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02x20 - Lachlan's Gambit

Posted: 03/20/12 20:07
by bunniefuu
Thanks for coming on short notice.

It sounded kind of urgent.

There's a growing number of reports of bizarre animal behaviour.

Like just before an earthquake?

Not quite.

During an earthquake horses get restless, burst out of their corrals.

They don't do this--

An entire team of horses electrocuted itself.

Another story of bats down by the docks, streaming out of their cave in the middle of the day.

But, what's most disturbing... is this.

Every single snake at the zoo has disappeared.

Maybe they're on a plane?

They're hiding, Bo.

They can sense the Garuda is here.

It's only a matter of time before he strikes.

Bo: Trick, get down!

Bo, stop!

He's okay! He's okay!

This thing with all of its lovely smells is a friend of yours?

I wouldn't quite go that far, but I need to speak to him.


Are you sure?

He kind of works for me.

It's okay.


Alright. I'll be in the bar.

Oh, wow-

What news, mole?

The Garuda is nowhere to be found.

You're lying.

Why would I lie to the Blood King?

My life is yours until my debt is repaid.

I can't have the Garuda showing up here unexpected.

I need to know where he is so I can strike first.

Find him!

(building shaking)

Good Sir... a query--

These chairs...

Do you consider them to be of a good quality?



They're crap.

Did someone tell you it's jack-holes drink for free night?


We've been sent on a errand to fetch someone.


Well, you're gonna have to get through me first.

And me.



I hate to further break up the sewing circle, fellas, but at this way station, it's actually a three ass-whooping minimum.

So, shall we?

Anyone who does not care to get involved, should leave now.

Gentlemen, take care of the b*tches and grab the barkeep.

I'm gonna teach our dapper little friend here a lesson myself.







Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years, searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged to world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

What happened?


Berserkers, minions of the Garuda.

Dude, I told you protect the face.

It was the only thing you had going for you--



You're back.

Heard there was a w*r brewing, never been one to pass up a good fight.

They must have thought that we were short-handed, thought the Dal was vulnerable.

Why would they think that?

Unless...unless we've got ourselves a rat.

Not a rat.

A mole.

No! Get off me!!!

I serve the Blood King! Ahhh!

The only thing that you've been serving is information to the Garuda.

Location! Now!



All I have to do is bide my time and my debt to the Blood King will be paid with the King's own blood! Ha!

Have it your way.

What's that?

My version of Archimedes' heat ray.


Last chance.

I'll try my luck with the Garuda.

Have it your way.


Don't you think this is a bit much?

We're at w*r and we're running out of time.

We are not barbarians!

That thing has enough blood on its hands to deserve this, I assure you.

There are going to be a lot of tough choices to make in the coming days.

You'd better find a thicker skin.

(The Mole screaming) Okay! Alright!

The Garuda's close--


The old Abbatoir.

I gave you what you asked, now release me!

This is not the first time you've betrayed me.

I hope you rot.

(whistle blowing)

What are you doing here?

Barkeep comes with us.

Orders of the Ash.

Is being a complete tool a requirement at guard college?

You do know we're on the same team, right?

It's okay, Bo.

If the Ash needs to see me, that's his right.


Next time?

Stay upstairs. This is my home.

Trick: Come on!

You alright?

Pig pen here, was just the tip of the ice berg.

The Garuda was seeing through Nadia, spying on us.

There's no telling what he found out.

Poor girl.

Is Nadia okay?



Well, I hate to say it, but we have to find out what Nadia might have learned.

The time for manners is past.

Trick grew wise to our deceit.

Forgive me.

He burnt my eyes.

If you could do something to ease the pain--

Try getting stabbed in the eye!

I do not reward incompetence.

And I cannot help but notice, you are short one Blood King, Cleasby.

Our intel was wrong.

I didn't anticipate the Fairy Warrior or the Succubus being there.

He must pour quite the pint to employ such loyalty.


Pity about the eye...

But, if you have no use for it...



We cannot fail!

If these Fae are determined to stand together, then maybe it is up to me to tear them apart!

See what happens when they no longer have each other to believe in.

Here! Try that!


Lauren: Nadia, it's me, Lauren...

...fight it, sweetie, fight it...

Do it... Do it for her, do it for me...

(Nadia screaming)


The, um, the door was open, so I thought--

I'm late, Bo, Trick told me there was an attack and that Hale is hurt.

Don't you think it's a little early for you to go back to work?

