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02x19 - Truth and Consequences

Posted: 03/14/12 10:33
by bunniefuu
Are you still here?

'Cause if you're not, it is so not funny and I'll be uber-pissed and it's just not--


Okay, that was nice.

But, you don't have to blindfold me to get a little sugar.

You got me a necklace.

With the key... to your heart?

You've already got that.

That is the key to my apartment.

A fashion accoutrement that is both thoughtful and practical.

What more could a girl want?

Access to her boyfriend's place any time night or day?



You're disappointed.

Maybe just a little confused.

I mean, when we go to your place, you're always there and you don't lock your door half the time anyway, so...

It's symbolic.

The past few months with you have been so amazing and I thought that it was time to kinda--

Take it to the next level.

The next level...being the key swap.


I get it. I get it, it's just Bo's got a lot of private stuff laying around and her sex life is sort of unpredictable--

I know and I don't want to walk in on that again.


Maybe this was a dumb idea.


No, it was a very, very sweet idea.

Thanks for coming on such short notice.

I see you've ramped up the security.

Have there been any new developments?

I believe that one of the highest ranking Light Fae officials may have been compromised.

My friends here have been gathering some information and told me that the Glaive is in the process (buzzing)

Ugh, sorry. No offence.


Look, I know that the Glaive is important, but I've never known exactly what she does.

She writes the laws, supervises them being enforced, basically she's responsible for keeping the peace.

Now, if however, she brokers a deal to align the Light with the Garuda, the Fae would once again be at w*r and the Garuda would have a feast of hatred and rage.

Which brings the conversation back to why I'm here.

I want you to neutralize the Glaive.



You mean k*ll.

Or kidnap.

But termination would be easier and a lot cleaner.

You've got the wrong girl.

I hope not, Bo.

Because right now we are at w*r and this is only the beginning.

In the coming weeks, your sense of what's right and wrong is going to be severely tested.

Now...can I count on you?

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years, searching while hiding...

Only to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

Test solution 93 resulted in a slight reduction of leukocytes, but failed to produce measurable amounts of aberrant cell behaviour.

Any luck?

Nothing yet.

Every test I run says the same thing.

You're a hundred percent healthy.

How is that possible?

I still have a fever, the black outs are getting worse--

I feel like I'm living in a nightmare.

I can't explain it yet, I think it's a residual effect of being on life support for five years.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you...

It's alright.

Whatever this thing is, we'll get through it.


I'm still amazed at how you stuck by me all that time.

I would never abandon you.

I don't know if I could have done it.

Five years without holding someone close... without that loving caress...

You're amazing.



Where have you been?

Just walking.

You want some coffee?




Nate wants to take our relationship to the next level.

And what level might that be?

An open-door policy.

Oh, well, Nate is welcome here anytime.

Oh, yeah?

Even when a Brownie is dusting our cobwebs, or a Morragh is trying to drown you in the tub?

Well, yeah, good point.


What did Lachlan want?

Oh, well, you remember your old drinking pal, Tori?

The high-maintenance, low-tolerance for alcohol, projectile vomiting telepath, Tori?

Yes, that's the one.

Well, her mother, the Glaive, is a big deal in the Light Fae hierarchy.

And Lachlan wants me to bring her in dead or alive.

Since when did you become Dog the Bounty Hunter?

Since Lachlan has no one else that he can trust.

Going after a high-ranking Fae sounds insanely dangerous.

Count me in.

The Glaive is the guest speaker at a function tonight.

You feel like crashing?

Hell, yes.

Dynamic duo back in action.


Ugh-- Bring it back, baby. What?

I got a message you wanted to see me?

Thank you for coming.

I need your help.

I'm your man.

I can feel the Garuda's breath on my neck, but we're not ready to take him on yet.

I can definitely help.

Look, I've got a guy who can hook us up with some heavy armament.

I'm talking hand-held, anti-t*nk missiles.

We don't need firepower. We need intel.

Specifically, I want to be up to date on everything Lachlan knows.

You want me to spy on him.

Essentially, yes.

Is that gonna be a problem for you?

Test solution 112.

Two parts sodium chloride to three parts bromide.

Test solution 112 generated no measurable change in Nadia's blood.

Test solution 113... the Congolese virus antibody serum.

The serum was developed to combat a virulent Fae outbreak in Africa.

It has no affect on human hemoglobin, but I must rule out all potential contaminants.

How is that possible...?

