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02x21 - Into The Dark

Posted: 03/28/12 02:21
by bunniefuu

She saved my life, Trick.

Jumped in front of the Garuda's sword like it was nothing.

A noble sacrifice.

She'd be proud to know it made a difference.

Such a great photo of her.

Fairies are so photogenic.

It was hard to pick just one.

Dyson sent over a whole box.

Don't think he could bare to go through it himself.

I should have picked him up, so he wouldn't have to come alone.

Kenzi: If he comes--

Dude fought like stink, he's still recovering from the battle.

Trick: It's a heavy burden.

Losing someone you love.

Someone you tried to save.

When was the last time you saw your bed?

I'll sleep when I figure out how to stabilize Lachlan's Naga venom.

Well, if anyone can nerd out what we need, it's you, Doc.


So, NOT the thing trying to k*ll us.

This time.

We need to stay on guard.

The Garuda's out there somewhere, getting ever stronger.

He was plenty strong last time he whooped us.

To Ciara O'Breen, a toast.

In the words of her Scathach kin...


To Ciara!

We need to be honest here--

Ciara died because we messed up.

We need to avenge her.

We need to fix this.

We need to talk.

I'm listening.

It's in our blood...


And mine.

It's the key.

To what?


I know, Trick.

I finally figured it out.

You're my father.

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years... searching while hiding.

Only to find I belonged to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.


Your father?

From the first moment we met, I felt like I could trust you.

I knew that I could come to you for advice, and for comfort.

And now with everything bad that is happening, I look to you in a whole other way.

But it isn't the time.

Well, if not now, when?


I need my father.

I'm sorry, Bo.

I'm not.


But I was so sure--

We have this bond.

We do.

And with good reason.


I'm your grandfather.

My Grandfather?

My Grandfather?


But this means that Aife, my mom--

Is my daughter.

And what happened to her is my biggest regret.

And my dad?

The answer to that question still eludes me.

Terrifies me.

What does that make me?



And more beautiful than I dared hope.

After so much pain, what a gift.

And to know you now, I could just burst with pride.

I have so many questions.

As well you should.

There's a lot to know and to understand.


But now I need to focus on defeating the Garuda.

Tell me about our blood.

We are family, but what runs through our veins is unique.

I use my blood to write the laws.

To manipulate the future.

And my blood?

It has the power to enslave others, to bind them to your will.

That's why Ryan became obsessed... wanted to marry me.

And you saw your mother use it to control her army of adoring, but deadly servants--

I am not my mother.


She went bad.

Well, that's just it, Bo.

This kind of power is addictive.

It can lead you to the darkest places of yourself.

Go too far and you might not come back.

Extreme times call for extreme measures.

You want to make this up to me?

Help summon the other Fae who keeps things from me.

The Nain Rouge.

How do you propose we do that?

She's been watching me.

She likes observing tragic events.

Like the funeral of a Fairy Queen.

Show yourself, you brat!

(whispers in the bar)

He came.

Of course he did.

It's Dyson.


My treat.

You buying me a drink, huh?

It really must be the end of the world.

You don't have to pretend with me.

It's not weak to let it out, Dyson, it's human.

What I meant was it takes strength to express your pain.

So that you can go on.

All this and Nadia too.

I'm sorry, Lauren.

Thank you.

And you...

Never got a chance to thank you for coming back for me--

Don't know how the hell you did it.

I improvised.

Broke the heel of my favourite boots.

Hale: Hey--

Let's put it behind us.

If we don't figure out how to work together, we're all toast.

I'm sorry about that.

That's not what I meant.

Look... it's not your fault, man.

Then whose fault is it?

Excuse me--

I want real answers, damn it!

That's not how it's done.

The Garuda is winning!

And we are broken.

You get off on it, don't you?!

Watching others try and fail while you hide in the shadows!

Trick: Bo, please--

Show yourself already, you little--

Nain Rouge: Only I choose when to appear to others.

It's tradition.

Bo hates tradition.

From now on we're doing things my way.

How do I defeat the Garuda?

I merely observe important events.

I don't provide counsel.


I thought you preferred listening to the Wolf Spirit.

Since her advice is so stellar.

Oh, wait--

It almost got you all k*lled.

Trick: That's my fault.

Though I'm still racking my brain as to why the Wolf Spirit lied to Dyson.

She spoke the truth.

The Wolf's role in the fight will be significant.

Dyson misinterpreted her message.

That's because all the two of you do is talk in riddles.

You like to watch.

I get it.

We've all got our kinks.


She's just a kid.

She's Fae.

Like the rest of us.

If I don't stop him, the last thing you will ever observe are the Garuda's teeth baring down on your pretty little face.

You're right.

I'm scared.

So, talk.

