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02x16 - School's Out

Posted: 02/14/12 21:18
by bunniefuu
Kenzi: Boooo!

You slept in, how me of you--

Kenzi, you're here.

Interesting non-sequiter--

Uh, yeah, I thought that you were sleeping over at Nate's.

Well, I have been dismissed while he surprises me with breakfast, but I peeked in and it's totally pancakes of the chocolate chip variety.

Oh, yum.

Mmhmm, plus a morning without my favorite succubus would be like waking up to a virgin mimosa.

Yeah, same here--

Somebody was tossing and turning all night long?

You get any REM, sweets?

I just got a lot on my mind.


I see what's happening here.

You do?


You are losing sleep over that Dark Fae-dar.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess.

Look, you being you, you have certain needs and I don't expect you to holster your honeypot.

Oh, gee, thanks.

But, Ryan, totally screwed with Nate.

Yeah. I get it.

And that was wrong.

But you 86'd him, so let's just forget about it.

Yeah, yeah. Why don't you just go and enjoy your flapjacks, shortstack, huh?

You wanna join us?

And third wheel all over your sexy breakfast?


No way.

That is why I love you!

Uh! I'm stealing the maple syrup!

Okay, love you too!



God, this is crazy. That was so close.

I can't keep hiding you in the bathtub.

What's next? My teeny tiny closet?

Oh, that's a good point.

We haven't done it in your closet yet.

This is all fun and games to you.

Isn't it?

I don't think I can keep it up.

Don't worry about it. That's my job.

Do you have anything serious to contribute? Seriously.

Yeah, just one second--


Before we continue with today's reading, I would like to ask Beverly Garner to come up here please.

This young lady, whose previous papers have been anything BUT impressive, has risen to the occasion.

To write a dissertation on Romeo and Juliet that I hope will be published one day in our most illustrious academic journals.

I'd like her to read it now. Beverly?


I woke the other night thinking of all the other students that have come before us and were asked to write a paper on Romeo and Juliet.

How we all equate the issues in this text with our own lives.

Our own star-crossed love, how our parents just don't get us.

But have any of you actually ever considered that this might be a clandestine book based on foreign policy?

I give you the Cold w*r in iambic pentameter.

Two houses alike in dignity.

Russia, America, their children, Kennedy, Kruschev, forced to clean up the mess left by their ignorant, selfish parents.

Mercutio dies, American nukes are discovered in Turkish soil.

Romeo slays Tybalt down, The Bay of Pigs.

And I mean, this is the ending, the ending!

I mean, if the nukes had of flown, this would have been our very own ending.

I mean, Romeo would have been just dead, and Juliet would have been dead--


Student: Oh, my God...

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years, searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

Look, my daughter's in the hospital and the doctors don't know what's wrong with her.

Someone gave her something. dr*gs.

There's a drug dealer at that school and he needs to be dealt with.

Let me get you some water.

The doctor said something about her brain activity.

She can't stop mumbling nonsense and even the neurologist said he'd never seen anything like it in all his years.


What kind of drug can do that?

What's the name of your daughter?


And the school?

East Lake.

Mr. Garner, go spend some time with your daughter.

I've got enough here to get started.

Thank you.

♪ knock-knock-knock Hey--

Hey, you're back.

Oh, hey, Nadia--


Come on in.

Well, you were right about that car, it's a gas-guzzler.

Yeah, yeah, she certainly sucks it back, huh?

Thanks. How was the trip?

Oh, it was beautiful--

The food, the air... our room--

The lake was magnificent.

What we saw of it.

That's super.

Yeah, it rained one day, so--

I loved that day.

So, how about you? How are you doing?

Good. I've been busy.

You know, things have been busy.

Well, busy's good.

Yeah, it's good to be busy.





Am I interrupting anything?


Why, what's up?

Uh, a girl's father came to see me.

I thought maybe you could help.

Oh, yeah. Sure, yeah--

Excuse us--

Welcome back.

It's a human.

She had a complete neurological shutdown.

It's like her brain just stopped working.

She's sixteen.

She's a kid.

Fae related?

Could be.

She's still in ICU, but the doctors think it's some kind of drug.

Just nothing they've ever seen before.

The Ash wants us to check it out.

Whatever you need me to do.

Go undercover?

In high school.

Oh, no, except that.