Unlike our human counterparts, Fae women have held positions of power and importance for centuries.

From fierce warriors, like the Celtic Fairy Queens, to wise scholars like the Druids, we historically have been treated as equals.

In order to continue that in today's world, we must always reach for greatness and ascend to the highest pinnacles.

Every moment, I want you to act as if what you do makes a difference.

It is critical that we take lessons from Fae women before us, and not compromise.

Because we're all we've got, girls.

Don't get to the end of your life and realize that you've just lived the length of it.

I want you to live the breadth of it as well.

Wow... She is good.

And remember as you go forth today to never give up.

Because that could be the time and place... where the tides turn and your fortunes change.

Thank you.


Whatcha thinking, buttercup?

I want to talk to her, form my own impression.

You think The Ash-hole might be playing you again?

The thought is never far from my mind.

You guys wanna meet The Mom?

Yeah, that'd be great.

I, uh, gotta warn you, she likes to hear herself talk.

Let me know how it turns out.


Mother, this is my friend, Kenzi.

A human, Tori, what did I tell you--

AND her friend, Bo.

Bo, the succubus--


It is a pleasure to finally meet you.

Your reputation proceeds you.

Uh, which part of my reputation?

Your bravery, your countless acts of heroism.

You're a tribute to Fae women and should be held up as a role model to young Fae women everywhere.

See what I mean?



I'm flattered.

I, um.I wish I knew you were here.

I would've had you up on stage and introduced you to the crowd.

Uh, well, I think you did fine up there all by yourself.

Your speech was so inspiring.

Well, I'm glad it resonated with you.

I'm a firm believer not only in Fae women's rights, but the individual obligation to make positive change each and every day in the world around us.





Hey, babe, come here for a sec--

Are you taking more blood?


Today, I'm making a deposit instead of withdrawal.

What's in there?

I finally had a positive test.

Your blood reacted to the serum I developed when we were in Africa.

So, you think I got that disease?

Maybe a variant strain of it.

I modified the serum so it would react with your blood type, and I'm hoping that it will k*ll off the virus.


I thought you'd be happy about this.

Don't you want to feel better?

No more needles.

Come on--

I said no more needles!

I was so blown away by The Glaive.

I mean, she's like Oprah without all the free cars.

I've met her a few times over the years.

She certainly knows how to turn a phrase and control a room.

I sense a "but"--

But, that doesn't mean her intentions are necessarily honourable.

Well, I'm no expert on politics, but I find it hard to believe that The Glaive would sell out the Fae to save her own ass.

Maybe you don't want to believe it.

What does that mean?

The Glaive's a very charismatic woman.

Maybe you've placed her on a pedestal, in hopes that she's a beacon of goodness.

I never realized you were so cynical, Trick.

Some people call it "cynical," others call it "realistic."

Okay, okay--

What is your take on The Glaive?

I'm guessing that she is forging an alliance with the Garuda.

Based on what?

It's the smart move.

The Garuda wants a w*r to break out, so he makes an offer to the Light and the Dark.

Join me and together, we'll wipe out your enemy.

So, he plays them off against each other, offering them salvation over annihilation.


When the real solution is for the Light and the Dark to honour our treaty.

And to stand united against the Garuda.

But, it takes a very strong and determined person to stay that course.

So, the only question is, what kind of person is The Glaive?

Hey, Bo-Bo, what did Trick-ster have to say?

He agrees with Lachlan.

He thinks the Glaive is making some kind of deal with the Garuda.

Hmm, well, I thought she looked hinky--


She might be hinky.

But, how do I know she's dangerous enough to neutralize?

I have been thinking about it and I've come up with a fool-proof plan, ok?

I'm gonna do surveillance on the Glaive for a few days, check out her habits, her route to work, then for a measly hundred bucks, my cousin Dima and his capos are gonna--

Dima has capos?

He believes Don Corleone is his real father.


He does know that Don Corleone is a fictional character, right?

I've never had the heart to tell him.

Anyway, I'll give them the deets and the cash and they'll have the Glaive scooped up off the street and hog-tied in the trunk before you can say cannoli.

Inspired plan, Kenzi, but I think I'm gonna pass on Fredo and his boys, and take a more direct approach.

I like it.

I'm gonna lace up my butt-kicking boots.

Thanks, but this is a solo mission.

You're a buzz k*ll.

You, uh, you coming down with something?

Uh uh--

The Glaive is a telepath.

Trick gave me this pill, it's some kind of Fae beta-blocker for brain waves.

