year as grandfather.


We have this bond.

We do.

And with good reason. Bo...

I'm your grandfather.

My grandfather?

It's very, very parental, which I'm not a parent, but I've been able to tap into that, I think, from myself, and definitely a parent guider to Bo.

I love my scenes with Dyson, Dyson and Trick.

To the blood king.

Please don't ever call me that.

And you guys have a bond, too, because you guys still know so much more than you're saying, always.

Yeah, there's a huge history between us, and it's interesting working with Chris right away, it was like there it is.

We found it immediately. We found some connection that allowed us to give depth to that friendship immediately.

Okay, KC, I gotta ask you now, in season two, we learn that you have all this nobility, that you're sort of a rich kid, but that you rebelled, and a lot of people are put in that situation where the parents have a preconceived notion of where their kids want to go, join the family business, do something, and they don't necessarily want to follow the path their fathers set for them or their mothers set for them, and you're that character.

As Santiagos of Clan Amoura, we're all for charity, but there's a limit.

And that limit is cheap, ill-bred mortals.

I enjoyed showing people where he comes from and how he overcomes or overcame this... pressure from his family.

How did you like the tension between you and Dyson?

That was new. Season one, you were like best buddies, easy-going, season two you slugged the guy.

I changed my mind.

Now it's over.

Yeah, I think everyone was with me on that one, you know what I mean?

Yeah, yeah, make fun of the rich kid, ha-ha, take his sister and all that.

I deserved it, I knew it.

We're going to have to go to another commercial break, but when we come back, guess what we're going to talk about?

We're going to talk about behind the scenes.

From the prita... Preta. Sorry.

I swear to God I'll get this.

So, you've never done this before, huh?

Just the three of us. It's like a threesome.

Not that I've thought about it that way or anything, but...


Welcome back to our talk with the cast on Lost Girl.

I'm Jay Firestone. Who's the goofiest?

We all crack jokes, but Chris is definitely the goofiest.

Yeah. Chris is probably the least like his character.

It doesn't mean I'm funny, it just means I'm a goof.

No, you're funny like in a Kramer-y kind of way.

That's right, I walk into stuff, I fall down.

Every time he walks into a room.

I think intellectual comedy goes to Zoie Palmer.


But you're liable to walk in in your underwear for a scene where you're not supposed to be in your underwear.

I'm just...

Can you hang on?

I'll have her work over everything in the morning.

I remember once you doing that. You came to the door.

You were supposed to be drunk in the scene, you came to the door, knocked on the door and Bo opened it and you had your pants down and I was like, you know what, Chris, who's going to have to deal with it?

I thought it worked perfectly for the scene.

So I didn't stop the scene, I just kept going.

I walked in, he's walking behind me like this, just kept going the whole scene just totally normal.

I remember one particular scene, 4:00 in the morning, we were all running on fumes, Rick had to finish drawing a circle on the ground.

I knew this could come up.

And honestly, I've never seen...

It was a huge circle.

It was on the floor.

And Mr. Casey Collins...

We were all laughing but...

He couldn't stop.

I was unconscious in the middle of the circle, and it was lavender that you were sprinkling around me, and I actually fell asleep.

I'm usually very attentive at work day, but it was 4:00 in the morning and I actually fell asleep, woke up on my cue, fell back asleep.

What was cool at this year's Fan Expo was that they played a blooper reel, and we hadn't seen it, and it was so much fun to watch it, first of all to watch it with the audience that was really laughing a lot, but we were laughing a lot, too, because you forget all those moments, and when they're cut together so quickly, we do have a lot of fun.



This fuckinĀ“ door!

From the prita. Preta.

Lo-la. Sorry.

I swear to God I'll get this.

They may be ping pongs, but they're made of steel, or brass.

That's better, isn't it? Brass. Brass balls.

Let's do some clogging.

Before they can farge. Forge their own.

So f*ckin' close. God.

Good thing it was damaged enough to...

Shit. Hell, what is it? Rick, it's f*ckin' contagious, dude.

If you k*lled me, it would be gone forever.

If you raised me, then what the hell is it?

You wouldn't experience my power.


Fans have asked the question on how you prepare for all your roles.

Prep, how do you prep?

You growl.

