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01x09 - Four Times the Chelsea: a story about Different Points Of View

Posted: 08/16/23 04:22
by bunniefuu
♪ Best friends and
sisters, Barbie and me

♪ Together our
adventures set us free

♪ A mermaid here,
a princess there

♪ What happens if
you just believe

♪ Imagine the possibilities

♪ Dreamtopia

♪ Where adventure never stops

♪ Dreamtopia

♪ It'’s just a
sprinkle, sparkle, hop

♪ Dreamtopia

♪ It'’s just a dream away

♪ With a cherry on top

- [Narrator]
Four Times the Chelsea.

A story about different
points of view.

[bright music]


- Otto, wait, let'’s
put all the same shapes

into a pile first.

- Why?

Everyone knows the
best way to start a

puzzle is find two
pieces that fit together.


- Well, I always start
by looking at the

picture to see what
it'’s supposed to be

when we'’re finished.

- Don'’t bother.

We'’ll figure it out as we go.

That'’s the fun.

- No it'’s not.

I do lots of puzzles and
I know what works best.

Otto, just listen.


- [Chelsea Voiceover]
Good idea, Chelsea.

That'’s perfect, Chelsea.

I wish I would have
thought of that.


- There you go, one
gemstone flower.

Wish granted.

- Hi, Barbie.

- Hey, guys, what'’s new?

- Actually, I have
a wish of my own.

Could you make me a clone?

- A clone?

That'’s an unusual request.

Uh, why?

- Because a clone would
think exactly like me, right?

Then I could finally
solve the pink puzzle

in the Puzzle Garden.

Two of us could
solve it in no time.

- That pink puzzle is hard
and so is the spell, but

I think we'’re both
up to the challenge.

Close your eyes while
I work some magic.

Take all that is
Chelsea, kindness and

fun, and create the space
to create more than one.

- Did it work?

- Uh.

You might want to
look behind you.

- [All] Hi, Chelsea.

- One, two, three,
and me makes four.


- Aww, poor Honey.

Don'’t worry, I'’m here.

- [All] Poor Honey, we'’re here.

- Are they really all me?

- Looks like it.

Why don'’t you give them a test?

- A Chelsea test,
good idea, Barbie.

Okay, Chelseas, what'’s my,
I mean our favorite color?

- Pink.

- Right, okay now this
is kind of a hard one.

What is the pet
name I call Honey?

- [All] Hmm, Honey Dog.


- All right.

- Nailed it.

- Yeah.

- Great job, Chelseas.

- I better ask the
other apprentice queens

for some help to
reverse this spell.

- Reverse it?


This is better than one clone.

You always say that
two heads are better

than one and now I have four.

- Are you sure about this?

- Sure!

Are you all ready
to solve the hardest

puzzle on Sparkle Mountain.

- Yes, sure!
Let'’s go!

- [All] Hm?



- This is like the best game
of follow the leader ever!

Hi, EK.

- Well, cross my tusks
and call me flabbergasted.

This is definitely a
sight I will never forget.

- Chelseas, I'’d like you
to meet my good friend, the

Elephant King.

Elephant King,
meet the Chelseas.

- [All] Hi, Elephant King.

- Hello.

- We'’re on our way to
solve the pink puzzle

in the Puzzle Garden.

Come with us.

It'’s going to be amazing.

- Ooh, that'’s a tough puzzle.

- Not for us.

With four Chelseas
thinking the exact

same way it'’s going
to be easy peezy.

- True, then again,
I'’ve often found that

other people'’s ideas
can be helpful.

Haven'’t you, Barbie?

- I have since everyone sees
things in a different way.

- Not in this case.

Could you give us a
ride to the Puzzle

Garden, Elephant King.

- It would be my honor.

Hop on, Chelsea.

And Chelsea,
Chelsea, and Chelsea.

- [All] Yay, so fun, great idea.

- See, they love my ideas.

- What about you,
Apprentice Queen Barbie?

