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02x11 - To Dye For

Posted: 08/16/23 02:54
by bunniefuu
Ooh, ooh. Why does that smell like spinach?

Cause' it is. One hundred percent organic spinach.

Nothing but the best for my Barbies.

You want us to eat that?

Nope, better. I want you to wear it.

I'm following my abuela's original recipe

to dye costumes for your commercial audition.

Huh. I didn't realize today's audition required a costume.

Well, it's not exactly a requirement.

Rafa, what are you up to?

Look, this is a national spot for gourmet popcorn.

You know, the ones that make the famous pickle flavor?

And the best way to book a gig

is to stand out from the competition.

Ew. Who eats pickle-flavored popcorn?

Me. It's so good.

Wait, does that mean you're gonna have us dress up like--

Pickles! You're welcome.

Trust me, it'll be worth it when the commercial pays you

more than enough for another recording session.

Fine, then we'll be the most perfect pickles

you've ever seen.

But what kind are we? Dill, sour, half sour?


Bertram Livesy says you can't fully inhabit a role

without truly understanding your character's origin story.

Maybe we're kosher pickles?

Or bread and butter pickles?

Oh, what about Hungarian pickles?

Did we meet as cucumbers?

- -Ooh, hold that thought.

Hola, Rafa's costume line. You wish it, I stitch it.

How can I help?

Oh, no! But it was a triple zigzag stitch.

Yikes! That is embarrassing.

Of course I can fix it.

I know I sound worried but I am so not worried.

It's gonna be fine.

This is so not fine!

Where is it? Where is it?

Nope, nope!

Gonna need this.

OK, don't need that.

Here we go.

Oh, this.

We'll need that.


The modern dance troop is 30 minutes away

from their debut performance of The Swan Soars at Dawn.

But the Swan's costume split up the back.

The harness snapped, and if I can't fix it,

they'll have to rename the show The Swan Dives at Dawn.

Your costumes!

Stir the fabric for another 20.

Dry for 2 and you'll be good to go

for your audition at 3:00 p.m.

Don't worry, Rafa. We've got this.

And yes, you met as cucumbers.

Ah! Cucumber besties!

Barbie! I've narrowed my science fair project

down to three experiments.

But I need help deciding which one to go with.

Did someone say science experiment?

I love a good science experiment.

Same! I'll never forget winning first place

in my elementary school science fair back in the day.

My win came in middle school.

I get to be Stacie's assistant.

And I'm here to supervise.

But first, what do you think

of this cool vintage hoodie I bought?

Looks pretty much identical to all the other hoodies you own.

Maybe if you modeled it for me?

Not now, science experiment plus Stacie

equals destroyed hoodie waiting to happen.

Huh. Good point.

Can we get back to the real reason for the call?

The first experiment is all about the properties

of magnetic slime.

Check it out. I made the slime base last night.

Just need to add the iron fillings

and we'll have magnetic magic.


You might want to go easy on those because if use too much...

Never mind.

Ooh! That's magically magnetic, alright.

I probably shouldn't have used a metal spoon.


Uh, is everything OK over there, Stace?

I think so.

Oh, no! Duck!

- - Oh, ahhh!

Look out!

What's happening?

When I flung the slime off the spoon, it hit the fan,

and now chunks of it are flying everywhere!

It's on the toaster! It's on the refrigerator!

-It's on me! -Don't worry.

As my favorite science teacher always used to say.

"There is no such thing as a failed experiment.

Only experiments with unexpected outcomes."

This is definitely unexpected.

I-I'll call you when the next experiment is ready.


Glad we're not the ones covered in magnetic slime right now.

That would be one way to attract the casting directors attention.

Ooh! The costumes are looking very green.

Talk about pickle perfection. What was the next step?

Rafa said they need to dry for...

Wait... where's that recipe he was following?

Pretty sure he said two minutes?

That seems super fast.

But it is his abuela's recipe,

so the unexpected should be expected.

Maybe spinach just dries quickly?

Two minutes it is!

Is it just me or are these costumes ridiculously...


There's no way this pickle is getting past my shoulders.

Maybe if I try stepping into it...

Nope. That's worse.

