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02x10 - Buddy's Is Booming

Posted: 08/16/23 02:53
by bunniefuu
Alright, weekend warriors! Who's ready to get to work?

-Woo. -Yay.

Come on, ladies!

Ever since your stellar performance

at the Cali Music and Food Festival,

my phone's been blowing up with calls and texts

asking about the Barbies and their musical brilliance!

OK, that's just the groomer.

Gato's getting the works today. Fur trim, paw-ti-cur.

But I promise, the ten texts before this one were all about you.

So, in order to keep this buzz alive,

I made a to-do list for us to tackle today.

First, you need to get featured

on Handler social media accounts.

Did it! They interviewed us last week,

and it's posting this afternoon.

Oh, OK.

Then, second, you need to make connections

with more local venues.

Did that too! Huge success.

Really? Alright.

-Third thing is designing merch. - Done!

We've also auctioned off singing lessons

for a local charity.

And hosted a live-stream Q and A

about our songwriting process.

Wow, that's my whole list.

Plus a few things I had planned for next weekend.

What can we tell you? We're amazingly efficient.

It's like you two don't even need me anymore.

Good, good.

Now, visualize your happy place.

You're in Paris, surrounded by croissants as far as the eye can see.


What's wrong?

Business has been slow recently.

But, I never thought... it's le rent!

It is due today and I cannot pay it.

Aw. Don't worry.

Just put out a tray of your delicious broffins

and sales will pick up in no time.

Ze broffin craze is over. Fini.

What about Le Buddy?

Oh, Le dead.

That pastry never even caught on.

I fear I will be forced to close the café forever.

This is serious.

We're gonna help you, Buddy.

Yeah, we got this.

Oooh, what if we got side gigs to help you pay the rent?

Maybe we keep the side gigs for finishing your demo.

We need to think bigger and faster here.

I'll brew up some ginger tea.

It improves brain function and stimulated creativity.

What if we put up a billboard in Time Square?

Too expensive.

But, speaking of billboards,

I saw Emmie's new one on West 44th yesterday.

If we could get her to promote the café,

that might bring in new customers.

-Yes! -Perfect!

I'll call her right now.

And I will go see my landlord.

Perhaps I may convince him to give me more time

to pay le rent.

Tea's ready.

Let's open up our minds and manifest the perfect solution.

Oh! Hot, hot, hot!

Hey guys!

Come on down to Buddy's café.

I'll be here all day signing autographs, taking selfies

and of course, eating delicious pastries!

- Woah! -

Oh, uh, come to Buddy's!

Here you go.

A selfie station for all of your adoring fans.

-Thanks, Rafa. You're the best.

I'm gonna go see if Brooklyn and Malibu

need any help refilling the salt shakers.

We love your manicure.

-Huh? -You two say the word

and I'll get you an appointment with them.

That would be great.

We just need to check with Rafa first.

Can you believe this?

I can. He's so talented.

Actually, I was talking about Brooklyn and Malibu.

I think they want to meet with Emmie's manager.

But you're their manager.

I always figured this day might come.

But not for a while.

My girls... leaving me.

But... at the end of the day,

all I want is for them to succeed.

If that means I need to step aside

so they can work with somebody more experienced,

then so be it.

You're right, Stefan. The Barbies are loyal.

They wouldn't even meet with the new guy before talking to me first.

So it's gonna be hard for them to let me go.

Actually, Stefan's saying that maybe you should

just talk to the girls directly instead of assuming that--

I know. I just need to convince them that I'm a terrible manager

so it'll be easy to fire me. A perfect plan.

A perfect plan!


We should see if Epiphany and Stefan need help

dealing with all these new customers we brought in.

The good news, your plan to attract more people to the café is totally working.

So, what's the bad news?

No one is buying anything.

Ugh. Everyone's just meeting Emmie and leaving.

That won't help Buddy.

We need a new, more perfect plan.

Oh, I just made a batch of

crystal infused prosperity candles.

I'll go light them.

Sorry, I thought my fans would clean this place out

after I raved about the food.

Guess we should have made a rule about buying something.

Buy a pastry, get a selfie! It's that easy, folks!

I totally should have thought of the mandatory pastry thing.

You know, like a good manager

who pays attention to details would.

But that's so typically me, right?

I mean, remember when I booked you that magician gig?

I still freak out when I see a pigeon.

So, I'd understand if you haven't forgiven me.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Rafa.

Yeah, that pigeon thing was totally our fault.

Hey, where are you going?

Don't leave! It's just one pastry!

This is gonna be harder than I thought.

Emmie autographed my croissant. No way I'm eating this thing.

Looks like we're gonna help Buddy out after all.

The good news? Sales went way up.

he bad news...

No more pastries?

But how?

Emmie's biggest fan came in and purchased all of our broffins.

Thirty broffins equals 30 unique selfies.

Wait, don't go!

We promise we'll have more pipping hot broffins

available to purchase in a few minutes.

If you want, I'll share some of my extra pastries

with people waiting in line.

Thanks, Emma.

But, I still get 30 selfies.


Rafa, Epiphany, why don't you take orders

and handle the drinks at the counter.

Malibu and I will help Stefan make more pastries.

Wait, have either of you ever baked

in a professional kitchen before?


But, I mean, how different can it be from baking at home?

OK, turns out a lot different.

Uh... Anybody know what these do?

Nope. I'm too busy

trying to figure out Buddy's organizational system.

I think it's in French?


Frozen hats?

Maybe his head get's super hot while he bakes?


