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02x08 - Team No Screens

Posted: 08/16/23 02:51
by bunniefuu
Aw! So cute. How are they even friends?

I know, right?

Animal odd couples are the best.

Like how'd they meet?

- -Awww.

Ugh. This is so frustrating.

The Handler website is supposed to announce

what the spring musical is going to be.

But, so far, nothing.

Why schedule the auditions

but not tell us what we're auditioning for?

I've checked you every five minutes for the last hour,

but that stops right now.

Okay, I didn't mean that. I was just venting.

And, sent.

Application for the Barbies to perform

at the California Music and Food Festival is on its way.

Oh, thank you, Rafa.

You're such a good manager.

Playing at the festival would be a dream come true.

No problem.

Spending every second of my life

taking you ladies to the top is what I live for.

Although, a simple acknowledgment

of my hard work...

Aw! A goat and a squirrel?

Thanks, Daisy.

I mean, how are they even friends?

Morning, everyone.

Hello? Yoo-hoo?


What's that, Buddy? We're out of broffins?



I just needed to snap you out of your phone day

so we could truly connect.

You may now return to being ruled by the robots

in your hands.

Did she just suggest we're controlled by our phones?

That is so not true.

You guys have got to see this baby elephant video

that Skipper just...

Okay, maybe Epiphany has a point.

I feel seen, yet also exposed. Brooklyn?

Maybe my browser's glitchy? I should try to reboot.

Hey, maybe we need a reboot.

You know, time without our phones

to really connect with each other.

We'll be Team No-Screens.

I love it.

Animal odd couples are cute,

but they can't be the highlight of my weekend in New York.

I'm down too.

It's like an electronic detox.

Good for the soul and the skin.

I'd say Team No-Screens the whole time we're at Buddy's.

Why stop there?

No screens on the train ride home.

That all you got?

What about adding an extra hour

after we get back to the brownstone?

Uh uh. I'm out.

But it's called Team No-Screens.

Not three out of four screens.

Look, the sooner I know what show Handler's doing,

the faster I learn the songs.

The more prepared I am for my audition.

It's what I do.

I'm back online.

The title of this year's spring musical is...

Will be announced shortly.

I don't know that show, did it win a Tony?

You know what? Fine. I'm in.

You are not the boss of me, and just to prove it,

Team No-Screens 24 hours.


If we're gonna do this, then let's do this.

Latte, tea, decaf cap and fizzy water with lemon.

Coming up.

Shockingly accurate, per usual.

But, actually, we have something for you instead.

All yours. We'll be back for them in 24 hours.

Aw. I've been an inspiration. I like that about me.

So, team, what should we do?

Movies? Bodega? Food cart?

I'm down with whatever. But I've gotta walk Gato first.

He needs new smells everyday or he's a grouch.

Wow. Without my phone it's like I'm seeing Central Park

for the first time.

I could stay here all day.

Me too.

But anything over an hour and Gato gets squirmy

around the squirrels.

We should go see a movie.

Wait, does a giant screen count as no screen?

As long as it's not our phones, I say we're good.


I've been wanting to see that one about the baby

that's also a secret agent.

Yeah, I'll look up showtimes!

Right. No phone.

All good. We'll check the times when we get there.

I'll look up which train to catch.

Wow, I seriously forgot that fast?

The robots have us figured out.

Brooklyn's a subway expert,

which train do you think?


Brooklyn? Brooklyn!


Are you okay? You're fidgeting.

Oh, I'm fine. Fine. Fine. Fine.

Just, you know, all I can think about

is trying not to think about the spring musical and phones

but this city is not making it easy.

Then let's get out of the city and go camping!

That's a great idea.

Surrounded by nature, lots to do.

Twenty-four hours will fly by. I'm so in.

Okay, yeah. Me too.

Mm-mm. Sorry, ladies. Gato and I are city boys.

We are not the camping types.

Rafa, you and Gato need to get with the program.