Oh, no, no, see I didn't do great with sixteen year old girls when I was sixteen.

You think I'm gonna do any better?

Oh! Sad wolfy eyes?

Huh? Chris Martin hair?

Other girls could be in trouble.

Okay, fine, I'm in.

Good, how are you at English Lit?

Needs improvement.

Well, that's what you're going to be teaching.

No, I cannot do Jane Austin again.

That's what I said when I left England.


Is there anything that I could do to help?

Yes, actually--

Can you check this girl's medical files for me?

Consider it done.

I'll just, I'll drop Nadia off and then I'm all yours.

I'll get back to you as soon as I know anything.


Well, if it is dr*gs these kids are not gonna narc to a teacher.

That's true.

So, who do we know who speaks teenager?

Hola, biatches!


What do I have maple syrup on my mouth?

(bell ringing)

Okay, Kenzi, you sure you know what to do?

Unleash all this coolio onto the student population?

Oh, honey.

They're gonna be printing my face onto t-shirts by lunch.

Oh, God...




My name-- is... Miss um--

Well, you know what?

Why don't you just call me Bo.

I'm filling in for Miss Phelps.

So, uh, what have we been learning?



Romeo and Juliet.


That's my, um... my favorite., we have two houses.

They are sworn enemies.

We've got Romeo...



Who's Ryan?

(students laughing)

Bo: Oh, God--


You know what? Change of plans.

Let's park the romance for a while, let's talk about something more today.

This is gonna be a good class...

Okay! Um...the fascinating world of werewolves.

Fact or fiction. Yeah--


She's acting all crazy and it's not even prom.

How long's this been going on?

Maybe, since like midterms?

I don't know, before that--

Look, I don't know, I'm just really, really confused.

You're confused...

It's okay--

Look, I've heard about some strange behavior at this school. Know anything about it?

See, that's what I'm talking about, dude.

One second Jenny's all flirty flirty flirting with me and then the next, she's acting like I ran over Drake.

Who's Drake?

The rapper?


It's not quite the erratic behavior I was asking about.

Okay, okay, then you explain it. PMS?

Yeah, probably.

What about dr*gs?

Any new dr*gs on the scene?


Love is a drug.

You really gotta get over this girl.

But I love her.

No, you don't.

How do you know?

Hundreds of years of experience.

Look, kid-- you're seventeen.

You don't even know how young you are yet.

Just go out, play the field, have fun.

Make love, be crazy.

Are you sure?

Yes. It'll do you good.

You're right--


Thanks, man.

Hola, chiquitas!

Could you please direct me to your source of desperately needed caffeination?

Is that ensemble trying to share some child hood trauma with the world?

Excuse me?

You heard me, bitch.

Oh, wow. We're already at bitch.

Uh, well, it's very nice to meet you, Heather, Heather, and Heather.


Cult film. Circa 1988.

Your fashion sense? Meet 2011.


And why don't you take those clown shoes back to whatever hobo you stole them off of and stop trying to mix outside your social circle.

You did not just insult the boots.




Oh, honey, it's about to get real.

(knuckles cracking)

You're new here so I don't want to come down too hard on your teaching methods, but you can't just teach anything you like.

Stick with Romeo and Juliet.

I was just trying to stay away from any discussion involving hormonal teenagers.

Not to mention death and dr*gs.

Especially with everything that's been going on at this school.

What exactly are you implying?

The girl that collapsed in my class? Beverly?

Word is she was on some pretty heavy duty study drug.

You're here as a substitute for a few days.

Stick with the chosen curriculum and let me handle the student population.

(knocking on door)

Had to pull this miscreant off one of my girls.

Wait outside, I'll deal with you in a minute.

We done here?

What happened?

The chic clique didn't appreciate my accessorization skills. Especially when I tried to pierce Heather number one's nose with a pen.

You're supposed to be fitting in.

Dyson: Hey--

Did you guys get anything yet?

A lecture from the vice principal and twenty seven invitations to the dance.

One delivered by soliloquy.

Oh, nice--


A fist bump.

Kenz, you?

Well, I was att*cked by rabid muffies, man-handled by coach bitchy butch and I got detention.

We are not getting very far, are we.

Teen angst--

Our greatest foe...

You said it, sister.


No sign of anything at the school.

Nothing I could mark.

Well, if Snoopy here can't sniff anyone out, then there must not be any Fae at the school, right?