Nothing's labeled.

OK, so this is either salt, sugar, baking soda,

cornstarch or onion powder.




What's wrong?

-Nothing. -Are you sure?

Your third eye chakra is all cloudy.

I'm having a hard time convincing Brooklyn and Malibu

that I'm a terrible manager

so they won't feel bad about firing me.

They're probably in the kitchen right now

talking about great I am.

Hm. That does sound awful.

You should probably go talk to them.

And while you're in there, could you check on that batch of broffins they're making?

The customers have been waiting for a long time.

Ouch. That's gonna bruise.

OK, the broffin dough is done.

Stefan, you roll it out, pass it to me.

I'll cut it up and put it in the pan.

OK, then I'll pop them in the oven

and finish with a sprinkle of chocolate toppings.

What's the ETA on those broffins?

-Um... -And, speaking of time,

did I ever tell you two

about the time I almost ruined your career

while riding on the Staten Island Ferry?

-What? -When was this?

Let me set the scene.

It was a cloudy day in December

and I had just stepped onto the boat.

I was reviewing your lyric sheets while sipping a coffee,

when suddenly I was hit with a lightning bolt of inspiration

for a full leather jacket design.

I just had to measure my sleeve length right then and there.

But, it's not like I could stop drinking my latte.

And all those beautiful words you wrote

just went flying overboard.

Can you believe how unprofessional that was?

I mean, technically you only lost a copy of the lyrics

'cause we always keep a backup.

It's no big deal.


How would dropping a few pieces of paper

into New York Harbor almost ruin our career?

You're acting kind of... dough!

Did we somehow mess up the recipe?

This is really sticky.

And now it's stuck on me.



Little help here?

OK, we don't have time to roll the dough out again,

so this batch will just be a little... lumpy.

Emma, Emmie, don't you see, we're basically the same person.


Even better. We're like sisters!

Uh huh...

This is a disaster!

All creations are valuable.

Brooklyn and Malibu just love me way too much.

There is no way I'm getting fired.


I think we're finally getting the hang of this.


And now for the finishing touch.


Oops. I'll grab some more.

Ladies, remember--


I am so sorry.

Rafa, what in the world is so important

that you had to come barging in here like that?

Oh. I was just...

gonna ask if you two remember that time I double booked you

for jobs downtown and uptown on the same afternoon?

Or the time I got you a gig with the subway dance troop

but they ended up being dancing monkeys?

That was worth ruining a batch of broffins over?

Why do you keep telling us stories about you messing up?

I... I gotta get these out to the customers.

I want a refund!

That lump you just served me was hard as a rock.

I'm so sorry about that, ma'am.

Here, try one of these.

Ugh! Come on, let's go!

There are a lot of bad vibes swirling around here today.

The key to baking is using exact measurements.

We must have been off somehow with the earlier batch,

so we need to be accurate.

One teaspoon of yeast.

-Two cups of sugar... -

The good news?

Actually, despite all my positivity mantras,

I only bring bad news this time.

Your pastries are driving away the customers!

No customers, no rent money.

No Buddy's.

This is all my fault.

I distracted you from your baking.

Just another reason why I'm so terrible and unprofessional.

What do we do? A two-for-one sale?

More bad broffins? The customers don't want any.

Ugh! My broffin tastes like onion!

Stefan, can you give that a stir

then cover the bowl so the dough can rise?

We need to help Epiphany!

And figure out why Rafa's acting so weird.

What can we do?

Remember the time I caused that cat-tastrophy in...

OK, that's it.

Rafa, you've been acting strange all day, like, really strange.

What's up?

Ah, ah, ah, ah...

Not now, Stefan!

It feels like you're hiding something.

So, just tell us!

Me? I'm trying to make it easier for you

to say what you're hiding.

-Us? -What are you talking about?

Just admit it.

You guys wanna get a new manager.

I heard you tell Emmie that you loved her manager

and wanted to meet him, which I get.

You probably should be working with a real professional

who has more experience.

And all I want is what's best for you, so...

No, we were asking Emmie about her manicure, not her manager.

And, we wanted to take you with us

as a thank you for everything you've done.

But Emmie's manicurist is booked solid

and only has one time slot open,

so we wanted to check with you first.

So, you don't want to fire me?

Never ever!

You're irreplaceable!


Don't mind me.

Just wanted to bask in your good energy.

The café's aura is starting to feel better already.

- Help me! -

Dough disaster!

It's alive!

Let your manager handle this!

Take that! And that! I manage the Barbies!

You think a dough blob is gonna stop me? Ha!

Great thinking, Rafa!

Hacking up that runaway dough to create a whole new snack!

What are you gonna call your creation?

Puffins! Puffy muffins.

Hey, Epiphany! Over here.

Done taking selfies?

These puffins are so good.

People are taking pictures with them instead of me.

I don't blame them. They're amazing!

Good news!

My landlord said I could pay le rent later in the week!

You did it!

This place is full.

We've sold more pastries today than ever.

And with all the positive reviews

the customers are posting,

I sense good vibes for years to come.

Thank you all so much for your help.

Wait, what are these?



So light.

So delicate.

So puffy!

How did you create something so magnifique?

Don't look at us. It was all Rafa.

We're lucky to have him.

Merci beaucoup!

Now, I must go to my kitchen

and figure out how to make this delicious recipe for myself.

Just so you know, I feel pretty lucky too.

What in the creme brûlée happened in here?

Sorry, Buddy!

We can explain!