It's Team No-Screens, remember?

Plus the rest of us are camping pros.

We'll be your guides and provide the gear.

All you have to do is show up.

Fine. But if we don't find our happy place,

we're cabbing it back to the city.

For soufflés sake, I told Rafa not to give out

the cafe's phone number as his office line.

Oh, Buddy. Your beignets are in a bunch.

What's happened?

A guy just called looking for Rafa and le Barbies.

Something about performing for a big music festival.

The Barbies got a gig? Tell me everything.

This line is for French pastries,

not show business.

But, I do remember something about Rafa

calling him back by 6:00 p.m. or they'll lose the spot.

Now, au revoir.

I must bake to un-bunch my beignets.

Aw, thanks for asking, Stefan.

It's just Epiphany has caused a situation that Epipha-me

has to solve by finding Rafa and the girls before 6:00 p.m.,

but I have their phones and don't know where they are.

I should meditate.

Good idea.

And when you're finished, we should go to the park,

because that's where Rafa is.

Cool. Wait, what was that?

I heard Rafa say Gato needed a walk or he'd be a big grouch.

Which is true. I dog sat once.

Stefan, you magnificent mime! Let's go find them!

Oops, Epiphany forgot Rafa's phone,

but Epipha-me remembered it.

Come on!

Why didn't I get the memo about a costume change?

Told you he'd care.

Come on, Gato.

Let's go back to the city where my fashion choices

are not only appropriate but admired.

-Wait! -Come on!

Don't go.

Fine. But, since we've already failed

the what to wear part of camping,

anyone want to fill us in on what we'll be doing?

Let's start with one of the most

refreshing and relaxing camping activities there is.

A hike!

You're gonna love it.

Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying, pal.

Maybe this'll help.

I said have you seen them?

Yeah, but they left a while ago.

Aw, don't give up. We'll find them.

Where do you think they went next?

The movies! Let's roll.

Why do you always understand but no one else does?

Because, Stefan, I get you.

The view's great up here, guys. Hurry, you gotta see.

A phone.

No. I'm the boss of me.

I'm the boss of me. I'm the boss of-

Of course, you're a pay phone.

You haven't worked in decades!


Hey, guys. Where's Rafa?

I'm coming!

Can we all admit hiking is just another word

for long exhausting uphill climb that is neither refreshing or relaxing?

From now on, Gato and I will be sticking to casual strolls

through a very flat park.

So, hiking's not your thing.

But, the next thing? Totally gonna be your thing.

Yeah, I don't think we're showing that.

I know, but the way you portrayed Malibu was uncanny.


Not showing that movie either.

Our friends, have you seen them?



Why didn't you just ask that in the first place?

I did!

What did he say?

Lots of really nice things.

Mine doesn't look like that.

How long should we stay like this?

Uh, sure. That's definitely a choice.

Time's running out and we've checked everywhere.

The hot dog cart, the pizza cart,

the pretzel cart.

Two pita carts and no luck. Except for the pitas.

They were delicious.

Ah! Epiphany, there you are!

I had to deal with another call for Rafa!

And my apple tarts are now apple fritters!

Did you get a number this time? What did they say?

Oh, they said they were the assistant to the first monsieur who called

and I said, "This line is for eclair emergencies only!"

Oh! Take these, I can't bare to look at them.

C'est impossible!

Emergencies! Of course!

When Brooklyn worked here,

she gave us her mom's number as emergency contact.

Ah, here it is!

Hi, Mrs. Roberts, it's Epiphany.

Oh, everything's fine.

Just wondering if you know where Brooklyn and the g*ng are?

Really? Oh, thank you.

Got it! But we have to hurry.

We only have an hour.

From gosh to posh.

We're here for it, right Gato?

You know what I just realized?

I haven't thought about my phone once since we got here.

Hey, me either.

Told you camping would work.

Who needs a phone, right Brooklyn?


So, now that us city boys are feeling this camping thing,

what's next?