No, I can't detect any Fae who haven't hit puberty yet.

You're kidding?

Chemically, their lack of hormonal change makes detection impossible. Fae puberty happens anywhere between the ages of 11 and 16.

Just like humans.

I did however get access to Beverly's medical records and prelusive blood tests indicate she was definitely infected by something Fae.

Can you tell what kind?

It's nothing I've seen before.

I'm running a search in my database to see if something sticks, but--

I know.

We need to find out what kind of Fae are at the school.


Well, it's just a couple of Akvans, nothing capable of this.

I spoke to The Ash.

Akvan, what's an Akvan?

Uh, well, in layman's terms dumb Fae.

They mature slower than most.

I think I dated an Akvan once...

I thought it was only because I was adopted by humans that I went to human school.

It's common practice to place Fae children into the school system, so they can study human ways and learn how to fit in.

It would have been nice to know why I was such an outsider.

I know.

We are gonna have to do this the hard way.

t*rture the popular girls?

For information.

That too.

Question the enfants, great--

I think I gotta stay away from Los Mean Girls, I mean, unless you guys want some broken plastics on your hands.

Just try and fit in somewhere, okay?

Actually, you're not allowed to do that.

Why not?

Bishops don't go that way.

'Cause of their religion?


What's your name anyway?


That's a great name. Very redneck Grandpa.

So, Earl, what do you think of Beverly going all Beautiful Mind and collapsing in class?

What a total waste case, huh?


Knight's don't move diagonally.

What's next? No body checking?

I think it was stress.

Yeah, well, it must be hard to keep up with the Mocha Cappuccino slut squad.

Yeah, straight A's are barely enough for a second rate college.

I can't really picture having the stress of an athletic scholarship too.

Sometimes pressure drives people to do stupid things.

Earl, are you telling me that the Ra-ra's are doping?

(phone ringing)

It's my Dad. I have to run.

Play you again tomorrow?

Yeah, sure.

Bye. Good game.

Cool. Human Jenga.

No! I'm not going up there!

That isn't right! It's wrong!

It's completely and utterly and totally wrong!

Why? You need a solid polygonal base and a triangular face to meet at a common point!

What is wrong with you people?!

You're never going to culminate into a single apex that way!


Anything I could do for extra credit?

Lobster dinner. Back rub?

Oh, I uh--

Lauren, I'm kidding.


Whatcha got there?

Whatever this Fae drug is that's infecting these kids, it contains traces of embryonic tissue.

What? Like Fae eggs?


So, instead of looking for a needle in a haystack, we're looking for what? A nest?

Thank you.

Uh, Bo--

About the other day when Nadia and I came by, she's not usually so public with her affections.

No, it's okay.

Just I'm having a hard time--

Hiding so much from her.

Yeah, I bet.

I want to tell her the truth, but how do I explain any of this to her?

Our lives are complicated, Lauren.

Kenzi: Gold star for Kenzi...

Hi, Lauren.

Um, one of the cheerleaders started shrieking.

Yeah, they do that.

No, no, no, I mean she totally freaked out.

About the integrity of their lame-ass pyramid not being structurally sound or something--

It was all number, factual, garble, garble--

Then she collapsed. Just like Beverly.

I better get all the student files.

I don't want to be playing catch up if this thing spreads.

So, that's two intellectual rants, and both Beverly and this girl were cheerleaders?

Yeah, and you remember that crazy coach from Dickerson's office? Tick-tick-tick BOOM!

Time b*mb. Right?

Also a little birdie told me that they might be doping in order to get an athletic scholarship.

I think it's time for me and Miss Curls are for girls to have a little pow-wow.

Hey, babe.

Where were you?

Oh, hey--

Um, well, I just had to drop something off for Bo.

Why are you working with her?

Uh, well, she's kind of a co-worker.



Come on, let's do something.

Let's go somewhere fun.


Oh, yeah, like where?

I don't know, like that other lab of yours.

Make love by the light of the Bunsen burner.


I would love to do that, but I really do have to finish this.

Oh, come on, you're no fun.


Come on...

Nadia, there is so much that I haven't--

You know, I haven't figured out about this case, and I--

You know, you haven't picked up your camera in ages.

Why don't you take some pictures of something? Hmm?

Sure, babe.

(camera clicking)

Come on, give me something provocative.