- I think you'’ve
got your trunk full

with the Chelseas,
Elephant King.

Honey and I will walk.

- Here is the famous
Puzzle Garden.

I put all these puzzles
together all by myself.

And here'’s the one I can'’t
put together by myself.

That'’s why I need your help.

- No problem.
We'’re on it.


- Hello, Chelsea.

No need to embarrass
yourself begging me.

Of course I'’ll help
you with this puzzle.

- That won'’t be necessary.

- Wait, what?

There are two of you.

- No there'’s not two of me.

There'’s four.

- [All] Hello, Notto Prince.

- Uh.


How did this happen?

- Um, it was me.

I was trying to make
a clone for Chelsea

to help her solve the puzzle.

A little mistake.

- You did this, Barbie.

Did I ever tell
you that you are my

favorite person in all the land?

Please, please give me clones.

Sparkle Mountain would
be so much better

with four of me.

- I'’m still not sure
if four of anyone

is such a great idea.

- Four is a great idea.

Let'’s get this puzzle
solved in record time.

- [All] Yes!

- I think we should
start collecting--

- [All] The same shapes first.


- It'’s like we
think as one person.


I don'’t get it.

I always have trouble
in the same spot.

- Always have trouble.

- In the same spot.

- Right I just said that.

- She did just say that.

- Uh, Chelsea, just a thought.

Why don'’t you divide
into two groups?

That way some of you can
add to what you'’ve already

made and the rest can help
figure out the extra pieces.

- Thank you, Elephant
King, but I think

it'’s best we stick together
to figure this out.

So does anyone have
an idea about these

extra puzzle pieces.

- Not me.

- Me neither.

- I guess we have
to start over then.

I must have missed
something along the way.

Chelseas, bring all
the puzzle pieces over.

- [All] Love that idea.

- Wait, don'’t take apart
what you already did.

Why don'’t you take
all the pieces that

aren'’t fitting and see if
there is some kind of pattern?

- Thank you for the idea,
Notto, but you know,

I'’m, I mean we'’re
puzzle experts.

We think this is the best way.

Well, I tried.

- Don'’t worry, you two.

If I know Chelsea,
she'’ll figure out that

she needs other points of view.

- Wait a minute,
other points of view.

Elephant King, can you
lift me up with your trunk?

If I can look at the
puzzle from above maybe

I'’ll see something
that Chelsea can'’t.

- Great idea, Notto.

Going up.

- Hm.

[gasps] I'’ve got it!

Set me down, please, EK.

Chelsea, I know what to do.

Um, I meant the first Chelsea.

Great, okay, okay, just listen.

I asked EK here to
lift me up so I could

see things from a
different point of view and

from above I could see
that all those pieces

over there, they'’re in
the puzzle upside down.

I think if you flipped
them over it would work.

I mean, it'’s worth a try, right?

- Well, definitely worth a try.

Thanks, Notto Prince.

Chelseas, we have
some flipping to do.

- [All] Wow!

- Wonderful.

- Barbie, can you believe?

- [All] Can you
believe it, Barbie?

- Congratulations, Chelseas.

- Notto, you were right.

- [All] You were right,
thank you, Notto.

- Woah, woah, take your time.

- Barbie, you know
how you always say two

heads are better than one?

- Uh-huh?

- I figured out what that means.

Two different heads
are better than one

or four of the same heads.

When we get back to
the castle, can you and

the apprentice queens
reverse the spell?

I am so ready.

- [All] We return to
before and all become one.

- Did it work?

Phew, I really got tired
to listening to just me.

- Thank you, Cobalt and
Amethyst, for helping

me reverse the spell.

I couldn'’t have
done it without you.

- Sure, it'’s always
good to have other

points of view and
different ideas.

- Hey, Otto.

You think this piece
works with that one?

Great, we'’ve officially started.

- Actually, I was
thinking we could do your

idea and check the
picture on the box.


- Let'’s do both.

[bright music]