Did Rafa get our measurements right because this is...

...seriously Gatosized.

Great. Now I have two Gatosized costumes.

I'm not sure this is meant to be.

Me either.

But, who needs to dress up like a pickle

when we can just impress the casting director

with our sparkling, fun pickled personalities?


And Rafa will understand, especially when we book the job.



I... I don't understand.

How did this happen?

There it is. The recipe Rafa was following.

Oh, we were supposed to let the costumes dry for two hours,

not two minutes.

Oh, perfect!

And here's a warning from his abuela

about the fabric shrinking.

How about a warning that it could dye your skin?

Our audition is in two hours.

Rafa will know what to do.

You've reached Rafa's voicemail.

You know what do to.

Rafa, we have no idea what to do.

We've got a code red. Make that a code green costume emergency.

Call us back!

I don't get it.

Why are you making elephant toothpaste?

Do they even brush their teeth?

Do they even have teeth?

The experiment's just called that because when it foams,

it looks like the amount of toothpaste

an elephant would need.


Just tell me when to take cover.

It was one tiny miscalculation, Skipper.

But I've got this experiment totally under control.

-Blue food coloring? -Check.

-Liquid soap? -Check.

-Yeast? -Check.

And, for an extra cool, extra bubbly effect,

double the amount of soda pop.

Wait, wait, wait! Don't start combining that stuff

until I get my hoodie out of the kitchen.

You're so extra, Skipper. It's just a little foam.

You're hoodie will be fine.

My hoodie cost me six months of allowance.

If your elephant toothpaste experiment

is anything like that sneaky slime attack,

I am not taking any chances.


Seriously? How is this happening to us right now?

If only we were auditioning for the movie adaptation

of "Alien Crossing: Greater Galaxies".

We'd be a lock.

Ugh. We have to get this dye off.

-Aw. -Aw.

The worst part is all I can smell is spinach.

You've reached Rafa's voicemail.

You know what to do.

Yeah, we still don't know what to do, Rafa.

Call us back as soon as you get this!

Oh! Just Stacie. But maybe she can help!

-Hey, Stace. -So, this was called

the elephant toothpaste experiment...

Stacie, wait--

Which should of, would of, could have been super cool...

We're trying to figure out--

But, as you can see, it sort of exploded

before I could call you.

-Proving that-- - That I was right

to remove my hoodie from the kitchen!

Proving that doubling the amount of soda pop

was probably not the best idea, right?

Um, don't panic, but have you guys looked

in the mirror lately?

You're kind of green!

Not just kind of green, a lot green.


Stacie's experiment didn't make you sick, did it?

It's the dye from our pickle costumes.

We can't figure out how to get it off.

That's quite the pickle.

Ha. Get it?


Can I bring you to school next week for show and tell?

We aren't going to be green for that long, Chelsea. Are we?

All I know is our audition is in less than 30 minutes.

I can't believe I'm saying this,

but it looks like we have no choice

but to show up as human pickles.

It's OK, we'll just do such an amazing job

that no one will give it a second thought.

That's the pickle spirit!

When life gives you lemons, be a pickle.

Right. What could possibly go wrong?

Don't answer that.


Everyone looks so normal.

And so not green.

A refreshing spritz of pickle juice

to help us get in the pickle spirit.

Where did you even get...

Barbie Roberts and... uh, Barbie Roberts?

You're up!

Smell the pickle, be the pickle.

I still smell spinach.

And I thought I'd seen everything.

Why do I smell pickle? Or is that spinach?

Uh, both?

Funny story...

That we have no time for.

Just start whenever you're ready.

This script has nothing to do with pickle popcorn.

It's about their new cotton candy flavor?


Do you have a problem with cotton candy?

Because introducing this new flavor

is the entire point of this commercial.

And why we're all here.

-No problem at all. -We love cotton candy.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

How much I hate cotton candy?

And, that's it's time to improvise Barbie style.

It's Gourmet Popcorn's new cotton candy flavored popcorn.

If you liked their dillightlful pickle flavor

then you'll love this.

Mm. The only pickle you'll be in is deciding

how many bags of cotton candy flavored popcorn to buy.