Pull up your hair--

Yeah, not what I meant.

Click-click God, Lauren, you are so beautiful.

Come here, come with me--

Come on, just humor me, humor me-- click Oh, it's gorgeous.

Click-click It's beautiful.

Click-click Yeah...

Okay, stay there, stay there--

Don't move, don't move--

Look at me--

Click-click Look at me--

(camera clicking)


Oh, that's great--

Okay, hold on. Hold on--

Let's just make this photo sh**t a little more interesting.

Make these pictures a little more beautiful...

(camera clicking)

That's the old Lauren I remember.

You know, um--

I really, I really should...get back to work.

Excuse me?

Can I ask you a couple of questions?

Kind of in the middle of a set!

Beverly and the other cheerleader.

Any idea what happened to them?

And what's your interest in my girls?

Something put them both in the hospital.

I'm sure the situation's being handled appropriately.

Yeah, see I'm just not so sure that you're handling them appropriately.

The doctors are speculating it was dr*gs.

You think I gave them something?

I do now.

You're in way over your head, honey.

Yeah, well that's just where I like it.

Is that a threat?

Yeah, why not--



Pretty little thing.

Bet you had all the boys after you, huh?

I bet they were all terrified of you.



Big mistake, Teach--


A few of my cheerleaders were trying out for athletic scholarships. I helped a little.


Small amounts. Unnoticeable.

I bet they noticed. Anything else?


Very low doses of diuretics, to keep their weight down.

I thought I was helping.

They're just kids. They look up to you.

You have to take that as seriously as your workouts.

Whatever you're giving them stops right now.

For sure.

Don't make me come back here.

I love you!

Yeah...I know.


Don't forget your lunch there, buddy.

So, where you off to in such a hurry?

I'm trying to intersect the path of a girl, so it actually looks natural.

Well, you should focus on your studying, not girls.

She's different. We play chess.

Yeah? Is she any good?

She's terrible.


I may love her though.

Girls like smart guys.

Go get 'em, tiger!

Ready to play?

Ugh-- Stoked.

Was that your dad?


He drive you to school everyday?


Must be nice.

It is.

I never got to spend much time with him before.

Before what?

A couple of months ago.

I made the school's Reach For the Top Team, I think he gets a kick out of it.

We're in the regional finals.

Hmm-- Quiz show geek and a chess master.

You da b*mb, Earl.

Vice Principal Dickerson put the team together.

He picked me and two of my buddies to be on it.

We've never lost.

You're proud. I can dig that.


I put in a lot of hard work lately.

Scored a few "A's", now everyone seems happier and--

It, uh...really seems to help with the ladies.


What the Earl are you doing?

I'm sorry. I thought--

What? Why would you do that?


It was one of those fairly quick but wet and slobbery ones.

You know, like when you're kissing a puppy with the flu.

Slobbery can be nice.

I'm sorry, Miss succubus, when was the last time you had to kiss the horny, gooey Lord of the chess board?

Clearly his fame has gone to his little head as well.

How's that?

Well, he's been doing really great for a few months, so Dickerson made him and his buddies members of this winning brain trust. Or something--

Huh-- Interesting.

I'm still in post-traumatic kiss syndrome--

What's interesting?

Well, Dickerson puts together a team of recent geniuses?

Beverly freaks out spouting Shakespeare and Sarah blows a gasket over math.

You're saying it's the evil Vice Principal, aren't ya?

Nobody ever likes the Vice Principal.

Okay, you go check on his potency, I'll be in the little girl's room chewing on a bar of soap.


Hey, teach--


What are you doing here?

Ahem-- It's nice to see you too.


Looking for a date to the big dance.

Ha ha, very funny.

Actually, it's more the after-party that interests me.

The whole dance, corsage thing, I think it's just foreplay, right?

I wouldn't know about that.

The after-party? Oh, come on!

It's when you lose your cherry to your very special first love.

You have to go.

I promise you I will be better than your first time.

No fumbling.

I'm serious.

Am I hitting a nerve here?

Look-- Some people, they're just not meant to be with each other.

No, it's that some people think too much.

Listen, there's a part of you that needs to be explored.

You need to let it out, just embrace it.

I like you, I just--

I don't like that I like you.

I can work with that.


What's Ryan Lambert doing here?


No, he's--

I, I've handled it. It's fine.