Time to kick back and relax in our beautiful tents?

Hey, excuse me! Hello?

Now is it time to kick back and relax in our tents?

Oh no!

That's exactly how he barks when he sees...


-The food! -Food!

Get back here!

It's ours!


Hi, can I ask you a favor?

Do you mind if I borrow your phone for a sec?

Sure, but I haven't been able to get a signal all day.

Yeah. No bars.

Okay, if I try to find some reception?

Knock yourself out.

Worth a shot.

Which way do we go?

Give me a second.

My friend senses are pointing me that way.


This is like hiking, only faster.

And therefor, worse.

They're getting away!

Gato, my man!

When we get back to the city,

those Central Park squirrels are gonna have to show some respect.

Aw, these are Brooklyn's favorite.

Wait, where is Brooklyn?

Alright, here we go.

Come on, give me a signal!


-Brooklyn! -Brooklyn!

Your senses were right!

They always are.

I'd know that falsetto anywhere.

Gato, find Brooklyn.

That's right... Come to mama!

This year's spring musical is...

- -Uh-oh.

Woah, woah!

Oh! Ugh!

Brooklyn? Are you okay?


Nothing hurt but my pride.

I can explain.

I know we're Team No-Screens,

but phones kept popping up everywhere.

Like they were mocking me.

So, when I ran into this lady who had one,

I couldn't help myself,

but there was no signal so I climbed the tree.

Which was totally harder than it looks and I sat on a branch

and finally got some bars but then, crack, and...

Yeah, not my finest moment

and I never even got to look at the Handler website.

I'm just glad you're okay

and if you need to know what the musical is that bad,

you can always climb back up and check.

I think once was enough. Besides, it can wait.

This trip is supposed to be about us.

So, after I've returned this, no more phones until tomorrow.

No matter what.

You need to use the phone right now!

Rafa, you got a call at the café about the Barbies singing

at a big music festival, but if you don't confirm by 6:00 p.m.,

you lose the spot!

-We got in?! -Yes!

-We did it! -Yeah!

Call now, celebrate later.

No signal. This is why I stay in the city.

I can think of one option.

I did say my job is taking you ladies to the top.

But how would you even get up there?

Brooklyn broke the lowest branch.

I mean, the branch just broke.

Great idea, Stefan.

Remember when I said I wanted us to really connect?


It is time.




-Whoa! -Whoa!!!


Steady everyone. Steady. Feel our connection.

Feel the balance.

We can do this.

Thanks, Gato. Alright, everybody.

Let's try this again.

Still no signal.

Okay, manager extraordinaire. Time to reach for the stars.

I got a signal!

-Woohoo! -Yay, Rafa!

-I knew you could do it! -Yeah!


Down to one minute!

It's ringing! Still ringing.

Hello? This is Rafa, manager for the Barbies?

Uh-huh, right.

Thank you.

The Barbies are booked!

-Yay! -Yes!

With 30 seconds to spare. We're a good team.

Uh, hello? Manager up a tree?

Little help getting down?

Anybody? Nobody?

This thing have an elevator?

This is nice.

I haven't thought about the spring musical once

since the whole tree thing.

And now I am.

Here, I found a bag of your favs

that the squirrels didn't get to.

Stop thinking, start snacking.

Much better.

A mind at peace is a beautiful thing.

Even though Stefan and I did hear some students

talking about the show at the café.

But I can't remember the name of it.


Right. Are you sure?

Oh, that's right. It's Dance...

Dance: The Tale of the Dancer Who Dances?

That's it!

The opening song is amazing!

It's a modern mix of hip-hop, Broadway

and classical music at the same time.

I'll pull it up on my phone.


I'll play it for you tomorrow.

-Ladies, I gotta admit, all this camping and connecting? -

I could really get used to it.

Nope. I don't want to connect with you!

- -Shoo, shoo!

That's it! I am outta here!

Gato, we're cabbing it back to the city.