Considering everything that happened?

I don't really think Hale can afford me to take a vacation right now--

I'm just worried about you.

Yeah, and I appreciate it.

I don't really want to talk about this right now.

I just need to go back to work and be of some use.

Lauren, the attack today in the Dal happened because of a leak in our camp.

Is there anything that the Garuda may have learned about us through Nadia that he can use to his advantage?

Are you actually asking me that?

Look, I know this is an incredibly painful time for you right now, but we are at w*r.

Yeah, you're right, it is an incredibly painful time for me right now.

I'm sorry, Lauren, I thought--

I just need to get ready.

And I need to go.

Hale: He suckered me... You know.

He suckered me!

Looks like our Berserker friends are back.

Best day ever.

Miss me?


Uh, I'm so glad you're back.


I'm glad you're here.

Well, that sentiment's a bit late, isn't it?

I'm joking, dumb wolf.

I had to come.

You know that.

So, the Garuda made a serious play for the Blood King, eh?

I'm fine, thanks.

I think you and I need to have a serious little chat.

I thought we'd already done that.

All this time and we've been ignoring our most obvious advantage.

Enlighten me.

Your blood could stop all this right now.

I've heard enough.

I don't think you're going anywhere anytime soon, Trick.

You've looked better.

That's what happens when your partner skips town and leaves you to keep the peace all by yourself.


I'm sorry, brother.

But I didn't run out on you.

On any of you.

I went to find answers.

Yeah, well, must have been some questions...

Hey, D-man, why don't you give us some space, huh?

I'm glad you're back, but why don't you be back right around here?

He just needs some time, Dyson.

Is it just me, or are things a little tense around here?

Remember what we discussed, we have a strategy!

Bring him before me...

...prone and my venom will strike him down.

Trick...we'd be fools to ignore this opportunity.

You have no idea what you're asking me to do.

Is that right?

Take a good look at what I've lost to this evil.


This! Is all I have left, you have absolutely no idea, absolutely no idea... what you're asking me to ignore here.

Where's Trick?

He's with the Ash.

Although, I thought he would have been back by now.

Then again, nothing has been making much sense these days.

I mean, horses are acting crazy, bats stopped being nocturnal, even snakes at the zoo.


You have an extra helmet on that bike, right?

Come on--

If you intend to force me to write whatever destiny it is you want, you're wasting your time.

My blood writing only works if I do it of my own free will.

And I will not succumb to this kind of threat!

If the Garuda succeeds then the battle between Dark and Light will start all over again, and then it will be all on your hands.

Now, is that what you want?

You're playing straight into the Garuda's hands.

The last time I wrote with my blood, the Garuda awoke.

No one feels the weight of that more than I do--

Ahhhhh! Then prove it!!!


It could bring upon us an even greater evil than the Garuda.

There's always a price!

You're not a King.

You're a coward.


I wouldn't move if I were you.

What do you think you're doing?

I could ask you the same question.

I've sworn to k*ll the Garuda, it must be done.

This is the only way.

No, it isn't.

I will strike down the Garuda.


The Wolf Spirit came to me, Bo.

It's been foretold.

I will defeat the Garuda.

Bo...this is nonsense.

You're my champion.

Then why did you just try and take the fight into your own hands?

The Garuda is near...

...I'm not myself.

Just like all the other snakes in the city, huh?

I admit it was a foolish mistake, to force Trick's hand, but--

You've absolutely no idea--

And what happens if you make another mistake when the battle is at our doorstep?

There's only ever been one way to k*ll the Garuda, and that is with my venom.

Now, this wolf is the answer? Is this it?

The Wolf spirit isn't in the habit of making things up.

If she said Dyson will strike the Garuda down, there must be some truth to it.

The message was clear.

We go after the Garuda in the morning.

Bo, please don't do this.

I will follow Dyson into battle, because I know I can trust my friend.


I'm not so sure about anymore.

Can I get you something?

How about some assurance that you actually are the chosen one?

I have no reason to doubt what the Wolf Spirit told me.

This Wolf Spirit--

She wouldn't happen to be an ex-girlfriend by any chance, would she?


Oh, come on, Dyson, what exactly did she tell you?

She told me that the clash between the Wolf and the Eagle has been foretold.

Wolf Spirit: What do you seek?


Wolf Spirit: Enlightenment will not fill your void, but your actions may.

Tell me what it is I must do.

Wolf Spirit: A great darkness is falling.