He's Dark Fae, Bo.

He has no business being involved in this.

He doesn't. It's personal.

Well, you are unaligned. You can do what you want.

I wasn't asking for your permission.

(bell ringing)

I thought Earl really liked me.

But that he was just shy.

And then I find out that he's making out with other girls?

And this is strange behavior for this Earl?

Yes! He just changed out of nowhere.

What do you think caused it?



It was me.


Look, it's not you. It's him.

What if he was my soul mate?


Crying is not going to help. Trust me.

Doesn't anybody have any real problems at this school?



You are a beautiful, obviously sensitive young woman.

You gotta find another mate for your soul.


You have a girlfriend?


Want one?

Yeah, okay--


I get it--

No, I didn't mean it like that.


I'm very proud of the team I put together.

I understand they're doing very well.

This school has never had this kind of success.

The esteem we've received for getting to the regional finals is priceless.

It must be nice for you, too.


Well, the team's transformation has been rather remarkable, wouldn't you say?

A testament to diligence and hard work.

I'm just concerned about the amount of pressure being put on these students.

Look-- I've invested a lot of personal time tutoring these boys, and their families are appreciative.

I understand--

Do you have any idea what these kids are up against?

The cost of a college education.

Winning this competition could mean scholarships.

I'm meeting with their parents tomorrow to discuss college applications.

So, I'm sorry if I'm eager to see my team's efforts rewarded.

Don't you have a class waiting?



What are you doing?

Euclidean geometry.

Excuse me?


It's due tomorrow.



Kenzi, you're undercover as a student.

You don't actually have to do the homework.

But, I'm good at it.

Did you know that you can actually make a function out of essentially anything? Over a period of time.

Not only that, but historically speaking, Euclid's axioms seem so intuitively obvious that any theorem proved from them was deemed true in an absolute, often metaphysical sense!

Doesn't that just blow your mind?

Oh, that's totally blowing my mind.


That's what I'm afraid of.

The modern treatments at the sixth postulate, the rigidity of the triangle which can be used as an alternative to superposition.

Oh, no, don't tell me--

I think Kenzi's been infected by the same thing as the others.

For over two thousand years, they didn't even call it Euclidean geometry, just geometry.

'Cause there was no other kind, kind of like Italian food in Italy--

What are we going to do?

I mean, I can practically hear her brain boiling!

Don't worry, I've got some good news.

I've made some progress.

According to my tests, whatever it was that infected those two cheerleaders follows a curve.

At first there's increased brain function, that's the stage that Kenzi's in now.

But after a while, the substance expands to overwhelm the human brain.

That's good news?

The more that we know about this thing, the closer we are to stopping it.

How long did it take before Beverly lost it?

Two days.

Two days?

Lauren: I know. with the help of sedation.

This isn't correct--

No, no! Kenzi, no, no!


You had that saved, right?

It doesn't matter, it was based on a false hypothesis.

You assume that the infectious agent could only bind to DNA using standard transcription factors.

She's right--


No, no, she's right.

The Ash's files show that the Fae students in the school are all Akvans.

But what if somebody gave them something to make them smarter?

That would explain the supercoiling of the DNA, hellooo?

But how did the Akvans infect the cheerleaders and Kenzi?

Any number of ways-- Most likely somehow orally, but I'll need the source of the infection.

Okay, I'm on it. Take care of Kenzi!

Okay, but Bo--

Bo! Whatever this thing is, we have to stop it before it spreads beyond the school, because if we don't it could quite literally infect--

Everyone, everywhere, I got it!


I heard about Kenzi.


Lauren says that she can find an antidote if we can locate the source of the infection.

What are you thinking?

Dickerson. He is hiding something.

He put together an academic team that went to the regionals out of nowhere.

Even if Dickerson is involved, he's not Fae.

There's no way he could have infected these kids without someone's help.

How does Lauren say it's spreading?


Kenzi must have...

What? Kissed someone?

Of the horny chess player variety.

I know someone who fits that description.


Earl, right?

Please don't hurt me!

You kissed Sarah and Beverly.

Yeah, but it was nothing.

I mean, I found someone else now.

Kenzi. And you kissed her too.

How'd you know that?

Because they're all sick, Earl.

Thanks to you.

Kenzi's sick? How?

Your grades have improved dramatically in the last few months, what are you on, Earl?