No more riddles.

The Garuda is the enemy of the Fae.

A champion, the saviour of them all.

To defeat him, you must present a united front.

Well, we've had our problems, but I know I can lead the team.

A team of the Light can only provide half an army.

You must recruit the Dark.

One whose abilities rival your own.

Choose wisely.

I know who we need.

You better hightail it back to limbo, sweetie.

Or somewhere as far away from the Garuda as you can get.

And, Bo--

When you do meet our enemy... kick his feathered ass.

Bo: There's not as many people as I thought.

Lachlan wasn't very well known.

Or very liked.

If they only he died so we'd have a chance against the Garuda...

I'm sure a lot of Fae are fleeing town.

Which just leaves us.

And the cockroaches!

The Morrigan--

Bo, no--

I have to.

You go ahead.

Aw, honey, black leather again?

Mix it up now and then.

And what better time than a blowout like this?

Don't you ever let up?

Join the Dark and see.

I need your help.

I'm flattered.

I need Vex.

You're kidding.

I wish I was.

Vex is in my dungeon.

And I intend to keep him there.


But you and Vex are like an evil Hall & Oates.

They're not evil?

After everything that Vex has done to you, after everything you guys have done to each other, what could Vex have possibly done that's bad enough to land him in prison?

You haven't heard?

You swear?

Sometimes it's good to let it out.

Oh, Paolo...

You're awful...

Do you not want to see my resume?

Oh, is that how you want to play it?

Oh, you naughty boy...

If you come work for my organization... the perks will be plenty.

I will make all your dreams come true.

Uh, thank you so much--

Yeah, I'm--

Definitely willing to start on the bottom--

And what a fine bottom it is...

Uh, I'll take an entry-level position--

You'll entry in whatever position I choose.

Because I'm always the one in control.

Whoa! What-- What--

What's happening?

No! This blouse! It's silk!

You know, everyone said that the Morrigan was a total milf.

Try pathetic.

No! NO!


Wait 'til the Centauri see this.

You will pay!

Yeah? What are you gonna do?

Unsexy breakdance me to death?

Not you!


You called, my lady?


Now, what should we do for the finale?

The worm perhaps?

While naked.


No! VEX!!!


(Bo laughing)

Uh, that's... That's unfortunate.

Save it, Succu-bitch.

At least my moves don't leave my lovers pureed.

You are the leader of the Dark.

The enemy of all Fae is coming, it is time for the Hail Mary pass.

You want to strike a deal? Fine.

I need a courier to fetch me something from the Ash's archives.

You want me to steal from the Light?

Well, with the Ash dead and most Fae jumping ship, it's not like anyone's going to be around to notice that it's missing.

I need you to deliver this to my personal quarters.

And you have to swear not to show its contents to anyone.

I can't do that.

What's the big deal? You're the drip who never shuts up about being unaligned.

Or, you could take some fake moral high ground... and watch the Garuda slay everyone you ever cared about.

Why do I feel like I'm not reading the fine print?

Just bring me this and I will release Vex into your custody.

Looks like even the rats have left...

You gotta be kidding me...


Ah! Ah! Ah!


Go away!


I said go away!


What are you, deaf?!



You like that? You want some more?


'Cause I can go all night--


About time.

I was beginning to think we'd really lost you.

Dyson, you tried something and it didn't work, something ri-donk-ulous--

But you didn't k*ll Ciara. The Garuda did.

I'm just lucky I didn't get you all k*lled.

We made it because when shizz got real, you fought 'til the end!

All of that just to give up now?

What? Did the Norn also take your cojones? Huh?

Actually, uh...

What? When?


You made a joke.

I guess you bring out the worst in me.

We gotta get back the best of you.

Bo can't do this without you.



What a glutton for punishment.

Your pain makes possessing that which is most precious to you... all the sweeter.

You practice that speech in the shower?

How dare you bring this--

My dwelling-- has never been soiled by a human presence.

I need my love back, Norn.


I'm nothing without it.

You are as incorrigible as a puppy.

I ought to rap your nose with a newspaper!

This is a selfless request.

I need to become whole to help the champion defeat the coming darkness before it consumes us all.


The Sacred Tree has weathered many a storm.

It and I will still be standing long after the Garuda has had his fun.


What if we have something more valuable to trade?

This belonged to a Fairy Warrior.

Surely that is worth something.

You stole Ciara's bracelet?

She would have wanted to be buried with that!

This is what she would have wanted.

She fought and died for you, Dyson, for all the Fae.

If they fall against the Garuda, her sacrifice means diddily squat.

Genuine iridium... very rare.

And the one who wore it had a gifted essence.

But the power of the bracelet is nothing without the wearer, and it is definitely not as powerful as a Wolf's only love.