Like Magneto's helmet... That is so cool!

(water running)


Nadia, what are you doing?

Stop it! Please!




I was very glad to get your call.

Please, have a seat.

Thank you for making the time to see me.

Like I said last night, you're a tribute to Fae women everywhere.

What's on your mind?

I, um...

I've been unaligned my entire life.

And after hearing you speak, I think it's time that I committed to a side.

Excellent idea.

I love the fact that you're taking charge of your life.

But, before I give myself over to one side, I wanted to get your input.

I'm flattered.

Tell me about yourself.

Don't hold anything back.

I understand you've been spending a lot of time with Trick lately.

No more than usual.

I drop in once in a while for a drink and a little socializing.

Just the two of you, in his office.

Is this going somewhere?

You do realize that you have a centuries old obligation to serve the office of The Ash, correct?

I am well-aware.

You're also aware that the Garuda's about to make his move any day now, and now is not the time for secrets or even worse, insubordination.

I understand.


I'll tell you where this is all going.

I need you to give me any information that will assist me in my campaign against the Garuda.

Of course.

That includes whatever you learn from your friend Trick.

What makes you think Trick has any information on the Garuda?

He's a bartender, he hears everything.

Don't underestimate me, Hale.

We're actually on the same side, you and I.

Bo: ...And the next thing I know,

I am standing face to face with the Cherufe.

Luckily, I was able to chill him out.

For someone who's only been in the Fae community for such a short time, you've certainly left your mark.

Well, I guess I attract trouble.

I think it's the exact opposite.

You see a problem and you take it upon yourself to do something about it.

It's, uh, it's quite a selfless trait.

Well, thank you.

You, um, you mentioned- a barkeep named Trick.

What's your relationship to him?

Trick's a good friend.

You might call him a mentor.

How is it that a simple man who runs a way station could possibly mentor someone such as yourself?

He's very wise.

He's been around for a long time, he's seen a lot.

I imagine he has.

Please don't touch anything.

I won't.

Oh, what's this?

One of those things you don't touch.


What does it do?



Indeed. It's called a "pixie impaler."


Okay! Hands in pockets.


This Garuda character, it's coming our way, huh?

Unfortunately true.

What do you think my role in this whole the end of the world as we know it scenario's gonna be?

What do you mean?

Come on, Trick. You've got eyes in the back of your head and who knows where else.

You know things.

I can't predict the future.

Okay, well, can you predict roughly the next few months? Weeks?

Kenzi, you're the most amazing human I've ever met.

You always say the sweetest things.

But, this w*r that's coming, it's not your fight.

Maybe not technically, but it's your fight and it's Bo's fight, and that makes it my fight too.

I know you're dedicated to Bo, but you have to live your own life.

What about Nate?

This isn't about Nate.

It's not?

Well, I don't need eyes in the back of my head to see how you feel about him.

Come sit.

You're right.

I have seen the future of the Fae, and you're not a part of it.

What do you mean not a part of it?

The only way Bo can be the champion she needs to be and lead the Fae to victory, is if she has no distractions.

I'm a distraction?

Bo's love for you is a distraction.

She'd do anything to protect you, which means in battle... you're her weak spot. A liability.

I've never thought about it that way.

The best thing for you to do, for Bo and for yourself--

Is to grab Nate and move to somewhere safe.

Lead your own lives away from all this madness.

I don't know what to say.

Kenzi, I'd hate not having you around... but it's for the best.

For you...and for Bo.

Things are about to get very, very dangerous.

Bo, it's Lauren.

Will you please call me as soon as you get this?

It's about Nadia.

I appreciate the gravity of the decision you have to make.

Especially since the Fae are at such a pivotal time in history.

Which is?

I think you know what I'm talking about.

The Garuda.

Yes, the Garuda.

Tell me what you know about it.

Just whispers and rumours.

I was hoping you could fill me in.

The Garuda could very well change the future as we know it.

You mean destroy everything as we know it.

Not necessarily.

The Garuda is an extremely powerful force.

Now, just imagine the good you could accomplish if you used that force to shape the future.

I never really thought about it that way.

This has been very enlightening.


What is this?

My father was a telepath.

Not many people know that my mother was a Wood Nymph.

She had a strong symbiosis with nature, which she passed along to me.

You took a beta-blocker before you got here, which gave you away as someone whose intentions were not pure.

Who sent you?

No one.

Don't be so naive.