Nothing, I'm just working harder.

You want to help Kenzi? You think harder.

What's changed in your routine? What's new?

I've been getting up earlier to review my homework while my dad makes me lunch.

What's he make you? Show me.

Show me!

What does this have to do with the girls?


My dad says I need the protein.

Where's your dad now?

He's with Dickerson.

They're talking about my college applications.

Let's go.


What do you think you're doing?

I could ask you the same thing.

I'm calling security.

I know about your team. Earl and his buddies.

They're all Akvans, aren't they?

You infected them and created your own little genius pool.

What are you talking about?

What's the deal, Dickerson? Some kind of funding grab?

Or are you just living out your desire for notoriety through your kids?


Get out of here, Dickerson.

Jed, what's the problem?


Get out.

I would listen to the man with the hammer.

Who the hell are you?

I like your little friend. Attractive accessory.

I heard what you said.

What are you trying to do to my boy?

You're Earl's father?

You and Dickerson are drugging your son?



He thinks he just stumbled on a gold mine of smart kids, that's all. We're fine with that.


Yeah, me and the other fathers.

The rest of the quiz team--

You know what, we are just so sick and tired of being second rate. This is a chance for my Earl and for the other kids to change the course of Akvans forever.

By artificially increasing their intelligence?

Forcing them to be something that they're not?

If it gives them a better life than the rest of us, I really don't care how it happens.

What are you pumping into your son?

That is none of your business.


Take it easy, big man--

Just take it easy.

He's spreading it to the human population.

Yeah, humans? Who cares?

What about when your kids find out, huh?

What then?

Oh, they'll never find out. Not from you.





What are you giving your son?



Don't hurt him. Please.

What are you doing here, Earl?

I know what you did to me.

Whatever he said is a lie.

You let me believe I'm better because of hard work!

Hard work only takes people like us so far.

How could you do it, dad? Huh?

Look, I just--


I wanted to--

Have me think I'm something I'm not?

I may not be the smart kid you always wanted--

No, that's not what I want. It's what you deserve.

I mean, look where you are, son.

You look how things have changed for the better.

Was I so bad before?

I mean, couldn't you just love me the way that I was?

How could you ever think that? Hm?

I could never... not love you.

Come here--

I'm sorry.

Bo: This is what made them smarter?

The "Simurgh" is the symbol of divinity and wisdom.

It was said to have raised an abandoned child to be a brilliant man.

He gained his intelligence from the consumption of the eggs.

Well, talk about a study aid--

Except the use of the them is strictly prohibited.

The Akvans broke a very serious Fae law.

So, they'll be punished.

To a point. Being a parent isn't easy.

There ought to be a license required to raise children.

There's no magic formula.


Earl: You're getting really good at this game.

I take it she's back to normal?

Yeah...normal for Kenzi.

Lauren was able to develop a cure once she knew the source.

She got it to Sarah and Beverly just in time.

Uh, uh, uh--

Actually, you can't do that.

Why not?

Well, 'cause it's against the--

You know what? Go right ahead.

My horse just totally smashed your castle.

I told you this game was way better with body-checking.

You're letting me win. Because I'm stupid again.

Don't think that way. Besides--

You have a lot of good qualities.

You know, you're patient and you don't judge people.

Thick head of hair, too--


Whoa, that is not code for take another lunge at me.

Oh, okay.

Besides, you haven't even seen my next move yet.

I am gonna take these two guys, and I'm gonna smash your helmet guy right in between them.

How do you like that?

Oh, I totally didn't see that coming.


I get the need for closure, I do, but, meant what I said. This isn't going to work.

I have no expectations.

Where are you taking me?

Just give me two minutes of your time, hm?

SIGH Oh... Wow--

Thought you could use a good high school memory, so I made you one.


Not bad.

That is what I like to hear!

For someone else.

Look, Ryan, I appreciate everything that you've done for me, and some woman is going to find you utterly irresistible, but--


But, it's complicated.

Complicated, why?



We are not Romeo and Juliet.

We're not star-crossed lovers.

We're just two kind of amazing people who really like each other.

Ha ha--

Ryan: Wanna dance?

You know I never went to prom?




I hear it's all about the after-party anyway.


I don't think we're gonna make our curfew.

That was amazing.

I'm gonna hop in the shower.

You wanna come?

In a minute. I'll be right up.