I growl.

Do one of your pre-acting growls.

Can I do it, can I do it?


Right before a take.

You forgot one thing, though: the phlegm that flies in my eye.

You're too far away.

I'm joking.

My favourite, though, is the growling is so animated and loud and then he comes into the scene, he's like, "Bo, I have to tell you something."


What was all that for, right?

But it works for him.

What are the toughest scenes, toughest?


Hardest ones to do.

Sometimes you've just done a crazy fight scene and then you come in and you and I sh**t a scene that's really emotional and we're touching and beautiful and you literally seconds earlier spent six hours fighting ten Fae creatures.

Fight scenes are exhausting. They're fun, but they're really tiring, so those are challenging.

And then, you know, they're all challenging.

And then there's the scene where we're reacting to things that aren't there or we've got all this emotional stuff going on and then oh, my god, there's a spiritual thing that we're looking at and we have to react to that and something else and there's another being inside of me at the same time.

Someone's controlling me, but I love you.

The end of season two, the finale, there's a scene where the Gruda comes out of Trick and then flies away and we're all looking and we all have to look at something, and we all did it so differently.

How are you doing it, how are you doing it?

Then they got something to look at because everyone was looking everywhere.

A tennis ball.

We got some fan questions.

Cindy says: Right there....

And specificly to Ksenia: Right there.

You didn't make that up? Okay.

Um, I'm a very private person.

I couldn't come to grips with Tweeter for a long time.

You guys were all into it and I was like, cool, but I don't know if I can share so much of myself, and everyone was bugging me.

That's what she thought.

Yes, totally.

Now she's the Twitter queen.

Now more than us.

She does it more than us now.

Because I'm surprised by the fan response and the experience Twitter is.

I didn't think it was what it is, and for me it's important.

Things that I'm an advocate for, things that I really support, I find that the fans have been really supportive as well and really are there and are just so good to us.

I think we're so lucky.

Question to Jay Firestone.


What is the process from script to filming, and which was the first scene that was ever shot?

We were on set and Anna was supposed to walk down a hall.

Oh, that's right.

This is episode eight.



The pilot was episode eight, the first thing we ever shot, and Anna's supposed to be walking down a hall all beat up and bloodied, and we had built this white box.

You were supposed to just walk down two doors, and I saw this long hallway and it had pipes, it had exposed brick.

It looked like a real industrial hallway.

I grabbed John Faucet, who was the director for that episode.

I pulled him over, I said, look at this hallway and he went, oh, my God, can I sh**t here? And I went, well, it wasn't planned that way, but it's a pretty good hallway, and then he looked at the freight elevator and said, can I use the freight elevator too?

That was a great shot.

Just finding that hallway and
walking up and down it with the director and saying holy cow, is this good, and I think it really made that shot.

All right, we've had a lot of great behind-the-scenes talk.

I'm having a tear having some memories now.

We're going to cut to commercial.

We'll be back with some juicy stuff.

I may be the champion, but I can't do this alone.

I need you.

All of you.

All right, thanks for coming back. We're going to get some really juicy stuff, but first this is like my moment for a sec because when I put my kids in bed every night, I always ask them what was the best part of your day and what was the toughest, worst part of your day? It's a great question to ask at night when they're all comfy and cozy because you get a lot of great answers.

I want to ask you guys the same question, altered a bit to: what's the best part about working on the show, and what's the toughest part about working on the show?

The best part? Working with these people.

They're the best. I have the most fun, and as I've said to everyone I've talked to in the last four years, this is the best set I've ever worked on, so every day is a great day.

Worst thing? Geez...

Occasionally, a vest is hard to keep done up.

I haven't really got much of a complaint.

How do you cope?

Well, I keep doing it up again.

I can't even...

What a nightmare.

I know.

I think about this quite a bit.

I feel like I won the job lottery a little bit with this job, I do, not just because... I love the character, I love who I get to play. It's really different from any character I've ever played before. I think we do have the best casting in the business, I really do, and I think that it's like the fact that we've gone now three seasons is pretty incredible.

The toughest part is saying goodbye at the end of the season because even though we know we're probably coming back usually, you never know for sure.

There's always a last one.