BEEP What I can't get from you telepathically, I can always get from you with a little t*rture.

Send her to the white room.

The white room?

Shiny white tiles... easier to clean when things get messy.


You might hurt me, but you will not win this fight.

Oh, I don't intend to hurt you, I intend to k*ll you.

Come on, give a sister a break.

That's what I intend to do--


Doesn't take a telepath to know that you're not a m*rder*r.


You need to work on your mind-reading skills.

I see you found the place.

Why did you call me here, Hale?

I don't have time for games.

None of us do.

I hope you know what you're doing.

So do I.


To what do I owe this unexpected visit?

Ask Hale.

Okay, here's the deal.

We all want the same thing, to defeat the Garuda, right?

Well, I don't know if that's--

As heir to the Zamora Clan, I am invoking my right to call a parlay.

You're technically not the heir...

There's Val and your cousin Mitch, and--

Whatever. I can still call parlay.

It's not everyday that one of my subordinates invokes a parlay between myself and a way station keeper.

No offence.

None taken.

I'm very proud to be the keeper of a way station--

Gentlemen, please--

The two of you need to be working together to stop the Garuda.

Now, right now The Ash is making his plans, and the Blood King is--

Sorry, Trick...

It's alright, Hale,

I long suspected that Mr. MacCorieghan held a loftier place within the order.

The services of The Ash are forever at your disposal.

What about the services of the Naga?


You know.

It makes too much sense for it not to be true.

No one tells me anything...

Well, since we've got the introductions out of the way, let's take a look at your intel.

They are so beautiful!

Yeah, I figured they'd go with the décor--

Kind of derelict modern.

Hey, just 'cause we don't have solid walls don't mean we don't have style.

You have more style than anyone I have ever met.

Maybe someday you and I can live in a place that's a little less... Drafty.

Maybe. Someday.

Then I'd get to know the real Kenzi, and where you disappear to all the time and why you have weapons laying around the house.

Yeah, but then we'd lose all the mystery in our relationship.

You know, I don't want mystery.

I just want a normal, uncomplicated relationship with the woman that I love.

Too much to ask for?


(phone ringing)

Oh, damn, I'm gonna be late for my audition--

Wow...that was some goodbye kiss.

See ya.

Break a leg.


(phone dialing)

Hey, Bo, where are you?

You were supposed to be home like an hour ago.

There's just a lot of stuff I need to talk to you about, and um--

(knocking on door)



Where's Bo?

She's not here.

I said she's not here.

Where's Bo?!


What have we got here?

One double-dealing Glaive, per your request.

I'm impressed and frankly surprised.

You doubted that I could pull it off?

No, I doubted that you'd actually k*ll her.



I am not an executioner.

Her second heart.

Like mother like daughter.

Your tides have turned, and your fortunes have definitely changed.


Oh my God.

Are you okay?

Yeah, a bump on the head.

I've had worse.

It's nothing compared to the beating I'm gonna lay on Nadia's ass.

Nadia? What?

What was she doing here?

Looking for you.

She stormed in all Linda Blair and started tossing things around, beginning with me.

What the hell's wrong with her?

I don't know.

You know, the worst part is, Nate was here just before she came.

She could have hurt him. Maybe even k*lled him.

I'm sorry, Kenzi, I'm so sorry you got caught up in all of this.

Me being in danger is one thing, ok?

I know what's out there, it's my decision to stay, but I cannot have Nate on the firing line.

I know.

I'm gonna track Nadia down--

Bo, it's--

It's not just Nadia.

What if the Garuda, or some demon from the fifth level of hell--

It's your world.

I'm wondering if I belong in it or not.


Nate wants a deeper commitment from me... but how can I be in a relationship with someone, with someone I love, when I can't even tell him the truth.

It's k*lling me.

Oh, God...

Things are heating up, Kenzi...

And it's only going to get crazier.

The Garuda is on the move and I'm pretty sure that I'm directly in its path.

What can I do to help?

Not be standing next to me when he comes.

What do you mean?

You have become a huge part of my life...

You're the sister that I never had and I never want to lose...

But, you have to take Nate and you have to go some place far away from here.

Some place where you can look him in the eye and tell him the truth.

Bo, I am not leaving you here to deal with all of this by yourself!

And I am not standing in the way of your happiness, or your safety.


I love you...

But, you have to go away from here.

Away from me.

Come on, come on, come on, come on--

Bo, it's Lauren again, I've left you two messages--


Where have you been?

I don't remember.