It cannot happen, the Garuda must be destroyed.

Am I to lead us into battle?

Wolf Spirit: Wolves are born to lead... your role in this fight will be significant.

How do I defeat the Garuda?

Wolf Spirit: The Garuda is a strong enemy, but his pride clouds his reason.

His omnipotence makes him vulnerable.

The time to strike comes when he believes he has already won.

You have no idea how much I want to believe what you are telling me.

But, you don't.

It's just that I have been carrying the weight of being anointed Lachlan's champion, and it is not a job that I asked for, but now the idea that--

That he could be wrong...

I know this sounds crazy, Bo.

But, I could hear her voice inside of me.

She spoke to me.

We cannot go after the Garuda unless we are absolutely positive.

There's too much at stake.

I'm positive.

She told me that what I gave up for you will be filled by my actions.

I can get back, Bo.

I've gotta do this.


Can I come in?

Of course.

Do you have anything to drink?


Actually, I... think it might be under my bed.

I'll be right back.

Forgot to give this back.

No worries.

Sorry to run off on you like that there--

It's quite alright.

You okay?

No. No, not really.

It appears we'll be rushing into battle soon and we might not come out of it alive.

Now, if that's the case... I'd like to spend my last night on earth with you.

Any objections?

I just don't want to confuse things, Ciara.

I'm not confused.

I'm just not taking no for an answer.


Boy, I needed this.

Life hasn't been very fair to you.

Honestly, you're the strongest person I've ever met.

Do you know that I went home and I did my hair?

Before I came over here?

Well, it looks great.

No, I didn't mean--

Thank you.

It's just that the doctor part of me never shuts off, and I know that I'm merely acting out of a transference of grief onto you.

Wanting to have sex is a very common response to grief.

(heavy breathing)

Biologically speaking, the transference often helps move the pain.

It's...sort of use it as something else.

Turn it into something different.

Something better.

(heavy breathing)

Yeah, I, um...

I can see how... intimacy would do that.

In much the same way that a person who's having a heart attack often feels a sharp pain in their left arm?

It's the brains way of redistributing the pain.

So that it's not all... concentrated in one area.

I love it when you totally geek out.

Can I sleep with you?


I just mean sleep.

In your arms.

Yeah, exactly.

Ever since I found out that the Garuda was seeing through Nadia's eyes...

Ever since I had to watch her die...

I haven't really been able to get--


You are always welcome here.

There was a point there I thought I might die happily.

You were the one with the knife.

Yeah, that was new.

It's almost morning.

The time is close.

Why do I have sand in--

Places there should be no sand.


Stop laughing, it's really irritating.

Sorry, I was in the desert.

Ah, yes.

The Wolf Spirit.

Stefan went in search of her once when he asked for my hand.

He never told me that.

What happened?

Well, apparently, he ate some awful mushrooms and spoke to a tree for three days.


He nearly poisoned himself, the lovely man.

I miss him.

And he loved you. He believed in you.

He believed in someone I haven't been in a long time.

I wish he was here.

Everyone's put their faith in me...

Well, you better deliver, handsome.


We've all put our faith in you of our own free will.

Because you're worth our faith.

I keep thinking with Lachlan so preoccupied with the Garuda that maybe this is my window to escape.

He keeps telling me how I'll have some important role to play in all of this.

But I just feel like I've had enough of the Fae controlling my life.

I just want to leave.

For good.

Whatever you decide...

Whatever happens...

We are in this together.

Let's just hope that Dyson really is the chosen one.



No matter what happens in there today, you bring Bo back alive.

No matter what the price.

Promise me.


Not a scratch.

Berserkers can only be k*lled by blunt-force trauma.

A blade will only slow it down.

It won't take it out.

Here's the map for the Garuda's lair.

w*r is upon us.

The Garuda can sense your greatest fears.

He will manipulate them.

He will try to turn you against each other.

The Garuda is not a God.

But he's the closest thing to the Devil you will ever face.

I wish you the best of luck.


Kenzi: This place creeps me out!

It's not too late to turn back, Kenz.

Are you kidding me?

I've been waiting all day to k*ll me a Berserker--

Ah! Too cute to die!

What? It's true.

Ladies, it's nice to see you again.

All of you. Come on--


You know what to do.

Yes, Sir.

Where are your guards?

Why are your aides removing our intel?

We're at w*r!

I sent the guards to help Bo.

How many?

All of them.