Exactly, exactly, so it's like we're saying goodbye and we're saying goodbye to the crew and to all the people that we love and even the fans because the fans have become part of this family.

Um, I don't know what the hardest thing about it is.

The hours are grueling, especially for Anna, when you're doing 70 to 80-hour weeks, keeping the energy up is the hardest thing.

Usually when you perform something, it's like little short bursts, but it's day after day after day.

I guess that would be the hardest part, but luckily I'm number two, so I get a cushy schedule most of the time.

I agree with you guys. I think we're so spoiled with our crew and fellow castmates. We're so lucky.

Also, I think an amazing part is the fans, the fans from all over the world.

You guys did have a fan experience about your relationship.

We've had several.

Besides actually the 16 million viewers on your YouTube video.

I know.

I was really quite surprised.

I have to say that's probably one of the things I'm most proud of.

There's many things I'm proud of about the show, but I love hearing from young girls and young women talking about how they're seeing themselves represented on the show, even though it's a supernatural show, they're seeing who they could be or the kind of relationship that they want or could have or they're having, and they don't really see that represented everywhere, and it's represented in a really organic, real way.

That's always been important to us.

The relationships on the show are real, right?


The world is kind of this fantasy world, but the connections between us all are really genuine.

Yeah, and I think our connection is something that you don't often see.

Well, we got a fan question, and I'm curious if we've dealt with this a bit, but maybe we can pop into it for a sec.

How has your characters affected you personally? How have you changed?

What have you learned from your own character.

We just talked about what you've shown the audience, but have you learned anything from you?

I think, Anna, you did answer that a little earlier.

A little bit. I've learned to be stronger.

I definitely carry, you know, on a Saturday if I'm going grocery shopping after filming all week, I sometimes will do behaviours that are very Bo-like.

If someone is sort of chatting behind me in line and I find them kind of annoying, I'll sort of turn and give them this look, like I could pull a knife any second, and then I'm like, what am I doing?

Or if I hear a noise in the house, I'll be very stealth about how I'm approaching the room.

I'm like, my god, I'm Bo, I can't get away, but yeah, she's influenced me in the best possible way.

We take a lot of pride in making sure every symbol on this show has some rooting in mythology.

You got your own tattoos. Everybody asks what do they mean, what are they, what's their significance.

Um, well, there's two tattoos.

One is my own, which is a personal one I got a long time ago, but the interesting one that I like is Ian Brock, our production designer found, which is the one that's on my shoulder, and the cool story behind that is, it comes from Hobo symbology. In the old days, or in the '20s or '30s, the Hobos would go around.

If they found a place where they could get a free meal or a free place to sleep, they would scratch a little symbol on a post or something, and this one is the teeth of the dog, and what it is is beware, there's a vicious dog here.

I did not know that.

You didn't know that?

Isn't that cool?

That's so cool.

It was an interesting looking symbol and it just worked so well with the character.

Got a question from Kelly: Well, I don't think a girl can really get much luckier than having these two as my suitors. It's a pretty comfy triangle, I have to say.

We're all a little jealous.

I could have had a twin, that would have been luckier.

That's true.

Can we do that for a scene, for like season six?

I actually have an identical twin Doctor, but she's a Vet.

Working with Chris has been amazing.

Dyson was probably one of the first people, except for Kenzi, that Bo connected to, definitely the first Fae that she connected to.

We don't have time for this. You need all of the strength you can get, so take some of mine.

Won't it k*ll you?

Just kiss me.

And there was something about him that she just knew right away was... she could trust him, even though she didn't fully trust him, there was something that felt grounded, and so she was drawn to that.

And then, you know, Hot Lips Houlahan here walked into the room.

Stole my thunder.

And there was just this instant attraction that I think Bo couldn't quite figure out.

As your doctor, I should recommend against excessive intoxication.

Well, I'm not a guy, so I can promise you booze does not affect my ability to perform.

We'll come back and we should address...

We've got a lot of fan questions. We should get through some of them.

Check me out! Kickin' it in the wolfman, yeah!

Whatever you need me to do.

Go undercover in high school?

Oh, no, except that. No, I didn't do great with 16-year-old girls when I was 16.

Welcome back to the set of Lost Girl.

I'm Jay Firestone. We're sitting here with the cast and we're about to answer some fan questions.