My brain feels like it's on fire.

You're burning up, come and sit down--


What's happening to me?

Just tell me the last thing that you remember.

I don't know what's real and what's a dream.

I remember attacking you in the shower...

That didn't really happen, did it?

Yeah, it did.


I didn't mean to--

It's okay, I know you're not yourself right now--

Then who am I?

What am I?

You have to tell me the truth.

Nadia, there are things that I--


Do you love me?

Of course I love you.

Then stop trying to protect me-- and tell me everything.



I brought donuts. Chocolate sprinkles.

Of course you did.

And that's when I brought you to The Ash's compound for treatment.

This is incredible...

I never would have dreamed that there would be a whole other world of people and creatures.

Right here, walking among us--

I'm so glad you're finally confiding in me.

So am I.

Tell me more about Bo.

I get the feeling she's special.

She is special to me.

She's become a very good friend.

No, I mean special in the Fae world.

(phone ringing)

Don't answer that--

Wait, it's Bo, I just have to--

(phone ringing)

Just forget about Bo.

It's just you and me right now.

I thought these donuts were your favourites.

They are.

What's wrong?

I haven't been completely honest with you.

About what?

About everything.

Uh, well, now's a good time for the truth.

Wish it was that easy...


Do you trust me?

Of course.

Do you love me?

That's not a trick question.

Do you love me?

It's just not as simple as that.

Yes, it is.

Nate, we can't be together anymore.


Wait, wait, okay, hold on, look, if I'm putting too much pressure on you, I can back off.

We can leave everything the way it is--

No, we can't.

Why? What's changed?

There's someone else.

No, of course not.

What are you so afraid of?

Because whatever it is, I'm here for you, okay?

I can help you.

I can protect you.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Kenzi.

I love you.

This thing we have, it's not real.

It's real for me.

Well, I thought it was real for me too, but it was just a six-year-old's fantasy come to life.

I kept hoping that it would work, that I would feel for you what you feel for me, but I don't.


You know what, you just--

You tell me what I can do.

There's nothing you can do.

I just--

I just don't love you.

So when you told me that you loved me... that was all a lie?


I thought I did--


You can keep that key, because I'm leaving town--

Nate, don't leave like this, please--

So how am I supposed to leave?

Happy that the only girl that I ever loved just dumped my ass?

I'm so sorry--

I want to know more about the Ash and his compound.


What are you doing here?

What were you doing at my place?!

Why did you attack Kenzi?


What did you do?

I, I don't remember--

Baby, please--

Tell Bo to leave so we can talk.

I'm not going anywhere until I find out what the hell is going on.

No, no, no--



You wanna pick on someone your own size? Huh?

Bo-- No, no, no, what are you doing?

I am getting answers!

Lauren, please, tell Bo to put the knife down and we can all talk.

Don't listen to her, Lauren, it is a trick.

No, no, Bo, she's sick, you're scaring her--

Please put the knife down, Bo, please!



You stay out of this--

Nadia, it's me, Lauren--

Fight it, sweetie, fight it--

Oh, Lauren--

Lauren? Please, help me--

There's something inside of me,

I can feel its hatred!

It wants to k*ll--


The Garuda--

The pain is too much--

Ugh! You gotta stop it!

While you still can--


No, I can't--


I don't know what to do!

k*ll me--


No, baby, I can't do that. I can't do that.

Bo, please! Ugh!

Please! Do it! Make it go away!

Bo, do it--

Do it for her, do it for me--

I can't, I can't!

Bo, just do it!

It wants me to k*ll!



Thank you--

I'm sorry--

I know, don't say you're sorry.

This is my fault.

It's all my fault.

You stay with me. Please, stay with me.


Bo: Kenzi?

Hey, Kenz.

You okay?


What's wrong? What happened?

I, uh...


We broke up.

Oh...Kenz, I thought--

It was never gonna work.

What do you mean?

I couldn't have him in my life and protect him at the same time.

Kenzi...I told you--

I know what you told me--

And what Trick told me, what Nate told me, but--

What about what my heart told me?

It told me that this is where I belong right now.

By your side.

I want you to be happy.

And I know that Nate makes you happy.

Maybe someday things will be different, I'll be able to have a normal life.

But right now, this is the life that I choose.

Are you sure?



Because I've never needed my best friend more than I do right now.

Did you find Nadia?


What happened?

Maybe we should just talk about it later, okay?

Is it okay if I sleep here tonight?

It's more than okay.