Strange move for someone who thinks this mission is a mistake.

I can see why you put your faith in the words of the Wolf Spirit.

She is a divine being and isn't one to exaggerate.

Much like the Nain Rouge, wouldn't you say?

It seems the Nain Rouge came to Bo about this very crisis.

Which would make Bo the champion, not Dyson.

Which begs the question... has she ever had any visions of her own about this battle, about its... end game.


The Nain Rouge gave me a vision.

I was standing over your body and I was the one that k*lled you.

Hale: Call me a girl...

When I find him, I'm gonna make him a girl--

Bo: Something's wrong.

Kenzi: Yeah, the stench in this place.

(chains rattling)

This is it, Kenz. Stay close.


Maybe not that close.


I knew these posers weren't real street like me.


How wonderful.

I have been so excited to meet you all.

(phone ringing)

The Succubus...who k*lled her lover's girlfriend.

I didn't k*ll her. I saved her from you.

And stole the Fairy Warrior's boyfriend and ripped his heart out.

Before she had a chance to do it herself.

The little rich boy, who has forsaken his family and his partner.

The human... with all her little quips and jokes and... well, is nothing more than a liability.

And you!

The Wolf!

No morals or loyalty--

(kissing sounds)

Guess that's what happens when you lose your heart.

Do you know what your problem is?

Do tell.

You think you've already won!



The Wolf defeats the bird, huh?

It was foretold!

Oh...right. The Wolf's Fairy--

How's this for a prediction?

Your ego is going to get us k*lled!

Shut your mouth, rich boy!

Don't talk to him like that!

Hale's a good man, he's taken far too much abuse from you!

Stop fighting! The Garuda is doing this to us.

Give it a rest, little miss perfect.

You're the reason Dyson's such a mess.

Was Nadia more of a threat than me?

Is that why you k*lled her?

Leave her!

Kenzi, no!







I didn't think you were coming.

I almost didn't.


Well, then--

Let's get this started, shall we?

What are you doing?


No, Ciara, please, please--

Just hold on, hold on--

Be good to yourself, Dyson.

You'll never truly love anyone if you don't.



Where'd he go?

Where did who go?

The Garuda!

Oh, no...

If all the Ash's guards are here, then--

What are you doing? Leave!

Please, don't do this.


Better hide.

I've been to battle before, I will not hide.

Now, it's more clear than ever that Bo is the champion.

If I fall, she's going to need your guidance.

Now, Blood King, hide.


Good luck.

Hello, old friend.


We have to get to the compound.


Dyson, I need you!



Bo, get out of here.


This was my mistake and I'm going to fix it.


It is my mistake.

I should have done my job.

Hale, please, just get her out of here!

Gotta go--

No-- No, I am not going anywhere.

Bo, we lost today, but they're gonna need you to lead them tomorrow.

You've got to protect the Ash.

You've got to keep fighting.


We've got to go!

I'll hold them off until you're safe.

You can't die.

I'm coming back for you.



Bo: Kenzi, keep up!

Right behind you!



Funny...I remember there being more of you.

Was I mistaken?


This may be my final head... but all it takes is one.

One head.

One bite.

And one dead Garuda.

Or, one swing of my sword.




Blood King...

Alright, Garuda...

Let's end this.


(whistle blowing)




Alastor Cornish, I hereby release you.

Your debt paid in full.


No, no, no, no...


I should have listened to him.

He said that I was the champion--

But I wanted it to be someone else, Trick.

I needed-- I needed to give it away.

You are the champion.

A good man just gave his life to prove it.



He'll think he's invincible.

We have an advantage.

Together, right?

Where's Kenzi?

She said that she was right behind us.

I didn't--

I saw her double back.


Why didn't you grab her, Hale?!

Why did we just leave?!

Bo, it's not his fault.

I told him to bring you back no matter what the cost.


Not now... we can't lose Bo too.

Hale will find her.

Oh, God--


The venom's coagulating.

Trick-- if it seizes up, Lachlan will have sacrificed himself for nothing.


Man, he's heavy.

He's alive.

Don't you ever do that to me again.

I actually had to hide under one of the Ash's dead guards.

And wait for the creepos to be insane somewhere else.

And I have three letters for those guys, D-O-D'RANT!

I've really got to do this, don't I?

This is on me, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

But we have all got your back, Bo.

From a very, very safe distance.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

You are not a liability, Kenz.

You are just the thing I need.


Bring it on.