It's the dill of the century.

You ate the entire bag!

Are you green with envy?

Try Gourmet Popcorn's cotton candy flavor today!

Thank you, that will be all.

Hmm. The lighting in here isn't right

if these pics are gonna show my friends how awesome you are.

We need a lamp.

This last experiment is called the lemon fizzinator.

Sounds terrifying.

Lemons are totally harmless, Chelsea.

And don't worry, this time I'm not taking any chances.

I'm going to follow the directions exactly.


Just as soon as I can get the top off of this bottle.

Oh, see?

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Whoa! Ah!

Whoa! Ah! Ahhh!

Oh no!


Where's Skipper?

It still looks OK.

It just has a lovely lemon scent.

Maybe I'll, uh...

Oh! I'm gonna take it outside to dry.

I'm sure Skipper won't even notice.


Rafa's recipe really is original.

I can't find anything on getting out spinach stains.

Me neither!

But on the bright side,

we'll always be ready for Halloween?


Hey, sorry we haven't been much help

on your science fair project.

Forget the science fair, I have a much bigger problem.

It's Skipper's new hoodie.

I spilled lemon juice on it and it seemed fine

until I left it out in the sun to dry, and now this!

You know, if I squint,

it actually kind of looks like a cool abstract work of art.

Maybe Skipper would be on board

if you contacted a local art gallery and asked them to display it?

Yeah, I was thinking more like, I could color in the pattern

with black marker so Skipper doesn't ever notice?

She can't stop talking about that hoodie, Stacie.

I'm pretty sure she'd notice that.

You're right. Skipper is going to lose it!

The only reason I'd lose it is if something happened

-to my hoodie. -Oh!

Stacie, please tell me nothing happened to my hoodie

and there's a perfectly good explanation

for why it's no longer on the craft table?

Nothing happened to your hoodie.


Well, technically you did ask her

to tell you nothing happened to your hoodie.

Something did happen to my hoodie!

Let me see it.

Get back here!


Now what?!

Sorry, you're on your own.

I'm so sorry, Skipper.

I'll give you my allowance every month

until you have enough to replace it.

That hoodie was one-of-a-kind, Stacie.

I can't replace it!



Give me that!

Pups, stop!

Oh, oh, I'll even cover your turn picking up the pups poop

for a month!

You guys please stop! We're green enough as it is!


I'm really sorry, Skipper.

I promise I'll make it up to you.

Please, just say something.



I love it!

This pattern is super cool

and makes it even more one-of-a-kind.

Right? So cool.

Hey, this doesn't mean I'm forgetting about your offer

to pick up the pups poop for a month.

Super pooper scooper at your service.

Glad you two worked that out

and that we can at least stop feeling green.

Here's to unexpected happy outcomes.

Oh, speaking of, I think I have my science fair project figured out.

A little lemon juice and sunlight and voila.

All natural stain remover!

If lemon juice and sunlight did that to the hoodie...

Maybe it can help us degreen.

Totally! But you're gonna need a lot of lemons.

Here we go.

The moment of truth.

It worked!

Feels so good to not be green.

Ah, I never thought I'd see my fabulous real skin color again.

But we do smell super lemony now.

Better than spinachy.

Rafa! You're alive.

Sorry for not calling back sooner.

We barely got the swan in the air ten seconds before curtain.

But more importantly,

I just got a call from the casting director.

And I don't know what you two did...

About that, long story which is probably better off short,

our dreams of pickle stardom were crushed.

Uh, more like you crushed it!

The casting director loved you, and said, and I quote,

"I relished their performance."

I don't believe it!

Well, you better believe it because whatever you did

the first time, you need to do it again.

You have a call back in 30 minutes!

What happened to your groovy green glow?


The agency completely changed

their creative direction of their commercial

based on your bold choice.

They've gone back to showcasing their pickle flavor.

They have?

That audition was fresh, it was original, it was brave.

It was pickle perfect.

And now all I smell is lemon?

That's because nothing goes better with Gourmet Popcorn's

line of pickle popcorn than a squeeze of lemon.

Delightfully tart if I do say so myself.

It's simple the zest!

Go on.