The question is: What are your favourite episodes?


Oh, gosh.

I loved Dyson as a guidance counsellor.

In School's Out?


That was really funny.

Look, kid, you're 17.

You don't even know how young you are yet.

Just go out, play the field, have fun, make love, be crazy.

Are you sure?

Yes, it'll do you good.

I think everyone agrees 209 was one of our...

We just had such a great...

It was so much fun.

As a cast, we all got together, helped each other out.

It was such a sense of camaraderie.

And it was a risky episode for us, too, because it could have just not worked.

Oh, I'm not Bo, darlin'.

No. I am.

But it worked extra well.

Do you guys remember the read-through?

Like, who's who? I'm you as me and you're me as you.

>>- We had paddles.


I got the wolf junk, babe.

Don't touch it, don't touch anything.



Check me out! Kickin' it in the wolfman, yeah!

Kenzi, go sit down before you break something.

Roger. Wow, did you hear my voice?

That was like so sexy. Roger.



The pairing of you guys when you switched, that wasn't the first draft.

We went back and forth as to who should switch with who.

I'm not going to tell you what the first chances were about.

I'm happy with who I ended up with.

Thank God I got to play a little bit of Kenzi because...

Get to play the real you.

Yeah, like everyone says, Dyson's so serious and so dour. I was like, ah, this is a window of little fun that I could have. It was great.

This is from Jan Bront. It says: I think that Ryan reminds us we're assuming certain things when it comes to the dark Fae.

We are not Romeo and Juliet, we are not star-crossed lovers.

We're just two kind of amazing people who really like each other.

Anthony Lemke.

Who was really great, and as a person, his energy is really frenetic, and that's what he brought to the character, and I had to keep up with that, which I think was made Bo curious and, you know, it really kept her on her toes, so I think realizing that he was dark Fae, especially after they had sex, um, kind of made her see that it's... it's not so black and white.

I thought you weren't aligned.

I am.

So what's the problem, you think all dark Fae are bad, all light Fae are good, is that it?

No, it's just the dark have not exactly been my BFFs.

Well, I'm not defined by my clan.

I think he was a great addition to the show and it really shook things up for Bo.


Thought you'd never ask.

This is a very interesting question, and it's for Ksenia because it says: There've been a few hints about Kenzi's family issues because we use that in the script, but: I feel like Kenzi was definitely bullied, whether it was when she was a small child at school, at home, I think that's why she's as tough as she is today, because she really had to defend herself from a very young age.

And me as Ksenia, I was bullied, so I have a real soft spot for doing whatever I can do stop that and to help other kids so they don't have to deal with that, so they can go to school and feel safe and not have school feel like a w*r zone where you have to defend yourself and protect yourself.

It's a really horrible feeling, and some kids get to the point where they end their own lives because they can't deal with it, and I don't know if Kenzi ever got to that point, but I would like to explore her back story and her family and see what kind of things she had to deal with, but if Kenzi ever became a campaigner to stop bullying, I think that would make me very happy.

A few little fun questions. This one I like.

This is just a statement, so I'm going to read it.

It says, "This show treats the audience as adults. Thank you."

I really enjoyed it so far and hope it continues."

We have a lot of, you know, lessons, I guess, on the show, but we don't treat them in a saccharine way.

We don't insult the audience when we give those messages.

They're true to the characters.

I think the writing really respects...

You were talking about it as well, about the lesbian character; it's not pointed out at, and I don't think my difference in society isn't pointed out in the show, which I think is fantastic.

That's great, that's what everyone wants, is to not feel...

You spend your career occasionally compromising yourself to get work, to get a job, and it's really nice to be in a position, in a role where you're given so much respect by the writers, by you, by the production and, uh, it's really nice to have that in the writing and in the show.

Did you try Wikipedia?

You think this is funny?

No, I think you look like you needed a joke.

This is all the way from Australia: LOL.


That's laugh out loud for anyone.

"Did she ever think playing Lauren would lead to a sex symbol status?"

Has it led to that?

Yes, it has.

I don't know, its... what can I say about that?

You have amazing arms and amazing hair.


Ladies and gentlemen...

I feel immediately uncomfortable is how I feel.