No, we're still haggling. She won't accept a first offer, that's okay, I wouldn't either--


There are rules.

We're done.

Humans...they never get nuance.

Lady, you reek of peat moss.


Trick is your Grandpoppy?

Oh my God, Bo, how do you feel?


I mean, I finally have family.

Real family that's not mean or crazy.

Yeah, and Trick is the best.

But I'm also kind of furious.

I mean, he lied to me. Kept this from me.

Owes you almost thirty years of birthday gifts.

But mostly I just keep wondering, why did he have to wait until the end of the world to tell me?

And the case?

I'm supposed to deliver it to the Morrigan ASAP.

God, I feel like chicken little!

You tawt you taw a puddy cat?

No, that is Tweety Bird and a terrible impression.

No, I am trying to tell everyone that the sky is falling.

That's it's going to crush us, and no one believes me.

Hey, I'd never bet against you.

Forget your magic box.


Your determination to do what's right --

Fae rules be damned -- that is your real superpower.

That's it...

I need to hit the hardware store.

Of course you do.

Darling, this mirror makes me look 30.

Have it removed at once.

I'm not your servant.

Then why are you doing my bidding?

Here's my end of the deal.

A deal I expect you to honour.

Yes, yes, I'll have Vex delivered to you.

What's in there anyway?

A girl never tells.


Aren't you like 30?



(chain saw whirring)

What in Gaia's name are you doing?

Going for nuance.


You cannot touch the sacred tree.

(chain saw whirring)


I guess my bite is worse than your bark.

You, you wouldn't dare.

Oh, yes I would. I'm human, remember?

We drive SUVs and we dump raw sewage into pretty lakes and we will burn this planet to the ground if it means just one more cheeseburger.

So, since your Fae rules don't apply to me--

(chain saw whirring)

Ahhhhhhh! Ah! Ah!

(chain saw revving)

What do you want, human?

Dyson's love back.


Or a sweet harvest table, your choice!





The Wolf may have his love back.

You'd be surprised how many of my transactions involve power tools.

Oh, son-of-a-banshee.

Try your favourite Succubus.

Welcome to my humble abode.

Humble? It's bloody filthy!

You dirty--

That's what's between me and a right gutting?


Do you think I made the Morrigan my sex puppy for fun?


And didn't you?

I wanted her to put me in prison, because her dungeon's the only place I was truly safe from the Red Caps.

Red Caps?

You're just as ignorant up here as you are brilliant between the thighs.

The Red Caps are an often drunk, vicious Dark Fae g*ng of rank and file.

And they like to soak their caps--

Their caps in the blood of their victims.

Yes, I know what Red Caps are!

And they're lead by a particularly vicious chap named Duncan!

That'd be me.

And I brought me mates.


You got a little something on your face.


Bad move, love.





A little help--

We'll be leaving then.



What happened? Who did this to you?

Oh, it's...Red Caps.

I, um...I need--

To heal, yes, of course.


No, I--

I was gonna say an aspirin.


It's not really that bad.

Besides, Lauren, you know I would never--

I know, I'm not thinking clearly.

It's the Naga venom--

I've tried every anti-coagulant known to man and Fae, and just no luck.


I'm sorry, I shouldn't be complaining about being stressed to you.

It's okay. I like it.

Makes me forget what's waiting for us out there.

Do you remember what happened when the Lich tried to force you to feed off me?

Yeah, I sucked the Chi out of an entire room full of people.

That scared the hell out of me.

Me too.

The worst part is I don't know how I did it, or what triggered my rage.

Well, I have a hypothesis.

I think it's because of... what we feel for each other.

You take my breath away.



That's it--

That's it!

The Naga venom is only deoxygenated when it's in stasis.

Um...glad I could be of help.

See you soon?

See you soon.


This is like an episode of Hoarders.

I have received many gifts from many Fae over the century.

Their beauty...fear...

Bravery. Goodness--

Why don't you just try the bottle marked Wolf mojo?

You will pay dearly for this.

I am as old as time and twice as deadly.

Must be why you're so pop-lar.

Why do you care Dyson is made whole again?

I have many other gifts I could bestow upon you.

Oh, step off. I know how your game works.

You offer something enticing in exchange for something the target doesn't think they'll miss.

Spoken like a true con.

But it's got to be voluntary.

And I'm not here to trade anything of mine.






Oh, ew--

And with that... a gift has been given.


Chin up, Vexy, you get to play keeper.

Target practice!


That was a nice save, but--

I think you need a handicap.

Love the new blood on your cap!

Considering it's mine--

Back for another round?

I'm here for Vex.

Sorry, love.

We're busy torturing and k*lling him for screwing us over.


We would be willing to trade him.

For what?

Briefcase 229.

How do you know about that?

The Morrigan's been booking certain meetings, bragging about it on Twitter--

So much for discreet.

You've got two hours.

Have you seen the security around her place?


One hour, fifty-nine minutes--

I can do it.

Hang in there, Vex.

What's with the chainsaw?

Well, when your hairy butt's backed against the corner and they've got you by the pelt: that is when you really go dogwild.

Guess who taught me that?

No, it's impossible--

Just work it through, baby, work it through.

You got it...


One chance to love again with a side of seriously pissed off Norn.

Kenzi, what did you do?

I did what I had to.

You crazy human.


How do we know the Norn isn't pulling a Kenzi on us?

The Norn can't possibly hurt me anymore than she already has.


What are you doing here?

I wasn't expecting flannel pajamas, but still...


Wait, how did you get past security?

You really need to hire better muscle.

You fed off the help?

A mere snack...

Just enough to whet my appetite.

You Succubi are always so aggressive.

Where's the foreplay?

Where's the seduction?


It's party time.

This will never work...


You know, I could resist you.

Why resist?

We have been dancing around this moment... since the day we met.


It must be hard being the boss.

Always having to be on top.

Don't you ever just want to surrender?

Oh, you are a dead woman!

Ohhhh...who's in for a treat.


Show me.

Stop it...

Right there, no lower, oh yes!

Like that?




The pepper spray's in the drawer.

Maybe next time.

Wait, what--


Oh, you won't live long enough to regret this.

Then I will take out some insurance.

Of all the bad decisions that you've made--


This is the worst!

Yet I would never leave the keys to my handcuffs... so far from the bed.



You actually stole from the Morrigan?


That's su1c1de.

So I hear.

Now, make with my package.

What did Vex do to you guys anyway?

He promised that he'd fix it so that Exton would win the Cup.

I told you, I'll get them into the final, not win it!

As if Exton could win it--


They're utter bollocks!

Really? That's necessary?

Go Packsford!

Now, there's a squad for you.

We made good on the exchange, gave you Vex--


Now, we're going to k*ll you both.

Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhhh!

Bar Patrons: Come on! Let's go!

Get in line.

This is worrisome.

It's exhausting sucking the talent out of talentless people.

She can do... whatever that was?

Why do you think she's leader of the Dark?

Stay back!

That's mine.

Bo: What kind of w*apon is it?

The kind that lets you go 'til dawn.

Each vial contains the secretions of the Barnacle Goose.

It's the ultimate aphrodisiac.


All of this is for football and Fae viagra?

Don't you know what is coming to devour us?

All the more reason to get your mind-blowing sex on.

Before it's too late.

I always knew the Dark was selfish, but this shallow and vain even in the face of extinction?


You know who would fight to survive, to the bitter end?


You have all these so-called powers and you are such cowards.

How dare you use my Barnacle Goose!

It tingles--


This won't.


I'll be doing you a favour.

k*lling you before the Garuda can.


You really do have a death wish, don't you, Vex?

That's just a tat between friends, she'll get over it.

But let's not dilly-dally, eh?

Thank you.

You really think you can save the Fae?

All of them?

With you on board, I give us slightly better odds than Exton.


Let's go down swinging, that's what I always say.

Me too.

But I have to warn you--

I don't play nice.

I'm counting on it.

What you say we take the, uh, sex goose?

Just for giggles.

Dream on.

I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our army.



Bo: We need him.

For reasons I will explain.

But also--

As of now, this is no longer a democracy.

There can only be one champion and I'm it.

I know we can beat the Garuda and yes, I have a plan.

But if you're not on board... now is the time to leave.


One more thing--

I may be the champion... but I can't do this alone.

I need you.

All of you.

And if I haven't been clear about how much I appreciate...

what you are doing... and what Lachlan and Ciara did...

Dyson: Bo--

I'm with you 'til the end.

We all are.

Hale: Won't be easy.

Can't say we don't have some stuff between us--

Stuff that the Garuda can feed off of.

I have an idea about that too.



Kenzi, that brand is more expensive than my car.

Naw, fake label.

I stole it off the back of a truck.

Nothing too good for our last night on earth, huh?

You bite your tongue.

Hey, cupcakes, uh, toothpaste?


And take off my kimono!


Do you think we can trust him?

Hell no. The things that I did to recruit him?

If we survive this the Morrigan will be gunning for me.

We do what we gotta do.


Dyson seems better.

It's nice to see him back in fighting form.


You know, if it is the Fae apocalypse, you should go be with your girl.

You shouldn't be alone, Bo.

I'm not alone, Kenzi.

I'm with you.

This is really happening, isn't it?


But, the plan will work, Kenzi.

As long as there's no other surprises. clink

(wind blowing)