Yeah, it's lovely and complimentary, and thanks, that's how I feel.

Makeup, take care of the blushing, please.

All right, well, thanks, everyone, that's great.

We're going to come back for the last section of this with some real fantastic teases to season three.

Ladies, we've got company.

I got this.


You're sitting with Jay Firestone, the cast of Lost Girl, and we are going to give you a little bit of a hint at what's coming up in season three.

I'm going to hit Chris up first and I'm going to say that now that you got your love back, what does that mean, where is it going?

God, well, you know, Dyson is in love with Bo and he's going to live with that for the rest of his days, so we'll see what he can do with it.

Nothing, he can do nothing.

Nothing, exactly. Um, you know, it's a whole different ball game for Dyson right now.

He has his love back, but he also knows that Lauren and Bo are in love with each other, so we'll see how he negotiates that.

I love you... all... so much.

Ksenia, you've got this really yucky rash on you.

Yucky, yucky.

What is it about?

Well, there are consequences to every action, and I think tenfold in this situation for Kenzi.

Just, I wish I could get rid of this pain in my arm.


-> What is that?

I don't know. Did you come into contact with something?

You should definitely let Doc take a look at that.



No, I'm fine. I'm just going to get some air, okay?



Big kiss in 22.

The biggest.

You think you got a shot?

I don't know, I think that Lauren, as much as she wants a shot with Bo, also knows what Bo is, and I think that along with any open doors for these
characters come all sorts of other possibilities, and so it's always a bit of a Catch 22, so maybe she does, but I think that if she does, then it's also a bit of a scary road.


Sounds good.

KC, you hit him pretty hard. Okay, that sort of relationship got a little tense towards the end.

Are we going to see a bro make-up moment?

We'll see. You gotta hope for the best and, you know, hopefully the relationship can stand the test of time.

I open my eyes, two of her, man.


The Gemini?

Yes, both of them drop-dead gorgeous, both of them wanting it bad.

Just the way you were qualified to deliver, my friend.


Yes, sir.

Okay, Bo's granddad.

Through season one and season two, all of these things coming at her and the Fae and she's learning all this stuff and it's all kind of this external stuff coming at her, and Lauren and I kind of guiding her through it with all the information of what she needs to tackle them and I think in season three you're going to see a little more of an internal struggle with her, and she's going to need her granddad even more, I think.

All right, Anna.


As you left the alley, you looked in that mirror, and I don't think we've ever seen your eyes go that blue.


And you liked it.

I did.

Are we seeing a dark side?

Yeah, I mean, I definitely think that, you know, that there's room for a dark side and we definitely see an element of that in season three.

You know, Bo has probably the biggest challenge of her life.

Physically, it's the hardest challenge for her; mentally, her mental strength is really challenged and emotionally because it actually challenges all of her relationships, her lovers, her friends, her family and so that darkness is definitely explored in a deeper way, but it might not mean exactly what people think.

Can I actually just interject? I can't...

I've been sitting here this whole time and there's something.

Have you dyed your hair?


You have a bit of a glow about you, I must admit. What's going on here?

I was going to say the same thing, but I didn't want to be the first to say something.

There's a twinkle.

Are you wearing coloured contacts or something?

Maybe it's the colour. I don't normally wear green.

Yeah, you are glowing and it's not the...

Something's different.

Well, I have a little bit of a belly.

I didn't want to say anything, but...

That might be different.

Yes, I am.

I told you, food combination.

It's not bloating. I'm expecting my first faeby.


I'm going to be a great-grandfather!

I promised the audience that we'd tease them about season three, and it is quite the season, it's a riot.

There's a roller-coaster ride. Everybody goes through some pretty big changes. You guys excited about it?

Yes, very.

Wildest season yet.


Roll it.

Hey, guys, where have you been?

Wicked, wicked Norn.

What did you do to me?

Get out of my way.



It's going to be a lot of fun.

I want to thank the writers and I want to thank the crew.

This is the most fun I've ever had, and I hope you're having fun too.

Ditto. Yes.

Keep writing us on Twitter, Facebook, all over the internet. Keep it up, guys.

Thanks for coming out.

Thanks for watching.

Enjoy the show.

All right, now we can cheers.

Now cheers.
